Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

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Smiling From Within
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Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

Post by Smiling From Within » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:42 am

If we are all here on our own journey, our lessons of life, working towards our highest enlightenment.  How are we able to tell how far along we are?

Is that for us to know in this life or do we just keep learning?

Surely, the more in tune of us out there must of grasped most of the lessons needing to be learnt, helping them to stay on course on their life path.  But how do you know.

You meet some amazing clairvoyants, mediums, sensitives that are all knowing and all seeing but how do they progress higher still if they are say older in life and have learnt so much in general life experience.

Can they become anymore psychic than they already are and if so does that mean that they are nearing the end of their time and lessons here.  Not meaning from a physical age point of view.  How high can a living being go? Without becoming a lone person sat meditating high up in the mountains never to speak to another person again.

I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx

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Post by Crow » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:50 am

Smiling From Within wrote:SFW: If we are all here on our own journey, our lessons of life, working towards our highest enlightenment.  How are we able to tell how far along we are?

Crow: How far are we.....dunno.  Perhaps instead of looking at it as a finish line, look at the experience.  Makes the trip seem to go smoother and we arrive at the destination quicker than when we watch the clock.

SFW: Is that for us to know in this life or do we just keep learning?

Crow: Again not sure. Perhaps this is a sign for me that I haven't arrived there yet.  

SFW: Surely, the more in tune of us out there must of grasped most of the lessons needing to be learnt, helping them to stay on course on their life path.  But how do you know.

Crow:  :smt017 how do we know?  I stray all the time off my course.  But learning as I go, even with those little detours.  So am I really off course when I think I am on track?  Now I am thinking.

SFW: You meet some amazing clairvoyants, mediums, sensitives that are all knowing and all seeing but how do they progress higher still if they are say older in life and have learnt so much in general life experience.

Can they become anymore psychic than they already are and if so does that mean that they are nearing the end of their time and lessons here.  Not meaning from a physical age point of view.  How high can a living being go? Without becoming a lone person sat meditating high up in the mountains never to speak to another person again.

Crow: I hope I'm not stuck on a mountain!  :smt005 How high can a living being go?  How far is one willing to?  I thought it was for the ultimate ascension, recieving the crown.  Not really sure about the details, as I am not one to retain much.  Scatter brain and all.

SFW: I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

Crow: In my experience when I find myself looking for what I think I should be looking for when I'm not there exactly....I am like a dog who chases her own tail.  Going absolutely nowhere.  When I am guided I go along curiously but carefully.  Remaining skeptic to the info, although I recognize the energy signatures.  I still remain one who questions, many times by doing this I have been given the maps, bread crumbs to follow kind of thing happening.  It can start with just one word, a clue...most often then not they make me hunt for it.  I can give my children the answers to their homework, but if they do not practice or do the reading on their own they will never "really" grasp the concepts will they?  So all knowing, spirit guide or guardians...just because they fall silent doesn't mean that they do not know the answers, or are ignoring their pupil.  Many may dismiss these people, since we are supposedly in touch with the other side...shouldn't we know for ourselves?  That is the lesson they teach me, it matters not what others think.  For each their own.  We all learn differently. We can hear the same story and retell it a hundered different ways.  I seen this growing up at church.  Same scripture made into a hundred different sermons.  I'm just rambling...sorry.

SFW: Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

Crow: Good question.  Perhaps we have an outline knowing what we are looking for without limitations of expectations.  Leaving our mind and hearts open to recieve and expand?

SFW: Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

Crow: This is not a confusing question, just one that requires a lot of inner seeking to find those answers.  

SFW: I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx
Thank you for sharing those questions. They are really good ones.  Best wishes for your enlightenment.  Found the best knowledge comes from within.  Finding your own answers, your own truth, your own words to are able to understand it better than if read out of a text book.  I can read and read for hours but if it doesn't ring with my spirit, no matter how hard I try to understand, to grasp this knowledge...I fail in doing so.  Now there are times when I am able to return to certain texts months or years later only to find that I do get it.  Having to build my way there.  Slow and steady steps, no short cuts in line sort of thing for me.  This has dampered my spirit. I do feel disappointment since I struggle so.  Sorry I couldn't offer more light.  In this I too am learning, or re-learning.  Take your pick.

