I'll just go ahead and post this... and ask my question here...

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I'll just go ahead and post this... and ask my question here...

Post by AeraCrescent » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:07 am

I have tried to think about how to word this for a few days now. My intent is to not offend or insult or anything like that at all, which is why I have been afraid to respond to any postings or to post any new threads even though I have really wanted to on this forum.

I am quite emberassed a little bit, and I feel really out of place.

So here I am, finally stepping forward, looking for answers, trying new things, researching, reading things, but finding myself kind of blocked by other people's opinions and extreme viewpoints.

I find this board online and I think to myself: "Okay great! People like me, people who are more advanced, people who will understand." And I feel like, maybe I can't connect with anyone here, that no one will want to talk or have anything to do with me because I am so new, I have so little skill, I follow no religious practice (I am agnostic/spiritual I guess... I believe in a higher conscioiusness at this time), and I have had some major issues in my life. Traumatic issues.

So I think to myself: Wow, how am I going to find people to learn from, to understand these things from? Everyone I'm meeting right now have some religious preference that they seem to be pushing on me in some way, or they have strong viewpoints about what something is or isn't, and it isn't matching up with what another person is saying....

I don't know what the Truth is. How do i find Truth for myself? And then my partner wants me to take a very scientific approach to this, which will negate a lot of this, because, a lot of this is "unprovable" if you go by basic science.

I feel stuck. I know the experience I have. But with so many people wanting money, or those that don't want money, not making any sense to me, I'm not sure.

And here on this board, I'm so afraid of doing anything because what if I don't make sense or if I seem too egotistical or anything?

I feel so lost and confused. I don't want to ask for a reading because I'm sure a lot of people ask for readings and I'm a little afraid of what would come up, and I'm even more afraid that it wouldn't be "appropriate" for me to have a reading right now as determined by the readers.
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Post by swetha » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:50 am


Truly speaking I may not be able to understand what you are feeling. But I can tell you one thing. Do not be afraid. You want to ask something, go ahead and ask... if its not acceptable, then you will know but remove the fear from inside. so what if you dont make sense. I am sure the one who has to understand you will do in his or her own way. all of us are here to help each other in our own ways. we may be right or wrong but the point is we are not here to point fingers at anyone else.


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Post by AeraCrescent » Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:34 am

I wish I didn't have so much fear/anxiety/apprehension. I really wish I didn't. I am suspicious of some of this, and yet hopeful for it. I am both positive and negative. Scientific facts like say... about hypnagogic visions for example, just shatter my hopes about how I may be clairaudient. Anything science could explain regarding paranormal or spiritual just kinda shocks me back into 'reality' and makes me wonder if I'm just playing a game with myself.

Yet when my friend tells me that my glasses that have gone missing for over 5 days are in my room, and there is a dark box, about the size of a shoe box, maybe, around my bed, and I find them later, but I move a small black box that used to have markers in it, and I find my glasses against the wall, at the head of the bed... I have to wonder. I had looked everywhere for them, even under the bed in the past, I must have missed them, you know.
I interpret her prediction with the 'shoebox' as there being a box in the way, or her seeing it there.... I have 3 dark colored shoebox-sized/shaped boxes under my bed.... I couldn't remember how I might of lost my glasses, where i put them last, only that I did, and I never ever do that.
My guess is I had them on the end table and they got knocked off by my pillow and I never noticed because of the back strain I had and the pain I was in. Regardless, it is something like that, that is validating for me. I didn't find my glasses initially when she and I first looked. I found them much later, when I was frustrated with trying divination and automatic writing. I had a thought pop into my head, "Your glasses are under your bed" I tend to think in words a lot. So I never know if I'm saying stuff in my head or...you know. I just don't, and I make up random stuff in my head all the time, so it's hard to tell if something is intuition or just random stuff....

On the other hand, scientific explanations for hypnagogic visions and other such things just kind of make me a little sad, I guess.
I tried Divination with a ring because a person at a meetup I went to did this, for spirit guide channeling and i was interested. The results are inconclusive, and I'm not sure if I can actually do it, if I'm not using the right things, or if I'm subconsciously moving it myself, or if I'm triggering movement with my own energy field, which I strongly feel I have.
I have imprinted my own energy on regular playing cards recently, just to see if I could do it, for validation.
I don't understand why I need validation. So much of it, I mean.

