could someone please help me out here: The Deer

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could someone please help me out here: The Deer

Post by RoseRed » Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:54 pm

Hi there,  :smt006
I of late have been seeing the deer everywhere. You know those little situations where it could go past as nothing but if you connect the dots you realize that there is actually something else at play :)
I did a meditation the other day and the male version came to find (I think a reindeer) even though the word deer rang in my mind.

I would really appreciate some assistance here, medicine cards? Animal cards? etc ANYTHING that anyone is able to contribute!
Thank you so much for your time :)

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Post by Doe » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:28 pm

Hi, RoseRed,

I'm a little unclear--are you actually seeing real, breathing-type deer, or are you seeing them in dreams/visions?  I'm not sure that it would make a difference in the answer (if there is one!), but I'm just wondering.  I've had lots of what seem to be very significant "encounters" with a variety of animals, both the living kind, and in what I guess you'd consider visions.  I think that the meanings of such encounters are probably different for every individual, but on the other hand there are some interpretations that just make sense across the board.

Do you see any of the qualities that one might attribute to a deer in yourself in your present situation?  Does anything about the deer as a symbol/totem resonate with you?  I'd say follow your instinct, for the most part.

Doe (the "name" clearly makes me an expert on the subject...just kidding!)

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Sometimes things you see are just meant to spark a conversation with someone who might shed a little light.


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Post by RoseRed » Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:54 am

BAH HA HA!!! Doe that was brilliant!! heehee
Hummm okay well to answer your first question nope def not real. I'm living in Ghana at the moment, doing some NGO work here and studying. There is a story here and if you want you can read my introduction I wrote up when I first joined MysticBoard.

So the animals that I get to see here are mostly birds, vultures, crows, dogs, cats, reptiles, insects etc.
So when I'm looking for a sign from an animal then it will come from if I flick on the tv, or if I open up a page in a book or magazine. Also when I was doing the 13 moon thing for one of the members they came out as a deer.
I wanted to know what my dream guide would be, so i did this animal meditation and out walked a reindeer.

But I unfort have no reading material on the meaning, like the symbolism behind it.  I remember reading somewhere that one must look at the animal, how does it camouflage itself, where does it find food, what are the mating rituals, how long to they nurse for, what area of land and kind do they like to live on, how do they relate to other animals in their surroundings etcetc.

By finding out all these things then that will help you understand why that animal is the one for you.
I was just wondering if anyone else had some actual text on it or some other ideas, so it can help me to relate to it. So I can better understand why the deer is my dream guide...

hey Doe maybe YOU are my dream guide!!!! heehehheeeheehee

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:16 am

Maybe this is best discussed in Main Psychic is not direct a reading request....but might have interest for many ....I move it.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:30 am

thanx Rhutobello!

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Deer ... meanings

Post by dessa » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:14 pm

The deer, can mean something different to different people, for most I would suggest finding out what it is you think of when you think of a deer, for some it might be gentleness, or for someone else they may associated with the idea of survival as in the way Bambi survived in the disney flick.

However there are various authors who have written interesting information on the topics of animal totems. I personally prefer Jami Sams she has a wonderful deck called Medicine Cards.

Some of the meanings I have found in my own research on animals, totems, and using animals as guides. You will find that some of it is repetative. I would suggest you pick what resonates with you, and what may work best with what is going on in your life at this time.

Gentleness and Innocence

Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness
to touch the hearts and minds of
wounded beings who are in our lives.

Don't push towards change in others,
rather gently nudge them in right direction
with the love that comes from a Deer totem.

When a Deer totem shows up in your life,
a new innocence and freshness in about to be awakened.
There is going to be a gentle lure of new adventures.
There will  be an opportunity to express the gentle love
that will open new doors for you.


The Deer
Deer teaches us the power of gentleness, keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it holds. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this totem how to open their hearts and love unconditionally.
Their senses are acute and they see extremely well in low light, giving them the ability to understand the deeper symbolic meanings of things. They can hear a twig snap in the far distance. Anyone who has deer as a totem has hidden clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. They can see between the shadows, detect subtle movements and hear what is not being said. Call on deer to help you develop these gifts.
Deer protects their newborn from subtle outside influences. Fawns are born a color that protects and hides them from a predators sight. For the first few days of life they hardly move. Once the fawns energy field is strong and grounded they stand and begin to follow their mother around.
Watching the deer and her young is a reminder to honor the child like innocence within your self and move with gentleness and an open heart. It also suggests that you stand strong on your path and not allow yourself to get distracted by outside influences.
The set of antlers that the male deer grows are the antennae that connects it to higher forms of attainment. If you encounter a deer in the wild try to count the number of points on their antlers. This number ties into numerology and can hold great significance for those with this totem.


Deer Wisdom Includes:

Gentleness in word, thought and touch
Ability to listen
Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
Understanding of what's necessary for survival
Power of gratitude and giving
Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
Connection to the woodland goddess
Alternative paths to a goal


Deer - Gentleness.
The power of Deer medicine is that of unconditional love. Only love, both for ourselves and for others, can dissolve the barriers which prevent us from realizing wholeness.


Deer,  Stag- Gentleness, Healing, Connection to the Earth and the Forest, Keen Scent, Grace, Swiftness, Being Alert for Any Danger, Psychic Powers, Innocence, Love, Kindness, Sensitivity, Pride, Independence, Purification, Strength, Nobility.



The animal symbolism of the deer carries attributes of:

Love / Grace  / Peace / Beauty / Fertility / Humility / Swiftness /
Regrowth / Creativity / Spirituality / Abundance / Benevolence  / Watchfulness

When we encounter the deer in the wild, our breath catches - we are transfixed by their graceful features and delicate movements. The tender beauty of these beasts has not gone unnoticed by our ancestors.

The deer is linked to the arts, specifically poetry and music in ancient Celtic animal lore due to its graceful form. The Celts also believed that deer were associated with the fairie realm, and would lead troops of fairies - hundreds of them trailing behind them as the stag cut a path through the forest.

Both Celts and Native Americans observed the deer to be savvy when it came to finding the best herbs. These earth-bound peoples would follow the deer to prime herb patches - many of which proved to be highly beneficial in their medicinal purposes.

Interestingly, in art symbolism the depiction of a slain deer with herbs in its mouth is symbolic of unrequited love, lost love, or love sickness. Also in art symbolism, a deer trampling snakes is representative of spirituality overcoming temptation.

In China the deer is a symbol of happiness and good fortune. Indeed, its name in Chinese is a homonym for the word abundance.


Deer represents grace, swiftness, and peace; nurturing, innocence, and gentleness; keen senses, intuition, listening and messages.

Deer's actions are swift and graceful. Always alert to subtle shifts in the environment it can bound to safety in seconds. It teaches that through gentle nurturing and guidance we can tame the wildest of hearts with compassion and love. Its keen senses demonstrate the heightening of your own through conscious awareness. With strong intuitive abilities she will teach you to trust your own instincts and let them guide you safely along your path. She does not try to change the nature of her young but guide them to wisdom through her loving ways. Through example she demonstrates that if one avoids their enemies they will remain safe and that through the innocence of love great things can be accomplished.

Through acts of peace this creature-teacher shows you taht answers do not come from battle but from acceptance and going about your way in as unobtrusive a manner as possible. Her big warm eyes will take you into dreams and visions, teach you to calm yourself and obtain meditative skills, and balance yourself in the centeredness of Spirit. Through this Totem you will learn to increase your psychic skills of intuition, dreaming, prophecy, and other perceptions. They can reveal to you through these skills the secrets of past lives and the future. When Deer appears it is often to indicate that you will soon meet someone new. This person will have an impact on your life in relation to love. The stance Deer takes will give you a clue of just how positive or negative that meeting will be.

