Does anyone know what those black shadow spirits are?

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Smiling From Within
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Does anyone know what those black shadow spirits are?

Post by Smiling From Within » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:19 am

About six months or so ago I used to get a shadow person in my house.  It always felt like it was a man.  Quite tall.  Not a nice feeling went with him.  I could hear him keep walking into the bathroom.  

Usually I'm not scared of the presence of spirit but this one always made me feel uneasy.  It was the fact that I was confident that they cant hurt me that I was able to send it love and light and dismiss it.

The thing that used to creep me out was when I woke one night to see it stood a the bottom of my bed just watching me.  Or if it came up to the side of my bed and I could sense it getting closer to my face.

I just realised that I haven't seen it for a while now.  Does anyone know what it could of been.  It was with me in my other flat too.

Many thanks

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:03 pm

I don't know what or who it is, but I have had the same thing happen to me.  Usually in my bedroom.  Creeps me out when it happens.  Hopefully someone here will have an answer. :)

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Post by Smiling From Within » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:54 am

I'm glad someone knows what I'm talking about.  Isn't it weird the feeling that comes with it.  Does yours feel male as well.  Mine seemed like the Grim Reaper or something waiting.

I'm at all asking for it to come back but it baffled me why it just dissapeared.  Is yours still around?

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Post by Xia » Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:44 pm

Unusual that it followed you from flat to flat, you sure they weren't two different entities?


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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:03 pm

Smiling From Within wrote:I'm glad someone knows what I'm talking about.  Isn't it weird the feeling that comes with it.  Does yours feel male as well.  Mine seemed like the Grim Reaper or something waiting.

I'm at all asking for it to come back but it baffled me why it just dissapeared.  Is yours still around?

'Smiling From Within' xx
It does seem male to me.  It however is not constantly around, I only see or feel it occasionally.  And since I have been shielding my room and my children's (From dream bruising I talked about in another thread), I haven't seen him.  I think when I do see him, its more shock.  I will be doing something in my room, turn around, and he's walking in the door behind me.  As soon as I acknowledge that he's there, he disappears.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:27 pm

Spirit entities can often attach themselves to an individual as well as a place.  The reason it may have moved from place to place with you is that you have not addressed its presence.  Also as the one that knows they are there, it is your energy that helps them manifest in spirit form.  They know you see them and are waiting for some kind of acknowlegement or communication.  

Strong grounding, protection and sense of self is important as you found.  Then just saying out loud who are you?  What do you want?  may elicit some information to aid in the moving on of the spirit entity.  At any rate it is the next step.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:19 pm

spiritalk wrote:Spirit entities can often attach themselves to an individual as well as a place.  The reason it may have moved from place to place with you is that you have not addressed its presence.  Also as the one that knows they are there, it is your energy that helps them manifest in spirit form.  They know you see them and are waiting for some kind of acknowlegement or communication.  

Strong grounding, protection and sense of self is important as you found.  Then just saying out loud who are you?  What do you want?  may elicit some information to aid in the moving on of the spirit entity.  At any rate it is the next step.
I did ask a couple of times who they were, I had thought that maybe it was one of my "friends" checking up on me. But as soon as I said it, it disappeared.  It felt like it didn't want me to acknowledge it, almost like it thought it was invisible to everyone.  
My question, why would a spirit entity attach itself to me?  I mean, would it be someone I know maybe or just some spirit that popped up or what?  What basis does it use to choose who to attach itself to someone??  (I only know 1 live person who may be that tall lol and it doesn't feel like him)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:23 pm

If it does not want to be acknowledged then perhaps it doesn't even realize how much your energy is what is used for the purpose of its manifestation.  You would be well to do some closing down so that your energies become your own.  Spirit can attach itself to us for many reasons - mostly the facts of compatibility.  In the sense that your energy is compatible with its own energy can it manifest.

It does not appear to have a bad purpose, but 'stuck' is still not the best place to be.  If it is a dark shadow to you, what is it to itself?

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Post by suruha » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:06 pm

I've had a "shadow being" around my house for almost a year.  I finally got tired of it suprising me and I smudged my home.  No more shadow.

Shadow beings are not quite understood, yet.  The reports people have made, they are usually dark, flowing forms, lacking mass, much like a shadow, that moves very quickly, seemingly dancing, with no spatial constraints.  It seems to go where it wants regardless of walls, etc.  Many have reported them wearing a hat, often a fedora.  Many have glowing, red eyes.  Some feel 'menacing' or evil, some don't.  One of the most commonly reported characteristics is that it seems to appear, first, in our peripheral vision, only to "dart" through a wall or elsewhere, when we turn to face them.  

