More compatible psychics?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:28 pm

spiritalk wrote:And yet, cascade, many psychics/mediums have a problem with clients.  Why is that?
Some people do not want to be read, they put up barriers and some have such strong inner problems that a reading is not always a good idea and that is recognised. I have yet to find someone that is impossible to read, a couple have come close but that has been because of their tightly woven protective system, once they decide to allow the reading to happen the floodgates open and healing acn begin :)


Happy New Year :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:55 pm

But the initial contact is still impatibility in some form or another.  The same person would go to another psychic completely relaxed.  We are energy.  That is what is in play here - some will resonate with us and some will not.

We have all met people we would not want in our space.  At the same time, we have met people we feel we have known forever.  It is all about energy connections.  It just exists.

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Post by CuriousMe » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:22 am

Cascade of Light wrote:
I just realised that your sidebar says you are 18 but you say you visit a psychic once a year? Did you know that it many countries it is illegal to read for anyone under 18? or did you go with a parent? You are very young to be read by anyone, you have your whole life in front of you, why bother with a psychic?

Cassie x
Well i didn't realize it was illegal but one reading was done by a shaman in Mexico... doubt they have a law against that there. (could be wrong) and the first time was scheduled by a parent. (yes i've had a total of 2 yearly readings lol)

Also, why not bother with a psychic? Though my curiosity has become more serious with each visit. It originally stemmed from disbelief. My mother had gotten a reading, and in many ways it was accurate, and had tidbits of information on me. I thought why not? and asked her to schedule me an appointment.

The second (nearly a year after the first) was when i was visiting my girlfriend in Mexico. Her grandmother was a sort of empathic person, and had some minor experience. I questioned her about many things and eventually she told me she went to a shaman for cleansing of things like negative energy you accumulate from others and jealousy directed at you. Again i thought why not, tho i didn't realize i'd be getting a career reading in the process i welcomed it.

And this is where my curiosity stems from :) Though i try not to take everything in a life changing message from God type of way. I do, however, weigh the words of the psychic carefully, and see how i can apply them in a realistic non fanatical way.  :smt005

The ever so curious...

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:14 pm

I do, however, weigh the words of the psychic carefully, and see how i can apply them in a realistic non fanatical way.  
But once the seed has been planted it will try and grow. What has been said cannot be unsaid.  

Cassie x

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Post by CuriousMe » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:27 am

Cascade of Light wrote:
I do, however, weigh the words of the psychic carefully, and see how i can apply them in a realistic non fanatical way.  
But once the seed has been planted it will try and grow. What has been said cannot be unsaid.  

Cassie x
If by that you mean once i hear the predictions it will change my life in some way no matter how small. Then yes i agree, but if you think about it any prediction or warning given to us changes our perception of the world (psychic or not).

example- you watch the weather channel and learn there is a good chance of showers, so you bring an umbrella with you just in case. Even if you don't bring an umbrella, you most likely wouldn't plan a picnic.

But if a psychic prediction said i would get into a deadly car accident sometime in the next year, i wouldn't completely stop riding in a car for a whole year, but i would definitely wear a seat belt. This is all i meant by that last line- realistic and non fanatical

Though i could have completely misinterpreted your comment on my line, please clarify :)

L & L,

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