Dreamt of a place/being killed - then saw this place in real life..

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Dreamt of a place/being killed - then saw this place in real life..

Post by blueflame » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:44 am

This experience happened a while ago, but I want to write about it now. I'm not a psychic FYI.

In my dream I was a young female babysitter in this big empty house, and there was a little boy asleep upstairs. I had long dark hair, and it was night time. I remember looking out the window at the neighborhood, because everyone on the block was going to this one house for a party at the end of the street. I saw a bunch of people with baby strollers walking into a house that had a balloon tied to the mailbox.  I was thinking it was weird why so many people with strollers were going to this place at night.  Who brings kids to a night time event? I assume it was a baby shower or something like that.

Then all I know is there was a man who came up  from behind me when I was looking out the window, and he killed me. I don't know what he looked like nor did I see him do it. Nonetheless- I knew I was killed by him. I also knew that this man knew the entire block was at the party... so no one would be able to hear me yell for help. So I do believe he picked this night intentionally to do this.

I keep saying "I" as if the girl was me- but she wasn't.  I've had a few past life dreams before, and I knew the person in those dreams was me. This felt different. I was in this girls place and seeing it happen from her perspective , as well as an outsiders perspective..but she wasn't me.

So the scary part was when my mother and I were driving around and we drove about 45 minutes from where we live. We have never been in this area before. She randomly turned up into a development and it was the EXACT place where I lived in this dream. I know because the house I lived in had a very very weird, distinct slanted roof. These houses were very odd looking- so it's not hard to identify them.  I told my mom out loud "if this street goes to a slant, followed by a dead end..I'm going to scream." She drove and sure enough, the road slanted and came to a dead end.

Like I said this happened a while ago..but why? What does this mean? I have no clue if what I dreamt happened already, or was going to happen etc. But I know for a fact this was the exact street it happened on. Is it normal for regular non psychic people to have this happen to them?

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:00 am

We're all psychic, just some are more dormant and some more active. It's perfectly normal for one who thinks them self not psychic to have a psychic awakening, especially if there is a need for it.

There may be hints in the dream as to weather it is an event from the past seeking resolution or something you are being protected from and warned against. The other possibility is that this happened in an astral realm, which can look much like real physical places and just be the energetic or astral equivalent. If it did happen in an astral realm the effects can be felt physically. Do you know how they killed you in the dream, what kind of injury? If it was in the past and either way forgive to release from the situation.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:57 pm

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The symbols are merely there to help us resolve these emotions for our life.  

Death in a dream is something no longer useful dies to make room for something new in your lilfe.  

Babies are new beginnings.

Parties are about joy and new accomplishments.  

God bless, J

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Post by FireRose » Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:24 am

spiritalk wrote:Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The symbols are merely there to help us resolve these emotions for our life.  

Death in a dream is something no longer useful dies to make room for something new in your lilfe.  

Babies are new beginnings.

Parties are about joy and new accomplishments.  

God bless, J
I think the "problem" here is that this was no ordinary dream. Clearly there was more to it. All I can suggest is to pray for clarification as to weather this was a past, present, or future occurrence... and if the dream was literal. Another possibility is that you had someone else's dream (or in this case, nightmare). That has happened to me a few times. Good luck and be well.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:37 pm

A large percentage of our dream state is about our unresolved emotions.  They are symbolic.

The few psychic dreams occur in two short spaces of time - in alpha as we are going into sleep state and again when rising from sleep state through alpha again.  Sleep takes the consciousness through waves.

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You can investigate this dream

Post by sbelle » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:22 pm

More likely than not sometimes people that feel they  have no psychic ability often times have a psychic experience like this.  It could be that you saw a murder that was unsolved.  the spirit of this young girl could have shown you what happened in her murder through her eyes.  Spirits sometimes when a violent death occurs can't tell you who or what happened just that it did and they can only tell you as when it happened to them.

Go to a library and the police station and see if their were any past or recent murders in that particular apartment or house.  try to get pictures of the person murdered and names.  when or if you can do this you will more than likely get more inforamtion from the girl who died.  She needs help and has chosen you to help her solve her own murder or get more information so she can move on.  I know this sounds like a movie script, but it happens in real life too.  your energy is somehow connected to this girl.  You may never know why.  If it is reoccurring then she is persistent in needing your help.


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