Psychic Sensitivities

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Psychic Sensitivities

Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:46 pm

This article is from a book by Dr. Judith Orloff and contains some well researched material on the various types of people we encounter.  

From "Positive Energy," by Judith Orloff, M.D.:

Certain people give off positive energy, others negative. It's the quality of someone's being, a measure of love with which they've led their lives. It also reflects the inner work they've done, their efforts to heal anger, hatred, or self-loathing, which poison us like toxic fumes. Energetically these linger, precluding joy from shining through. It's important to grasp, however, that once you undertake the process of healing, it changes the quality of even the negativity that remains. Don't be too hard on yourself-we're all works in progress.
+ They exude an inviting sense of heart, compassion, and support.
+ You intuitively feel safe, relaxed, wanting to get closer.
+ They emanate a peaceful glow.
+ You feel better around them. Your energy and optimism increase.

+ You experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted, or attacked
+ You intuitively feel unsafe, tense, or on guard.
+ You sense prickly, off-putting vibes. You can't wait to get away from them.
+ Your energy starts to fizzle. You may feel beleaguered or ill.

I'm a big fan of being proactive in generating positive energy. The First Prescription's formula for success: Do whatever makes your inner light burn brighter. In other words, try to treat yourself and everyone else with love. It's a constant process of tuning in: finding people who support your spirit, trusting your gut-centered decisions to guide you. Then you won't end up in a relationship that looks right but feels wrong. Or miss the chance to meet a loving man or woman because he or she doesn't fit some preconception. When you're with trying people, aim for the high road; find common ground, rather than inflame negativity. The care with which you approach life is intuitively evident in your energy field. We can feel each other's love: that's the great attraction. Spread openheartedness around.

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Post by zeldaevolution » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:35 am

Oh... so that explains it... but I wonder why still now people feel bad vibes from me? Is that a sign that the changes I had isn't enough yet?... =__=

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:42 pm

Our personal energies will always repel some people and draw others.  It is the nature of magnetism which all have within our own energy.  The changes we make to ourselves is for ourselves.  It is about wanting a higher spiritual perspective and doing something about it.

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Negative and Positive What's the Lesson?

Post by kybunker » Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:43 pm

Hi Spirit Talk!
I love Dr. Orloff's writings and enjoyed her perception as I was learning about myself!
For those of you out there that are just learning, you can find her audio tapes and books at the public library to check out.

I have to say, in my years of development, I have learned that when I start to feel the negative attributes of people, It is a sign to me.
The feelings and personality of my own being, will reflect what that person is projecting and it is up to me to recognize these shifts.

Once I recognize I am mirroring another's personality, I realize I am actually reading that person.
Which then helps me, Help them to see their issues in another perception.

Once they change their perception on the situation at hand, they no longer emit such a high radiance of negative energy.

For example: I have a client who was having issues with her neighbor, The issue formed into hate for that neighbor.
The hate grew so much in my client, all the client could think of was how much she hated her neighbor!
The hate took over every other thought in my clients mind, which in turn, took over the decisions she was making in her career and family choices.

The kids felt the anger, the husband felt the anger, the client was then considering divorcing her family because of all the anger in the household.

I talked with my client, I told her that if she could see her neighbor in a different light, the problems within her family will leave.
The client of course could Not get herself to see the neighbor differently, until she was shown the neighbors sadness and loss in her own life.

Once the client was able to understand the neighbor as just another person, who has experienced the loss of a child, the loss of her happiness
The client felt pity for the neighbor.
The client then took the neighbor a potted plant, The plant was an offering to the neighbor to show "I thought of you today"
The neighbor accepted the plant and later that week offered my client a doll.

My point to this is, when we feel negativity from another person, We can see past it if we try.
Therefore, does the negativity really exist and if so, what is our duty to eliminate it?

BTW the clients home life is running much smoother and she has a new friendship that is going on 5 years.

I think that recognizing negative and positive attributes of the different types of people in this world, Helps Us All to Grow within our own searches
What do you think?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:50 pm

Dr. Orloff has a wonderful write up on Psychic Vampires in her books.  It is excellent material for self journeys as well as understanding self from another perspective.  LIfe is all about the energies we emit.  Keeping our own loving is the key.

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Post by thea67 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:45 pm

+ They exude an inviting sense of heart, compassion, and support.
+ You intuitively feel safe, relaxed, wanting to get closer.
+ They emanate a peaceful glow.
+ You feel better around them. Your energy and optimism increase.
+ You experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted, or attacked
+ You intuitively feel unsafe, tense, or on guard.
+ You sense prickly, off-putting vibes. You can't wait to get away from them.
+ Your energy starts to fizzle. You may feel beleaguered or ill.
Ever since I was a small child I had the ability to feel when some one was good or bad. I very much believe that it has protected me from harm over the years.

