Physical Symptoms - Spiritual Awakening

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White Feather
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Physical Symptoms - Spiritual Awakening

Post by White Feather » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:54 am

Morning All,

I started my spiritual journey quite suddenly two weeks ago but I've thrown myself into it wholeheartedly.  I was nudged by a psychic.

I seem to be experiencing this really quickly and obviously have a very very long way to go.  I understand and accept that.

However, what I would like to know is whether it is normal to be having physical symptoms right now.

I have had a terrible headache only on the left side of my head for the past 4 days.  It will not budge and I've taken plenty of painkillers.  Its like a red wine headeache - pounding.

I keep getting flu-like symptoms on and off and a strange blocked feeling in my throat.

I'm absolutely exhausted.  I go to bed early and wake up feeling like I haven't slept a wink.  My hours at work have been cut so I'm only on mornings.  I'm so tired that I'm talking rubbish at times!  Told my son this morning his chocolate cereal would taste better once he put butter on it????  He thinks I've been taken over by aliens right now  :smt002.

I wake up every morning between 3.00am and 4.00am and I don't go back to sleep.  I use this time to practice my meditation and journal everything.
I've woken up a few times with a huge fright.

I feel disorientated and fuzzy headed but that could be due to the tiredness.

Last week I was euphoric and this week I feel quite down.

Are these symptoms quite common and do they usually last a long time?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  I've no-one to talk to about any of this at the moment.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:19 pm

If it was such a painful and disorienting journey, who would want to take it?  The fact are awakening to some new and spiritual information, at the same time a guide has stepped close and is causing more harm than good.  Tell him/her to back off!

Spirituality is about love.  Love is not about pain.  When that guide backs off you can use your God-given intelligence to make the choices to spirituality you choose for yourself.  It is all about personal responsibility.  Do not accept that you have to 'suffer' for your spirituality.

I have assumed here that you have checked out the headaches and found them not to have a physical cause?  Disorientation can also be caused by the headaches and other physical problems.  Do not ascribe a spiritual purpose to that which is of the physical material plane.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:26 pm

I agree with spiritalk and I would also strongly suggest that if these symptoms continue, go and see your doctor.
You are attributing these physical symptoms to those of your spiritual awakening. What if there is something physically wrong with you?

Dont make your physical condition as some kind of an effect or side-effect of your spiritual awakening.
Have it seen to. And, when you go and see your doctor, dont tell him/her this spiritual thing; just treat it as a physical condition.
You will know best which one it is.

Good luck.

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Post by White Feather » Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:52 am

Thanks for the replies spiritalk and cedars.  Much appreciated.

Spiritalk, may I ask why you say it is a guide that has stepped too close?  As mentioned I am very new to all this.

Yesterday afternoon I asked my guides to take away the headache and it went, and hasn't been back.

I think perhaps my tiredness is causing the headaches etc.  I'm not very good with anything less than 8 hours sleep a night.  I'm pathetic!

I understand what you are both saying about spirituality being about love, but I do think this is all linked, perhaps only because I am so excited and anxious, can hardly think of anything else right now, so I am not sleeping well.

I am going to an open-circle for the first time this evening and I am hoping someone can give me some validation of my guides and what I am experiencing.  As mentioned everything is happening really fast, I'm having new experiences every single day and its a little overwhelming.  But I don't want it to slow down either!

Thanks again.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:53 pm

Hope you have a lovely time ar your circle, I remember mine vividly, I then came home and slept straight for twelve hours, exhausted!  I wonder if you are there now?

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Post by White Feather » Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:26 am

Hi Cas,

Thanks for your message!  Yes I enjoyed it immensely but I struggled with the group meditation as I have only ever meditated alone.  I heard every single noise in the room!  But its very early days for me.  I'm trying to force things as I am incredibly impatient, so I need to slow down and just let things happen.

Yes - I had a great sleep for the first time in 2 weeks.

Have a great day.


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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:39 am

A lot of people don't get enough sleep, and sleep is very important both physically and spiritually. It could also be that you need to balance this new energy by being more grounded then you will feel more calm and serene and less dizzy.

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Post by White Feather » Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:44 am

Thank you Aegeus.  That makes perfect sense to me!  I am really bad without enough sleep and that was before all these new feelings and experiences.

I think I need to calm down and take things slower.  I am allowing myself to get frustrated and impatient and not trusting myself.   I keep telling myself I need validation from someone that I really have met my guides but I need to trust.  Strange thing is I don't question it when I see my mother and young brother who have passed.  I believe that 100%, but then my brother has been around me and shown me that since he passed 3 years ago.  Its just the guides I seem to have a problem with.  

