All About Auras

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All About Auras

Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:23 am

So once in my gym class I was having fun practicing and doing lunges, and I look over at my gym teacher. I see her aura ballooned out to about 3 yards away from her body and it is the color of scarlet. Then an additional layer pops up about another yard away from the red and it is green, a bright emerald green.  Suddenly I found her aura to be very funny.  I started laughing hysterically.  My angel told me "hey it's not that funny" and said that I was attracting attention to myself (which I was ...).  And then I saw everyones aura all at the same time flare up and all I saw was aura.  then it died down.  I was wondering if this meant anything in particular. Also, my teacher was pregnant at the time ... could that have been a reason as to why her aura was so ... large?
Something else....

Recently, I've been able to see peoples auras VERY WELL!!!
To the point where it is an eye sore. Sometimes I see everyones aura all at once.  It is very over powering.  Sometimes all I see is aura.  For example,  I'm watching a lecturer give a lecture and suddenly , as I'm watching his or her aura, all I can see is their aura and all it's immediate layers and colors.  It then gets stronger and stronger , brighter and brighter until it is all I can see .... i can't even see their face any more!  Usually, after this happens, I feint or come really close to feinting. What does this mean?  Why has this been happening only recently... I assume it has something to do with a pyschic grow spurt of some sort.
My sister has been going through some growth spurts of her own.  She has been having many precognitive dreams and she can now see the very very fundamentals of a persons aura (even if only for a short time).
Is this just some sort of family affair?
My sister is convinced that she is an indigo and that I'm a crystal.  I'm not sure what constitutes these titles, but I'm not entirely convinced.  Anyone have any input?

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:21 am


What you are describig sounds very exciting and unlike normal auras. In fact it sounds more like the beginnings of a migraine attack and with you saying you can feel faint I am wondering if perhaps you are forgetting to breath properly during these periods of great excitement. Have you learnt some simple psychic tools like grounding and centering? Those will help you keep your feet on the ground and earth you so that you are more able to cope with these attacks. They do not sound very helpful to me at all and I feel that if you were more in control then you would benefit more and be able to use your skills to help rather then for fun.

There is a long standing debate about indigo and crystal and now the newer rainbow children. Whether or not that do in fact exist or whether they are new age terms just designed to sell books. I don't fel that your aura is crystal, at the moment it is leaving behind a residual as if you are tearing around like the wind from one thing to another and not in any one place at one time. Perhaps you need to slow down and settle and do some researching and gain some concrete knowledge about auras and vision fields and energy patterns. That will help you see through these times. :)

If you still keep feeling faint then please mention it to your doctor and these bright lights that you see too :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:54 pm

Well said cascade.  

With regard to indigos - they started to be born over 100 years ago.  And around WWII there was quite an influx.  And I say this with some understanding of the material provided and in hind sight.  The quiz just fits the kind of life we lived from being born in the 40s through our lifetime.  And many of us are recognizing it in this information.

Labels do not change who we are or what we experienced.  It merely helps us focus our thoughts on the label and what is expected of  us.  Perhaps it just helps us realize we weren't too far off the mark after all!

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Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:03 pm

About the doctor: I have told my doctor about this. &nbsp;He thinks it's nothing and that it will just "go away" as he puts it. &nbsp;So I tried an optomologist - equally as unhelpful. &nbsp;She told me I should stop staring at lights. >.< Told her I wasn't staring at light just looking at people she said it was weird and that she hopes it gets better. &nbsp;(Really unhelpful ... the lot of them)
But um , grounding and centering ... I've heard about those techniques, but I've never really implemented them ... actually don't know to much about them. &nbsp;Looks like I have some research to do! = )
As far as the indigo/crystal children go .... well more research for that too. &nbsp;Though I have noticed more books about them in Barnes and Noble...XD
Thanks guys your replies were interesting and helpful. &nbsp;= )

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