Unbelievable events and advice and reading please...

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Unbelievable events and advice and reading please...

Post by pipo123 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:07 am

My story is going to sound crazie...but that's how my life came to be since the early summer of 2009.

To the point, it started around March of 2009. At the time, my gf and I had been going through some incidents like arguing and jealousy. Which was out of our characters. At the same time, her mother started distancing herself from me. She was very loving and warm to me but suddenly she stopped.

May comes along and I my gf cont'd's acting even more bizarre and out of character. Such as spending less time with me and giving me excuses. I am not easily fooled so I knew something was up but wasn't to clear as to what or with whom. Her mom at this point doesn't even talk to me or acknowledge me.

June rolls in and her excuses mounts. Yet she tells me that she loves me and would hate to see us being apart. At one point which was the last time I saw, she begged to see me b/c she needed to talk to me. For some reason, I recall, I didn't want to see her. The following days I tried to convince her to get together but she refuse. I was telling her that I loved her and such but she kept on telling me that she couldn't see me and she didn't know why.

The shocker was that around this time, she ended up talking with this older man which I happened to have met. It got serious that her mom was "in love" with him. Her mom at this point was telling her to be with this man. Somehow I knew that this man was no good for her at all. I begged her to stop this since it wasn't right for her to do what she was doing and that for what we had fought for to be together was all going to waste. On some days she would call telling me how of a "b****" she had been towards me and that she felt sorry and that she still loved me. Yet, the very next day she would call me and tell me she never said such a thing.

When you love and know someone so well like I did with her I just knew she wasn't herself. She seemed to be have been possessed, as silly as that sounds.

So July rolls by and another shocker. She is getting marry to this man who lives out of state, have never formally dated each other, and never have met the family. At this point I was devastated and out of words. Again, I begged her not to marry him b/c he was no good and was just lying to her. I ended up calling the mother out of desperation but sadly she was telling me (screaming) that it wasn't my role to look after her daughter or none of my business and that it was over between the two of us.

At this time I ended up going to a psychic. First of all, to do such a thing for me was out of my nature. I truly believe we were the masters of our own destiny and paths. Secondly, the only reason I ended up seeing a psychic was b/c my ex's grandmother has psychic abilities. She told of things that had happened to and things like to protect my ex. I would ask myself from what? She also said a year prior that my ex would have to chose who she would end up marrying and it would be her choice and that I would end up having money issues but that everything would work great for me. I would take her advice as such but not literally. Mind you, her readings would be done by phone as she lived in another country yet was very detailed when she would go into trances.

Another reason was b/c her mom, sadly, deeply believes in such things to the point of following word for word. So if the spirit's were to tell her to do something negative she would too. Her mother a year prior to the summer told me that an older man that looked like my ex's father would come into her life and be very helpful to her. Well it so happens that this man DID look like him. However, I knew he wasn't helpful.

Well the psychic ended up informing me the following: 1) This man was no good for her as he was making her do drugs and making her tell lies about himself and what he does for a living 2) that my ex was my soulmate and that I was losing her 3) that I was having financial issues but everything would work well for me 4) my ex wouldn't end up marrying this man and the most shocking of all 5) this man ended up doing wicca and getting aid from a american indian/shaman to bury some bones in a graveyard for my ex to act as such but also on the mother and father.

I was blown away... but the psychic ended up helping me on "fighting" this man. August came along and at this point my ex wasn't talking to me. I heard rumors of marriage, that this man was great blah blah blah yet I knew he wasn't but I couldn't do anything b/c who would believed me.

Sept rolls by and the rumors get worse. My ex was moving in with him and  her mother was going along, her family thought they were both crazy and out of their mind, the marriage was to be done in Jan 2010, and that the mother was talking NASTY about me. So nasty that I am not going to comment on what was said on here. However, what was said doesn't help the image of her only daughter to a very conservative family.

At this point the psychic told me that she was winning the fight. That everything was going to be fine, my ex would be back to normal and her mom as well. She told me that this man was already getting tired and moving on with his work and focusing on someone else. Also, that he did worked on me too to be miserable, with bad luck, and poor health which did happened. However, she said that I too was going to be better than before after all this would be over.

Mid Sept comes along and the best news came along. My ex and this man finished their courtship. To this day I don't know who ended with who but according to the psychic, my ex was waking up from this coma he had put her under. The psychic also said that my ex would call me and talk to me but that she would come and go. Late Sept comes along and my ex shows up to a game one night. I was like "WTBeep". I didn;t know what to do. I ended up being indifferent. We ended up talking before and after the game. She told me that most of her family wasn't talking to her. I did advised her but didn't tell her what truly happened. However, the next day she called me via phone and was crazie telling me she was tired of the BS.  I told the psychic what occurred and said that was natural b/c the magik wasn't completely gone from her system.

To this date, we haven't talked or seen each other. The psychic keeps on telling me that everything will be alright between the both of us and that we are meant to be together. She tells me that the mother is doing somewhat better but since we concentrated on my ex and not on her that she has a longer time to get cleansed. She as told me that the mother has told my ex not to get back with me b/c she doesn't want her own daughter to be happy at this point and that she is having an affair. Again, out of her character as well.

The above story was cut short but I gave out important details and to the point. However, since the event I have had more respect for the world that exist outside what we see and feel. Yes, I am still in a financial pickle but I am more happy and blessed for having the simple things we take for granted. I am still somewhat hurt b/c I feel that I lost my love. Though just as the psychic said that my aura of how women see me will improve I can't see myself with another woman.

Can such things truly exist and happened? Can there be people so evil that they end up doing such things? The psychic said to me that this man hated the sight of us two being together and that he was sucking the energy out of the two of us for him to get stronger and more noticeable. Is that possible? She also said that his man was going to move on and he did. He married someone else in November.

At this point I am just working on myself. I visualize white light and love surrounding me and all my enemies. I want to find a better job however the current situation is making that hard. And I am just waiting for my ex to return as she is supposed to be returning. I keep on hearing rumors that the mom still believes that this man will be returning to her daughter's life simply b/c the spirits tell her so. All I can do is pray for their safety and for God to forgive for what they did to me.

I do have one request however, Is there someone who can do a psyhic/tarot reading for me about my future endeavors and events that are to come.

Thank you so much and God bless.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:02 am

The story is sad...and long...maybe a free public site arent the place to solve this, maybe own evaluation, and after thoughts are what help best, and if further help needed ..maybe professional...good luck...Close thread.


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