What's up with my bro?

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What's up with my bro?

Post by DivaS » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:07 am

My younger brother is 15 years old and has been studying martial arts very seriously for a couple years now and for the past few months has been practicing Tai Chi and focusing on making the energy in his body flow in certain directions as he goes through the motions of his forms (he visualizes it but thinks of it all in a very scientific and skeptical way lol).

He's a bit of a skeptic when it comes to psychic phenomena and yet for the past few weeks he has been accidentally hitting me with what I can only assume is some kind of psychic energy that he can't control.

Four times now when he has been playing around or practicing martial arts moves facing my direction (when his hands seem to be in a certain position), he has quite literally almost knocked me off my feet with an energy that makes my vision blur and causes my sense of balance to almost completely vanish.

Each time it's like getting hit by a mac truck minus the pain but with a definite after affect.

He doesn't mean to do it and since I've told him what has been happening, he is very careful not to practice around me (so far I am the only one it's happened to) but I don't want him to feel like he is experiencing something wrong.

Is there a way to help my brother use and learn to control this ability? And if so, what exactly is it? He has never experienced any psychic phenomena and aside from always having a strong aura/presence, he has never seemed to have any ability in this area.

I would really appreciate any help offered as I'd love to share this experience with him and help him to grow...but I'd also like to stop being hit up side the head every time he waves his hands in my direction. xD

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:37 pm

He is just the age and into energy phenomena to experience telekinesis.  There is a physical way to make a ball of energy and actually throw it at someone.  He did it quite by accident, but the ability of physical energies is getting stronger by the look of it.  

Whether he believes in psychic 'stuff' or not there is an energy at work he must learn to control.  I would hazzard a guess he could go out on the street and blow a few light bulbs without a problem.  

When he moved energies through his body with the tai chi it was an indication they were there so he could work with them for keeping himself balanced and energized.  Now he must learn to move them on through if they are strong psychic energies.  Grounding is a good start.

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Post by DivaS » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:17 pm

Wow...telekinesis. 0_0

Now that is really neat...and just a tad bit scary lol. I don't think I'll be mentioning the potential of blowing street lights haha. My bro might think about it and do it by accident (he does have an interesting way of making technology go haywire from time to time now that I think about it). Actually, I have some ghost hunter friends who used their k2 meter on him a few months ago and the machine spiked to 4 times that of their average reading.

I know that at one time he was doing an "experiment" with keeping a flame in an open jar and was able to almost put out a candle at will from across a room, but he explained his results away as being related to air pressure or something of the sort...I wonder if he really was putting out the flame with his energy...

Anyway, thank you so much for your advice. I will see if I can work with him on grounding (I'm going to have to do some research it seems!).

Now...just for my own reference...can there be any long term damaging effects from getting hit with a telekinetic...um...ball of energy? I know that it makes my vision blur and I'll get dizzy so if I practice with him...I want to make sure that I won't be facing any long term damage if I get whacked by accident a few more times. xD

Thanks again!

Last edited by DivaS on Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:02 pm

No risidual effects to this energy.  But it can be very disconcerting at the time.  

Do some research on telekinesis.  It is a very interesting phenomena.

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