Thanks for all the help, much appreciated.


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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:30 am

What I've heard others say and have found to work is trusting what is familiar when it comes to guides. True guides have likely been with you a long time so they or their way of interacting with you would be familiar. A good guide even if they are new to you would find a way to interact with you in a way you find familiar. Guides can be very subtle.
Last edited by Aegeus on Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

White Feather
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Post by White Feather » Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:39 am

Thanks Aegeus, you seem very wise for such a young person.  Your advice is very much appreciated.

I will try to relax more and watch for subtle signs.


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:18 pm

White Feather wrote:Thanks for the replies spiritalk and cedars.  Much appreciated.

Spiritalk, may I ask why you say it is a guide that has stepped too close?  As mentioned I am very new to all this.

J:  The first spirit input is from a guide when we are trying to connect.  And sometimes our guides have to try us out before everything works fine.  That is why we have more than one guide who attempts the connection.  We can tell them it is uncomfortable and they will back off.

Yesterday afternoon I asked my guides to take away the headache and it went, and hasn't been back.

J:  You see! your guides listen.  Perhaps they were stepping too close to your physical energies for comfort.

I think perhaps my tiredness is causing the headaches etc.  I'm not very good with anything less than 8 hours sleep a night.  I'm pathetic!

I understand what you are both saying about spirituality being about love, but I do think this is all linked, perhaps only because I am so excited and anxious, can hardly think of anything else right now, so I am not sleeping well.

I am going to an open-circle for the first time this evening and I am hoping someone can give me some validation of my guides and what I am experiencing.  As mentioned everything is happening really fast, I'm having new experiences every single day and its a little overwhelming.  But I don't want it to slow down either!

Thanks again.
In the long run an open circle is best for development.  When things happen in your meditation there is someone to ask questions of and seek a finer connection to spirit.  Do not be afraid to speak up to gain all you can from the circle.

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Post by White Feather » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:23 am

Thank you Spiritalk!!  What you say makes perfect sense to me about them stepping too close.  I was being totally bombarded for about a week and it was too much.  I was scared to ask the guides to give me a break in case it all went away.  Silly I know.  Yet on some level I needed to be bombarded to convince me it was real, and to make sure I stayed on this path as I am good at starting things and not following through.

Things have calmed down and I realise that I need to take things slowly.  After all its taken me 41 years to get to the realisation that this is my path.  So I am doing loads of reading on the subject and practicing my meditation.

My mother and brother are making themselves very known to me right now, both with smell and visions which is so comforting.  I thought I met my mother in my meditation the one night but it was not for long and she said she would come back to speak to me during meditation when I am ready, and afterwards a red rose popped into my vision behind my eyes.  I didn't know what it meant but since then twice I've had a fleeting rose smell and then I see my mother - once she was holding her arms open and hugged me.  When she passed 7 months ago, she came to me and my sister shortly after the funeral with the most intense smell of flowers.

I have been so sad and unaccepting about my brother's passing.  He was only 26 and it was sudden but now I am beginning to realise its ok, he is still around and is happy and working where he is.

Thanks you so much for your help, it gives me great comfort and hope.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:22 pm

The 40s has always struck me as a time of second careers or beginnings of things.  It is a good time to start the spiritual journey.  When we go for it earlier the spirituality isn't always in place or later we feel too inundated to learn.  

Read all that you can get your hands on.  A Spiritualism centre will have books you have not even heard of and if you want a good list of Spiritualism literature, just ask.  I went so far as to do courses to get grounded and understand the whole process.  

Take it one step at a time and understand everything to your own satisfaction.  But do progress.  The spirit is willing, now you must learn and grow into it all.  Keep it a spiritual exercise for best results.

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Post by White Feather » Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:11 am

Morning spiritalk,

Thanks for your message.  Yes I am reading everything I can find in the library, but there is not a lot.  The church I joined has their own library which I will join this week too.  I would greatly appreciate a list of books you could recommend.

I would love to do some classes but need to do some research - not sure if there even is such a thing here in South Africa.  I should actually have asked at the church last night.

Yes I agree with you about my age, I am definitely only ready for this now.  I can feel the changes happening inside me, its amazing, the unhappiness has just lifted and I am looking at things in a completely different way.  My children keep looking at me a bit oddly and warily - its really funny.  Its as if they are wondering why I am in such a good mood all the time now!

Again thanks for your help.


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