I shook/panicked a little bit during the meetup group when I asked outright if my spirit guide's name was Joeseph and the lady said "Yes". I didn't expect her to say yes. I kept getting the name Joeseph in my head, which is why I asked. But that is for the male voice I heard that told me to put cold water on my hands when I was near fainting from a pinched nerve/pain. (Again apparently that is Hypnagogia, and according to science, its common to hear voices that sound like people we are familiar with, and this voice sounded like Reuter, my partner, the other voice I heard, sounded like my mother... *sigh..* )

I feel like, I run around in circles between logic and conflicting beliefs...
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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:30 am

Oh by the way, when in a fear of passing out, the best place to put cold water is the back of the neck.  I know because I am prone to it and have made use of a cold water cloth many times.  Wrists and the back of the neck are the common sites - for me the back of the neck worked best.  Keep turning the cloth to keep it cold on the site.

No matter where you go, there is going to be a big variety of opinions on subjects such as spirit guides.  The bottom line is......you have to check it all out for yourself - some will work and some will not.  But being careful to draw only the highest and best is imperative or you are stuck with uneducated spirit.

Proper spirit guides NEVER tell us what to do - they merely guide and allow personal responsibility and choice to us.  Any guide laughing AT you or telling you what to do is not worthy of your friendship and love.  Send them away and keep looking.  I like the idea of a symbol between me and my guide - in this way it is our personal attunement.
God bless, J

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Post by AeraCrescent » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:42 am

How do you know when you are actually communicating and it isn't just a random thought in your head?
I have people tell me: "Yes you are clairvoyant. Yes, lavender if in your aura." When I tell them things people are telling me about myself. HOw do i know they aren't just agreeing with what others are saying? I don't see my own aura or 'sense' the colors that are in it. Yet they tell me I can 'feel' the colors. I don't understand. Yet I am told if I do certain things i could potentially channel a spirit and be taken over for a short period of time and that i need to shield myself.

I just bought my first Tarot deck. For a long time, I have ALWAYS wanted a Dragon Tarot deck. I looked at different decks today, and I picked one up that I found interesting in illustration, and it made my hand tingle some. I felt drawn to it, more so than one of the other decks... At first it gave me some anxiety/excitement as I had to acclimate to it's energy. It was the last one on the shelf, too. So I bought it. I feel I made the right choice.

My partner couldn't feel the energy difference that I could however when I had him pick up the deck and another deck....

Wouldn't a spirit guide, or any entity intervene however if you really needed help and give you a clear sentence though? Or was that just classic hypnagogia?
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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:20 pm

Spirit guides speak in the language of symbols.  Everything in life is really symbols - even the letters of the alphabet are really symbols.  It is how we put them together that they make sense.  So that is true of the language of spirit as well.  

You have some sensitivities for sure.  Find a good teacher!  That would be my first piece of advice to you.  Barring finding a teacher, and going it alone, take baby steps in what you do to open and learn.  Step One:  Take Charge!

You are in charge of all that happens on the psychic level.  Don't let anyone tell you different.  While the colors are interesting and I think imperative to good mediumship, they do not have to represent specific colors for specific abilities.  That is only the interpretation of the individual reader.  Be careful what you are accepting as facts and what are opinions.  

No more than 20 minute Meditation is the key to development.  If you must do it alone, sit quietly regularly and consistently to reach out to your own personal spirit guide.  When doing it with a symbol and connection, you will soon learn the energy of your special guide and friend.  I can provide you with some articles to help in developing a technique for meditation for development.  

Using a scene from nature helps calm the inner anxieties and leaves you calm.  When calm, you can provide a symbol (like a flower of something from nature) and a seat for your guide to enter your meditation state.  When you feel the energy change, then dialogue - ask questions, and expect the answers.  Yes, we are using our own mind but the key is that you had not anticipated the answers that come, so it is spirit guides not your own mind.  Very challenging to note the difference sometimes!