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Re: Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:45 pm

Smiling From Within wrote:If we are all here on our own journey, our lessons of life, working towards our highest enlightenment.  How are we able to tell how far along we are?

J:  Spirituality growth does not end with this life - the spirit realms are based on levels of light and progress in spirituality.  Therefore, there is a never ending supply of spirituality growth available for anyone's lifetime.  And it is not a measure of your ending.  Being psychic has nothing, whatsoever to do with your life span or your spirituality.

Is that for us to know in this life or do we just keep learning?

J:  This life is about our spirituality.  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:  We are not a human being having a spiritual experience.  We are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Surely, the more in tune of us out there must of grasped most of the lessons needing to be learnt, helping them to stay on course on their life path.  But how do you know.

J:  When we stop learning and feel we 'have arrived' at some level of spirituality, we will be using the ego self instead of the spirit self to continue the journey.  And it does continue.  Spirituality lessons never end this side of the veil or in spirit.

You meet some amazing clairvoyants, mediums, sensitives that are all knowing and all seeing but how do they progress higher still if they are say older in life and have learnt so much in general life experience.

J:  Mediums work with spirit guides that bring the information needed in a particular situation.  It is the best gig in town - spirit does all the work, the medium gets all the credit.  To remain balanced they must not allow their ego to get in the way of acknowledging the source of the information.  

J:  General life experiences will teach us all.  But unless we continue to learn from our spirit, then we have not learned to spiritualize the lessons.

Can they become anymore psychic than they already are and if so does that mean that they are nearing the end of their time and lessons here.

J:  Psychic abilities will sharpen with practice, to be sure.  Once a psychic is open to their senses they become sensitized in all their experiences.  It is a consequence of their experiences.  

J:  Our lessons on the earth plane are about our spirituality.  Psychic abilities can be exercised with or without spirituality.  It is personal choice and understanding of the individual psychic.  Life expectancy is not connected with our psychic abilities, practices, or lack thereof.

 Not meaning from a physical age point of view.  How high can a living being go? Without becoming a lone person sat meditating high up in the mountains never to speak to another person again.

J:  Spirituality with or without psychic abilities can exist separated or in the fray and noise of life.  Again, it has nothing to do with the length of life for the psychic.  Our lifespan is determined by many things, psychic is just not one of them.

I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

J:  Knowledge is power.  The more we know the more we can address our understanding in our lessons of life.  Be happy in spirituality.

Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

J:  We are the master of our fate and captain of our ship.  We are in charge of our life and all its experiences.  It is called free will.  You are choosing on a regular basis how you wish to live this life.  Spirit guides do just that - guide - you through the many paths that will present themselves.  You must choose which to follow, spirit will help you along your way to find the best from each experience - if you listen.

Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx
There is never a dumb question.  Only a question left unasked.  Be sure that many will answer and some will surely resonate with your own experiences and help you find  your way.  Spirit guides have led you to ask, now understand and work towards your own spirituality.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:21 am

We are always learning, there is no end. Even the thing that we call life does not end at what we call death, we continue being in another form.

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Post by mom2ericha » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:41 am

I don't think that developing your psychic talents has something to do with the end, or how close you are to dying. I think it just has to do with how much you exercise that part of your mind that holds the key to your talents. I think everyone has psychic ability, and just some people are more able to develop it than others. Maybe they are more inclined to accept it? I don't know why some have more gifts than others. I know it runs in my family, so maybe it's hereditary. I really don't know...but I do find the older I get the more control over it I have. Maybe it is because I am more accepting of my gifts?

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Worth pondering though isn't it

Post by Harmonious1 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:16 am

We start off as innocent gorgeous little beings who have psychic abilities, then we go thru all the life stages until physically we are virtually back to where we begun - ie needing people to look after us - perhaps it is the same spiritually!!

