Seeing/knowing who will die soon?

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Seeing/knowing who will die soon?

Post by DivaS » Sun May 16, 2010 6:55 am

Well, I've been off the forum for a while and have been spending a lot of time learning to use my gifts more effectively.

So far, so good. Since I've learned to accept what I perceive and have been working more closely with my guides, I've been experiencing all kinds of new and exciting things that I've been able to put to good use.

Just this past weekend though, while at church of all places, I seem to have awoken to an ability that has scared me just a bit.

While in church this past Sunday I was praying/meditating (I kind of mix it together) and asking that I be allowed to use my abilities to help others in need. Now...I wasn't planning on anything odd happening but suddenly I heard a very loud voice (I'm used to the Clairaudience by now but this was quite a bit louder than the usual spirit voices and was in my right ear which is generally the ear I hear my guide with) say that the woman in front of me wouldn't be "much longer on this Earth."

I looked up at the woman in front of me and felt strongly that there was something wrong with her lungs. Then I looked around the room and it was as if I could pick out all of the people who would have shorter than average lives (visually they stood out from everyone else). To say the least, this made me very uncomfortable and I immediately closed my eyes and refused to look at anyone until the service was over and I felt confident that my vision was back to normal.

Before the service ended though, I focused a great deal on sending positive energy and thoughts of good health out to the woman in front of me and hoped for healing. I didn't say anything to her because I didn't want to scare her...or seem crazy...

Anyway, I'm not sure if I want this gift/ability...and am feeling conflicted about what to do. I don't want to turn away from this ability if I can use it to help others...but personally...the idea of knowing if someone will die soon...scares the heck out of me if there's nothing I can do to help.

Any ideas or suggestions? Is there anyone else around the board who has this ability and might be able to give me some pointers?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know my guides would help me work with this if I asked them to...but I'm a bit afraid of what I might be getting myself into as I've only just recently come to terms with the idea of talking to people who've passed...among other things...

Thanks in advance.


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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 16, 2010 1:39 pm

YOU ARE IN CHARGE!  When we have a relationship with our guides we design it to accept only the best.  Tell your guides you are not interested in knowing if and when someone is to die.  That is not your job in psychic abilities.  They will honor your comfort zone.

You might also discuss that you wish to have information that will benefit you, all human beings and animals and can be used.  Otherwise why send information to you that will not benefit others and can not be used.

You might also be totally sure you are connected with you are connected with your guide and only your own guide before accepting anything in a spirit voice.  In a church is a setting of energies that can welcome spirit, but it is not always the highest and best that gets through to you.  Be sure of the source of your own impressions.  Just because it is a spirit voice does not make it all knowing or even a good voice to hear.

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:47 am

As usual, I agree with spiritalk!
I will add that long ago when I was first starting my own spiritual voyage, I also had something very similar happen, but without the voice. Everyone dies, this is fact. Standing in the checkout line at the grocery I was less than thrilled seeing superimposed over living people the manner of their deaths, esp the children who would be in car wrecks. There was simply nothing I could do with that information to help anyone. All it did was upset me. I conciously decided that no, I did not want to see that anymore, thankyouverymuch! And that ability or gift faded through my choice.
That being said, later on in life I went on to enter the medical field to help those that I could. Real death turns out to be at least as ugly as the visonary kind, but! I could be there for that person to comfort them and make them as physically comfortable as possible. That is how I chose to turn something that I could not bear into something that I felt helped ease people's fear and pain of the inevitable.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:35 pm

As was done, when in doubt as to what to do with the information, send healing.  That is the most effective use of spirit messages that we put them to.  Be sure that all you receive is positive.  

Then use it like a healing to the other person.  Sometimes healing is sent silently (as in this case) and sometimes we can actually talk to the person.  Never tell someone they are going to die.  It would give them a shock.  Just send a special spiritual healing and allow spirit to help them best they can.

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Post by nyx » Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:57 am

I too can "sense" when people will die. I've done it numerous times. You are not alone. It's really scary. i almost look at it as a curse rather than a gift.  I also posted my experiences if you want to read them. But I put it under the paranormal board cause I didn't know if it fit here.

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Seeing a future passing

Post by carollynnes » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:58 pm

That ability is a tough one to figure out.  Questions like 'Whats the point? How do I help? Why me?.  I've had this little weird ability for about 20 years now and it confused and scared me for quite awhile.  I seem to attract 'quick' death and/or Coma spirits as well.

I never really 'heard' a sign, but felt the energy and followed it to the person.  Like you were saying...they just seem to stand out, you don't have to look to hard that's for sure.  It's like seeing a strawberry in a bowl of's just that obvious.  

Anyway,  I handle it by approaching the person and starting a conversation with them.  Most especially if I feel it will be an untimely passing.  Bring up life experiences and such.  Keep it light and let them do the talking.  It's strange because once you start the ball rolling, they just talk and talk.  The point that I am trying to make is that I get the person to remember all of their life abundances and happy things.  It's a tough thing to learn when you start, but get's easier and easier with each person :)  Let people feel like they are important and have accomplished and received so many blessings in their lives.  That's how I feel I help, because there is nothing more that I can do.  Then I tell them it was a pleasure meeting them and give them a hug filled with love and appreciation for having met them.  Remind them that they touched my life at that moment.  That's it and that's all.

That's just how I handle may have a different way that makes you feel like the ability is worthwhile, and that's awesome too.

Just a quick sanity note though...if it get's too much or you just don't have time...this is what I do.  I say and send out energy of 'sorry, I just can't do this right now, can someone else help please'.  And then you go on with your day, that simple.

Hope this helps and remember to only do what you are comfortable with.  No bad things will happen to you if you deny or refuse the ability.  There are many others out there that are ok with taking over when called.

Take care, carollynnes

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Post by Stephys_cool » Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:47 am

All I can say from my own knowledge is that those gifts are meant to be explored, and our fears are meant to be conquered.
The ability is a bit scary, because it goes against things that we don't understand. Kind of like - people who look different will scare us at times and we may feel guilty for being scared of them, but the fact of that matter is that that's something we don't experience everyday.
One thing I would like to add though, that that I do believe that with the "ability" we already can sense these things, they only grow greater if we work on what we enjoy/do best.
I believe you may have been shown where your strengths lie, and now it is your decision to get more comfortable with this, and prepare- you may also be shown something that will remind you later what we can do.
A lot to do with our abilities has a lot to do with our comfort zone. You can not see someone whose been abused, if you choose to cancel out the vision.
You know what you are able to do you may be told that you must learn to relax. To receive what is possible.
As far as helping people goes - I don't know how you could help.
Here is my personal experience, that you may consider, but not take to your own use for we are separate beings, and have our own way to go about things.
I like to know what is going to happen, but I can not if I choose to altar it in any way. If I choose to alter it, or give physical reality recognition of these things, something usually ends up going wrong.
I don't know how you would be able to help in this situation, unless you meditated on the idea of "how to help". Maybe you are meant to help others because they need to recognize these things but have been ignorant to their inner voice telling them something is wrong, but you must practice your way of approach.
If you feel so strongly you must help people, well -- you were shown one thing, but "how" is the next thing you must search.
These questions can only come from yourself.

Above all - I believe you know what you're meant to do, you were shown, and until you are ready to use it to your greatest-- you must become comfortable with what is "different" and scary and unusual to you. Emotions are barriers. Once you get past them you are open to a whole new world of opportunities.

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