Telepathy, pre-cognition or projected thinking?

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Post by Aiden » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:25 pm

Yeah i totally agree SpiritTalk that was mostly what i was trying to say before :). Idk Its just difficult putting a name to whats happening, But ive ciome to a bit of a conclusion and that is that it is all 3 happening lol.
Whoseline i completely understand and that is the battle im fighting...
How do we control it? Idk. With me itll be things like me walking through the feild to my boyfriends house and in my head saying "Oh hes probably not there. He probably left like half an hour ago" Then when i get there his mom tells me hes been gone for about 45 minutes, you know? Or sitting in my room just thinking of a bunch of things and then the next day in Philosophy class itll come up....
Lately ive been having weird deja u. Its like the feeling right before you get the big deja vu feeling and it kind of just stays....Anyone know what this could be?
Also when i get this feeling i always think its like i knew it was going to happen.

Last question- Does anyone know what could be causing rushes of energy going through my body? Its like the feeling you get when your having the heepy geegies lol. Its like a rush of chills that i feel is starting in my solar plexus...Its cold though. And like i said it happens when im really open and ppls energies seam to magnified and i get really cold.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:55 pm

the deja vu feeling i get frequently, i think its either something we projected or had a premonition of before and it comes true in deja vu. as for the energy rushes i sometimes get those as well and they sometimes cause me not to sleep too well

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:58 pm

The solar plexus chakra is usually seen as yellow. Yellow is a mental color - gut information gathering - gut instincts.  You will feel strongly at that level when you are gaining any information around your environment.  But it would do you good to open and shut at your own convenience - not be open to all and sundry all the time.  

Psychic/mediumship work is about controlling energies that are all around us all the time.  When we are busy at our job we are working in the material environment and the psychic energies would not be good to be too open.  

While I do believe we are open to many things all the time, being too open leaves us vulnerable to all kinds of experiences and some of those can paralize us rather than aid our journey of life.

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Post by Aiden » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:07 am

Yeah i just made a connection with what you were saying and how to control my "openness" to other peoples energies and brainwaves. Perhaps if i close or "mellow down" my solar plexus i would not be so apt to be in others' heads...hmmm...ill have to try this. Anyone got any ideas on how to close this chakra or at least keep it under control??
Yeah i was reading up on the energy rushes and some say that they are energy downloads while others say that it is the sensing of spirits around me. Maybe the alternations  between me being hella cold and hella hot have some information to be explored. do you know if it is that that you are doing/being? What exactly is it more than having contact with the dead because i dont know if i do do that. I know that throughout my whole life i have always had this feeling that people were watching me. Not a paranoid theyre going to get me things but a "their chilling" kind of thing. I was told that this was probably not a psychological disorder but a spiritual gift because i have such a strong spiritual power, as well as my boyfriend who also has a mass amount of power. I tried  to put faces to them when i was younger but it was like people from my grammas souap operas and stuff lol. Hmm...anyone have any feedback on this? Could this be a part of sensing spirits because i from time to time beleive i feel them and see them from teh corner of my eye...i think.

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Post by ktserious » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:44 am

I have experience the same thing myself at times. I can be thinking about a particular subject and then someone will call me or come up to me and discuss the thing I was thinking about. I find that this happens a lot with my sister and mother.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:43 pm

Aiden wrote:Yeah i just made a connection with what you were saying and how to control my "openness" to other peoples energies and brainwaves. Perhaps if i close or "mellow down" my solar plexus i would not be so apt to be in others' heads...hmmm...ill have to try this. Anyone got any ideas on how to close this chakra or at least keep it under control??

Yeah i was reading up on the energy rushes and some say that they are energy downloads while others say that it is the sensing of spirits around me. Maybe the alternations  between me being hella cold and hella hot have some information to be explored. do you know if it is that that you are doing/being? What exactly is it more than having contact with the dead because i dont know if i do do that. I know that throughout my whole life i have always had this feeling that people were watching me. Not a paranoid theyre going to get me things but a "their chilling" kind of thing. I was told that this was probably not a psychological disorder but a spiritual gift because i have such a strong spiritual power, as well as my boyfriend who also has a mass amount of power. I tried  to put faces to them when i was younger but it was like people from my grammas souap operas and stuff lol. Hmm...anyone have any feedback on this? Could this be a part of sensing spirits because i from time to time beleive i feel them and see them from teh corner of my eye...i think.
J:  Never work with just one chakra opening.  They work in tandem and need to be seen as a full system of energy input.  

When you get up in the morning, do an affirmation of your own good.  Then see a protective bubble around yourself, enveloping all of your energies.  See it as a bubble blown from a child's soap bubble pipe - complete with the rainbow patch - rainbows are such mystical symbols of connection, bridges, communication and they come with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end.  It is a filter of all negativity from within and without.

Now see your chakras as flowers opening and shutting.  And in that way you are nature and using nature to aid the process.  Any symbol of opening and closing is good.

All mediumship begins with the psychic opening of all your 5 senses used in the material vibration and taking it to the sensitivities within, then adding intuition (from the gut) and I know (from the heart) as you work in the psychic sensitivities.  Connecting up with a spirit guide (mediumship) comes when you attune with the spirit world.  You can do this purposefully through meditation exercises.  Yes, what you describe is mediumship.

I am sorry your message was not answered sooner.  I must have missed it.  But if you want some information on mediumship, read up the lessons in the Mystic Academy under Mediumship Development.

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