The healing qualities of Deer teach us that through gentle nurturing we can heal spiritual wounds of others and is often indicated by its appearance. Love is the message brought by Deer and through that love the protection it warrants. Deer is of the Earth and the love it exudes is that of Mother Earth in its sustenance to nurture and teach. Through this teacher you will find the enduring patience that leads to a gentle strength and keen skills of observation, intuitive guidance, and creative movements.


Susie Green Animal Wisdom

Deer ~ Solidarity ~ Gentle Action ~ Co-opperation

Gentle, Alert, every sense keen, stands motionless amongst the leafy trees.  The dappled light falling on her irregularly spotted body renders her invisible until a delicate ear twitches in response to a sound deep within the forest, or her nose crinkles in recognition of a familiar scent. If Deer has revealed herself to you now, be especially aware of what drifts to you in the breeze. a snippet of conversation, the fresh spice of cologne, may hold secrets untold.

Hind has no defense against mightly predators except for the premonition of danger, which enables her to flee, to find safety she and her doe eyed fawns, those sweetest of creatures, gregariously gather with others of her kind. Her wisdom is that of pacific solidarity. A peaceful protest, such as boycotting the goods of an unethical company, goes unnoticed when performed alone. Performed by thousands, it can bring a corporation to its knees. If Hind / Deer, has chosen to guide you, it is time to again be at one with the groups to which you belong, or seek to be part of a bigger whole. If you are estranged from family or friends. Hind counsels that the sagacious and secure ask for forgiveness and forgive in turn, offering a place of response for mutual love and the regeneration it brings. Sometimes this can be a hard wisdom to bear, but if Hind has chosen to guide you she will help you to find the gentle strenght you need.

Deer also knows the wisdom of co-existence with other creatures who are quite different from herself. Langur, long tailed monkey of the Indian forest feasts greedily on the fruits high in tropical trees. Deer waits patientl yfor Langur to drop her bounty, so that each benefits, and together form there separate vantage points they are better able to spy predators, be they Tiger or man, and may warn each other. The combining of diversity creates harmony and stabilit. Embrace kind those who lifestyles are at variance with yours, and reep the rich rewards.

Take note of the messages in whispers and secrets adfirt on the breeze.

Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
If the deer was captive or in an unnatural surrounding, it signifies emotional upsets and/or disappointment in some trusted friend; however, in its natural habitat it augurs the cementing of a new and pleasant friendship. To kill a deer or see a dead one is a warning to look out for a backbiter masquerading as a friend.

*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Deer applies to a tendency to be cautious; watchful; aware.

*Denise Linn/The Secret Lanugage of Signs:
A deer can represent the gentle aspects of yourself. This can also be a sign of feeling victimized and defenseless. Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers. Try to find areas in your life where you can take control and make changes. If you identify with the innocent deer, remember too the power of the stag--magnificent and forceful.

*Jamie Sams & David Carson/Medicine Cards:
Gentleness. One day Fawn heard Great Spirit calling to her from the top of Sacred Mountain. Fawn immediately started up the trail. She didn't know that a horrible demon guarded the way to Great Spirit's lodge. The demon was trying to keep all the beings of creation from connecting with Great Spirit. He wanted all of Great Spirit's creatures to feel that Great Spirit didn't want to be disturbed. This would make the demon feel powerful, and capable of causing them to fear him.

Fawn was not at all frightened when she came upon the demon. This was curious, as the demon was the archetype of all the ugly monsters that have ever been. The demon breathed fire and smoke and made disgusting sounds to frighten Fawn. Any normal creature would have fled or died on the spot from fright.

Fawn, however, said gently to the demon, "Please let me pass. I'm on the way to see Great Spirit."

Fawn's eyes were filled with love and compassion for this oversized bully of a demon. The demon was astounded by Fawn's lack of fear. No matter how he tried, he could not frighten Fawn, because her love had penetrated his hardened, ugly heart.

Much to the demon's dismay, his rock-hard heart began to melt, and his body shrank to the size of a walnut. Fawn's persistent love and gentleness had caused the meltdown of the demon. Due to this gentleness and caring that Fawn embodied, the pathway is now clear for all of Great Spirit's children to reach Sacred Mountaion without having to feel the demons of fear blocking their way.

Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are tyring to keep us from Sacred Mountain. Like the dappling of Fawn's coat, both the light and the dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace.

If Deer has gently nudged its way into your cards today, you are being asked to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. Stop pushing so hard to get others to change, and love them as they are. Apply gentleness to your present situation and become like the summer breeze: warm and caring. This is your tool for solving the present dilemma you are facing. If you use it, you will connect with Sacred Mountain, your centering place of serenity, and Great Spirit will guide you.

Contrary: Deer in the contrary position indicates that you are courting your fear by fighting the internal demons of negative ideas. This is a clue to you that force is not always the best method. You may not be willing to love yourself enough to feel your fears and let them go. You may be projecting your fears on others. It may also be others whom you fear, reminding you of a time when you reacted to life in much the same manner. At any rate, love is the key. The only true balance to power is the love and compassion of Deer. Be willing to find things to love about yourself and others, and your demons will melt away. Your fears cannot exist in the same place that love and gentleness abide.

Remember, Fawn can teach you many lessons about unconditional love. In its true application, unconditional love means that no strings are attached. The gentleness of Fawn is the heart-space of great Spirit which embodies His/Her love for us all.

*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
Deer/Stag:Deer are even-toed, hooved animlas of the family Cervidae. They also chew a cud, like cattle do. Most males have antlers which are shed every year. However the female among the caribou have antlers like the males. The coats of deer are of a neutral color in shades of red, brown, or gray; the fawns in some species are temporarily spotted with white.

The species of deer come in all sizes, from the tiny deer of Africa to the now extinct Irish elk which had an antler-spread of eleven feet from tip to tip. Some type of deer is found in nearly every area of the world. The deer can go a long time without water and still maintain its strength.

The deer has long been considered a magickal creature. This animal was sacred to such Greek goddesses as Artemis, Aphrodite, Athene, and the roman Diana. At an Attica festival, Artemis was presented with a sacrificed deer and honeycakes in the shape of a deer. This goddess who was also called Elaphaia ("She of the Red Deer") and Elaphebolia ("She Who Strikes the Red Deer"). The Etruscan version of Artemis is shown winged, holding a deer in one hand and a lion in the other.

Fawn skins were worn by the Greek Maenads and the Bacchant and Orphic devotees. The fawn skin was also a sacred garment of the lower initiates of some of the Greek mystery religions. Dionysus was said to wear the magicakal skin of a fawn, tiger, or leopard and had been placed on a fawn skin by Hermes when he was born from the thigh of Zeus.

However, the stag was also a creature of Apollo at Delphi. The Greeks believed that the stag could identify medicinal herbs and plants. In early Egyptian temple paintings the deer is shown with Isis.

On a Minoan seal is shown the figure of an antlered stag dancer with large breasts. Stag dances were perfromed by men dressed as women a the New Year in England, Romania, and Germany into the ninteenth century.

In India, the deer was th emount of the god Vayu, deity of the wind. In China, Lu-Hsing, god of salaries and employees, rode a deer; to the Chinese the deer represented high rank, official success, and wealth.

