How does one know....

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How does one know....

Post by chelsh1776 » Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:59 pm

I'm not really sure how to put this, but how does one know when they go in to get a reading, whether it be by tarot, palm, numbers, whatever, that what they're getting isn't just a bunch of crock?

On a South Park episode, one of the kids accused a TV psychic of simply using his context clues and guessing to make people in the audience think he was talking to their loved ones. He would say, "Max...anybody know a, wait, Matthew....oh, oh now I'm getting Mark--" and then somebody would eventually shout out, "Oh, Mark was my uncle!" And then the psychic would look at the person and make up some stuff from there.

I was just wandering if psychics do that too, to an extent, use the person's demeanor, clothing, facial expressions, as resources for what they say, or if the source of their information really is other-worldly???

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:44 pm

You have touched on my sore demonstration tricks to make the audience work instead of yourself.  I do not like this type of demonstration where a name is thrown out and someone recognizes it.  

Imagine an audience made up of predominently RC and the names Mary and Joseph called.  There wouldn't be a hand down in the group!

When you choose a psychic to do a reading for you it is about finding someone you are compatible with.  Asking any of your identity questions before going is allowed.  Do not expect a freeby question or anything, just investigate who it is you are making an appointment with.  

In the end it is about compatible energies and you have to be comfortable to share the experience.  It is not a monologue, it is a dialogue.

Not every psychic will be compatible with your energies.  That is what makes us all unique.  But there is a psychic for every client and vice versa.  An ethical reader will not take your money if they are getting nothing.  It is not about guess work.  

The law of averages says there is a level at which guesses works and the true psychic abilities is beyond that level.

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Post by Horser55 » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:07 pm

Also, many people on here will read your tarot cards with no information about you. They don't know how old you are, where you're from or what you look like - so when you get a reading they are only telling you what they cards are telling them. How could they "cheat" you over such a distance? ^_^

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:57 am

Let's be honest, every profession has black sheep, especially in a bad economy, but there are true psychics and I agree with Horser on Tarot Cards - amazingly they have told the truth for me every time and when I laid them for friends. They were just as impressed as me! BTW I am NOT a psychic. I have had a few premonitions and I happen to own tarot cards. I can also interpret someone's psychological state by someone's demeanor, by what they say and by their body language, a lot of times. Some people are better at that than others. I guess, word of mouth is best. But by someone's works will you be really able to tell if they are for real. They will ask very little information of you and still make verifiable statements and predictions. And usually, the real ones work to help someone, not entertain them... no big show - you know what I mean?!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:22 pm

The short answer to How does one know....trial and error.  Find the energy that feels right.  

There is an energy connection in many ways - in person the voice is a clear link.  Over the internet it can be the name of the person.  After all there is something that made us each choose our name on line.

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