Spirit Guides, Im not sure.

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Spirit Guides, Im not sure.

Post by *Happi*Happi*Joi*Joi* » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:44 am

I know spirit guides are supposed to only be there to help. But I am not sure I want to commuicate with any spirits because I don't know their agenda or where they are from. And I have a hard time excepting what others say to be true, unless I experience it my self. But I have been learning tarot. And since I started reading the cards I see movment in my paripheal vision more often and more in my face than ever before. I assumed it was my guides trying to get my attention. But I read some where that there are spirits attatched to taro. Some helpfull, some malevelant... Now I am all kinds of tangled and thinking to much about it... Any thoughts?

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Re: Spirit Guides, Im not sure.

Post by Celestial » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:00 pm

*Happi*Happi*Joi*Joi* wrote:I know spirit guides are supposed to only be there to help. But I am not sure I want to commuicate with any spirits because I don't know their agenda or where they are from. And I have a hard time excepting what others say to be true, unless I experience it my self. But I have been learning tarot. And since I started reading the cards I see movment in my paripheal vision more often and more in my face than ever before. I assumed it was my guides trying to get my attention. But I read some where that there are spirits attatched to taro. Some helpfull, some malevelant... Now I am all kinds of tangled and thinking to much about it... Any thoughts?

Greetings! You are right in being cautious about working with "spirits."

There are of course, good spirits but there are bad spirits as well! Those who fall into the latter category most always turn into 'opportunistic spirits.' This is because they are no longer in human embodiment and thus, crave to communicate with or in any way approach those who lend themselves to the summoning of spirits or the working with items that are related to spirit activity. Therefore, there is danger in not knowing who or what it is you are dealing with.

That is why, Biblically speaking, John the Apostle warns us about spirits and encourages us to TEST the spirits in the following Scripture whenever dealing with them.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-Christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." -- 1 John 4:1-3 (KJV)

The spirit must speak to and answer that basic question that John is speaking about of whether the spirit confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. If they do not answer that correctly about Jesus, they cannot be with Jesus and that which is good, thus, are a malevolent spirit.

Spirits do exist in their dimension but tend to cross over unto ours because the veil is quite thin. There are many people in the world today who are able to see spirit activity with their peripheral vision, just as you are saying. Spirits tend to "run across" or move usually quite fast in one's peripheral vision but when one turns to try to look at them directly they disappear.  

It is always good to protect oneself by saying a prayer when there is any type of confrontation with spirit. The immersion in the Pure White Light of Christ is also spoken of as an addition.

Always Be Safe. Stay Safe!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:20 am

When we decide to open to mediumship (communication with spirit) and connect with spirit guides, we learn all we can on the subject.  And there are many opinions of how tos.  It is best to take what resonnates with yourself and leave the rest.

Spirit guides are human beings who have lived an earth life in the past.  So respect and connection is important, just like working with a friend.  Sometimes attunement is difficult because we don't quite trust our inner sightless connections.  In this instance we can use a symbol that connects you to just the right person, place, thing and makes it a consistent and constant friendship and working relationship.

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Post by tmthesing » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:26 pm

Hi, my name is Tanna, I'm new here.  I've been searching locally for a proven psychic to take me under their wing, and help me sort out my exponentially growing gift, and my spirit guides gave me the great idea to search for an online forum for support and ideas instead.  So here I am.

I have two spirit guides, referred to in my house as "my people".  I have Caroline, her real name is Catherine, but she looks like and reminds me of my aunt Carol, so I changed her name to Caroline, after learning from watching Sylvia Browne that they don't mind us changing their names.  Caroline has been with me since birth.  She's around me almost all the time.  When other spirits are trying to come through to me, (after being duped by evil spirits posing as family members) I have asked Caroline to escort and introduce any spirits that want to come forward to me.  I know its a legit good spirit if they're accompanied by her, and the song she puts in my mind (that's between us two).  This is how I start readings with friends and family.... for instance a friend was over working on his car the other day, and his recently passed father wanted to know why his son wouldn't forgive him, Caroline got my attention with our song, introduced the spirit to me, so I could gather the information I needed to pass along the message.

My other spirit guide is Michael.  He has been with me since I was 14 years old.  I had a horrible, horrible childhood, and grew up in foster care.  He was sent to me to be the father figure and protector that I didn't have.  He is very protective of me, and is usually around me when I'm alone or in difficult situations.  He often rides with me in the car, and pushes on the back of my seat when I drive, like as if one of my kids were in the seat behind me, pushing themselves up in their seat.  When he wants to talk to me, he puts the song, "Perfect", by Pink in my head.  That's a song he lead me to not too far back after my very painful divorce, it's been our thing since.  I'll suddenly find myself singing that song, that's when I know that Michael is trying to talk to me.

My spirit guides, or Guardian Angels as I prefer to call them, are a huge part of my life.  Spirits are also a huge part of my life, and try to come through to me all the time.  As such, I am open game for evil spirits, as I have learned the hard way.  "My people" have warned me about demons that have entered my home, and helped me get rid of them.  They have sent me to the park in just enough time to keep one of my kids from making the other puke on the tire swing, and they've kept me from driving when I shouldn't have been on the road.  I don't know where I'd be without them, and I am very thankful that I have learned how to call on them.

Just thought I'd share my story.  I can't wait to be enlightened more on this forum, and really learn what I can do with the amazing abilities that I'm discovering I have

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