How to get rid of doubt/negative energy?

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How to get rid of doubt/negative energy?

Post by kcv09 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:38 am

Hi Everyone!..
I'm a pretty postive person when it comes to certain situations.Personally I believe with postive energy you get anything you desire, at least its been proven in some of my cases, I don't think its coincdence it would be too much. Then there are those other situations that I have a lot of doubt and just over all negative enegy, I'm pretty sure if I change my train of though it will all come out as I hope for and thought it would. But I'm having difficulty going from a doubtful/negative mind to a postive one, how can I achive that?..I hear meditation is good but I never really understood how to do it? if any suggestions or tips I'd really apprecaite it.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:07 pm

Meditation is the key to so much of our peace.  It will be out of the peace that more can expand
and come forward to use in the psychic sense.  

When we want something and work on the manifestation it is important to remain positive.  
This is where it often falls apart.  When what we wish to manifest does not come in our time,
we forget there is no time in spirit.  It is yet to come, patience is required.

Meditation is merely creating a peaceful place in the mind where you can remain quiet and relax.
When the mind wanders and it will, return it to your peaceful place.  Be gentle and quiet with the
whole exercise to keep it peaceful.  Do not force the mind but attempt to train it to the peace
you seek.

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Post by divinelight » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:36 am

Surround yourself with positive people always. Human brains are screaming loud, but most seldom realize it. The thoughts, words, and actions of those around you will always have an effect, until your mind overpowers them all. Clothe yourself with signs of courage and faith, positivity in every sense. Those holding similar thoughts are physically attracted to one another, and you will tend to notice yourself "accidentally" surrounded by people enduring similar circumstances, wearing similar clothing, holding similar beliefs, and chasing similar goals. It is this attraction which aids in focusing.

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Post by alise » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:01 pm

Along with meditation you are going to want to Ground and do White light protection witch can be done threw meditation. Grounding your self will help you release your negative energy and the white light helps you be connected with the higher energies and also will block the negative. If you are new to all of this you can try guided meditations. If you go on utube and type in Guided grounding meditation, guided white light meditations it will give you plenty to try. you should do these before each meditation. And you can also do this any time you are feeling overloaded with negative energy. You can find other mind expanding meditations on utube also. If you have never meditated it makes me wander if you have ever met your spirit guides? There is also guided meditations for that.

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