Among the Celts, the stag was an animal of Cernunnos, the hunting god Cocidius, and the hero Ossian. When connected with these deities, the stag symbolized the virility of the warrior, the Sun, and fertility. Deer were sacrificed as substute for the Horned God in goddess rituals. In Celtic myth, a white doe or white stag was often sent by the Otherworld deities to guide some human into their realm. The animal god Cernunnos wore an antlered headdress. The Irish goddess Flidais was associated with deer; they drew her chariot. Sometimes deer were called faery cattle and messengers. Stories tell of nymphs and faeries changing into fawns to escape capture. The skin and antlers of deer were used as ritual garments.

From earliest times the stag was a sacred animal in the Black Sea and Anatolia areas, and among the Hittites. In some Sumerian rituals the statue of their fertility god was clothed in the skin and antlers of a stag.

In both China and Japan the dragon is often called the Celestial Stag. Chinese also have a god of immortality, Shou-Hsien, sometimes pictured as a white stag. In certain cultures of Asia and pre-Columbian America the stag was associated with regeneration because it shed and renewed its antlers each year. It was also believed to be an enemy of the snake.

Amulets made of deer skin parchment were preferred by ceremonial magicians of the Middle Ages. Some of the magickal power of the deer was believed to remain in such parchment.

To Native Americans, deer and all forked-horned animals represented dangerous psychic and spiritual powers that had a double ature. By observing this creature, humans learned to hide when being hunted.

Superstitions: If deer feed on the herb dittany, they can become immune to arrow wounds. Deer, especially stags, can be charmed by the music of pan-pipes. After eating snakes, a deer can shed its coat and old age with it. To heal, use the right antler. To keep snakes away, burn either antler. Ointments made from stag bone marrow will cure fevers.

Maickal attributes: Keen scent, grace, swiftness, gentleness. Using other methods to reach your goals than force. Being alert for any danger. A white deer in meditation often bears a message or will lead you to seeking, abundance, dreams, intution, introspection, listening, death and rebirth, transformation. Accept others as they are and don't try to change them. Deer: woodland Goddess, psychic powers, alternative paths to a goal. Stag: Lord of the Underworld, messages from guides, better understanding of the cycle of death and rebirth.

*Timothy Roderick/The Once Unknown Familiar:
Key Words: Shy, light, sensitive, intuitive
Magical influences: Peace, tranquility, easing of nerves, ability to see future events clearly.
Personality: Deer are true introverts; they shy away from any suspected confrontation. They know who their enemies are and steer clear of them. Deer are among the most psychically sensitive personality types; they can impart information about events moments before they happen. They are quite at peace with themselves and the world.

*Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
Swift, agile movement. The deer is an excellent guide through any figurative forests in your life. Buddhist: A representation of the Wheel of Law in action. Also symbolizes meditation and gentility. A stag specifically is regarded as solar and masculine in aspect, banishing evil by symbolically trampling snakes under its swift, strong hooves.

*Bobby Lake-Thom/Spirits of the Earth:
Deer are good powers and can be messengers in many different ways. They can be our eyes and ears if we acquire their power. They can tell us what is up ahead on the road while we are traveling, help us to see into the future via dreams and meditation, and remind us that we should try to live lives that are balanced and graceful. If a woman sees a buck while traveling, it is a warning that she might meet a man up ahead who has sexual desire for her. And more than likely he will be flirtatious. This can be a good sign or a bad sign, depending on one's personal desires and perspective. By the same token, if a man sees a doe alongside the road, it is usually a sign that he will encounter a sensuous and flirtatious woman, a woman who would like to mate with him. Once again the sign can be good or bad, depending uon wone's ethics, desires, or preference.

If you go on a vision quest and see a Deer along the way, it is usually an indication that you will meet a stranger on the trailk, so study the Deer's behavior well. More than one Deer means more than one man or woman. If the Deer comes close to your campfire and hangs around, it is trying to bring you a message from the spirit world. Thank it for coming and ask it to talk to you in a dream, in a language you can understand. I provide a detailed example and experience of such a sigutation in my book Native Healer. If a man sees a big buck pawing the ground with its head bent downward, then it is a sign that he will encounter a challenger in a social situation involving women.

*Brad Steiger/Totems:
Among all Native American tribes who had contact with the deer, the graceful creature was considered a sacred totemic animal. The Medicine doctors of various tribes believed that the deer had a keen sense of determining which plants yielded the greatest curative powers, and a great deal of time was spent stalking the deer for its ostensible knowledge of pharmacology as well as its flesh.

The Native American zodiac names deer people as those born from May 21 to June 21 and asys that they are generally of a good disposition, but they sometimes appear to be creatures of perpetual motion.

In numerous cultures throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, the male deer, the stag, was regarded as a symbol of regeneration because of the way its antlers are renewed. In certain mystical traditions, the horned deer is also linked with the Tree of Life because of the similarity between its antlers and the branches of a tree. Consequently, the horn contained great magic, whether worn intact, broken in pieces, or ground into powder.

Very early in humankind's religious observations, the stag became the Shamans' Horned God, the sarificial consort of such goddesses as the huntress Diana/Artemis. With the spread of Christianity across Europe, the Horned God easily became a representation of Satan; but in nearly as many instances, the stag was idealized as a symbol of Christ, for the deer, as did Jesus on the cross, gave its blood (flesh) for humankind. St. Withburga has the doe, the female deer, as her animal symbol.

If the deer has come to you as your totem animal or if you have felt drawn to the animal through a dream or a vision, your spirit self is now in the company of one who has long been cherished as an intermediary between the Great Mystery and humankind. With the deer as your totem, you will feel an acceleration of your powers of intuition. Many Shamans attribute the greatest psychic sensitivity to the Deer People.

With the deer as your spirit helper, you will find that you have an increased desire to spend more time in the Silence and in nature. You will also notice that your dreams have become more enriched. Among the lore of some native tribes is a regard fro the deer as the Lord of the Dream. To focus on the deer before falling asleep, according to some, will bring prophetic dreams that may be shared or the good of your family and/or your community.

*Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak:
Keynote: Gentleness and Innocence--Gentle Luring to New Adventure
Cycle of Power: Autumn and Spring
Deer have always captured the imagination of humanity. It is one of the most successful families of mammals, native to every continent except Australia. They have been able to adapt to every sort of habitat. The white-tailed deer, the mule deer and the caribou are three that are prominent on this continent. The moose and wapiti (elk) are also part of the deer family, but they are treated separately in this work.

Each type of deer has its own special qualities and characteristics, while sharing some of the qualities of all deer in general. Caribou, for example, make long migrations twice a year, reflecting a need for those who have it as a totem to use that same pattern in their life. They begin rutting in fall and early winter, and these then are the power times. The mule deer is also a wanderer. it never follows the same path twice. This is part of its natural defeinse, making it less predictable to predators. Most of the information in this section will focus on deer in general, and the white-tailed specifically.

The name "deer" has several variations on its origin. These may provide clues to past lives with those with this totem. The Anglo Saxon word "deor" was a general word for animals and was often used just in the general sense. In the German language, it has its root in "tier," simply meaning wild animal also. It can also be traced to the Sanskrit "mriga," also meaning wild animal.

To many the deer is considered the most important animal ever hunted. The hunt of the deer is what transfers our civilization to the wilderness. There are many stories and myths of deer luring hunters or even kings deep into the woods until they are lost and begin to encounter new adventures. One such example is found in the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Sir Gawain follows a white hart to many adventurous encounters. A reading of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D' Arthur will also provide more examples.

The deer is also a central religious image for Buddhism. Buddha is often pictured with a deer, and legend tells how he first preached in a deer park. This image itself reasserts the meaning of the deer as representing innocence and a return to the wilderness.

