Prelude to a possible OBE?

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Prelude to a possible OBE?

Post by gorben » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:22 pm

Greetings and Salutations All,
    Last night when I went to bed I was very relaxed and all of a sudden it felt like someone pushed very hard on my shoulder( the one I had surgery on ). Right after that experience I heard a loud sound. I think that my spirit was either ready to leave my body or I was returning to it. Has anyone experienced that before? ( I'm new here)  Thanks for reading.

                 Jeff :smt017

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A prelude to an OBE?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:09 am

Hi Jeff,

Welcoming you to Mystic Board, and especially to the psychic forum. Nice to meet you, and what a good question it is that you have asked as your first posting?

Were you deliberately attempting to induce an OBE at the time?

Please note that this is NOT a reading as such. All reading requests must be posted in the psychic reading forum which is here.......

My educated guess (though I cannot prove it and am not intuitively reading it) is that your shoulder was being energetically manipulated and treated by your healing guide just before you heard this loud sound, in combination with one or more spirit doctors who specialize in reversing the damage to joints caused by your injuries, and sometimes by the physical surgery itself.

Have you ever nearly fallen asleep then someone has suddenly shaken you or spoken to you in what sounds like a loud and disembodied voice?

It is believed when this happens that your spirit or consciousness was in the process of separating from your physical body, but this has been dramatically interrupted which makes it snap back into your body like a suddenly released stretched to its limit rubber band, frequently causing a loud sound of an explosion or the crack of a whip to be heard in the inner ear.

Also you may be extremely anxious, heavily perspiring and may involuntarily lash out and punch the person who was responsible in the face if they are not quick enough to escape. In other words the sudden suspension of the separation process which was going on before it was rudely interrupted (the prelude to the OBE) causes a sudden and uncomfortable or even painful psychic shock to your spirit.

When the spirit doctors and your healing guide prematurely it seems began working energetically to treat the shoulder on which surgery had been performed it had the same effect as above. Your consciousness or spirit body drops back into your physical, within the period of a few milliseconds.

The serious jolt and loud noise and re-emergence of physical feeling and pain as the spirit re-enters and is brought back into full control over the physical vehicle is a common reason why when a person has had a Near Death Experience (NDE), many say that they did not want to come back here.

But if it is not their time to die or they still have work to do or people who love and need them, the discomfort, pain and loud noise when returning to one's physical frame is seen as a necessary means to an end. Since you are still here it was not your time to depart this mortal coil (kick the bucket, expire, or the D word), there is work still to be done and only you can do it, and there are one or more reasons or people keeping you tied to this world and your body at least for the short to medium term future.

Please let us know if there is any improvement in your shoulder as a result of this spiritual healing, and especially if this ever happens again. Something as simple as you going to bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier than you normally do may prevent you from ever having to go through this disturbing experience again, but your shoulder can still be treated from the Spirit side without any further interruption.

At the moment however your sleep is not yet deep enough to prevent this psychic shock from continuing to be a potential problem, but 30 or 60 minutes later your sleep will by then be deep enough that a sudden awakening and the associated psychic shock are both highly unlikely as a result of your ongoing treatment.

Sweet dreams,

EoT  :smt015

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Post by gorben » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:36 am

Thank you EOT for your very interesting reply
 I was not attempting an OBE. 2 years ago I tried unsuccessfully to leave my body but while I had several of the symptoms which lead to an OBE I think my mind kept me in the physical.
  During my attempt to float out - my body vibrated,I had the elephant on the chest syndrome and I felt like my body was moving up and down in waves. I did a lot of research on OBE's and do know that it could take months or years to succeed. I'm afraid that I ran out of patience. My forte' is healing so I went with that.
   EOT have you had any OBE's. I ask knowing that you are close to my age(56)?

     Thanks for your time

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Before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken...........

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:46 pm

EOT have you had any OBE's. I ask knowing that you are close to my age(56)?

Yes I have had more than one OBE, but the last one which I can remember happened during the early 1980s (when I was in my 30s) when I was going through a particularly rough patch with my health. I was like yourself not attempting to induce one at the time. It is thought that certain physical illnesses of a chronic and debilitating nature cause the connection between the physical and spiritual bodies to temporarily weaken, meaning that you can become more prone as a result to having OBEs, when compared to the average person or even when compared to when you are in better health.

Another common way of having an OBE although this usually happens quite spontaneously in other than the most advanced dreamer is from a lucid dream. A lucid dream of course is one in which the dreamer suddenly becomes aware that he or she is dreaming while in the middle of a dream, which leads to a heightened state of consciousness which many lucid dreamers describe as being much more intense, vivid and alive than their waking lives. The psychic literature contains many personal accounts of people experiencing more lucid dreams and OBEs than is usual after having overslept their normal wake up time, or after having gone back to bed after getting up earlier to visit the bathroom.