I remember when I was around 10 years old: My daddy had a friend that I didn't like very much. Every time he (Leonard) came around I would shy away from him and remain stand-offish. I also told my daddy that I didn't like him much. He was the only one of my dad's friends that I would act like this towards, otherwise I'd be ready to sit on his lap.

Anyway, one day I found out why I felt bad feelings around him. My mother was baking something (I can't quite remember what), but she needed some more sugar, so she sent me to get some from Leonard's wife. They lived a few doors down. When I got there his wife was not there but he was. I told him why I was there and he invited me in to get my sugar, I didn't want to go in but I did anyway. Next thing I knew he had forced me to sit on his lap and began touching me inappropriately. I got away from him before He could any real damage. When my daddy got home from work that night I told him what his friend did, and then my daddy took care of that problem by punching him out. I don't remember ever seeing Leonard again.

This was the first of many times my intuitions would protect me through out my life. Except recently, the past several years, I feel I've been loosing touch with my intuitions.  I need to figure out how to rebuild what I have lost and develop them further.

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Post by Kalen » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:23 am

What do psychic vampires do?

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Post by pageofcups » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:50 am

I need to be more positive, I probably get treated badly because I give away the wrong type of energy.

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Post by CuriousMe » Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:51 pm

Interesting topic and im a firm believer in it. Although my understanding would be much more primitive, hence i have a question...

is it solely ones own responsibility to overcome the great losses of our lives to avoid becoming a negative person? Is this what separates the good vibe people from the bad? since they have better natural coping mechanisms and therefore live a higher quality of life?

I realize most likely the answer is that everyone should show love to one another and we'd all be positive people, but that seems (forgive my pessimism) unrealistic. When i experienced a rather large heartbreaking experience my mind and body suffered for months maybe a year, and even now a year and a half later i still notice the impact it has left on my thought process.

Dont get me wrong, I will always strive to show an open hearted mindset to everyone in my life. But it seems ive lost a piece i had before, and im not entirely sure where. I figure just keep looking but again it brings me back to my question, is it solely our responsibility since we are the only ones who know where to look and the large majority of people even those who know us best could hardly understand nor be willing to put that much effort in?

In further hindsight, i believe i may have developed a greater ability to love and understand people by living through my tragedy, but still that piece remains lost. Maybe it was the innocence / naivety of a child..

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:10 pm

Personal responsibility is high on my list of qualities to attain.  Yes we must work at it.  It is a blame centred world we live in and we tend to try to find the blame outside ourself for all things.  

I would have to say yes, all experiences change or color our thinking.  Every experience has made its mark upon the soul of the individual.  That is the purpose for the lesson.  

But we don't take the lessons quite so lightly.  We tend to assign blame to someone (even ourselves) and then mull it to death with 'iffin' thinking - If I had done this, then the results would have been different' instead of acknowledging all experiences are valid.  

A very important person in my life who never contributed much, once said: we tend to learn from our mistakes.  And isn't that the truth.  The best lessons of life are learned in the heat of loss.  Just as steel to gain strength must be fired, so human beings must endure the pain to find the joy.  

Fortune Cookie Wisdom:  For every sorrow, there are a thousand joys.  

Let every experience make its mark.  That is the growth of the individualized soul.

And do not let your energies of loss affect the energy you offer others.

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Post by CuriousMe » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:30 pm

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll definitely try to avoid the "iffin" in the future, and focus more on the understanding part....which for me is usually the last step in the process of a large failure.

I also really liked that quote... im surprised you say this person never contributed much because those words of wisdom seem like the words of someone who is very encouraging. If only we didn't endure the pain in silence as so many do, and find solace in others. Lets play the blame game and say no one is patient enough to help with life's most difficult trials, thus it falls back to ourselves.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:36 pm

Its a funny thing about that person - he was my father.  He died way too young (62) and I didn't gain as much as I would have liked of his innate wisdom.  My mother was domineering and he didn't have a strong place in our household.  But some of the things I learned, like this encouragement he gave, was extremely helpful to my growth.  I did not want to diminish him but honor him really by remembering what he taught me.

Personal responsibility will always be the key to a well lived life.  We take responsibility for self and allow others the same.  When we stop blaming others we find the value in the lessons of life.

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Post by CuriousMe » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:33 am

spiritalk wrote: When we stop blaming others we find the value in the lessons of life.
very true! and your father was indeed a wise man.

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