Suggestion for people who request readings

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Suggestion for people who request readings

Post by farafina » Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:08 pm

Hi everyone,

I have noticed that many times, people come and ask for readings and do not ask the question they need answered clearly.

What I mean is, if you are really worried about a specific situation at your workplace but instead choose to ask a question that goes like this: "Hi, can I have a reading. I feel confused right and have not idea where my life is heading... thanks"

The reader may pick up something about your love life or your home life and decide to give you a reading based on that.
Meanwhile, you will still feel concerned after the reading because in the back of your mind, your question was: "I am having problems with my boss and would like to know what my promotion prospects are"

Yet you never asked and expected the reader to read your mind, figure out what is bothering you, give you a detailed answer to your boss's psychological outlook, plus predict promotions....

If you ask a clear question, it is highly probable you will get the answer you need in your life right now. This saves time for the reader and for you and your answer will be of direct help to you.

If you ask for a general reading, then it is important that you be opened to receiving a reading on ANY GIVEN AREA of your life, including the ones you are not necessarily concerned about. If this is the case, remember that readers spend time and energy for FREE to help you out.  Feedback and a thank you is appreciated always.

Another thing is honesty. It is important when asking for a reading to be honest about yourself in order to get a truthful reading. If you are currently married but looking, and ask for a reading about whether you'll get married someday in the future.... what kind of reply do you expect to get? Because the information you put forth is false, the reader will pick up mixed signals and you may find that no one is reading for you.

These are only suggestions of course.

Best wishes to all,

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Mystic Meg
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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:26 am

farafina wrote:Hi everyone,

I have noticed that many times, people come and ask for readings and do not ask the question they need answered clearly.

What I mean is, if you are really worried about a specific situation at your workplace but instead choose to ask a question that goes like this: "Hi, can I have a reading. I feel confused right and have not idea where my life is heading... thanks"

The reader may pick up something about your love life or your home life and decide to give you a reading based on that.
Meanwhile, you will still feel concerned after the reading because in the back of your mind, your question was: "I am having problems with my boss and would like to know what my promotion prospects are"

Yet you never asked and expected the reader to read your mind, figure out what is bothering you, give you a detailed answer to your boss's psychological outlook, plus predict promotions....

If you ask a clear question, it is highly probable you will get the answer you need in your life right now. This saves time for the reader and for you and your answer will be of direct help to you.

If you ask for a general reading, then it is important that you be opened to receiving a reading on ANY GIVEN AREA of your life, including the ones you are not necessarily concerned about. If this is the case, remember that readers spend time and energy for FREE to help you out.  Feedback and a thank you is appreciated always.

Another thing is honesty. It is important when asking for a reading to be honest about yourself in order to get a truthful reading. If you are currently married but looking, and ask for a reading about whether you'll get married someday in the future.... what kind of reply do you expect to get? Because the information you put forth is false, the reader will pick up mixed signals and you may find that no one is reading for you.

These are only suggestions of course.

Best wishes to all,

Must admit that I haven't been around for a while, but I think your post is in reply to the dozens of requests now in the psychic forum? What happened there lol?

I hope that writing this helped you to feel better because I am not sure how much it will affect the querents that ask for free readings. I love your points :) They are very good, far too many querents expect us, as psychics, to 'know'  the answer and just spill it out. What they don't realise that as a psychic we may find it hard to tune into them from just a one line single post. What energy is there in that? Not much. Many hide and dodge and block information and even if we manage to get a good connect they don't realise that we might be getting a whole encyclopedia of information about them and have to sift through to find the most relevant bits, to them at that time. This means we have to affect the reading rather than just being a channel and letting the information flow.

Asking questions is an art. And an art that is dying. People just want a general reading or to let us do all the hard work, and that's not fair.

When reading in person it is far easier, the querent will give clues that they are bored or not interested in, say, careee advice when they want to know if they will marry soon, they will nudge us and ask a new question "do you see me marrying soon?"  Online they may not ever even return to read the reading we have taken time and energy to give and post! Why is that?

As a reader, one has to be happy with what one is doing, and try hard not to get annoyed when the querents ask the inevitable.

As a querent, ask that burning question, don't expect that question to be answered otherwise as it may have a low energy and be overpowered by more helpful and positive enlightening information.


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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:29 pm

This response is just in reference to the one point Meg made in regards to fairness. There is no such thing as fairness. People/"readers" are not obliged to read. It is not a duty nor a chore. If it is given, it should be given freely without disdain, nor ill will. If one thinks giving the "reading" or helping others has become something more than giving of oneself freely out of care and love, then perhaps its one of those moments to step back a bit and see where life has taken us.

Anyhow, I understand where the posts are coming from. You are not machines, and people should realize this also.

