Telepathy, pre-cognition or projected thinking?

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Telepathy, pre-cognition or projected thinking?

Post by Aiden » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:46 am

So im having a discussion with my friend and we have similar psychic ability but ill just talk about mine here. Im having difficulty differentiating my abilities between telepathy, projected thinking and precognition. For example the things i can do are:
*I can place/push thoughts on people and have them do it.
*I can kind of play out situations in my head (i think im playing them out...) and then anywhere from half and hour to 24 hours it will manifest.
*Ive thought things in the past and kind of played with things i wanted to happen to me at sometime and recently the things ive been thinking of when i was 13 have manifested recently.(im 17 now).
*(This might not have much to do with anything but...) I have recently aquired the ability to kind of taste some color (My boyfriend has too).
*I can now feel energy and relate it to a kind of feeling (orange=giggly)
*Ill think things and then someone will say it or theyll be thinking something and ill say it (But i have no recognition of a difference between their thoughts and mine)

I think i could go on but does anyone have any information on how i can maybe differentiate my abilities and/or most preferably control them instead of just recognizing when i "knew" things were going to happen.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:51 pm

There is a certain amount of telepathy attached to the psychic sensitivities.  It is all about energy after all.  The abilities you mention are common to most people who are sensitive to the psychic energies.  

The ability to do these things does not make them the right way to handle what you are capable of.  It does mean you need to train and develop your talents and use them in a more productive manner.  Take charge and stop 'listening in' to others' thoughts.

Working on your own abilities, practice with some exercises through meditation to open and expand your own talents and skills.  Then when you have defined your own, you will know what is yours and what is others' thoughts or feelings.

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Post by LittleSalt » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:45 pm

be very careful. yes these are things many encounter, how we use them... it is our own responsiblity. it is important that we use these talents for the highest highest good of all, never impose, and never to be used for personal gain of ego, and not for manipulation.

and when we use this, in the wrong ways, it can bring much disharmony and unbalance into our lives. things that can take years to clear up and rebalance. i do speak this from my own experiences of my younger years.

It is a very different world (for ALL OF US), when we know where we are standing and the responsibility we are taking on.
for what we create in our own lives is what we are creating for all life forms in the wold, universe, multi-verse.

just my thoughts

Hugs Littlesalt

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Post by cedars » Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:27 pm

Hello Aiden
I hope I got it all wrong..... but after reading your initial posting let me say taht having these gifts should not be taken light heartedly like Quote: I can place/push thoughts on people and have them do it. Unquote.

Please use your gift(s) wisely and for the highest good of your fellow human beings.


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Post by Wolfshadow » Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:06 am

I have had, and do have telepathy incidences, pre-cognition, and in some instances projected thinking. These are powerful and for what purpose they are meant for us to use, I don't really know. But, they are real things, I know from experience that the spirit world is real. I have seen many strange 'not of this material world' things. I have found that meditation helps. Reading books on the subject that you seek helps. Posting and reading with like-minded people here at Mystic board helps.

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Post by Aiden » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:45 am

I thank you all for your throughts! :D.
I was in a bit of a hurry when i wrote all of this and i guess i did not phrase things in the best of ways.
Cedars, I completely understand what you are saying but i dont know...i guess i dont exactly believe in good or bad. I think that everything is subjective and how we perceive it is how it is rated on our own personal scale. With that being said even though i do have this ability i do not use it for ill purposes.
As an example:I do not mean to scapegoat or place blame on my childhood but i was raised to never ask for anything, okay? And now a-days i am working on reconditioning myself i guess you could say and to help ease off this i will send thoughts ot ppl to maybe give me a cigarette for example. Not pushing...merely suggesting. Is that wrong? I do not do it nearly as much as i let on in my initial posting and for this miscommunication i am sorry.

I suppose i did not clarify was i was asking in my thread but what i was saying/ asking for was if anyone could give me some advice on whether what i was doing was one or the other or if it seams like it was know?
This has helped an di do meditate, not nearly as much as i should or even used to, but i do, and yes it does help...i just wish that eased state of mind and relaxation i was in would stay hahaha. Yeah right can you say scatter brain lol.

