could someone help me sort out as to what happened to my cats?

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could someone help me sort out as to what happened to my cats?

Post by Kambilia » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:11 am

hi everyone, thanks for reading this :) I’m sorry if I’ll seem naïve/stupid/whatever in my post but I feel I have to try everything…

ok, so the thing is, I’m a great cat lover. I live in Chengdu, China currently and their fate in this country- along other animals- bothers me to extreme degree. - like eating them in Guandong province, cat massacre prior to the Olympics in Beijing, cats being stolen and used for fur...

i had two lovely cats i loved more than anything...till about…two weeks ago roughly...
one day we -me and my husband- came home from some shopping in the centre...the window of our kitchen was open, and cats were not there. our windows are of this kind that move a rail, so it's pretty easy to open them...just move along the rail. and that is what our clever cats must have done...or mabe it was one of us who didn’t close it well…it never happened before...i suppose they jumped out wanting to hunt a bird in the trees outside; they freuently used to watch them like hypnotised.
we went out to look for them; it ws fruitless. having asked a great bunch of people, we managed to sort out the facts: they jumped out, some local feral cats fought with them and frightened away -as is  normal behaviour in felines, they were intruders- they run some distance until the bridge. then one farmer saw a  woman taking two cats to her car. the woman was chinese of course, nicely dressed with  nice clean car he said… -well, the man relating this was a poor farmer so i assume just about any car would look nice to him...

the obvious point is, i desperately want my cats back. i have no idea how to find this woman...don't know what to do. i have no idea who she was, i have visions of my lovely cats being kept in inhuman conditions and used for meat or fur, or some experiments. my husband says there is little we can do (he’s a native), if i say let's put advertisement in the newspaper he says little women read newspapers, and no one will put an advertisement on tv...besides, i don't think we'd even have money for that. so we just put a few "missing" posters round, though probably everyone in the local area knows now about it due to the rant i've made...;)

i m getting out of my wits presently. can't stop blaming myself for what happened...and am really clueless as to what i could do now. can’t agree with the prospect of never seeing them again…they were like my children.

And so…I thought maybe someone here could help me… I think some of you may have some extraordinary abilities and maybe could tell me what is happening with them now, are they still alive, where are they… better yet, provide me with an exact address so that I can go there and get them back, :smt002  I have proofs in photos of them so they’d have to give me them back, if it’s some people who adopted them…

Thank you for any help…everything best to all of you...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:38 am

moved to physic section.

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:57 am

they are alive at this point...not getting too much... they are in a a beige tent like structure.. no unnatural light source...there is shade on tent?....on a platform near other cats with them.  I feel they are afraid to give them back....feeling guilty...someone you know had something to do with them being taken

I hope you find your cats....doubt this helped...sorry I couldn't get more...maybe someone else will do better.  Good Luck.....I want to erase my whole post because I am not feeling confidant...but will leave it in case it helps in any way.  Not my strongest area.  Maybe a pet psychic, or post a picture in the read my picture forum..or both.  Hopefully you will get your babies home.

Editing this again...couldn't sleep without explaining...I am an empath and don't know if I am picking up your fear of what happened to them or what actually happened to them.

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Post by Kambilia » Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:21 pm

oh, thank you so much firetopas for your insight...

good to know they're still alive...

i'm wondering about the rest...well there is a small river near the place they were allegedly taken from...not sure if it's that area though of course...and who could that be who had something to do with that? i don't know many people here...except our landlord and his family. but well, many people actually know -recognise me -the only foreigner here...

i'll definitely post on read my picture forum, thanks so much for advice :)

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:28 am

I was very tired when I posted my reply...I see a male figure looking over his shoulder...I don't think he planned to take your cats or even if he actually had anything to do with their disappearance....but I think he knows something and is not coming forward.  I get he is someone you see in  the neighborhood..  It could be a shed they were kept in...there is just weird shadows playing on the ceiling and the shape is like a tent.  It is natural light like would be reflected off of water and moving strange like that.  I am sorry I couldn't  be more help... I get the letter  A    maybe AN...    associated with the male figure   he walks with his hands in his pockets...shoulders keeps falling in his eyes...he does not have your cats but knows something....could lead you to them... The cats were on some kind of workbench...made of light wood..ANJ????
doesn't make sense to me...older than he looks   they try to tell me his name but I don't understand ..the name is strange to me

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Post by Kambilia » Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:25 am

i'm trying to think about someone like that...i can't remember anyone whose hair would keep falling in his eyes, pretty much all men here have short hair...and yeah, the name would be strange for sure as it's chinese...if this man is chinese, as i assume...don't really know names of people in here...there is a river nearby though...i'll go out later to have a look around...though it may be some completely other place.

my husband just laughed at me for believing this :) oh, well.
thank you so much :)

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:58 am

I laugh at myself too...tell your husband!  My husband used to think I was crazy too but over the years he has come to believe.  I did look at the pictures of your babies to assure myself that I was truly seeing them and your orange cat was very strong.  the white likes to follow him (is it a him?} along.  I see them free now...and even if I am wrong it would make me feel better if you did look for them....walk towards the water and call them.  I only want you to find your pets....Hopefully you get lucky...I still feel them safe...but less scared now.  Is there a place with large brown paving stones..square ones?  I see a white paw on the stone...they are meowing...

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Post by Crow » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:36 am

Not a psychic but moved to replie. Sending you my love that your little guardians come home safe and sound.  Do you dowse? Might help in the location of your kitties.  Oh this is so heart breaking,  as I have guardian cats of my own.  Kambilia, I hope you find your cats soon.