As to what these things are, it has been proposed that they are leftover flickers of life energy.  It has been suggested that there is a thin veil between our world and the ethereal and that occasionally they "overlap".  It is when this happens that we may catch a glimpse into this other realm in the form of the "shadow being".

Some cultures recognize them as being different from a ghost, in that there doesn't appear to be any "human" qualities to it.

I cannot say for certain that what you are experiencing is a shadow being.  I saw this thread and wanted to tell you about them, at least.



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Post by Smiling From Within » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:16 pm


Your brilliant!  How come you know so much about them and how can i find out more?

It wasn't until you said about wearing a hat that i remembered, yes the last one wore a hat and always a long trench coat or cloak.  That's why i thought of the grim reaper.  From the hight (over sized tall) and the no detailed face.  

I also remembered that when i saw it sometimes it seemed like the size of a medium sized dog, darting out of or passed the door.  I know this contradicts what i've just said about the over sizedness but what you said brought it back to me.  The darting off as soon as i looked at it.  Like watching me but running when it felt i was going to look at him/it.

When you say 'overlap' are they going about their business in their own plane or are they aware of us as well?

Do they have a proper name or just shadow people?

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Post by suruha » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:49 pm

Smiling From Within wrote:Suruha

Your brilliant!  How come you know so much about them and how can i find out more?

It wasn't until you said about wearing a hat that i remembered, yes the last one wore a hat and always a long trench coat or cloak.  That's why i thought of the grim reaper.  From the hight (over sized tall) and the no detailed face.  

I also remembered that when i saw it sometimes it seemed like the size of a medium sized dog, darting out of or passed the door.  I know this contradicts what i've just said about the over sizedness but what you said brought it back to me.  The darting off as soon as i looked at it.  Like watching me but running when it felt i was going to look at him/it.

When you say 'overlap' are they going about their business in their own plane or are they aware of us as well?

Do they have a proper name or just shadow people?
Hi, Smiling,

I had my own experience with one.  I didn't know what it was either.  It was actually seeing it that started me coming online for help.  After almost a month I got a response from someone, telling me they thought it was a shadow being.

After that, I found info on them at  Here's the link:

About the overlapping, I feel that if we notice them, then, they must notice us.  Some folks have stated that theirs glowers at them, so, I think they must.  Also, the way they dart off would seem to be a response at being seen, maybe.

I'm hope this helped you.


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Post by Smiling From Within » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:36 pm

Well young lady, you've done it again!

That's exactly it.  Even down to the child sized ones.  I'm finding them more and more intriguing.  I'm writing a blog and since i thought about these funny little creatures i thought i'd find out more and write a peice.  Now i'm getting a little hooked and definately want to find out more before i write it.

I'll use that link you gave me to, it explains alot.   Just in case anyone else wants a little look. I'll keep you posted on what else i find.

I'm interested in the fact that they acknowledge us as well but they try to intimidate and scare (yet they run when we turn to face and stand up to them).  Maybe because it is such a thin line between this plan and the next  when we meet another soul with energy as strong as ours we then become visible to eachother! Hmmmm! I'd like to speak with a medium.  I wonder if anyone has tried to talk to them.  Do they just ignore communication.  Maybe they dont understand our language!!

OMG questions, question, I've got to go. LoL

Smiling From Within xx

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Post by surinder » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:48 pm

I also saw some shadow in my room at night ...first i thought i am imagining things as my father in law passed away a few days before that .....but again i saw it standing at my bedside then i asked it who ...who are you but it didnt answered ...after a while i saw it sitting on the sofa looking here and there .......i think people who are very attached to their worldly possesions like a house or something else come again to see this as they cant diassosiate themselves easily fom tihese worldly things
but prayers always help .....i asked my father in law very politely to please go away and try to rest in pease as every thing is fine in the house as he left it ....and believe me it worked , i never saw it again , and dont forget to thank them .

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Post by jld » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:28 pm

I saw one of these too when I was about 8 or 9. I remember it standing by my bed. I thought it was trying to read my thoughts or something. I was sleeping with my mom. It dashed away quickly when I turned to wake up my mom to show her. I remember it was like an extra darkness, very tall, and hard to describe. I have not seen any since then. I always wondered what it was.

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Post by jld » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:46 pm

The one I saw reminded me of the grim reaper also..mind probing. Its "feet" area was above the ground level.

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