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Re: Worth pondering though isn't it

Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:22 pm

Harmonious1 wrote:We start off as innocent gorgeous little beings who have psychic abilities, then we go thru all the life stages until physically we are virtually back to where we begun - ie needing people to look after us - perhaps it is the same spiritually!!
I wonder if as a very old person we then regain our memories of life in the spirit world and lose our fear, just like a young child? Definately worth a think :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:03 pm

Life is a learning experience.  We are here for the spiritual lessons.  The older we get physically, the more experience we have accumulated.  The light is leading us onward to more spirituality - beyond this plane.

Being psychic (sensitive) is not the same as being spiritual.  I repeat they are not the same thing.  

Spiritual lessons learned will take us to our next adventure - spirit realms -exactly where we left off here.  As long as we breathe we learn lessons.  The more we learn the more spirituality we embrace for the journey never ends.

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continuous growth

Post by sbelle » Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:23 pm

There is never an end. we continue to grow and learn even in the spiritual realm.  We come back to this life time and time again as often as we choose to for more enlightenment.

here is a something that I can embelish on.
God create man in his won image and god created woman from the rib of a man.

Here is my take on that.  If God created us in his own image than that gives us birth  rights to everything he can do and more.  Isn't it true that when we have children they are suppose to be a higher image of us. what we would like to see in ourselves?  And if God is the creator and can create anything from nothing that means we can too and we do create life.  we as men and women create life.  We give life to our children from conception.  We are also creators, however, the only thing we have developed in ourselves is the ability to create life.  We have yet to touch on many of the the other abilities that God has or gifts that God has given us. ie the Universe or higher power.  So to answer that question, we will never see the end as discribed, but continue to grow until we have arrived at perfection and that is unlikely to ever happen.  So there is no end only beginnings.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:39 pm

The spirit realms are a learning ground as well as the earth plane.  Many believe a return is regression not progression.  But the soul continues to learn is a common agreement.

While men and woman create the fetus from the egg and sperm meeting, life is not guaranteed until it is breathed (soul = breath) into the creation of human endeavour.  We are the image of God and capable of so much more than we exercise.  We seek our limitations instead of our potential.

Image is an interesting word.  We are not the image of God as we see in the mirror.  Otherwise we would all be one color skin, hair, eyes, etc.  We are also created unique.  We are capable of unique development into individualized soul.  Our journey will lead us back to God soul who uses this unique development.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:12 pm

How do you know when you have arrived?

You leave and take your body with you. And there is only one spirit that can teach you how that is done and that spirit is the Holy Spirit.

And in order for the Holy Spirit to teach you, you need to be indwelt by It's presence and worship It from the altar of your heart.



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Re: continuous growth

Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:32 pm

sbelle wrote:There is never an end. we continue to grow and learn even in the spiritual realm.  We come back to this life time and time again as often as we choose to for more enlightenment.

here is a something that I can embelish on.
God create man in his won image and god created woman from the rib of a man.

Here is my take on that.  If God created us in his own image than that gives us birth  rights to everything he can do and more.  Isn't it true that when we have children they are suppose to be a higher image of us. what we would like to see in ourselves?  And if God is the creator and can create anything from nothing that means we can too and we do create life.  we as men and women create life.  We give life to our children from conception.  We are also creators, however, the only thing we have developed in ourselves is the ability to create life.  We have yet to touch on many of the the other abilities that God has or gifts that God has given us. ie the Universe or higher power.  So to answer that question, we will never see the end as discribed, but continue to grow until we have arrived at perfection and that is unlikely to ever happen.  So there is no end only beginnings.

Shelly, conventional thought is promoting that all of mankind came from Adam and Eve. At the same time there is evidence (scriptual) that God created mankind :) twice and that does not even include the sons of God getting mixed up in the mess :) .

Adam was the second time and the father of the Hebrew/Jewish race. Adam was created to care for the Garden of Eden that God also created and planted East of Eden. Eve was created to help Adam with his chores :) .

The first men and women that God created lived with nature and lived on natures bountys. They were a part of the wild and not of the garden :) . Everything went fine until Adam was dumped into their world. And we are all still dealing with the problem of Adam being dumped into their world. And that was over 60 milliion years ago :) .



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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:46 pm

sunmystic wrote:How do you know when you have arrived?

You leave and take your body with you. And there is only one spirit that can teach you how that is done and that spirit is the Holy Spirit.

