So many fakes, I'm going insane!

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So many fakes, I'm going insane!

Post by mysticmorgan » Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:38 am

:smt017 Is there anyone out there that isnt in it for the money???  I need some genuine input, not from some fly by night charlitan, wanting my credit card number for any time after the first 3 free minutes !!  I have my own psychic abilities, which are probably more real than alot of these, psychic "gurus" just hoping to fill their pockets with some poor willing souls money that actually wants some honest truths out of their questions, which mean everything to them.  What I am searching for is a true teacher, one of pure heart and honest morals, that has ethics, and standards not clouded by monetary gain.  I want to use my gift as a boon to mankind, not a tool to fleece pockets.  Am I barking up the wrong proverbial tree??  By the laws of the Old ways, and of God himself, I cannot use my gift for personal gain, and do not wish to, in that I recieve money for the knowledge my gift bestows upon me, but I am in desperate need of finding a true teacher, one who also has the gift whom can guide me along the higher path.  Am I asking too much?? :smt017

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:32 am

nope you are DEF not asking too much at all!!
They do exist...I think spiritalk mentioned something in another thread...let me go find it quick... ... sc&start=0

and I know this is going to suck when I say it - but it seems that ppl on this path have to teach themselves. Unless you can get to one of those places spiritalk mentioned.
I just tell myself "What better teacher than the Universe?" aka God aka whatever you like to call The Source.
You learn at the pace you are meant to, if you 'mess' up then you learn from the 'mistake' real quick and if youre right on the money...then wow! So many blessings!
You begin to feel the cycle of things etc
Maybe for some of the Big Boys what I am saying is odd - but its the only thing that worked for me. I didn't have anyone to talk to so I went str to the Source for aid and guidance. Its been tough but great too as you are more alert to the constant messages around you when you do it this way.
But not for the weak willed, in my honest opinion.
A huge amount of work constantly with never a day off - unless you blessed with one :)

Just my 2cents.
I think you will get more responses after the holidays. :)
Oh and WELCOME!!!!

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Post by Crow » Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:37 pm

Again I chuckle. Big Boys? :smt003


Finding with my own teacher is life, and Cause no one understands me like me.  While I do have my guides that do help. Others might not agree, but that is okay too. We all learn differently.  At our own pace like Rosered said.  Not to worry you'll get there.  Some drive race cars, others luxury, however I perfer my mommy mobile.  So I am behind in other areas, where as others might be more advanced.  At first I was so impatient!  Then discouraged since I couldn't understand those pesky words.  Disheartened I withdrew into myself.  Now I am in a different place, but still have much to learn.  But there is a peace when you get here.  Make sense? All those frustrations are natural expressions to where you wish to take your spirit, or perhaps where your spirit wishes to take you. ;)  Not to charge or charge, depends on that person.  I don't know much of the law you spoke off, just in my heart I know I cannot charge. Things just happen, I want for not.  While I can provide and sell other things.  There are many who still cannot afford due to economic circumstances.  Knowledge is not for the privileged few. It is for any man or woman who wishes in their heart for truth and seeks answers.  If you wish to help mankind, then by all means do.  Welcome, and nice to meet you.

Safe Journey

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:49 pm

I think one criteria applies on the money issue.....if it is the main focus of the reader, then run for the hills.  The fact is many charge for a good reason - but they remain spiritual in their work.  That is how we need to see the readers.

BTW I was reading an interesting book by a practicing psychic (she charges) and her comment was - for every client there is the right psychic - and vice versa of course.  If at first you don't find what you seek, try, try again.

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Post by crazyjeans12000 » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:51 am

There are those out there willing to teach without lining their own pockets.  Even then, they can only show you the basics, i.e. how to ground yourself, how to "tune in" to other energies....the rest will be up to you.  For those who are very sensitive it is often all they can do to work with their own gifts much less direct another.  

I'm new to this forum so I'm feeling my way around.  I hope you are able to find the answers you seek :-)

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Post by kybunker » Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:02 am

Hello Morgan!!!
I love CROW dearly and I agree with what she said,
I think 90% of us that have found this site were looking for the same thing, Someone To Help us Understand our paths, To find
new ones and to tune the ablities we've found,
There are alot of teachers all around us, Sometimes, we are looking for the lable. Which infact turns out to be what we weren't looking
for in the first place,
I hope you decide to stay and grow with the rest of us!

