How old are old souls?

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How old are old souls?

Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:53 pm

Psychically speaking (there are not written records that we know of :) ) "How old is an old soul?" Basically :) when were they (an old soul) born as a new soul?

Ianna and alot of others claim that I am a very old soul. So this is what I and some curious others are wondering :) "When were old souls born as a new souls?"

The above is my and these others question to the Mystic Board group mind. Inquiring minds want to understand this better. They do you know :)

Input? All is welcome!



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Post by Ianna Leane » Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:58 pm

The way I see it and feel it, souls are a huge cluster of energy.  An energy that is so close intuned that it is almost like a DNA that composes the soul.  Trying to explain this the best I can.  You know how on an atom, you have protons, neutrons, and electrons.  Well, a soul is like one big atom to the energy, like it's a magnet; the determining factor is whether there are more protons than electrons that indicate whether the soul is positive or negative.  Our souls do not pick and choose when they wish to be "reborn", the correct term is re-incarnated.  That is the lining of the planets, the stars, the moons; all the energy that is used to make our bodies function.  Once everything is in just the right place, our soul is re-incarnated.  Now, I have said to Sun, that he had bad energy in the past; that is not to say that he was bad or that he is bad.  It merely means, that....the astrological phenominon needed to pull our souls into another form were not aligned to it's fullest.  To put it into a more descriptive senario, please don't be offended by this analogy anyone, but when a child does not get enough of a chromosome, it suffers from downsyndrome.  Well, that is sort of what happens with our soul.  We miss one essential component needed to bring our soul back healthy.  If it isn't, then negative energies have the ability to manipulate the protons and electrons already there because that needed component could have been the glue that holds it all together.  Sometimes, souls can go centuries without being re-incarnated (into another human form), but there are many different types of re-incarnation.  You could come back as a plant, an animal, a fish.  Because there is a lack of communication with a fish, sometimes it is hard to pick it up in readings. That is just my take on it; of course I have not done any formal studies, nor am I a professor or anything of the like.  That is just what I feel when I feel someones past.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:25 pm

And it all goes away if we do not believe in the theory of reincarnation.  

The seeking soul tends to get told they are an 'old' soul if they have the questions to disturb the status quo on the belief.

God bless, J

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Post by Ianna Leane » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:05 pm

spiritalk wrote:And it all goes away if we do not believe in the theory of reincarnation.  

The seeking soul tends to get told they are an 'old' soul if they have the questions to disturb the status quo on the belief.

God bless, J
I beg to differ on that part (not argue, just state my perspective).  I have come across Christian Crusaders; however, because souls do not carry a "belief" mechanism, we can only assume that they faught for either the devote belief or the devote desire to live.

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Post by seaneen » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:42 pm

Very interesting thanks for posting this was a bit confused myself over this as I am said to be an old soul. :)

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:09 pm

spiritalk wrote:And it all goes away if we do not believe in the theory of reincarnation.  

The seeking soul tends to get told they are an 'old' soul if they have the questions to disturb the status quo on the belief.

God bless, J
One can not argue around that :)



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Post by sunmystic » Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:32 pm

Ianna Leane wrote:The way I see it and feel it, souls are a huge cluster of energy.  An energy that is so close intuned that it is almost like a DNA that composes the soul.  Trying to explain this the best I can.  You know how on an atom, you have protons, neutrons, and electrons.  Well, a soul is like one big atom to the energy, like it's a magnet; the determining factor is whether there are more protons than electrons that indicate whether the soul is positive or negative.  Our souls do not pick and choose when they wish to be "reborn", the correct term is re-incarnated.  That is the lining of the planets, the stars, the moons; all the energy that is used to make our bodies function.  Once everything is in just the right place, our soul is re-incarnated.  Now, I have said to Sun, that he had bad energy in the past; that is not to say that he was bad or that he is bad.  It merely means, that....the astrological phenominon needed to pull our souls into another form were not aligned to it's fullest.  To put it into a more descriptive senario, please don't be offended by this analogy anyone, but when a child does not get enough of a chromosome, it suffers from downsyndrome.  Well, that is sort of what happens with our soul.  We miss one essential component needed to bring our soul back healthy.  If it isn't, then negative energies have the ability to manipulate the protons and electrons already there because that needed component could have been the glue that holds it all together.  Sometimes, souls can go centuries without being re-incarnated (into another human form), but there are many different types of re-incarnation.  You could come back as a plant, an animal, a fish.  Because there is a lack of communication with a fish, sometimes it is hard to pick it up in readings. That is just my take on it; of course I have not done any formal studies, nor am I a professor or anything of the like.  That is just what I feel when I feel someones past.
Ianna your input is interesting and defining terms when one attempts to explain things, is also a challenge.