And in order for the Holy Spirit to teach you, you need to be indwelt by It's presence and worship It from the altar of your heart.


Arrived where?  

If you are talking about death, the material body decays and dies.  It is no more.  

Even when our loved ones die they must be embalmed to preserve them for funeral rituals.  Why?  Because they decay quickly.

So what survives death?  That is the animating spirit that entered our body at birth and leaves at death.  This contains the soul that has learned its lessons from the earth life.  

Science has weighed and measured the body on death and found that something leaves.  Religion and philosophy has kicked in the rest of the information.

As we are all spirit, and there is only one God according to religion, who is this Holy Spirit to worship?  And does it require worship?  God merely wants our love and a covenant of our attention, not worship.

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Re: continuous growth

Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:51 pm

sunmystic wrote:
sbelle wrote:There is never an end. we continue to grow and learn even in the spiritual realm.  We come back to this life time and time again as often as we choose to for more enlightenment.

here is a something that I can embelish on.
God create man in his won image and god created woman from the rib of a man.

Here is my take on that.  If God created us in his own image than that gives us birth  rights to everything he can do and more.  Isn't it true that when we have children they are suppose to be a higher image of us. what we would like to see in ourselves?  And if God is the creator and can create anything from nothing that means we can too and we do create life.  we as men and women create life.  We give life to our children from conception.  We are also creators, however, the only thing we have developed in ourselves is the ability to create life.  We have yet to touch on many of the the other abilities that God has or gifts that God has given us. ie the Universe or higher power.  So to answer that question, we will never see the end as discribed, but continue to grow until we have arrived at perfection and that is unlikely to ever happen.  So there is no end only beginnings.

Shelly, conventional thought is promoting that all of mankind came from Adam and Eve. At the same time there is evidence (scriptual) that God created mankind :) twice and that does not even include the sons of God getting mixed up in the mess :) .

Adam was the second time and the father of the Hebrew/Jewish race. Adam was created to care for the Garden of Eden that God also created and planted East of Eden. Eve was created to help Adam with his chores :) .

The first men and women that God created lived with nature and lived on natures bountys. They were a part of the wild and not of the garden :) . Everything went fine until Adam was dumped into their world. And we are all still dealing with the problem of Adam being dumped into their world. And that was over 60 milliion years ago :) .



As Jesus spoke in parables, we can rationally assume that the rest of the Bible is allegory and myth.  Taking a story of creation like Genesis as literal is a stunted method of spirituality.  

Science (and it does not have to be against religion) has shown so many advances since this one book, just as with all written word.  It is only good for its time.

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Re: Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

Post by sunmystic » Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:01 pm

Smiling From Within wrote:If we are all here on our own journey, our lessons of life, working towards our highest enlightenment.  How are we able to tell how far along we are?

Is that for us to know in this life or do we just keep learning?

Surely, the more in tune of us out there must of grasped most of the lessons needing to be learnt, helping them to stay on course on their life path.  But how do you know.

You meet some amazing clairvoyants, mediums, sensitives that are all knowing and all seeing but how do they progress higher still if they are say older in life and have learnt so much in general life experience.

Can they become anymore psychic than they already are and if so does that mean that they are nearing the end of their time and lessons here.  Not meaning from a physical age point of view.  How high can a living being go? Without becoming a lone person sat meditating high up in the mountains never to speak to another person again.

I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx
Smiling Within has created an interesting set of questions with this topic and the above post. :)

Smiling Within is basically asking, "what are we here to learn and how do we tell how far along we are with this learning and is there an end to this learning that we are here to learn?"

The great ones all claim that we can ascend and with this ascension take our physical bodies with us, most of them did it themselves as evidence that it could be done. They also say that until we do this we are trapped in the cycle of life and death and are considered in a state of ignorance. Learning is required in order to escape this state of ignorance.

Spirits without living physical bodies can not teach one how this ascension is done. Only spirits with living ascended physical bodies can teach you how this is done.

Psychic union through love with an ascended being/enity is where this learning starts and it ends when one understands how ascension is done. From there one chooses to ascend or not. But whether they choose to ascend or not they are nolonger learning what we are here to learn. If they have chosen to not to ascend, then they are here to serve, but not here to learn.



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