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:35 pm

Crow wrote::smt005
Again I chuckle. Big Boys? :smt003
HAHAHA! oooppsss *blush*
My intention was all the Big Girls and Boys.... :smt083 heehee  :smt003
Crow wrote::All those frustrations are natural expressions to where you wish to take your spirit, or perhaps where your spirit wishes to take you. ;)
Oh I reeeeaally like that! ;)

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Post by dizzywitch » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:39 pm

I started myself off so to speak as a spiritual medium and reader...I started with my gut instinct, my intuition. I set myself small tasks such as knowing who it was when the phone rang, that was 16 years ago but now its who sent the text message before looking at mobile lol.

After a while I picked up on automatic writing, which I still do everyday. I always use my intuition and very rarely does it fail me. I use what I feel, see and hear. We can all do it, but its learning to trust ourselves and not question what the first reaction is.... try it, works! and its free!!

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Re: Intuition

Post by RoseRed » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:11 am

dizzywitch wrote:I started myself off so to speak as a spiritual medium and reader...I started with my gut instinct, my intuition. I set myself small tasks such as knowing who it was when the phone rang, that was 16 years ago but now its who sent the text message before looking at mobile lol.

After a while I picked up on automatic writing, which I still do everyday. I always use my intuition and very rarely does it fail me. I use what I feel, see and hear. We can all do it, but its learning to trust ourselves and not question what the first reaction is.... try it, works! and its free!!
That is a good way to practise your intuition skills, nice and simple :)
I think I might start doing the same! shot!

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Post by connect » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:35 pm

As a psychic medium myself, I found this somewhat insulting.

Some of us do readings on a fairly full-time basis, if we didn't charge any fees, it would not be possible to provide that service. There is no getting around charging for time.

Now, I totally agree with you that there are fakes out there, and I also agree that some charge way too much, but that is why we have options.

Personally, I think the best way to find a psychic is through someone else who has had a reading. That way, you know what you are in for.

But as an example, even this website itself, earns money off selling softward and stuff. There is nothing wrong with that.

Recently, I created a community that is about much more than just readings, its a whole community, with values that we all share. I want people to live the spiritual life, not just talk about it. (just like church) I offer readings, weekly prayer service, discussion gorups, counseling, 24/7 support (for any need)

A major reason I did this was that I think the spiritual community has not been compassionate as it needs to be. I write about this in an e-book I wrote.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:01 pm

The spiritual mediums I know give back - and that is often more than what they get paid for.   They have their church or they have their internet 'work' (without pay) where there is guidance and help available all the time.  

BTW I have a real bad habit of making generalizations and applying them to everyone.  I now recognize that in others because I am trying to cure it for myself.  To suggest that the spiritual groups are not spiritual enough is to be very judgemental.  Would it ever be enough for everyone?

When someone expects something for nothing, their life will be something for nothing.  They are just attracting the wrong energy to grow.  

When someone places a focus on money, that will be their life focus.  And that is not pretty either.  They do not prosper in the end.  I am reminded of when Sylvia Brown wrote about how she has had to start over on more than one ocassion because people stole from her.  Has she got the message yet?  Greed begets greed in others.

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Post by connect » Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:13 pm

spiritalk..I agree completley.

I don't want to advertise..but I have a link to my society available in the proper section, if anyone is interested in some writings precisley on this subject.

In one of my e-books, titled "Culture of Spirituality", I get into discussing the lack of compassion and values in the spirtual realm.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:16 pm

What do you consider the lack of compassion?  Are you talking the spirit realms as opposed to the earth plane?

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Post by connect » Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:31 pm

spiritalk wrote:What do you consider the lack of compassion?  Are you talking the spirit realms as opposed to the earth plane?
I think there is a lack of compassion from just a whole lack of "culture" and standards in our line of work.(that's what I meant by spiritual realm, as in this domain/sphere of work)

Most of the time, our "communities", are simply message boards where people unite and share their opinions. And that's great. Talking about it is the first step. Then you have psychic mediums who offer readings with a fee. You have your reading and you are done with them. But there is no real support. There is no real community. There is no real community where there is standards on how to truly live a spiritual life. (ie kinda like a church for spirituality)

That is basically what I created.

So my society for example has Doctorine, has values that we are based on, has prayers. I offer a weekly service, I offer discussion groups, I offer psychic readings and counseling. We have charity events. I give money to members who may be in need. I am available 24/7 to my members.

I think we need more of that. I think this specific site is pretty good at organizing such things.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:51 pm

Spiritualism (science, philosophy, religion) has been around for just that for many years.  Church is such a dirty word right now many of these centres are struggling to be what they are - a haven for spirituality.  

What you are offering on the internet is just a replacement for the religion that already exists and has been around for a long time.  The internet is replacing religion in so many ways, despite people thinking they have found something new.  It is just not new.  

Perhaps you just haven't found these resources.  But they do exist and continue to grow even when called religion.

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