Ianna, I am inclined to say that you are not wrong, it is just that you only have a part of the picture. And that that part does work for you, because we have seen what you can do. And what you can do is interesting :)

I am also inclined to add that over time an enitity can develop enough experience mass to actually be in control of where and how they reincarnate. And that most of the enitities that we consider human have actually reached that point. Most. There are those that wonder if I have or not :) I do not know :) life is always interesting. Sometimes catching a fish can step one into a relationship with the Divine.



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Post by Ianna Leane » Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:13 pm

I don't necessarily think that we have control over what we come back as.  I like to "think" that we take turns coming back as different things so that we learn to appreciate things.  I think that soles dissapte after they get to that point.  I also tend to feel that the quality of ones maturity at certain ages entails ones soul age.  The more mature a child is, the older their soul; for instance, children that are overly mature and catch onto things easily tend to (in my observance) have older souls than those that do not.  Perhaps because they are souls that turn around quickly and it's like a summer break for them.  They don't have a length of time to forget that with which they just learned in the previous life.  I have never met a child with true ADHD as described by child psychiatrists, but I wonder if they're souls are "new".  As I have mentioned before, the youngest soul I have come across (where I was actually concentrating on someone) was slightly before automobiles came about.  To me, given all the older ones I have examined, I would say that is fairly new.  Another thing to note, is the level of technology through the years.  It progresses; to me I feel it is because just as we sometimes find that "window" and actually get to see our pasts, we carry things into our next life with us.  These are some of the things that I have pondered myself.  Everything that I have said thus far are my way of understanding it.  It does not make it right, and as you said, there are no true studies, so that does not make it wrong.  Some things in life are made to be left unanswered, maybe this is one of them.

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:15 pm

Ianna Leane wrote:I don't necessarily think that we have control over what we come back as.  I like to "think" that we take turns coming back as different things so that we learn to appreciate things.  I think that soles dissapte after they get to that point.  I also tend to feel that the quality of ones maturity at certain ages entails ones soul age.  The more mature a child is, the older their soul; for instance, children that are overly mature and catch onto things easily tend to (in my observance) have older souls than those that do not.  Perhaps because they are souls that turn around quickly and it's like a summer break for them.  They don't have a length of time to forget that with which they just learned in the previous life.  I have never met a child with true ADHD as described by child psychiatrists, but I wonder if they're souls are "new".  As I have mentioned before, the youngest soul I have come across (where I was actually concentrating on someone) was slightly before automobiles came about.  To me, given all the older ones I have examined, I would say that is fairly new.  Another thing to note, is the level of technology through the years.  It progresses; to me I feel it is because just as we sometimes find that "window" and actually get to see our pasts, we carry things into our next life with us.  These are some of the things that I have pondered myself.  Everything that I have said thus far are my way of understanding it.  It does not make it right, and as you said, there are no true studies, so that does not make it wrong.  Some things in life are made to be left unanswered, maybe this is one of them.
Ianna, I am just kicking things around with you, ok? And technically I am a Christian and I only get one lifetime to get things solved anyway :)

So here goes: If we are in control of our own destiny, then what ever happens, good or bad or versions of both, as our fault. If we are not in control of our destiny, then nothing we do is our fault. And we are all sin free always. In a science sense it is survival of the fittest and the fittest pass their genetic gifts on to their offspring. All animals are born sin free and are always sin free. And one could say that mankind is an animal.

