Life of a psychic

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Life of a psychic

Post by Stephys_cool » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:28 pm

My name is Stephanie, and I wish very badly to tell you all about my life. I would love to invite you to take a tour of my mind.

First let me introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Kaye Nielson. I was born in San Bernardino California. By the time I had reached the age of 11, I moved with my family to my new home of Elk Ridge Utah. It is very different living in Utah. It is very confusing and I feel very misunderstood. Though I appreciate Utah fully...for it has shown me who I am.

I fear very strongly letting others know who I am, and what it is like to be me. A big part of this reason is I fear the criticism and I dislike very stongly that if you aren't open to who I am already... what I say to the criticism will just be wasted effort. I also fear it because... when I begin to curse myself and doubt myself of my gift after being unable to get through to someone.... at times I experience some sort of Psychic attack .. people like me attract psychic attacks... what psychic attacks are... is a mass of negative energy looking for people who are like me.. and confuse them of their knowledge Psychic attacks will cause you to question things you know are real and you will begin to believe them. I do believe Satan is out there.... and he will get to you in any form that he can.... he will come to you in the form of your weakness.  At times you lose sense of your emotions and self being... and lose touch in the world completely because you know longer believe in who you are... there for the only sense you can make of it... is that you don't exist. Some people who experience this .... get trapped further than others. Others get so stuck in it they live life blind... unable to get a grip on who they once were. The rest of us who survive the psychic attacks... come out of them with even more knowledge than they went into them... being able to understand their knowledge... rather than just knowing it is there. Able to experience what it is like for others who are not like them. and understand the difficulties and flaws in the advice you give and learning how to give the correct advice to work around the blocks in our heads that some of us deal with.

I am terrified quite often when I think of Satan, because I know what he is able to do. He can make some very weird things happen... but only if you let him get control of your mind. I have let him speak through me before when I got very weak... I was attempting to let my angel speak through me... but instead it was him and he was very cruel.. and it left my head feeling very painful. When I try to use my magic... it hurts because something is stopping me for it knows how valuable I am.

All my life I have known I was different... and that I could "do things". Well... I found out more about that when I reached 11th grade. One day I just started to read people unintentionally and I was correct. I always have been correct but it never surprises me... I know what I can do and it's just such a strong feeling it doesn't surprise me in the least. Good and evil is often mistaken now a day... because we can not figure out unless we absolutely observe ourselves... and how our personality and attitude gets around certain people. Evil is getting so thick... we just believe we're crazy even though we know so strongly that we aren't. It's just so hard to be fought... evil doesn't want us to know and I tell you... evil appears to be winning.

I am so very powerful and very very strong. I understand my life and understand what lessons and energy and rewards come from each challenge... and each challenge I look at as silly and so simple.... I believe I am here to help each of you see what's really going on. I have met a few like me... and I believe it is those like us who are trying to help the world see the truth. We must believe in evil... we are taught that it exists and what Satan can do to us... but when we are actually put into that situation Satan has already gotten so deep that we think it's crazy talk... We never realize our own self power... and the power of our mind... Our minds are so much more powerful... We can fight it. Easy. The only thing stopping us is this doubt and disbelief. Open your eyes and mind boys and girls... This world is in fact unusual. You can't say it's normal.... You may have an idea of why we're here but have you taken a chance to look at the detail?? When I see it clearly I see the challenges we are all going through. Some part of me believes that this evil isn't evil at all... that really it's just a trap to help us grow spiritually... and those who have grown spiritually are here to help the rest of you... Until you make it.

I  believe we all reincarnate together and we are helping and growing as one. Look back in the past... yes that was all of us. each and every one of us living together Back when they believed in shamans and psychics and magic and all this nutso stuff that we would insult today. That was all of us. All of us good people... But some of our souls are very lost They become so weak they lose all control of themselves... and never think up this evil spirit could be possibly running their bodies. They will influence people in any way shape or form... if they have the chance to take over someone body to influence us by golly they will!!

But really... I notice this fear it feeds off and really.. when I look past the emotion I see how it is only a trap. That really... Evil is nothing to fear at all. It makes us grow stronger... and when we work together we teach each other. We are obviously working together because we preach to one another and grow stronger together.

One thing I know about me is... I have always been pretty talented when it came to puzzles or art or any thing else of the sort... but I never exactly questioned it. But this is just one more piece that shows me I am a messenger.. I believe I may have put pieces together a little faster than others... and I always have been able to do such things... It's just a skill that I posses. And because of this skill   .. I will help you figure it out just as I have.. by putting pieces together for you.

Us as people we speak because we are able to understand each other and our energies connecting we will receive answers because that's what we were put here to do. When we connect together with another good soul . . magic is created and feeling one anothers energies you are feeling the good pure energy... this is actually one thing that I have found to prove quite useful when I am having a psychic attack. I find a pure person I can communicate with and connect with them... so I will be able to feel the white pure magic. The beauty. God. What ever you wish to call it.. That connection is magical and I still have yet to figure out why. But you see we do this together... when I preach to each and everyone one of you I pick up more pieces...