It is a very rare individual indeed who can gain a degree of conscious control over having their consciousness temporarily leave their physical bodies (for this is what an OBE is believed to involve) and travel to other places seemingly independent of them. If the physical and spiritual bodies ever really separated from one another as some believe they do during an OBE, you would be permanently dead. Many accounts of astral travelling mention a silver cord of a light emitting variety which connects the two bodies together throughout the person's lifetime.

When the silver cord has been severed or broken, GAME OR LIFE OVER!!!!!

The important point behind this posting is for you not to feel that you are a failure or that OBEs only happen to other people who are more patient than you are, simply because you were not successful on your first 100 or more attempts. People using meditation to attain a state of nirvana or spiritual realisation actually prefer not to have an OBE while they are meditating, because it distracts them from what they have set out to do.

In their situations, having an OBE is seen as being undesirable, and having one should consequently be avoided if at all possible. Not all people were meant to or want to have an OBE. Fear of the unknown and particularly the fear that they will not be able to return to their physical bodies when the experience is over is definitely one of the major barriers to success when it comes to out of body projection attempts.

Are you feeling sorry by now that you ever asked me this question in the first place? I sincerely hope that I have not unintentionally bored you with the extra content which I added to my answer in order to make it more interesting to other members than a simple yes. Thank you for reading my posting this far, and still being awake.

You deserve a medal. IMHO

EoT  :smt005

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It's all good

Post by gorben » Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:12 am

 Thanks once again for replying to my post. I originally wanted to have an OBE because I wanted to visit other dimensions and hopefully to visit my deceased parents but when psychic wife found out about my attempts she blew a gasket so I promised not to try anymore.

That all started after my parents died at an early age (50 & 52) I was devastated to say the least.   :smt012  I wanted to know where they were now so I became interested in the metaphysical so I read every book I could
get my hands on. Needless to say I lived in the library.

 After a few years I found out I had an incurable kidney disease. ( I hope you like novels :smt003) Since I had no insurance I needed to find a way to beat this disease so I scoured the internet for different types of ways to heal.
I started to meditate daily and used energy healing to beat it. I wanted to learn Reiki but it was much to expensive.

 Now I am mainly focusing on improving my healing abilities so that I can
help my wife who is in poor health and anyone else who is in need of healing.  

           Thanks again for posting,


    ( P.S. I never once nodded off on your post  :smt005 )

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:19 am

Sometimes when the spirit returns to the body it causes certain symptoms of shakes or like a nervous system episode.  I know I have experienced as such.

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I do have a personal question for you about healing energies

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:21 am


Although both my parents passed later in their lives - father 69 and mother 80, you could not possibly know how many other aspects of our lives and beliefs we share. It is almost as though we are each trying to learn the same lessons about giving and receiving healing energies. Only the finer details are different.

While there is a forum for Reiki as well as other forms of alternate healing, I feel that Mystic Board unfortunately lacks a forum where the type of healing which we are talking about here can be requested, and healers can compare notes.

The I Need A hug forum is I feel grossly inadequate for this intended purpose. We are talking about much more than giving the person increased hope and comfort, although these are valuable to any healing method.  

Of course such a forum would need to include a disclaimer that nothing posted in it was meant to suggest that serious illnesses can be cured by prayer alone or are meant to replace proper diagnosis and the appropriate treatment by a qualified medical practitioner/doctor/specialist, but I still feel that compared to other web sites which I also give readings on, a healing request and healer to healer discussion forum is needed here as well.

Anyway that is just my personal opinion, and because I am currently more than busy enough giving readings, I would be creating extra work for someone else to administer the healing forum.

I do have a personal "energy transfer" question for you related to both our wives having a healing, which I would like to ask you through a private message, so please let me know if you would agree to me doing this at your earliest possible convenience, under this thread.

Thursdays are my regular weekly day off from visiting Mystic Board (bar emergencies), so it would not be before Friday South Australian time at the earliest that I would see your response.

Many thanks,

EoT :smt024

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Reply to EOT

Post by gorben » Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:44 am


 I would be more than happy to talk to you on the PM. Since our time zones
are vastly different - when to write me it could be awhile before I respond.
The reason I signed up on this forum and others is to meet and make friends
who share the same interests as I. I work nights and have weekends off so the best time for me to play on the computer is on the weekend although I usually check in on the forum daily.

 The main reason I attempted to heal myself was because of lack of funds and I don't believe doctors have all the answers. Usually they just throw drugs at the problem and never address the core problem.

I would never tell anyone not to see the doctor. Alternative medicine should work side by side with traditional medicine but most doctors think healers are
only fooling themselves.


                  Ta Ta for now, Jeff   :smt020

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:18 pm


My private message should now be in your inbox.

Thanks again,

EoT :smt003

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