One more thing.  So if it is true (which would make sense and give me conclusion) that i am sensitive to psychic energy and other types of energy for that matter, wouls this explain the rushes of cold and hot i get constantly? I have recently just started getting hot "flashes" but for as long i can remember ive had cold chills and rushes of energy. Especially when i used to smoke weed i would just always be so cold and then when people around me moved i could feel such a cold breeze. Like an amplified sense of the wind that happened when people move.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:54 pm

Lets not mix the input - weed is not the best way to get an altered state of consciousness.  And if that is what you call meditating you need to rethink your practices.  

If you were truly interested in psychic development you might find a teacher and actually do the work.  The fact is - just because we 'feel' certain things does not make it available for abuse.  The more you abuse what you are capable of doing, the more it will receded and not be available.

No, it is not right to suggest someone give you something.  That is a misuse of any mental or psychic abilities.  It doesn't matter what the ability is, it matter how you use it.  Get a bit of ethics in play in what you are doing.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:36 pm

Well commented Spiritalk!
Bless you!

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Post by Aiden » Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:46 am

Excuse me but do not tell me that i do not work for what i have acheived.
First, I have worked incredibly hard for what i have and all i asked was for some other peoples input as to what they would refer to my abilities as....not whether i am using them "appropriately" or not.
Second, I no longer smoke weed and yes i used it as a doorway to spiritual elements but i never used it as a shortcut....(and no i do not see these things as one in the same) to enlightenment, nor do i confuse this state of mind with meditation.  When i have smoked weed information has been freely given to me as well as some sensitivities.
Third, I ask that you do not bring your criticism on my ethical and moral stance into this. That was out of line and i do not feel like you are in the right place to condemn what i am doing as perceived "right or wrong." Yes you have the right to state your feelings on how you rate my actions but never mistake this with being able to judge it indefinately.
Finaly, thank you again for your input  but i do not appreciate feeling like i am being told that i do not deserve what i have or that i am using it incorrectly.

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Post by ammo » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:54 am

I think maybe we are being alittle hasty here. We are supposed to help eachother and accept constructive criticism not get defensive. That's what makes MB different right? Maybe Aiden, you should just try to clarify alittle bit on your ability to "impose" on others. It's not a light subject and imposing in such a way can lead to serious karmic reprecussions which can be quite painful :s. It's weird at first I know because you may do it without realizing or without knowing you even have this ability. After this realization though it is best to develope and use your ability responsibly. Hope that you elaborate on this alittle more so that we may have a better understanding.

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Post by Aiden » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:37 am

Okay Ammo thank you :D.
And i do apologize for getting defensive. And i guess that i do need to clarify.
What i meant was...well, i dont know. I can place thoughts in peoples minds which most of the time get them to do i said previously i do not do this a lot but i do do it just so that i can make sure that it is still there or that it has not weekened(sp?) an di understand that imposing on anothers free will is not what i should be doing buti guess i just dont understand what i "should" be doing with this ability. Is it justified if im doing it for a "just cause?"

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:03 am

i have a question. projected thinking doesnt always have to happen right away does it? because sometimes i think of things that may happen in the future but i get the feeling they will come true later on

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Post by ammo » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:59 am

It doesn't always happen right away, as a matter of fact it usually occurs at a later time sort of like planting the seed of what you want to unfold. I don't know if it is just me but most of the time this "projection" happens it's without me realizing, like if I feel really strongly about something or just want something to happen really badly. A large part of the battle is keeping that under control. I'm not exactly sure how bad it is to do it without "just cause" probably depends on what you're projecting. Just keep in mind that someone can just as easily come round and do the same to you, kind of interfere with your thinking. Maybe we should be using this ability to make rich people give money to the homeless or something, I don't really know lol. I wish I could do that somehow. I personally beleive that as long as you are releasing positivity in everything you do, not just projection, you should be right on....but hey maybe I'm wrong in that too.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:25 pm

i always thought they were premonitions i was having i mean i do have those but mostly in my dreams(yes i know the differance) currently a few things that i have projected have come true, sometimes when i'm not thinking of anything images come to me so hopefully the stuff i'm projecting comes true shortly in some sort of way

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:39 pm

Aiden:  Is it justified if im doing it for a "just cause?"

And who decides what is a just cause?  There is a lot of judgement in deciding what you think is just and what others may think is just.

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