Big thanks to Eye of Tiger and message to all members

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Big thanks to Eye of Tiger and message to all members

Post by char100 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:55 pm

I (like many hundreds of users on this site) have received an excellent reading from Eye of Tiger, it is compassionate and well written.

I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Eye of Tiger on behalf of all members for his outstanding contribution to this website and also comment on his impressive ability.

I also urge all members that feel the same way to join me in thanking him by posting to this thread.

Thanks so much again!


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Post by caithiggs » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:28 pm

Agreed! Thanks Eye of Tiger!

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Thank you so much Char, from EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:31 am

I have been monitoring this thread for some time, and wanted to sincerely thank Char for starting it with the best of intentions.

I did not respond earlier because I did not want people to get the mistaken idea that I was promoting or advertising myself and my readings, as that is just not me.

I only do what I feel is in the the best interests of each person whom I attempt to help on the Psychic Reading forum, and am very grateful for the positive responses, kind comments and notes of appreciation which I often receive from many of you.

Therefore although I truly appreciate Char's kind thoughts and actions, I do not expect people to separately thank me all over again, and am not in any way offended or embarrassed by the noticeable lack of responses to this posting.

However clearly from her PM Char is embarrassed by how this has not worked out as well as she expected.

So I want to publicly state here for the records both to her as well as to all other members to whom I have either already given or will give readings in the future that I am not in this for my feeding my own ego,or for making out I know even half of the answers.

I receive so much love, friendship and positive energy in return for the helping, caring spiritual work which I do on the physic reading forum, that mere words cannot fully do it justice. While I am always deeply moved and humbly grateful for your words of appreciation, by the time they are spoken I have already received more as a reward for my time and efforts on your behalf, than many of you can possibly imagine.

I take the increased numbers of personal reading requests to me which may or may not have come out of you seeing this as a genuine compliment, and not something for anyone to be embarrassed about. Why we should ever have to feel embarrassed about words and acts of love and kindness and good intentions honestly puzzles me.

Hi Char,

Please do not worry yourself any further about this. The positive message of appreciation and kindness had already reached me, long before you wrote it. It has more than served its intended purpose. Let us all now move forwards into a new, improved relationship between readers and the people whom they are helping that will "knock the socks off" or put to shame anything offered on other similar spiritual sites.

Instead of the old outworn model of teachers and their students, let us work together more as equals and adults to help sort out your problems together. I am probably no more psychic or intuitive than anybody else here. The only difference between myself and someone who does not choose to give readings is that I have consciously decided to develop and then use my intuition in order to help people, as it feels so good to do this and as an added bonus I make many new and lasting friendships along the way.

Thank you once again for everything and I am grateful and proud to number you amongst my many close friends on this wonderful and caring spiritual online community and website.

V is for VICTORY over unnecessary embarassment!

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Post by CuriousMe » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:45 am

Guess im late...
but along with my dozens of thank yous and well wishings, here's one more which i hope will be as meaningful to you as your readings have been for me.

EoT, thank you for all the dedication, love, energy, and sacrifice you put in to every and each one of your readings. It's certainly made an impact in my life, and opened my heart and mind in ways i would not have phantom possible otherwise.


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