The white-tailed deer is the most common in the United States. One of its most outstanding features is the set of antlers that the male develops. In other members of the deer family, i.e., reindeer and caribou, both the male and females growth them. The antlers are solid bone, and they are shed every year. Antlers grow behind the eyes and are very protective.

Each year until the age of five, the antlers grow bigger with more points. If you encounter a deer in the wild, try to make count of the number of points. This will tell you some of the significance the deer will have for you. Remember that numerology can help define the essence.

Antlers are symbols of antennae, connections to higher forms of attunement. Deer with antlers thus can be a signal to pay attention to your inner thoughts and perceptions, as they are probably more accurate than you think.

The antlers are shed every year, and each year they grow back larger and with more points, for five years. If a deer has entered your life, look for new perceptions and degrees of perceptions to grow and expand for as much as the next five years. It can indicate that there will be opportunities to stimulate gentle new growth increasingly over the next few years.

The antlers grow behind the eyes, again hinting at the symbolism of heightened perception. When the antlers are shed, they are eaten by deer and rodents who gnaw on them to assimilate the calcium.

One or two young are born. Fawns are born a color that protects and hides them. In the first few days, they hardly move, and the mother nurses them often. This is very significant for those with this totem. Many societies taught the importance of staying with the newborn for a prescribed period of time. No visitors, no family members other than the father were allowed contact with the newborn. Even today in the Muslim religion, a mother who breastfeeds for a prescribed time makes that child her own, whether it is her biolgoical child or not. This kind of attention and separateness enables the child to link with the family more strongly and protects the newborn from subtle outside influences.

It has always bothered me to see new mothers with week-old babies walking around busy malls and stores. I understand the desire to get out, but it reveals a lack of understanding of the subtle energy influences of the human body. Our auras or energy fields are electro-magnetic and exchanges of energy do occur with other people and places. The kind of energy a child is exposed to in a mall can have strong effects. No one has ever done any significant studies on this, and it is an area that truly needs to be explored. Until that child's energy is strong and firmly grounded, it should be protected from extraneous influences.

The deer leads us back to the primal wisdom of those old teachings. It reminds us to establish a strong healthy connection with the child before we expose it to many people and other strange energies. It is a reminder that there is a tradition that is natural and suitable for family units and for the health of the young. It is for the child's best interest.

After the first few days, the fawn can usually stand and follow its mother about. Doe fawns may stay with the mother for as much as a year. The buck or male will usually leave after a few months. The father takes no part in the rearing of the young; it is all the rule of the mother. Again this can be a reminder for us to move gently back to the traditional family unit and roles. It may indicate, if the deer has shown up in your life, that you have gotten too far away from the role that would be most beneficial for you at this time.

A deer's senses are very acute. Its vision is designed for clarity at a distance. It is especially effective at detecting contrasts and edges in dim light. Its hearing is equally acute. Anyone who has deer as a totem will find increasing ability to detect subtle movements and appearances. They will begin to hear what may not be said directly.

When deer show up in your life it is time to be gentle with yourself and others. A new innocence and freshness is about to be awakened or born. There is going to be a gentel, enticing lure of new adventures. Ask yourself important questions. Are you trying to force things? Are others? Are you being too critical and uncaring of yourself? When deer shows up there is an opportunity to express gentle love that will open new doors to adventure for you.

Some authors that may be helpful are listed with some of this information.

Manny Twofeathers
Jami Sams
Susie Green
John Matthews
Steven Farmer
Ted Andrews
D J Conway
Brad Stieger
Trish McGregor


The idea that each human being has nine totem animals that represent their special talents and skills that were brought into this life experience or Earth Walk. For myself, I was surprised at some of the animal totems I discovered for myself, and others were just a confirmation as to why I felt drawn to some.
Each one of the animal brothers / sisters brings into my life a special skill or attribute that I carry with me. From snake, which is transformation, endings beginnings I have learned to adapt to the changes, to be able to let go of old, so I can be in tune with the new, from Lynx I have learned to look beneath the surface of situations and people to see what is behind a situation and perhaps bring understanding that things and people are not always what they seem, and Crow has helped me understand something of my own nature and my own connection to what some label supernatural but to me is natural.

When you are in tune with your totem animals you can receive messages from them to help you as you Walk the Path here on Mother Earth. Native American belief states when you are incarnated here for the Earth Walk you have seven directions surrounding your physical body. These directions would be East, West, South, North, Above, Below, and Within. The direction called Within exists within you and around you Each one of these seven directions has a corresponding totem animal that you have been blessed with to aid you in your Earth Walk by teaching you the lessons each one of the directions brings. There are two other totem animals that walk with you, one is on your right side and the other is on your left side. The right and left represent the male and female energies in some teachings. Others say it is the father messenger or totem and mother messenger or totem.



Your totem animal in the East guides you to your greatest spiritual challenges and guards you while you are on that path of illumination.

Your totem animal in the West leads you to your personal truth. He helps you find the answers you already have buried deep within.

Your totem animal in the South brings you trust, balance, and innocence. He protects your inner child.

Your totem animal in the North is very wise. He helps you to discern when to listen and when to speak. He also reminds you of all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you.

Your totem animal from Above connects you to the Great Star Nation, the Universe, and reminds you that you came from the stars and so shall return someday. This totem also brings you the dreams you experience in the Dream Time, helping you connect to other dimensions other than just this one.

Your totem animal from Below brings lessons about Mother Earth and how to stay grounded and balanced while here in the Earth Walk.

Your totem animal from Within brings you your heart's desire and gives you the strength to be true to your dreams and Walk your Talk.

Your totem animal on your Right Side protects you like a father. He is your protector as well as the one who gives you your courage and spirit to fight when necessary.

Your totem animal on your Left Side protects you like a mother. He teaches nurturing yourself as well as others. He teaches how to experience and have loving relationships.

When you find which are your totem animals, it is then that you might start to feel a great connection or knowing that one in particular has a stronger influence than the others.

This has been put together from a variety of sources both online and in books, from authors who seem to understand the connection between people, nature, and nature's creatures.

Hope that something in this helps you find the message that Deer is sharing with you.


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Post by Doe » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:41 pm

I'm guessing you don't run into a lot of reindeer on a day-to-day basis in Ghana!  :smt003   I'll have to read your into...
hey Doe maybe YOU are my dream guide!!!! heehehheeeheehee
Hm...It's funny--the thought did briefly occur to me that maybe it meant that you and I should "chat" or something (I've been meaning to, anyway, now that we've established that we're both crazy... :smt004 ).  But then (and I said this to Looking Glass after his response), I thought that I was just being egotisitcal or something.  On the other hand, I tend to find that it's USUALLY (maybe not always) good to go on one's first instincts...

It's a very long story, but (you're just going to have to trust me on this!) I was given the name "Doe" by a spirit while I was walking around one of the pueblos with my son in New Mexico.  (Sure--everyone will just buy that...but it IS true).  Of course I immediately started doing all kinds of research on what that might mean, and of course it has all kinds of different meanings to different people.

I read something about the "power of gentleness" (which is what it seems to signify to the people of the particular pueblo I was on), but I was also reminded of something that had happened years earlier.  I was on the balcony of our house by the beach, and a doe and her fawn wandered into the yard.  Now, I'd always thought of deer--especially does--as gentle and passive.  But that doe looked up at me with a look that left no doubt that she was saying, "If you try to mess with my fawn I will kick your a@#," and she stomped on the ground to drive the point home.  So I think that that part resonates the most with me--that protectiveness of a child (and things have been happening recently that make me feel that he needs even more protection than I originally thought).

(I've also been told, "Doe is your name, but owl is your totem"--hence my reference in my response to another one of your posts!)

