when people don't believe you?

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when people don't believe you?

Post by waterfountain » Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:32 pm

I'm not a psychic but i had an encounter with a woman who basicaly told me my idea of reincarnation in the afterlife is based on my own personal negative exp's emotions in life making me irrational

I just for me i feel like i have enough evidence now that it does exist the spirit world but i don't know how to communicate my beliefs with normal people just when the subject comes up without sounding like an irrational wackjob or do i just not say anything at all

I also feel angry at them for their beleifs, feel like they aren't being illogical haven't studied things in depth on thier own and are going by you know what they grew up with and never quesitoned..

have you guys had any exp's of this nature? what do you do when you know something is fact but can't neccisarily prove it? how do you deal with skeptics etc?

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Post by Evard » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:08 pm

I have more experience recently , this week and lunar week ..
about fem who want to deny intelligence.  They use the reason
mental health fairly demeaning statement uh diagnosis to then
demean who are obvious as high end more intelligent than the
fem or man associate who are imposing as background thots::
about the way mental attitude affected them as inadequate @!,
intellect.  It's an annoyance.. apparently not versed in peace...
The role the new fem or man associate would try and impose :
as the want or one who did not understand pagan logic was the
way they did not respect higher thought.. it was bane to them .
I recommend canceling any message with irrational thought uh:
like email not yet sent by you to them.. and ignore the way the,
demeaning less enlightened (by alot, exampl) are not kindly uh
reasonabl about the way you may begin new rite to prevail . :)
Peace to you. Some 'foreign thought affect' people are uh dumb.
Evard.. misunderstood by the unenlitened and intellect prevail ;)

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Post by waterfountain » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:50 pm

thank you evard! it's very annoying esp when they blame it on your lack of objectivity so you reccomend ignoring them? yes I do feel demeaned! i can't make this stuff up lol

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Post by Evard » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:13 pm

I recommend canceling the email or message saying "I'm not dumb.. I'm not ignorant":
Set the proper preferent as your setting for new enlightened behavin on email or PM . .
and ask the new 'foreign imposa advise' proper person they tried to take (off) as the uh
name on a site you consider the person to be Deputy Moderator.. and ask the person @
spurious reason it was not welcome for reason 'more activist and less {rigid} stability' ..

Put the older email and Suite programs on new Helix Proper OpenRide common unhack :
whatever that means to you .. and ask the Power That Be to allow new assess of the uh,.
situation about your ability to work at home and not be bothered with deragatory insult ..

Now say a nice 'Amen' prayer about your home magic ,. and begin Peace Magic Again . .,

Set the new compute value at not bothering your ability to be online all times ,. and now !
shop for a food supply not including "grain of querable sicket" and enjoy the new PeaceOK.

Evard .. accept this instruction as beneficient . I will talk with you more soon .  Peace Up@^

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:21 pm

To the both of you..
evard you already know this.. but...
You do not have to justify your beliefs to anyone..
There is no reason to explain so dont..
I recommend reading a new thread here that talks about personal truth..

On the same hand we should not feel compelled to educate others on our truth.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:38 pm

The theory of reincarnation will have no resolution til in the afterlife to find out.  There are as many spirit guide that advocate as those that dismiss it.  

From my experiences I can only use my truth.  And I don't offer it to anyone unless it is a discussion thread where common sense reasoning will open minds and help life.  It is another of those topics that do not sit well particularly with those not into metaphysics.

If the discussion arises in social situations - ask the querient why they want to know?

God bless, J

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Post by waterfountain » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:44 pm

thanks evard

spirit this was just a friend where we were dicussing general topics politics, religon etc the topic came up I'm not a psychic and don't do spirtual work etc.. I was just expressing my beliefs.. she attributed them to emotional issues she believes in Jesus as God..

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Post by Evard » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:51 pm

Amenti Amanus uptite.
I have the free will to express my belief without childish (nor ignorant)
reasoin against my ability to learn serene behavin.  I won't look kindly
on the same network uh Damana and Zannies.. as promoting your uh:
lurid disassociate of the way I may be as intelligent as I wanted Peace.


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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:08 am

Evard wrote:Amenti Amanus uptite.
I have the free will to express my belief without childish (nor ignorant)
reasoin against my ability to learn serene behavin.  I won't look kindly
on the same network uh Damana and Zannies.. as promoting your uh:
lurid disassociate of the way I may be as intelligent as I wanted Peace.

Yes, you have a free will to express your belief...B U T you have NOT the RIGHT to to correct other in that way, and call it childish.

In fact I call your behaviour Childish, and for a reason that can be proved.

You are on a Public site that has ENGLISH as it language.
There is over time a lot of people writing stuff here, some are English, and handle the language well.even with "slang"..other is Foreigner and have problems with grammar and and its like....BUT NONE write like you....and very FEW understand YOU...me included.

If you can't use proper English, that most of us easy can understand,(you have been warned before) then I must assume you use a foreign language, and that is not allowed used here on the site, and you loose your membership.

Maybe you have used your kind of writing to long, this way you don't notice how you display yourself....maybe you have been to long inside your own way of thinking..that you have lost the normal way to evaluate.

Well well, warning given...like it or not. You have a right to your belief...You don't have a right to use this site to profile it.

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Post by Evard » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:39 am

Warning accepted.

Site~pa. I have my own intellect and have been dominant not to the site though with
my own assertion of what I see to be rite.  And I have my value of saying what I see
to be proper and point taken ,. I will try to speak in English and not revalue ecoi as a
way the patrons of site have not been happy with phrase language not accepted as a
language they can understand.  I get a lil miffed sometimes, especially if I am tired..
and I don't want to bother the site.. I spent some time as a protester with regard not
allowing others to demean what was the improper basis of what I see as Good or not
good with regard on premise I am not judgmental .. more like harsh when approach,
will be not allowing free will.  I will guess the person who was impeding my ability to,
now speak as free will and any 'slang' about magic will not be happy with site.. and ::
the regard not to bother site admin I was happy with .. though that should apply with:
a premise it will not be a harrassment of those who seek to ruin the Peace of Nature.

OK. I won't get mad when the emanate vibes are appearing to me as ignorant. Evard.

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Post by waterfountain » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:06 am

thanks for your help evard

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Post by Evard » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:34 pm

I am game alignment chaotic good .. I am I guess , bad about :
saying what I want and speaking my mind  .. I don't want impos
as the way the proper faith with advanced New Druidic and New
Science will be the way I may enjoy my thoughts as a kinda uh:
report to those who requite my help as proper Natural Balance..

I really don't want to bother Rhuto ,. as he's the best admin I've
seen in awhile on a common internet topic site.. so OK I will now
accept thanks , . and be more accepted with intellect.  Amen. @!     Evard

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