Mean Pyshics, and what they can do.

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Mean Pyshics, and what they can do.

Post by mrgenesis » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:08 am

Hello, I have always wondered, If a physic turned mean and attacked individuals minds, how would you stop that person? They can pretty much do whatever they want. they can feed of your energy "physic vampires" they can implant thoughts telling you too kill yourself...make you see things...Make you think things..make your life a living nightmare...

But what could you do? you can't go around telling people this person is doing this too my mind or you would be put into the loony bin so fast its not even funny. There is no defense i can think of. could move away...but if they have global telepathic communication it wouldn't matter.
2.Confront the person and tell them too stop, but they could easily pretend your just crazy and they have no clue and this and that..

What could you do? any ideas??

o and just for the not saying im being attacked by physics or just saying, no clue why, it just bothers me so hehe,

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:50 am

Not to be cruel to you, but I think you believe to much in science Fiction movies :)

I am sure someone will claim what you are telling has happened to them, but I think the one who damage us are we ourselves.

If we believe that people have the power over our brain, then we can start to claim that we are under their spell, and they make us do things.

As far as I know, there have been some who have tried it as a reason in court, but none who have won with this, they are all responsible for their actions.

If this is the case, then the one who control your mind is yourself, and you damage yourself under the belief that a psychic is doing it to you.

Therefore, in the end, our thoughts are a powerful tool, which can build us up, or bring us down, that is why it always are important to have positive thoughts, which will protect you from such ideas. :)

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Post by FireRose » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:51 pm

I believe that if someone has that much power, we all have the POTENTIAL to have it, and thus block it out. If I was 100% sure who was doing that to me and couldn't block it out then I'd have to attack the person physically, which would be a shame, but no one should have to put up with that torment if they don't deserve it.
It's an interesting topic, thanks for making me think about it :)


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:38 pm

Stop drawing the negative energy to your mind.  Then stop and think - who is in charge of your own body, mind, spirit?  Take charge and no one can have the power over your own thoughts.

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Post by crazyjeans12000 » Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:15 am

Have you heard of "free will" ?  Only you can ultimately control your own mind.  If outside energies are making you question your thoughts then you need to learn to ground yourself and ultimately "tune out."  Best wishes to you.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:47 pm

Agree with everyone here:

Positive thoughts.
Taking responsibility for all your thoughts and actions – if yu have a negative thought in your noggin then don’t point the finger at anyone but yourself cause you let it get in there. Sux – took me a long time to learn this one and I still slip up…often.
You gotta OWN IT.
Breathing properly – it increases your vibration, taking you away from the ‘lower’ vibration where that kind of cr*p lingers around – well as an illusion of hanging around that is.
...and what crazyjeans12000 mentioned....

Its quite a weird one this, and all it is, is changing your thought pattern. If you think it can happen then it can. Sometimes when I used to find myself in that same position and I was trying to own it. I would just say out loud - "No" to it - like I was saying no to whatever that energy was, it worked wonderfully as its sound which has vibration, by saying it has intention and it kinda reminds you to sort yourself out.   Kinda like Just Say No. ;)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:23 pm

Lol I read the starting post on this and it made me smile. I personally believe That someone can only have power over you if you allow it. Next, lets play the 'if' game, lets say this was really going on, don't you think someone who has abilities would notice it and tell more people?? Then after awhile (psychics talk too!!) there would be such a outcry from all the good people in the world that the one misbehaving, if you will, would then be told to stop it.... Although I have met people who were psychic and angry (at the time) I do believe that being psychic tends to lend to you a compassion for others that not as many non-psychic people have. (I personally have not ever met a non compassionate psychic) Next, I would like to say :P on you for keeping up the bad image of a psychic vampire. Being one myself, and one who does NOT 'steal' energy. Just because vampires need to take something to help themselves doesn't mean that they do this in a negative way... there are many places where energy flows freely and can be taken that way, without every taking it from someone. There are also other places to get energy besides from living beings.

Sorry If I was alittle, ummm forceful or aggressive, I just think that if you took the time to research these things it would be as amusing to read the question to you as it was to me.

Light, Love, Blessings, and humble apologies,

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Post by ravenuriel » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:47 am

I have to agree with Rhuto..