Dessa, that was an astonishing thing that you did!  All those interpretations...again, with much in common, but also some very individual ideas on the subject.

So, again, RoseRed--what "resonates" with you?  What have you thought about it on your own (without really having thought about it at all), and what do you see on Dessa's list that makes you go, "OH!!!"?  Do you think that the fact that the reindeer and stag have come up have any particular relevance?  You've got the answer somewhere...


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Post by Doe » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:58 pm

WOW!  I need to thank you, RoseRed--while writing the part of my response about the doe protecting her young, I think I may have realized something important.  It's definitely something to think about some more, anyway.

I love when stuff works like this!

Doe (a@#-kicking creature that I am... :smt002 )

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Here it is:

Post by RoseRed » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:48 am

Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you guys, have exams around the corner and haven't been on the net much.

WOW WOW WOW!!!! thank you so much Dessa! Truly AMAZING!!!
Thank you so much for your time! Really appreciate it cause I did, I think find what I was looking for.

And Doe, all I can say is we are SO like totally on the same wavelength man!  heehee, no but I'm serious - I do feel that there is something between its def not egotistiucal of you. You are actually the only person I have ever met that thinks the same way as I do. Even by you saying have a look and see what resonates cause you have the answer. That is something I live my life by.
I really do believe that one has all the information and tools one needs in order to solve any 'issue'. I only use cards if I'm too clouded or emotional about a situation. And I always usually ask what am I not seeing? Like what must I remember in this particular situation.

As I started there were a few things and then the more I read the more explosive it began and more and more dots started getting connected.
So this is how all this info has related to me:
Dessa wrote:Their senses are acute and they see extremely well in low light, giving them the ability to understand the deeper symbolic meanings of things. They can hear a twig snap in the far distance. Anyone who has deer as a totem has hidden clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. They can see between the shadows, detect subtle movements and hear what is not being said. Once the fawns energy field is strong and grounded they stand and begin to follow their mother around.
I am extremely clairsentient - I posted something in the empath thread when I first arrived here. So this is a perfect representation of my intuitive and psychic abilities. As I begin to loose more of my fear more of my abilities are starting to open up to me.
The energy field thing in what I'm also working on. I can be so ungrounded due to always sensing what is going around me that I tend to forget about what might be going on within me. So its like I'm a baby fawn learning how to grow up and mature into being the person I truly am.

This is my life right here:
Dessa wrote:Deer Wisdom Includes:
Gentleness in word, thought and touch
Ability to listen
Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
Understanding of what's necessary for survival
Power of gratitude and giving
Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
Connection to the woodland goddess
Alternative paths to a goal
These are the rules that I live my life by. I laughed out loud when I read this cause I was like waaaiiiittt....who's in my head?! heehee
Dessa wrote:It teaches that through gentle nurturing and guidance we can tame the wildest of hearts with compassion and love. ... With strong intuitive abilities she will teach you to trust your own instincts and let them guide you safely along your path. ...Through example she demonstrates that if one avoids their enemies they will remain safe and that through the innocence of love great things can be accomplished.
When I first started out on this path I was very aggressive, I didn't understand what was going on with me, I didn't understand what these abilities were. I thought it was just some cruel joke. I also had the blessing of having other psychic ppl who knew much more than I did mess with my
head for sport. So all it created was huge amount of fear and not knowing when I 'm allowed to use my abilities and when I mustn't.
I was brought up in a family with strict values so by me knowing about someone else's personal details was against my very being & just flipped me out. I thought oh my goodness I'm NOT allowed to be able to do this! This is an invasion of ppl's privacy! I'm not allowed to know these things! And on the flip side, I couldn't stand the fact that ppl could read my thoughts. They were mine how dare they!? Do they have no respect? etc etc
What I began to do along my path was to find my grace within, the unconditional love that exists so that no matter what I sense I will be seeing it through the eyes of unconditional love/truth and then it won't 'affect' me. Will just have total compassion and love.
I had to work very hard to shut down my aggressive side - I am a leo too and I sometimes just want to blaze ppl. Its been one of the most difficult things putting that extreme fire into a more controllable form.
I have also only just really and totally begun to listen completely to what my intuition had to say. I didn't trust it before because I had so much fear in me that it clouded the messages I was getting. I wasn't sure if it was coming from the correct source. But now that I'm clearing out the closet I'm able to hear the true messages better. Well its a working progress :)
Dessa wrote:shows you that answers do not come from battle but from acceptance and going about your way in as unobtrusive a manner as possible.
this was esp NB as I have just met someone on another forum site and they have big abilities but they have nurtured their battle side - which I have tried so hard to turn into something graceful. I feel that I do not trust this person as I don't know what they might do - what will happen if they get really anger and just see red?
I know that I have had temp insanity moments and it was only due my strict rules that I was not allowed to react in anger or anything of that vibration, that I was able to get through it. It always turned out well when I left the Universe to deal with its children - I would always say to myself "I have no right to administer judgement as I can never possibly know all sides of the equation; it is not for me to do. Life is fair and maybe not in this lifetime but in another they will have to deal with the consequences."

In this persons case they haven't developed that safety valve so there could be some really terrible consequences.  But It got me thinking hummm I wonder if I made the 'right' choice?? Maybe I am allowed to get a little bit righteous? Ponder ponder ponder....
So this is beautifully affirming that I made the right decision by not reacting , I made the correct choice is learning how to control and maintain that fiery side of myself and that choosing the gentler path was my correct path.
Dessa wrote:The stance Deer takes will give you a clue of just how positive or negative that meeting will be.
Also was thinking I should cut contact with this person but wasn't sure. Well now I do. :)
Dessa wrote:Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are tyring to keep us from Sacred Mountain. Like the dappling of Fawn's coat, both the light and the dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace.
This represents alot of what I think some of my purpose is creating the path and a place of peace&safety for ppl. I am an idigo child and in my honest opinion I think a lot of indigos have lost their way. Due to them not realizing just how difficult it is being here on this planet clearing the path so that others may walk in safety after us. (clearing the path to the sacred mountain) Alot have given up and have tried to turn off.
As if that could ever happen but anyways yeah...
Dessa wrote:the Etruscan version of Artemis is shown winged, holding a deer in one hand and a lion in the other.
heehee a coincidence? I'm a leo...hummmm hahahhaha *grin*
Dessa wrote:unconditional love means that no strings are attached. The gentleness of Fawn is the heart-space of great Spirit which embodies His/Her love for us all.

Dessa wrote:Both Celts and Native Americans observed the deer to be savvy when it came to finding the best herbs. These earth-bound peoples would follow the deer to prime herb patches - many of which proved to be highly beneficial in their medicinal purposes.
Dessa wrote:The Greeks believed that the stag could identify medicinal herbs and plants.
I'm really really big into the natural medicine side and am thinkning of actually studying it in Toronto. Been a bit unsure though... So a wonderful coincidence!
Dessa wrote:She does not try to change the nature of her young but guide them to wisdom through her loving ways.
Dessa wrote:One or two young are born. Fawns are born a color that protects and hides them. In the first few days, they hardly move, and the mother nurses them often. This is very significant for those with this totem. Many societies taught the importance of staying with the newborn for a prescribed period of time. No visitors, no family members other than the father were allowed contact with the newborn.
Dessa wrote:This kind of attention and separateness enables the child to link with the family more strongly and protects the newborn from subtle outside influences.
This has been a huge thought in my head for awhile now.
I have had a couple of dreams where I have actually met my children. I've been having insane motherly moments for the last year. The very driving force that guides almost ALL my actions is being a kick ass mom for my children.
I want to be ready on every level so that I will be able to show
them the ropes of the two worlds mixed together and how best to navigate between them.

