what does master psychic mean?

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what does master psychic mean?

Post by Butterfly23 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:49 pm

well i used the online chat psychic psychic-online.com
when i chatted with that psych, he came up with answers too fast
he said i would be in san francisco and my dad will retire and i will meeet another girlfriend at Maine

how can he be so sure about this?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:55 pm

Your questions have dismissed any and all information given.  The predictions are void at this time.  

Predictions depend upon the character and energies of the individual remaining the same or projected similarly for all things to manifest in the future.  This one sounded a bit random to me.  

The problem with predictions is...by the time they play out in our life we will realize the talents (or not) of the psychic - it may be too late to do anything about it.  That is why what sounds phoney at the time, usually is suspect.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:53 pm

I agree with Spiritalk, sounds phoney, I have had experience with some psychic phone lines and quite a few have a script of things to say, like a memory jog so that the psychic never goes silent, and if they do they can just reel off a few words from their sheet, usually something very vague but something that will get the client wanting more information and paying for a longer call. Sad isn't it.

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Psychic ethics

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:54 am

Butterfly,    :smt009

I do not wish to appear overly cynical and tar every psychic with the same brush, but in my personal experience a psychic who either regards or promotes him or herself as a "master psychic", often tends to be someone who has a much higher or significantly over inflated opinion of their own abilities when compared to what everyone else thinks.

All too often (but not in every single case) it is just another form of spiritual elitism or oneupmanship, in order to validate an equally overinflated service fee.


In Australia the national association of psychics (Australian Psychics Association) has established what is seen to be a reasonable hourly fee for psychics to adhere to, if they wish to continue to be certified and included as reputable members.
Average fees should be around $60-$80 per hour. Naturally those with many years experience will charge more. However, the association will not tolerate any members asking for exorbitant sums in return for services that fall outside the normal psychic advice. Reference is particularly made in regards to the use of magic or witchcraft to interfere with the will of others.


Fees are expressed in Aussie dollars - adjust according to the present exchange rate with your own local currency.  

Anything significantly above that, and they are immediately struck off the register, losing all personal and professional credibility and the right to command such exorbitant fees in the process.

Professional psychics (master or otherwise) must also at all times practice sound ethics, especially when dealing with clients who are often deeply troubled and as a result extremely vulnerable to their manipulation and intimidation, with the sole intention to extract as much of their hard earned cash from them in the shortest possible period of time.

It obviously takes all kinds to make a world of psychics?

EoT  :smt003

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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:29 am

Not sure if this is a reality anywhere but part of  movie I caught on tv had a psychic that worked by donation as in the movie it was illegal to charge for psychic services in the states.

Also in Africa getting the bill is not mandatory and you don't pay for anything your not happy with.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:16 pm

As someone who likes organization, the registry idea sounds good to me.  But I am sure there are many people with legitimate reasons not to like it.  To charge and how much has ever been the controversy.  

It is not regulated in any way in Canada.  It is illegal to prescribe or diagnose medical illness.  But when someone is over charged the police will step in and psychics everywhere get a bad rap for a time.  There was also a psychic killed some years ago.  I wonder what he was up to when alive?  

When we have patience the natural law works out.

On a group I post on I saw recently how a few caring people tried to diagnose the husband of the poster through the description of the symptoms.  Even medical doctors were having a problem finding the right diagnosis and yet, these sensitive people thought they knew better?  Its no wonder it is illegal.  At one point it was suggested as cancer and the original poster was most upset.  We may ask for information, but do not take bad news well in any way.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:52 pm

Oh my how awful, I refuse to give readings about health for those very reasons and sometimes find it very painful to tune into a person if they are ill. I am an empath and it's a fine line between tuning into an aura to give a healing or a reading and taking on the sense of dis ease of the person, but that is my problem and not theirs. No-one should offer any medical advice, and certainly not online to a stranger, except the person's own physician. Offering healing is not the same though.

Master psychic makes me think of the Grand Reiki Masters lol. Another pretentious term! What about a Super Psychic?  But I quite like that one lol :) Its quite flattering I think :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:24 pm

I have come across these terms both "Grand Reiki Master" and now "Master Psychic". A gifted 15-year old psychic can be as grand in the way he/she senses and intuits as a developed psychic of any sort.

I have to admit, I have had some very accurate readings over the phone. Those which I felt were not good or convincing enough to me, or I felt they had no link with me, I told them straight away that there was no connection and put the phone down rather than pay for the minutes.

I do not do health readings...and I do not diagnose a client/patient during a Reiki treatment.

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:12 am

I heard that diagnosing an ailment does it no good as it just affirms it. Like a patient if told they have a condition may start thinking they do then they can start to believe it and create it through the power of suggestion. What seems to work better is figuring out what the imbalance is or what is lacking.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:17 pm

But no one saw fit to say to this woman that diagnosis was not right.  That is the point....aren't psychics going off half trained who work in that way?  Perhaps some ethics and morality training would help?  But then psychics are not regulated in any way, shape or form in most places that I have witnessed.  

One of the most important lessons in Spiritual Healing is that we are not vested in the results.  That means that all we do is offer a healing - energy - and allow the patient to heal themselves.  Sometimes a word or two of encouragement is needed, but on the whole it is just about energy.

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