Mind over Matter.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:37 pm

Nyte:  There are not too many opportunities for one psychic to say something to another psychic.  There are way too many jealousies (I have found) among the working psychics.  They all want the business.  It is all about the money.  So to say to one that they are coming across as negative is them replying that we are jealous and want their business.  Believe me, I know of it happening.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:40 pm

Lol Maybe I am just blessed in who I have met spiritalk... *Shrugs* I will be certain to count that among my blessings lol


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Post by Rev_Vesta » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:41 am

inregards to this thread....... i have reread several times so I am clear in what you believe........

ok for me personally ...."Law of attraction"..........Thoughts create ........... postive thoughts can create love, bliss, peace within......... negative thoughts create disharmony, anger, jealousy etc............
To encourage belief of psychics being able to control you personally is only just a belief, change that thought and you will have not allowed it to happen.........

To believe you are stronger than that... stops it from   ever happening.....

To bring forth such a thought pattern is something that now has to be cleared...... removed and replace with positive programs......... (i suggest you look into SRT Spiritual resposne Therapy or EFT.. Emotionsal freedom treatment..... or The Journey.........or SEC Soul Energy Clearing  or someother healing modality that looks into removing discordent energies.....programs that affect your life in a negative way......bring forth positive prosperity....)

Blessing Vesta...

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Post by Baby_Doll_Gone_Wrong » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:04 am

I'm a medium who PMS's like you wouldn't believe, however spirits do not share this wrath. (Imagine dealing with Cramps + Crazed Spirits? ...Uh, I'm not sure if Midol would help)

Spirits have free will; in order to commit some malicious act, they would have to have malicious intentions. (If I asked a spirit to do something mean, there's a 99.9% chance it would tell me 'WTF?')  

I'm not denying that there's evil or mal-intentioned spirits, it's just the idea of grouping together a bunch of bad spirits to do significant harm....yeah, not very likely.

HOWEVER, I'm also not saying it hasn't been done before.

Ever hear of Satanic Ritual Abuse? Yes, there's crazy cults that summon & worship evil spirits...just, you're not likely to encounter them. Your spirit guide is there to protect you and prevent such occurrences. People who get involved in cults often have deep emotional issues that leave them cut-off from their intuition and better self. This is why people claim 'finding God' vowing away evil, etc... has improved their lives so much. You're not gonna find many evil spirits entering Church, Temple, etc... Once you no longer serve their agenda, they leave.

So, even if I got really pissed at someone and tried to make some spirit retaliate against them, I would end up harming myself more then anything, not to mention, it wouldn't even affect the person I was pissed at.

& from a Medium's perspective, I don't recommend casting spells or putting curses on people. I've seen those spell kits in New Age stores, and I can say for a fact, there's evil spirits literally holding the plastic wrap waiting for you to say 'Abracadabra'.

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:47 am

First of all..Heaven is full of Angels that would jump to your side if you asked them for protection...just ask.  I have never met anyone TRULY evil...hurt and confused maybe...but they may exist but I haven't met one...have you?  If you think someone is angry and vindictive why would you converse with them?  I do not have a lot of free time and I can choose who I spend it sure would not be some psychopath psychic....would you!

Most psychics need to meditate and develop their spirituality as well as their gift.  Spiritual people are usually loving and forgiving....and not bent on mind control.  I am careful about how I word helpful phrases during readings  cuz I want people to make a choice right for them...not let me tell them what to most psychics do   they help...not hurt.   I think if someone tried to use their gift in such a horrible way they would lose it.  

To be safe you may put a simple cross on your door...a wooden one cut natural without steel and made with natural material works well.  Or charge a crystal with protecting entrances so anyone wishing you harm may not enter.

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:07 pm

Baby_Doll_Gone_Wrong wrote:I'm a medium who PMS's like you wouldn't believe, however spirits do not share this wrath. (Imagine dealing with Cramps + Crazed Spirits? ...Uh, I'm not sure if Midol would help)

... and I can say for a fact, there's evil spirits literally holding the plastic wrap waiting for you to say 'Abracadabra'.
BAH HA HA HA HAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!! :smt005 That was SO funny!!! Love your sense of humor! LOL!!!  :smt003  

Nice input guys :)

P.S actually on the PMS note....*grin* I was told once by a guy psychic that if someone is giving you 'crap' or tries to play any psychic game with you against your consent - just send them all your PMS....heehee
Its a thought... :smt002

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:31 pm

In the BhagavadGita they say-"Mind is your own foe & friend."If you use it rightfully it becomes your best friend otherwise the worst enemy to destroy us.

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