I want to put them on the best ground that could exist so that they have a start of base that is rock solid. I'm 23 years old and have only just let my base start to dry. It still wobbles at times. Imagine if they take responsibility right from the word go, amongst many other things. They can go forward into this beautiful life with no fear and only unconditional love.

I have always felt that being a mom is the most powerful energy that exists. That bond that is created is love blasting right before your very eyes!
What I am extremely scared of is that I will do something really stupid. Like if someone hurts my child I might just blast the other poor kids into smitherines or something! hahahaha

I am a very very protective person over my friends and family (leo come sin here) I would rather take all the blows and spare the ppl I care about. and I think I might be overly protective with my kids one day.
Which I'm not happy about. I know that kids need to be kids and they need to do their own thing. They need to figure out who they are and I would certainly give them that space to do it. But damn how do you deal with the emotions?
This is not really coming out the way I want it to but basically I've been asking the universe how on Earth do you be a mom with all these abilities?
I wanted to ask other moms out there with these 'extra abilities' how on Earth do you guys cope!!!
I think its going to be the ultimate test of all my strength allowing my kids to hurt themselves. humf
Doe wrote:But that doe looked up at me with a look that left no doubt that she was saying, "If you try to mess with my fawn I will kick your a@#," and she stomped on the ground to drive the point home.
I just love that! Thats the kind of mom I want to be! hahahaha
Dessa wrote:If Hind / Deer, has chosen to guide you, it is time to again be at one with the groups to which you belong, or seek to be part of a bigger whole.
Dessa wrote:Deer also knows the wisdom of co-existence with other creatures who are quite different from herself.
this is one of my biggest things.
Because I have a very strong insentiences abilities I find it very difficult to be out in public and many ppl make me feel uncomfortable when I am near them. Its kinda a sacral chakra thing too,its like they are fighting to dominate the space between me and themselves and I can feel that. I get very fidgety and will hop from one foot to the next trying to not get 'stuck' in their energy field.
I've gotten better but some ppl are so used to being the dominate one, or are obsessed with being in total control that I find it difficult to be around them. Cause I'm certainly not going to back down my protective shield.

So over the years, even though I naturally like to be on my own I have felt very lonely at times, as I can't just go out to the cinema with some friends or go see a show, or even sometimes dinner with my parents can be unbearable etc.
This just affirms that the ppl I will resonate with are on their way or that I will learn to be able to be with all sorts of diff ppl and be a-okay about it- just be patient. (Never been one of my virtues! *grin*)
There i so much more that I could write but I think these are the main points.
Absolutely perfect that the deer had chosen to guide me!
Oh and Dessa the 9 totem thing is great!
I also believe that there is a animal guide for each of our major chakras too?
Thank you SO much again guys!

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Post by Doe » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:53 pm

Gee, RoseRed.  I hope that in the future you'll put some thought into things and write long posts, rather than just tossing things off like this!  :smt003  (Kidding, obviously...)

I wonder what it must be like to have the abilities you do.  I can see and talk to spirits very easily, but beyond that I'm pretty clueless.  I do feel empathy (seeing, for example, a fish gasping for air on the ground throws me into a total panic), but I have no idea other than that what people are thinking most of the time.  I don't consider myself "psychic"; I can't pick up on things that might happen unless a spirit just tells me directly (as in, "YO!--don't get on that bus!!"), or occasionally in dreams.  I wouldn't dream of trying to give anyone a reading (unless, again, a spirit told me something directly about the person, and even then I've learned enough by now to know that I'd still need to be very cautious in what I said).

PLEASE don't be offended when I say that you're very young, as it's not meant to be offensive at all.  It's meant more as a compliment--I wish that I had thought about things as deeply as you obviously do at your age.  My "ability" (for lack of a better word at the moment) came pretty late in my life--at the age of 45, and came out of the blue entirely.  I was lucky enough to have wonderful guidance--otherwise I have no idea how things would have turned out (scary to think about, really).

I guess my other point in saying that you're young is that--tempting as it may seem--you don't need to figure every single thing out (as if that's possible anyway!) right away.  You've clearly got a good mind and--better still--a good heart to go with the gifts you have.  But try to hang back a little and just observe without coming to any conclusions, and continue to do as you've been doing and act out of love and what your heart tells you, rather than what you think you "should" do, or what others tell you, or what you read, etc.  You'll be guided, and the road will be easier, and amazing things will happen.

I'm just saying that part because when things started to, um, "change" in my life and I started seeing things I'd never dreamed I'd see, I started off by making all kinds of assumptions based on others', and my own rather nebulous, belief systems (most of which turned out to be DEAD WRONG!!).  I went online and tried to "figure things out" by "researching" them, and I got advice as to how to deal with certain things.  Some of what I read and heard helped, and it was the stuff offered by people who weren't trying to drive home one way of seeing things or another--just people who considered themselves to be just learning too.  I didn't so much get "answers", as just other ways to think about things and move on on my own.

And things also change as you go (although I find that the message--the one about love--remains consistent), so it helps to just relax and be open and flexible and remember that things aren't always as they seem.

I hope that all of that didn't sound too pretentious!  I think you came to some wonderful conclusions based on Dessa's info.  Now it's just (and you obviously don't need me to tell you this!) up to you where you take it.


P.S.  I was TERRIFIED at the prospect of being a mother, even though I'd been trying for 5 years and desperately wanted my son!  I literally didn't even know how to change a diaper!  I laughed when you wrote about being afraid you'd "blast the other kids into smithereens" if someone hurt your child--I know the impulse!  But it's the same as what I wrote above--all you have to do is love and be gentle with your child, and don't make any assumptions as to who he/she will or should be beyond being a kind, compassionate person.  Teach him or her by example, in other words (take my word for it--it's good exercise!).  The guidance I've gotten has also included teaching me to learn how to TRY to control those less-than-ideal impulses in favor of what's best for my son.  Thank God...

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Re: Here it is:

Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:19 pm


You are welcome, glad the information could be useful. It is always so interesting when we find out how well we can connect to the animal guides around us.

As for the wait whose in your head it would seem Deer/Doe/Hind/Fawn is in your head,
RoseRed wrote:  I also had the blessing of having other psychic ppl who knew much more than I did mess with my head for sport. So all it created was huge amount of fear and not knowing when I 'm allowed to use my abilities and when I mustn't.
RoseRed wrote: Unfortunately this happens, and well like everything in this world there is the positive and negative, those who have traditional values can be wonderful caring compassionate people, or rigid judgemental agreessive people who wish to force their views on others, the same is true of those who may have psychic talent [ which the word psychic covers a huge range of skills] in some way, they may be those who seek to develp skills to use and exploit, they may use their skills to help and to heal, they may tend to be seeking a spiritual path, or they may be only looking to develop skills without a spiritual balance.
RoseRed wrote: I was brought up in a family with strict values so by me knowing about someone else's personal details was against my very being & just flipped me out. I thought oh my goodness I'm NOT allowed to be able to do this! This is an invasion of ppl's privacy! I'm not allowed to know these things! And on the flip side, I couldn't stand the fact that ppl could read my thoughts. They were mine how dare they!? Do they have no respect? etc etc
RoseRed wrote:
I have very strong views on the rights of privacy, for the most part if you feel the respect and consideration for others, then you will find that in time you will not be picking up on things people don't want to send.