Some folks like to say that mankind can go beyond the animal and the mechanical, but at the sametime one being able to walk on water could just mean that they have superior genetics :)

Ianna, what you are presenting here is the antitheses to most religions :) Which is ok with me :) I do not mind. And I love talking about this stuff! Because I carry some interesting genetics of the "Fae", my abilities may be just because of my genetics and purely a luck of the draw (and I have to smile again) :)

Yea me! And I guess the rest of you guys are screwed :)

It should be understood that on one hand I "am" being funny, but on the other hand I might not be being funny. I like what you are presenting here Ianna!

love you!


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Post by Ianna Leane » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:46 pm

Ok, I am Wiccan.  Wiccan is a "Pagan" religion; however, Wicca and many other "Pagan" religions do not necessarily mean "black magic" or "black arts".  To start, there is NO BLACK MAGIC or BLACK ART.  Those are terms to "describe" the INTENT.  For instance, a gun does not kill people, people kill people because a gun left alone on a table cannot fire iteslf.  Someone has to manually pull the trigger.  The same goes for religions outside of that which (in the eye of the believer) is opposite from theirs.  Can you tell me when the term "Sins" came about and the CORRECT definition or description in the origional written text?  I know you know where I am going with this.

NOTE:  I am not trying to convert anyone.  I am not trying to force my "beliefs" on anyone.  I am trying to explain the "past life" scenario as it pertains to "ME" and "MY" perspective.

We are only as bad as the negative things that we do.  We are, and have always lived in a world of survival of the fittest, and we will always live in such.  That can be interpreted as "sins".  I do not believe in sins.  I believe thta the balance of nature takes care of things; Karma for instance, or the Law of Three.  What energies we send out come back to us, it's the balance of things.  The term, bad things happen to bad people falls into this category.  One may wonder, where is the "good" that people are suppose to get back.....well, the good is that the negative went back to original three times as bad; not riches, wealth, but the release of the negatives that individual brought into your life.

We are not here to fullfill one thing and one thing only; we are here to balance the equation of life.  We do not have a single "Destination", we have many.  Inorder to keep things progressing, growing, flourishing, we have to take many lifetimes to understand them.  For instance, I have not come across one man's soul that was not a woman in a pastlife.  Sometimes, the have flipflopped back and forth so many times, that they come back confused about who are what they are in this lifetime.  These people tend to be SUPERSENSITIVE to the understanding to same genders.  That is NOT TO SAY that the are homosexual, just empath of those that are or more intunded with their sex.

In all honesty, I can tell you that yes, in this life I am Wicca.  I worship many Gods and Goddesses.  However, I could have been the Dahli Lama in a pastlife.  Meaning, inshort, none of us are wrong in our beliefs.  We are wrong (morally) on the actions we demonstrate in the name of our beliefs.

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:08 pm

Ianna Leane wrote:Ok, I am Wiccan.  Wiccan is a "Pagan" religion; however, Wicca and many other "Pagan" religions do not necessarily mean "black magic" or "black arts".  To start, there is NO BLACK MAGIC or BLACK ART.  Those are terms to "describe" the INTENT.  For instance, a gun does not kill people, people kill people because a gun left alone on a table cannot fire iteslf.  Someone has to manually pull the trigger.  The same goes for religions outside of that which (in the eye of the believer) is opposite from theirs.  Can you tell me when the term "Sins" came about and the CORRECT definition or description in the origional written text?  I know you know where I am going with this.

NOTE:  I am not trying to convert anyone.  I am not trying to force my "beliefs" on anyone.  I am trying to explain the "past life" scenario as it pertains to "ME" and "MY" perspective.

We are only as bad as the negative things that we do.  We are, and have always lived in a world of survival of the fittest, and we will always live in such.  That can be interpreted as "sins".  I do not believe in sins.  I believe thta the balance of nature takes care of things; Karma for instance, or the Law of Three.  What energies we send out come back to us, it's the balance of things.  The term, bad things happen to bad people falls into this category.  One may wonder, where is the "good" that people are suppose to get back.....well, the good is that the negative went back to original three times as bad; not riches, wealth, but the release of the negatives that individual brought into your life.

