does it happen to you?

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does it happen to you?

Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:41 pm

i, at times, get confused with my sensory organs. i listen to a song and i feel the flavor of some country juice. i see the flight of a little bird and i can hear the rumbles of cannons as if i'm in the midst of a warfield. the fragrance of jasmine can make me feel a stiffened body and a pounding heart as if i've run a long distance at a stretch.

?? !! got really confused. any help?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:03 pm

You are way too open!  You need some protection and grounding exercises.  

And the way that random input will cease is when you give them a time and place to communicate and not allow random input.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:40 pm

thank you for your suggestion. can you please suggest some protection and grounding exercises? in fact, i've simply no idea about this.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:12 pm

Well, each to their own.  We all find the visual that works for us in a personal way.  These are my practices from which you can draw some idea.

Each morning when I wake I do affirmation:  "Flow spirit flow and all my fears release.  I am a channel for thy love and peace. Heal spirit heal and all myself renew.  I am expressing my perfection true".  

During my day, when stresses are strong I repeat it for effect.  And I make it the last thought before going to sleep at night.  I do not have disrupting dreams (as a matter of fact I don't remember my dreams at all).  So it must work.

At the same time in the morning I put up a shield of protection.  Mine is a bubble, similar to one blown from a child's soap bubble pipe, complete with the rainbow patch (rainbows are such wonderful magical symbols of bridges, connection, communication and they come with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end).  I see it expand to engulf my whole body as I affirm it as a filter of all negativity - from within or without.

When doing grounding exercises (often we wait to do this til we feel out of sorts with our world) stand tall like a tree and see your roots go into the ground - deep and strong.  That grounds you in earth activities, while the mind is free to explore the spirit within.

Check out others' protection and grounding exercises to choose what would work best for you.  NEVER USE MIRRORS IN ANY SPIRIT WORK!  There is Karma attached to returning negativity with a mirror.

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Hi Confused

Post by kybunker » Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:20 pm

WOW! I've been reading your posts, similar to your posts there are many different energy fields and levels that are in this universe and beyond.
If you dip your hands into to many at one time, you are going to literally make yourself sick.

Find one field and absorb all the information you can about it, step one: do the meditations, any one you choose, ground yourself remember to center,
this way the thoughts, and information you recieve will not confuse the heck out of you.

I know when we start looking into these areas, we want to know it all right now,, but that's a heck of alot to put our minds and energys to work at.

The feeling of spinning, dizziness and even mania are easier to control with the use of meditations.

Which topic are you the most pulled to?

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:49 pm

Hi spiritalk,

i could not really get what the mirror - karma- negativity thread mean. could yo uplz explain?

And, Hi kybunker,

let me tell you that there is nothing particular as such, that i am pulled to. rather, i'm pulled to everything. but, phase by phase. if the earlier week some music could make me feel the slashes, the present week finds me smelling movies. and i never know about what to be pulled at in the next week.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:38 pm

You wanted protection exercises.  There are many threads that describe how they do protection of themselves.  And many will use Mirrors to reflect back to the person sending them any negativity, the same energy.  

My response to this is....if you give someone back only that which they have sent out, how have you changed any situation?  Returning love for negativity is the secret.  It can be understood as an exercise in color.....

Negativity (any power, energy or thought) that is sent to another person = red
It is received as an arrow on the solar plexus where we gather much of our information of the world around us.  
To change the arrow sent as we return it, we must see spirit light added = white
In the end the arrow is pink = love returned for the negativity.

As you enter into any and all psychic work, you will find a place where this will make sense as a visualization exercise for yourself or others.  It is important that all be a part of your spirituality and your service be about healing and peace to all.

God bless, J

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