In fact you may find that picking up on others is something that just happens because people broadcast loadly but if you were to try to go deeper you would find signs of their being private, those who respect the rights of privacy of others will not push to take that farther, those who do not will be intrusive and invasive, but the nice thing is, is that there are in fact very few who can read minds to the level of taking of invading, and once your barriers are in place strong enough those few won't be able to cross the line.

Emotion is a way in, and one of the best defenses I have found against those who are intrusive is laughter, sounds odd I know, but there were times when I was around a friend of a friend, whenvever I was around this person I would get uncontrollable fits of laughter and giggles, then the second or third time this happened, I saw clearly in my head, the intrusion, or perhaps I should say attempted intrusion. And realized what was happening around this person, could see how the laughter was putting up a wall against someone that messed around with some seriously dark things.  After that I could remain calm around this person with out the fits of laughter, seems that the laughter the first time was enough to create a wall he could not breach.

Since this was a time in my life when I was going what I refer to as a psychic growth spurt this was something good to know.

That you find your peace with the grace within from Deer medicine is a powerful thing.
It is a wonderful gift one I myself could do well to learn from, unfortunately I do not seem to hold on to well to the gentleness of deer which is fine, I appreciate the skills I do have and those animals of my own personal totem who guide me.

RoseRed wrote:  I have also only just really and totally begun to listen completely to what my intuition had to say. I didn't trust it before because I had so much fear in me that it clouded the messages I was getting. I wasn't sure if it was coming from the correct source. But now that I'm clearing out the closet I'm able to hear the true messages better. Well its a working progress :)
RoseRed wrote:  

Well now I have been as I am my entire life, never feared it, and the few times I didn't listen to it, and let logic, or practical get in the way I regreted it. but even with that with trusting this my entire life, it is still a learning process, the nice thing is, it is ever learning and ever growing, knowing that and trusting in that and in self is key to finding balance so it is a help in your life not a confusion.

You also wrote of another person's anger, and aggressiveness, I find this comes from those who push their talents for reasons that might be less than positive in other areas of their lives. Or do this with out the balance of seeking a spiritual path [spiritual does NOT mean religous]

I have had a terrible temper in my life it comes from feeling things strongly but finding a balance can help that alot, seems like you understand that, and this person who is getting in your face so to speak doesn't get it.

So a lesson I learned when I was a kid, my mom worked for this guy who no matter what stayed calm. To the point that he was in his office [a glass walled office so everyone could see what was going on] someone went in and was screaming and yelling and getting louder and louder, this man that was mom's supervisor just calmly stood there with a kind of gentle smile on his face, not a smirk, not a full out smile a kind of calm gentle look. Finally the yelling man storms out of the office slams the door and says "I can't stand that guy no matter what you do or say he stays calm and  just stands there smiling, .... you never know what he's thinking... you can't win with someone like that"

It was one of those lightbulb moments, of ah I get it, when you let your anger run away with you, you give your power away to others, when you can remain calm you can reveal what you want, or keep what you want private.

It was a good lesson, one I am still trying to remember even after 30 years. Since I don't always succeed. So I have to agree you made the correct path for finding a gentler way.
RoseRed wrote:   This represents alot of what I think some of my purpose is creating the path and a place of peace&safety for ppl. I am an idigo child and in my honest opinion I think a lot of indigos have lost their way. Due to them not realizing just how difficult it is being here on this planet clearing the path so that others may walk in safety after us. (clearing the path to the sacred mountain) Alot have given up and have tried to turn off. As if that could ever happen but anyways yeah...
RoseRed wrote:  

The Indigos do not walk an easy path though I have ideas as to why it is so difficult for some, part of it being that they are raised by those who are trying to teach them away from their purpose, raising them to think "it is just their imagination"

Added to that the strength of their empathy means feelings things so strongly, which is never easy.  Those with empathic skills have a to have strong shields, to survive sanely.

LOL the Leo lion now doubt gives strength to you, and the deer tempers it with gentleness so you don't rip out others throats.

I always felt my temper came from my Leo Rising. Since a Libra loves a good debate but doesn't like arguments [yet I am a fighter LOL cause even with strong Libra sun, the Leo rising insists on roaring] I can only imagine how strong it is for you and how powerful a lesson it is for you to be able to remain calm and gentle with Deer's message in the face of someoen so aggressive. Impressive balance.

Well if you go for the course in Toronto good luck to you it does seem as though you are guided towards natural herbs.
RoseRed wrote:  I am a very very protective person over my friends and family (leo come sin here) I would rather take all the blows and spare the ppl I care about. and I think I might be overly protective with my kids one day.
RoseRed wrote:  

I think you have found a good balance to use the Leo fierceness and the gentleness of a Deer, as Deer are fierce in their protection but they have some balance with it as well.

[quote="RoseRed"] I know that kids need to be kids and they need to do their own thing. They need to figure out who they are and I would certainly give them that space to do it. But damn how do you deal with the emotions?  [quote="RoseRed"]

You already know the answer to that, find it in the balance between the Lion's roar and Deer's gentle gaze.

[quote="RoseRed"] This is not really coming out the way I want it to but basically I've been asking the universe how on Earth do you be a mom with all these abilities? I wanted to ask other moms out there with these 'extra abilities' how on Earth do you guys cope!!!  [quote="RoseRed"]

I am not a biological mom, but I raised my niece, one is to find the balance, the other on how to cope, cause of the extras, trust yourself, don't take a knee jerk reaction, those extra abilities means you can be aware so that when your children face issues on their own, you can be aware of it, and find a place where you know the difference between your children being upset, and needing to deal with and learn life's lessons, and the difference of feeling they are in danger.

Just as you face your own fears, your children will face theirs.

The real problem will be your daughter's stubborness, you will tend to but heads a great deal she is far more determined than you are, which is saying a lot.

 [quote="RoseRed"]  [quote="Dessa"]If Hind / Deer, has chosen to guide you, it is time to again be at one with the groups to which you belong, or seek to be part of a bigger whole.
Dessa wrote:Deer also knows the wisdom of co-existence with other creatures who are quite different from herself.
this is one of my biggest things.
Because I have a very strong insentiences abilities I find it very difficult to be out in public and many ppl make me feel uncomfortable when I am near them. Its kinda a sacral chakra thing too,its like they are fighting to dominate the space between me and themselves and I can feel that. I get very fidgety and will hop from one foot to the next trying to not get 'stuck' in their energy field.
I've gotten better but some ppl are so used to being the dominate one, or are obsessed with being in total control that I find it difficult to be around them. Cause I'm certainly not going to back down my protective shield.

So over the years, even though I naturally like to be on my own I have felt very lonely at times, as I can't just go out to the cinema with some friends or go see a show, or even sometimes dinner with my parents can be unbearable etc.
This just affirms that the ppl I will resonate with are on their way or that I will learn to be able to be with all sorts of diff ppl and be a-okay about it- just be patient. (Never been one of my virtues! *grin*)  
RoseRed wrote:
Well as a Libra, I need a true balance, of half social, half solitude.
I do know how this can be a problem. It is an even stronger problem during periods of psychic growth spurts.

I would recommend that you read  How to do Automatic Writing, by Edain McCoy, not because you need to learn automatic writing, doesn't matter if you never do, though her clear to the point way of creating a protective shield around yourself and of creating threads of connection through out your chakras and the earth and with the Divine. are wonderful.

A big part of when she writes is that she gives guidelines but then adds it is not about following rules, but doing what works for you.

What has worked for me may not work for you. Though I have still can not live in a large city and in fact need help when in very crowded places, sometimes I go with people who are connected to me on a soul level and if I am lucky I am with a Paladin, whom I can hide in.

