What's with me?

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What's with me?

Post by martined » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:47 pm

I've always had this thing. I know nothing about aura, mythology, tarrot etc, but I am just curious what this is.

It's kinda hard to describe it, but it's like... Everytime something happens, I kind of know it. If in case, I'm waiting on a very important e-mail, and have checked my inbox at least 10 times, I just know the second I get the mail, so I check my inbox immediately and the mail is there! It happens everytime I'm waiting for something. Or it could be minor things, if I play a game, and picture the dice to be a number, like 6, it usually becomes what I think of.

It may be me who's just... Paranoid or something, but this is creeping me out. I've had this my whole life, but it's just recently that this has happened more often. What is this?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:27 am

I don't think it is a general discussion subject....more a physic one....move it there.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:25 pm

It is certainly a part of your sensitivities which are the psychic side we encounter in our being.  Some people use exercises such as you describe to help open the sensitivities to the psychic level.

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Welcome to the greatest adventure of your lifetime

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:20 pm

I believe that because we are spiritual beings temporarily using a physical body we all possess the entire range of psychic abilities, although we generally have one or two of these which are more developed than the rest.

Your psychic strengths appear to include precognition or the gift of prophesy, which effectively means that you have the ability although still largely undeveloped to be able to predict the most likely future based upon the present moment, if nothing happens in the meantime which could change it.

So as you say you have had these psychic abilities since you were born but the time has now arrived for you not only to become increasingly aware of them, and to develop them with the intention to use them to be able to help other people (if it is your conscious decision to do so).

I sense that it was hardly a coincidence that you were drawn to this online spiritual community at this particular moment, as it is I feel an important part of your life path to learn as much as you are able but in a safe environment amongst friends who will be there to guide and support you through the challenging times which still lay ahead of you (if you are willing to to accept the challenge being presented to you).

I must be completely honest and upfront with you from the very beginning that this is not an easy path to walk, and that there will consequently be times when you will doubt that your abilities are genuine, and that the information coming through you is merely a product of your own vivid imagination or wishful thinking.

The best way I know to develop your psychic abilities is to regularly practise using them within a weekly psychic development group (circle) of other people who are similarly developing their own gifts which may be different from your own, under the supervision of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher or group leader.

The other students in your group will most importantly by providing you with valuable feedback assist you to develop the ability to discern or sort out the genuine psychic information from the background noise. If you ever feel that you must be making it all up, then you are probably already well on the way to developing both the sensitivity and discernment to use your psychic abilities in a more controlled fashion, instead of always having to wait until they appear spontaneously by themselves.

It is also important to not become a psychic receiving station 24/7, as you still have your own life to live and must therefore learn to be able to temporarily turn off your gift for the sake of your sanity and your ability to function at the physical level. With this gift or curse (which of the two you choose to describe these abilities is a matter of your point of view)necessarily comes a huge burden of responsibility to use them in a mature and positive manner, and certainly not to feed your own ego and make others think you possess some ability or abilities which they will never have, which makes you somehow look to be better than them.

So I sincerely welcome you to what could possibly be the greatest, most challenging but most personally satisfying adventure of your current lifetime. Please do not be afraid to ask questions in the appropriate forum, as this is the only way you are going to learn anything of value to you. If you are lacking in self confidence as many new members also are, and feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about asking something which has probably already been asked many times before and you are afraid that others will think that you must be lacking in intelligence to want to ask such a thing, realise that there are possibly many people who were just waiting for someone like you to be the first to ask the question which is on their tongue as well as your own. None of us have been here long enough to forget how scary it was to make our first posting, but if it is any comfort to you it does take it from me get easier over time.

Again I wish to extend to you a very warm welcome and the hand of friendship from a retired male schoolteacher and spiritual seeker like yourself who gets areal positive emotional buzz from feeling that he is making a significant positive difference in someone else's life other than his own. Your helper's team of which I am only one person is here in order to help you to the very best of our own abilities in what we feel is your best interest.

So it is now over to you to decide for yourself whether or not you will use the many wonderful opportunities and resources that this website can provide you with, or whether instead you are content for everything to stay the same, and possibly live to regret not finding out for yourself where these gifts could lead you in the way of improving not only the quality of life for others, but to give you a new sense of purpose and direction in your own life to serve others in the spirit of love and with empathy (the ability to vicariously experience the feelings and emotions of others round you), which are essential requirements if you are ever going to have an above average chance of being successful in terms of helping people.

Hoping that I have not unintentionally overpowered, further confused, bored or frightened you, as you are only now starting out on an incredible journey of self discovery, where above you will slowly but surely gain a greater understanding of yourself, and of why you are living on Earth now instead of at some other time in the history of our precious planet.

Many blessings to you and to your loved ones,

eye_of_tiger  Image

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Post by trish76 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:07 pm

What an awesome in-depth response! And....just what I needed to read at this time. I just loooove synchronicity....although you were answering someone's elses question...I had been pondering the same thing.  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:58 pm

Hi Trish, Image

I wish to warmly welcome you to our discussion, and such synchronicity as this happens much more frequently than most people probably realise.

Often by answering one person's questions, we are answering the same question which is on many other people's lips as well.

But they were waiting until somebody else was willing to ask it in place of them, presumably because they believed that others would feel that they should already know what the answer was, or that the question had probably been asked and answered many times before and they wished to avoid boring everyone by repeating it once more.

I am always pleased to be of help to a friend, and if in the process I unknowingly help more than one of my friends at the same time, I can only regard this as being an added bonus.

But in your case you have brought this to my attention, and I thank you kindly.

EoT Image

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