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Post by Kambilia » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:03 am

hi again,

so i went yesterday but to no avail...not surprising consudering they were probably driven away by car, and there are mant water ponds/rivers in the city...i just went to the one near here, so maybe it doesn't even make sense.  and there's no place with brown paving stones here, not that i know may be somewhere far away...
good to know they don't feel so scared though...

yes you are right Firetopas, the ginger one is dominant, "the boss" :) and he is strong, once we had a deadly virus at home and three of my other cats died, he was very ill too but survived. the white one is a little timid and usually follows him round. i'm pretty sure it was Tiger who jumped out to freedom first.

i conacted an animal communicator today, maybe she'll be of some help...i know people usually don't believe in this kind of stuff, and so they laugh :) what made your husband finally believe? :) i usually do believe, maybe i'm open-minded or maybe naive ;)

thank you Crow for your kind words of solace, yes it is much of a i don't dowse, i've never really tried to perform any of the psychic stuff...doubt i'd have some talent. but i've always been interested :)
is the cat in your avatar you kitty? i love long-hairs :)

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Post by Ani » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:17 am

hi Kambilia,

I`m no psychic, so unfortunately there`s not much I can do to help, but I wanted to give you a big hug and wish you the best of luck in your search! as a catlover and owner of three cats I know pretty well what you must be going through.

big hugs again and hope they are back home soon safe and sound!

Ani x

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Post by Kambilia » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:05 am

thank you so much Ani ... love your avatar :)

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Post by firetopaz » Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:52 am

I am too tired tonight to help you  sorry...but my hubby finally believes cuz I would tell him things that were going to happen...and after a few years he realized there was something to it...oh he was a MAJOR non-believer.  I laugh cuz just the other day he called me to ask me not to let the dog out alone.  We live in a very rural area, lots of coyotes, bears, etc.  I asked why?  He said he just had a bad now not only does he trust my psychic abilities, but he trusts his own.

I think your babies are trying to get home.  Do you have a  pet bed or something that would smell right to them?  It might help them find their way...put it outside...maybe...litter box?  obviously something no one would steal.  I will try again tommorrow

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Post by Crow » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:33 am


As to the kitty in the picture, I had seen this pic and fell in love. Totally kitty mentality.  They do as they please.  Ancient guardians I believe.  At one time weren't they sacred in China too?  Perhaps my memory is off.

I had read and wrote about this in the prediction section of the forum. It is happening no joke.  That is why my heart aches for you.  I found on Youtube a woman who goes around helping these felines.  There are people out there in China who do not hold the same view.  Perhaps get in touch with them?

As to dowsing it is just something that comes natural like certain people are better in math than I am.  Everyone is psychic, so give yourself some credit.  Try to home in on your babies.  Feel their vibrations and it might help. There are also people world wide who do dowse.  Even in China. So might be something else to look into.

My guardians are two. We just lost our third.  She died not too long ago.  One is a male short hair grey tabby with a black necklace looking fur patch. The other is a female medium short hair calico.  They always know when I or the children are upset, and will sleep at the foot of the bed. Or come up and give cuddles with those little meows and love nips.  That is why I was so moved to write to you. I hope you find your kitties soon. That they be returned safe and sound.  I'm not picking up on anything. Sorry wish I was that type of psychic.  I just know what you speak of and it is real. They are harvesting the guardian cats and eating them.  It is due to food shortage I have been told. But still, my heart is breaking over this whole ordeal.  Take care Kambilia.

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Post by Kambilia » Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:22 am

hi again,

so i have evidence it's possible for dyed in the wool skeptics to change. maybe my hubby will believe some day too...he's a one of these rational, atheistic minds, even though he saw a ghost as a child and had what seemed to me like one of these near-death experiences, when you fly through a tunnel with a light at the end. he says it was just a hallucination and the ghost some kind of fog. i guess if someone isn't ready to believe there is something more to the reality than the science is ready to acknowledge, they'll always manage to find some rational excuse for what has occured  :)

i do have pet bed and toilet but as we live in a block of flats it'd be hard to put it outside just in the street and not being taken by cleaners or something...

i'm not sure if cats were sacred in China...judging by their today's miserable status here it's hard for me to believe that to be honest...i just know they were in ancient Egypt. i know there are some wonderful people caring about them too, but that's a tiny minority...i'd like to found some kind of shelter for cats in the future here, or work for some rescue organisation...i have to leave soon actually cos my passport is expiring, if i don't find my cats in two months then...never probably. i'm going to study Chinese from next year and hopefully can come back after a few years and make some difference...
they don't eat cats due to food shortage, food is really cheap in here...that might have been true a few decades ago, then there was a great hunger and so many people died of starvation (Mao zedong's politics -and they still worship this bastard, nothing like a good old communist propaganda *sigh*  
anyway, now in some provinces cats/dog meat is considered a delicacy, it has some longer tradition...also in Korea...shame i can't post any links here. but still i think, more harm does fur trade using their's done on a much larger scale as far as i know...PETa has some videos on that, how dogs and cats are picked up or even stolen and end up in fur coats/toys/different things, claiming that the fur is artificial...some of these things are later exported to the UE where it was found out that the things being supposedly made of artificial fur are made of cats/dogs fur...and so some concerned organisations lobby against importing stuff from China.

the communicator i wrote to said she contacted the white one, that they were picked up by a woman, both are alive...a few more details but not enough to actually pinpoint the exact a red car outside the window, a lhasa apso dog, a green field around...but it's just, the city is so big...and i don't even know if she's slowly losing hope i guess.
she said it feels like they were not driving very long, and feels like they were crossing a bridge or overpass on the way...
i think i'll try to find a dowser...
now i have another cat, picked up shortly after...but we're going to leave her with my hubby's family when's so much hassle to take a pet out, and the UE has so many rules for that...and so expensive...with my old cats, i'd sure do that but now...
sorry you lost your cat too Crow...only time can heal this kind of pain i think...

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