I am ashamed of who I am and often defensive. I feel a little evil and I feel as if I see myself as better than everyone else. But you see... I understand each and every one of you. I was in your shoes once. Confused.. Not really feeling or knowing anything. Just kind of believing... So I don't judge you... I only guide and those who listen ... can see. I can show them....

Now.. I still only have more things to say that will defend who I am telling you that I am but I really wish for you to think about this... Those of you who are apart of the church... ever wondered why we don't see angels? Why none of that magic happens now a day?

I tell you. I promise you that it's because of all the evil getting through to people. We are closing our minds and doubting and misunderstanding the truth... that those messengers are unable to make it through... those messengers are attacked and often picked off one by one because they get stuck in a psychic attack and forget what ever happened

I don't know much of what to do anymore. I know what I am and why I am here and when I am not doing what I was put on this earth to do I freak out with anxiety/psychic attacks... and I can't see clearly . See I can't do everyday things like homework and dance and softball etc etc... without at least having my mind in place... After losing my mind... I have been having a real hard time getting it back. To stop doubting and being able to feed off good energy.

I see that when I feel good vibes or feel love from a friend... I feel myself turn off and I can not accept it. I feel that it is because I have evil surrounding me attacking me constantly.... That Good just can not mix. Good and evil do not go together... they never have..

I must continue to explain these things to you because I feel how important they are. I am a messenger.

For those interested in my life style... and just the fact that I'd like to express and help people to understand who I am... I will do my best to continue to speak about things in life. I tend to usually keep this stuff very private... but I feel the need to share it with all of you. I know that the few of you that I am able to inspire... will make this effort.. and fear to express who I believe to be... will make it all worth while.

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Very Uplifting

Post by Rochelle23 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:34 pm

Very uplifting indeed! Being a psychic def has it's pros and cons, good days and bad days! Being a messenger is a blessing but finding ways to keep that balance betwwen being a psychic and being human is a must but it can be done. :smt006

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oh !!

Post by aliciapony » Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:32 am

hello, i'm amazed of the gift you have, i have always wanted to be one of you, to see beyond what other people can't. But maybe i was granted that for a reason and only God may know that. I'm fascinated with all of this,

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Hello, I have an interest in exchanging experiences, and also request your help.

Post by milton » Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:15 pm

Dear Stephy:

 I just join Mystic Board and was amaze when I read your message explaining about your gift, and explaining about psychic attacks.  Let me introduce my self.  My full name is Milton Isaac Castillo Rodriguez a native from Lima, Peru. I born on a 28th of October of 1961 at 12:30 noon.  I am writing to you Steph because I totally identify with your message.  I suffer psychic attacks myself too.  Is a long story, and I would like --if you dont mind-- to make friends with you.  I have natural psychic abilities myself, that I never develop profesionally. I dont read cards, I can read through pictures or photographs of people, but it has to be recent pictures where I need to see the eyes of the person. I am extremely emphatic, I also have remote viewing abilities.  I also had four near death experiences that I believe had some influenced in whom I am today.

Please let me know if you want to talk,

Milton (

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:22 pm

Try the writings of Dr. Judith Orloff on the subjects of psychic vampires and psychic attacks.  She has some wonderful things to share.

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Believe in yourself

Post by slinky » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:33 am

First of all YAY! we have the same name, secondly, NEVER EVER be ashamed of who you are. (I know thats hard as I have been mocked and teased when I told people things Ive seen, I always thought I was just silly.) I joined this site the other day as I have decided to try and trust myself and learn more about my experiences. There is only one of you, you have your gift for a reason, and I believe we are given these abilities to help other people or use it for one major good helpful thing. even though it may not seem like a big deal, the person whos life you change will always be greateful to you.
I was so strongly discouraged from believing in myself that until recently I denyed that what Ive experienced was real. ( I thought everyone could see a coloured thingy around people and that was just how it was but when I would tell anyone, theyd just laugh at me and tell me i have a good imagination. Thats one example of it all). Its such a positive thing that you realise that you do have a gift.
Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about anything, Im really interested to hear what you have to say.
P.S. dont let other peoples synicism and judgement get in the way of you being the best you that you can be, dont let them stop you from being great!!!

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Post by chocomoose » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:40 am

How awesome that you posted this, it was great to read about your life. There are many aspects to having this gift and I feel like I understand more now.

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Post by CuriousMe » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:04 am


this is a very enlightening and uplifting story. I miss our talks, i'd love to hear more and learn for myself. There are so many things you mentioned which have been truths i've discovered for myself, but unfortunately the "real world" makes these truths, these ideas ive proven to myself.... silly and stupid.

I'd really like to know more and offer any re-energizing i can to you, though i fear my energy's been a little heavy lately. Can't wait to get through my own personal psychic attack...

Wishing you well,

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Post by motoman540 » Tue May 10, 2011 2:01 am

Wow! Thank you very much for sharing that post with us! The part about evil/psychic attacks is so fascinating... really shows how vulnerability plays a huge factor in any kind of attack. Please continue to share experiences whenever you get the chance!

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