It is hard, because you use your intuition as part of who you are, part of your thinking functioning process. It is as natural to you as breathing, so when you have to shut it off, you can't function, or so I have found this to be true.

My idea of driving directions would be to "turn that way it FEELS right" which as a result I have always found my way.

Now go to a large city you are not familiar with, if you are in a growth spurt you really need to keep your shields up strong and tight, but if you put them up that strongly you are completely blocked, and can't use intuition, if you open up to use your intuition it doesn't work as well because you get swamped by so many people.

Being in a larger crowd would be like going to a major electronics store, turning on every tv, every vcr, ever radio, every cd player, all playing something different and trying to make sense of it all.

LOL you are Leo I find it hard to believe that a Leo wouldn't rise to the challenge of being able to find a balance of putting up enough of a shield against all that, yet still keeping open enough to be able to function.

So if you can't then it is either you are not yet allow yourself to see some truths, that putting up these sheilds and closing off yourself to some degree in such situtions doesn't mean you can't open up again, don't fear losing the skills you value, they are always with you if you allow them to be.
Or it may be that you are going through a psychic growth spurt, that like that teenager who must now relearn to use their limbs with grace, because their bodies are growing faster than they can keep up your psi skills are doing the same growing so fast your not able to keep up, but  that DOES pass.

The thing is adolescence only comes once, that physical growth spurt, however psi growth spurts happen through out your life if you are open to learning, growing,

So look to your signs, your sun, your rising, your moon, [moon can be especially helpful] find out how to use the strengths of those astrological influences to help you with this,

Look to your own personal totem, of which I suspect Deer is a powerful part, if you don't know what the others are, there are ways you can learn,

Learning the skills the strengths and yes vulnerablities of those astrolgocal and totem influences can be very helpful in finding your own personal way to shield yourself so you do not have to isolate yourself.

I may not be an Indigo child, but I have my own depths which can be strong, such as I CAN take from others, I can invade and intrude and go where I am not invited, the thing is I WON'T,

From a young age I have had a strong sense of privacy, of the need and desire for it, a few instances and circumstances in my growing years where my privacy was not respected taught me the value of respecting others rights, but being so strong means I can hear so much.

Just as you feel those coming at you. And I do not doubt that some of them are to some degree psychic assaults, often by people who do not even know they are doing it, but some may not be others trying to force themselves on you so much as it is your own talents are so strong for you to hear others that it feels like an assault.  

I have found myself in tears for hours when I have had to go to NYC, to many people to many emotions,

Wearing Hemitite helps keep their emotional clutter away so wearing it in public may help you, from those who send this out intentionally or unintentionally.

Developing your own form of shields will also, so knowing your signs, and totems can help you find your own shields.

But once they are developed and you can go out to dinner safely with others, or to a movie etc, even go to a city to learn what you need to learn, there may be times when you go through a growth spurt, and will find you will have to retreat a bit, til you can build those shields to a new level to match the stronger skills.

One way that works for me is to put my shields in place and then let my guide only lead me. So that when I start to get to much from others I can still function.

Hope that can help you.

Are you familiar with the personal totem?
Of the nine totems that help you over your life? knowing your own nine power animals may help you.

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:39 pm

Doe wrote: I wonder what it must be like to have the abilities you do.  I can see and talk to spirits very easily, but beyond that I'm pretty clueless.  I do feel empathy (seeing, for example, a fish gasping for air on the ground throws me into a total panic), but I have no idea other than that what people are thinking most of the time.  I don't consider myself "psychic"; I can't pick up on things that might happen unless a spirit just tells me directly (as in, "YO!--don't get on that bus!!"), or occasionally in dreams.  I wouldn't dream of trying to give anyone a reading (unless, again, a spirit told me something directly about the person, and even then I've learned enough by now to know that I'd still need to be very cautious in what I said).
I know you addressed this to RoseRed, but it was so lovely. Especially about the learning, since we are all always just learning and growing along the way if we allow ourselves.

Though I have to disagree on something, but first a clarifier, to often the word psychic is meant as a word that is interchangable for fortune teller.

Psychic is a very broad based term, just as saying someone is human, then sub labels may be added to that such as European, African, or in the USA for example even more sub labels of southern, or yankee, and even more sub labels used by family names / groups it is still not who we are or at least not all of who we are. So Psychic is like saying Human, and then the other stuff comes such as empath, medium, spirutualist, precog, telepath, telekinetic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, psychometiric, astrologer, etc. Or think of as with music, music can be classical, or opera, or country, or jaz, or blues, its all still music. [though I have to wonder when it comes to some harsher sounds like metal LOL]

So you say you can see and talk to spirits very easily there are many who can not do this at all let alone easily. Doesn't make them more or less psychic than you. Doesn't make your more or less psychic than someone else, we are all on a journey and at different places on that journey.

There are so many who would love to be able to easily talk to spirit, to guides or loved ones passed, that they wonder what it must be like to have abilities like you do.

It has been my experience that when it comes to any of the psi gifts? talents? skills? whatever label works for you, that people tend to either grow with them or bury them.

Some like myself have always been what I am, the way that I am, and others like you who have developed them at different stages in life.

Are you aware of the energy you send out? It is so lovely, Doe is an id that suits you well ah well any way the point is lol which being a Libra I ramble in all directions ....
Is that you are more gifted than you know, and don't be surprise if you begin a growth spurt soon. Either your skills will deepen or you will develop others.
Any way sorry for pushing in on this, just thought that you need to let go of the barrier you created the one that is in place between you and the other skills that are waiting to grow within.

Like you when guided by my guides, angels, guardians, and spirits around me I tend to share the message I am told to.


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Post by Doe » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:26 pm

Thank you for your kind words, Dessa!  (And you certainly didn't "push into" anything--it's an open discussion to which you've already contributed a great deal of valuable input, and it's always good to hear from people who are obviously constantly trying to grow and think things through in a positive way!

I know what you're saying about the word "psychic".  First, it does have that "fortune-teller" connotation, just as the word "medium" can tend to evoke images of gloomy people in turbans sitting around in "trances"!  I tend to shy away from labels in general, especially when I'm talking about myself and this "stuff".  Every so often I will refer to myself--or someone else will refer to me--as a psychic or a medium, and my next reaction is, "Oh, get OVER yourself!"  It just sounds so pompous when applied to me!

I like your "growth spurt" analogy--I've certainly gone through a few, and  hope to go through more.  So far, it seems that I've been led in a particular direction, which is pretty much all on the spirit side of things.  I've come to believe that that's no accident, because I'm finding that I'm using skills and talents I developed earlier in life (for example, when I worked as a counselor for people with AIDS, the homeless, etc.).  It also seems that the spirits come (or are brought) to me are often--although not always--people for whom I'd naturally feel a particular affinity (although I'm certainly always willing to talk to and try to help any of them).  For example, many were mothers who lost their own children, people who were homeless, victims of hate-crimes.  I don't think it's an accident, exactly!

So I'm happy (to say the least!) with what I've been given, and I say a prayer of thanks every time I'm given the opportunity to help someone.  I used to think (like my 10-year-old son!) that it would be "cool" to have all kinds of "powers".  But then I think, "Look what you've been given.  It's more than anyone has the right to hope for."  So I try to learn to use it well.  If other things come, so be it.  If not, I'm still blessed.

Hey, I'm a "rambler" too!  (I know very little about astrology, but I don't think I fit the Virgo mould AT ALL!)  I'd be happy to ramble with you any time!

Thanks again,


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Post by looking_glass » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:27 pm

The love of your child; should it not be the same for all? There is no love greater; because unconditional love is just that, unconditional.

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