We are not here to fullfill one thing and one thing only; we are here to balance the equation of life.  We do not have a single "Destination", we have many.  Inorder to keep things progressing, growing, flourishing, we have to take many lifetimes to understand them.  For instance, I have not come across one man's soul that was not a woman in a pastlife.  Sometimes, the have flipflopped back and forth so many times, that they come back confused about who are what they are in this lifetime.  These people tend to be SUPERSENSITIVE to the understanding to same genders.  That is NOT TO SAY that the are homosexual, just empath of those that are or more intunded with their sex.

In all honesty, I can tell you that yes, in this life I am Wicca.  I worship many Gods and Goddesses.  However, I could have been the Dahli Lama in a pastlife.  Meaning, inshort, none of us are wrong in our beliefs.  We are wrong (morally) on the actions we demonstrate in the name of our beliefs.
Ianna that was interesting! Origionally the ancient Fae folk were the origional witches. They worshiped and interacted with the forces of nature and their prime deity was The Mother. My Book of Shadows is written in my genetics and my soul record and it is a very ancient book that begin back when the Fae still lived on this planet as a young and vibrant race of folk (they left and now live somewhere else). I was "one" of the origional Faunas (as roman myth called my kind).

So anyway Ianna :) I do understand what you are saying and I do have some back ground with the subject. And I am not worried about being converted, that which is me "is" the written Book of Shadows.

I like reading what you write :)



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Souls are ageless

Post by sbelle » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:51 pm

however, an old soul is a soul that has returned many reincarnation if you must or incarnation.  Souls are ageless but ones that have been around since the beginning of their existence which could consist of Medieval times or before like in the time of Christ.  There is not law of when an old soul existed.  Time is not relevant to the spiritual world.

There is a guff where new souls gather.  A place where I believe they choose their destiny in a human body.  They are created by the touch of God's hand and no one will ever be able to explain how or where God decides a new soul must be created.  We reincarnate or incarnate when we need to learn something we didn't learn the time before, or the old soul has something to teach to a living soul.  Incarnate is when a soul has not accepted their own non existence in the human form and feel the urgency to walk into the body of a human body along with the or to replace the soul that should be there.

The immediate answer is that souls are ageless.


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Post by Ianna Leane » Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:20 am

Ok, this is a little off topic, but my daughter and I made fairy houses for mabon.  Twined the walls, and added leaf and hay roof for proper winter insulation.  I love fae, however, they are a proud bunch.  She made cheesecake muffins and put them inside.  They aren't very big, probably about 2 feet tall, but it's the thought and remembrance and honor that matters.

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Re: Souls are ageless

Post by sunmystic » Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:07 pm

sbelle wrote:however, an old soul is a soul that has returned many reincarnation if you must or incarnation.  Souls are ageless but ones that have been around since the beginning of their existence which could consist of Medieval times or before like in the time of Christ.  There is not law of when an old soul existed.  Time is not relevant to the spiritual world.

There is a guff where new souls gather.  A place where I believe they choose their destiny in a human body.  They are created by the touch of God's hand and no one will ever be able to explain how or where God decides a new soul must be created.  We reincarnate or incarnate when we need to learn something we didn't learn the time before, or the old soul has something to teach to a living soul.  Incarnate is when a soul has not accepted their own non existence in the human form and feel the urgency to walk into the body of a human body along with the or to replace the soul that should be there.

The immediate answer is that souls are ageless.

Shelly, yours is the most accepted approach to the reincanation and incarnation understandings. And the Edgar Cayse books follow what you have posted very closely; and he seems to have been right on about alot of things.



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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:04 pm

"What energies we send out come back to us, it's the balance of things.  The term, bad things happen to bad people falls into this category.  One may wonder, where is the "good" that people are suppose to get back.....well, the good is that the negative went back to original three times as bad; not riches, wealth, but the release of the negatives that individual brought into your life. "

I have to say this does not explain why 'bad' things happen to 'good' people.  Yes, we are a part of balance in nature - we are human nature after all.  The law does work suscinctly to each and every cause and effect.  It is shown at this time that there remains an imbalance in human nature.

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