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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:19 pm

looking_glass wrote:This response is just in reference to the one point Meg made in regards to fairness. There is no such thing as fairness.
I think you have mis-interpreted my post and the bit about it being unfair to expect the psychic to do all the work, read that line again please. Reading is about an exchange of energy. It may be very subtle, as little as reading a post and picking up on the querent's energy pattern. It may be as much as handing over $10 bills. But so many give nothing, they block and choose, perhaps unconsciously, to withold the energy that we need to read.

So to me...There IS such a thing as fairness.

People/"readers" are not obliged to read. It is not a duty nor a chore. If it is given, it should be given freely without disdain, nor ill will. If one thinks giving the "reading" or helping others has become something more than giving of oneself freely out of care and love, then perhaps its one of those moments to step back a bit and see where life has taken us.

Anyhow, I understand where the posts are coming from. You are not machines, and people should realize this also.

However the rest of your post is quite true :)


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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:26 pm

In fact I would go one step further and perhaps cite this lack of energy and emotion as a reason why some may not have had readings yet. Or why some get overlooked or left till last?

When we post we infuse the whole post with our intent our thought, our energy and so other's can pick up from that and tune in. We can also refuse to give of ourself and just post blankly, maybe even testing the psychic' s powers?

Repeated viewings can change the energy and especially when the querent re-reads their own post they can add energy to it or change the feel.


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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:29 pm

Mystic Meg wrote:In fact I would go one step further and perhaps cite this lack of energy and emotion as a reason why some may not have had readings yet. Or why some get overlooked or left till last?

When we post we infuse the whole post with our intent our thought, our energy and so other's can pick up from that and tune in. We can also refuse to give of ourself and just post blankly, maybe even testing the psychic' s powers?

Repeated viewings can change the energy and especially when the querent re-reads their own post they can add energy to it or change the feel.

I agree, but it's also not necessary.

In regardless to the fairness issue. I didn't misunderstand you. I just disagree with you. You see it as an exchange. I see it as there is nothing to exchange because nothing belongs to any of us. What a person taps into is not someone else. To me it is another part of us. ie my your pain is not your pain. It is our pain. My pain is not my pain it is my pain. I believe it is the same with emotions, thoughts etc.

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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:08 pm

I agree, but it's also not necessary.

In regardless to the fairness issue. I didn't misunderstand you. I just disagree with you. You see it as an exchange. I see it as there is nothing to exchange because nothing belongs to any of us. What a person taps into is not someone else. To me it is another part of us. ie my your pain is not your pain. It is our pain. My pain is not my pain it is my pain. I believe it is the same with emotions, thoughts etc.
I do not see it as an exchange per se, more of an open mind, an openess and allowing or freedom of energy. Funnily enough much the same that you do. :) But the human shell is sadly a shell that has an energy rift and that can by thought become solid like custard when wanted, and when not allow freedom or become fluid, again like custard, and allow that exchange.

For instance your posts block further delving into the energy you percieve as you yet they withhold and diffuse interaction with other's and do not like being observed or teased much.

I would expect you to be empathic in nature and to feel and sense pain from other's, do not forget that also gives you the ability to sense and share joy too :)


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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:40 pm

Mystic Meg wrote: For instance your posts block further delving into the energy you percieve as you yet they withhold and diffuse interaction with other's and do not like being observed or teased much.

This is most interesting.

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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:42 pm

Going back to the fairness issue. I see it in the same way I see stealing. There is no such thing as stealing.

There is, but there isn't ;).

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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:47 pm

looking_glass wrote:
Mystic Meg wrote: For instance your posts block further delving into the energy you percieve as you yet they withhold and diffuse interaction with other's and do not like being observed or teased much.

This is most interesting.
A question, Meg, my posts or me in general?

What if I said my posts were not always my words?

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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:51 pm

You may believe that, but do you really?


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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:54 pm

Mystic Meg wrote:You may believe that, but do you really?

This is a good question. It is what I feel is right. But as to whether my mind fights it, it does. But that is the ego wanting to own what cannot be owned or take what cannot be taken with me.

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Post by farafina » Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:28 pm

Hi Mystic Meg and Looking Glass!

I want to clarify something:

I think it is unfair for the querents themselves not to ask the question they have on their mind. And sometimes, they are just shy!!  :smt003

So my suggestions were actually for querents to get more benefit from the MB free readings.

The querent asks a direct straightforward question.
As a result, the reader answers and offers what the querent's heart has been yearning to know.

As simple as that  :smt002

That's all I was trying to say.

It is not more work for me AT ALL... It is simply not too helpful to them.

That's what I meant and I just want to be clear.

I have a business where I offer readings of course, so when I offer readings here it is because I am called to help and that is all.

The difference is that it is a discussion board and not a live chat. So when the question is not stated clearly, sometimes the answer is not helpful .... :smt004

Alright, going back to my baking!

Best wishes to all,

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Post by looking_glass » Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:44 pm

Oh no worries farafina. Meg and I were just having an interesting discussion. Gave me some food for thought.

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