No matter what we are going through in life, it is our own journey.  Spirit guides can only guide not live it for us.  Their communication is only as good as we develop along with them to manifest.
God bless, J

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:21 pm

(Visualization, Meditation, Affirmation)

We have been given the tools of strength and balance in our body, mind and spirit connection.  We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to include the sensitivities of empowerment within our humanity.

Using prayer to connect to the highest source of all qualities allows the spirit to grow and be within a framework of love.  It solidifies the connection between human frailties and the God of our own understanding.  Opening and closing all our efforts with spirit, in prayer solidifies the covenant we seek with the guiding force of all life.

As you can program your computer to its language, so can you program your universe to the language of love.   With this programming in place, the universe will resonate with the highest frequencies of ‘life force energy’, ‘God’, ‘Light’ that resonate at this frequency.

When you focus on this frequency your being becomes attuned like a musical instrument and will bring it into harmony in every cell of our universe.  When you focus on fear, it creates disharmonic frequencies in your being.

We can neither create nor destroy energy, we can only change its form.  As we create something, we do not create the energy, but take energy that already exists and change its form into that which we desire.

The human existence is a series of many electrical systems.  We call them body, mind, and spirit connection, functioning together as one reality.  When we create our thought forms, send them through this maze of electrical systems, which is then sent to a universal consciousness, this energy is then returned to manifest our desires.

If the electrical systems within the individual existence are fragmented, dysfunctional or distorted through fear and negativity, the thought form is sent out and returns distorted.  If the electrical system is blocked, the thought form may never have the opportunity to be completed.

As the individual creation takes the universal energy already in existence and exercises creative mind, giving the energy meaning and direction with thought, the most powerful energy in the universe, creative manifestation is now set into motion.  You have been doing this your entire life.

Thought is energy set into motion. What your mind creates, your body and spirit can manifest.


Our mind can be encouraged to think upon the lines of positive empowerment that we instill.  To begin affirmations, it must be noted that it is important to use one that you can believe.  Paying lip service to action will not get the job done.  Even when it does not make sense to you at the present time, your consciousness can be exercised (like any muscle in the body) to accept this new thought.

Affirmations will be freeing us from the conscious thoughts that ‘life is pain’ and therefore to be endured.  When we begin our affirmations, if this thought is embedded in our consciousness, we will not succeed in our efforts.

Not all in life is pain.  There are many joys and it is our responsibility to accentuate the positive, finding the joys of life as we learn and grow.  Life is not all black and white, the joys of life can be found even in our sorrow.

In nature, all is seeded in a soil of comfort and security, but to grow also requires fertilizer.  The manure we put on our plants, while waste in another aspect, can nourish our flowers to blossom.  Sit back and enjoy the results as the end product of the lessons of life.

On waking, to begin your day, turn your thoughts from chaos and confusion to peace and harmony with a simple affirmation.  Without the calming exercise, you begin your day in hurry and bustle, which is designed to create chaos for your entire day.

During the stresses of your day, take a moment to repeat your affirmation and calm any loaded situation.  Make it the last thought before sleep at night to ensure a peaceful dream state.

The affirmation that works for me:  

Flow spirit flow, and all my fears release
I am a channel for thy love and peace
Heal spirit heal and all myself renew
I am expressing my perfection true

Protection Exercise:

Visualize a bubble (similar to one blown from a child’s soap bubble pipe complete with the rainbow patch – rainbows are mystical symbols of connection, communication, love and they complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end) and see it expand to cover your whole body – you are floating in this bubble.  Affirm that it is a filter of all negativity from within and without.


Using the mind to visualize in conjunction with a meditative, peaceful state is our ability to calm our consciousness for stress relief and health.  Our imagination can picture anything in our mind we choose.  Keeping it positive and of nature is an important aspect of manifesting peace and calm within, when it is needed for life.

All energies flow from the source, the creator of all life.  Beginning all exercises of our consciousness with a prayer puts the spiritual aspect we are seeking for ourselves into all our efforts for ourselves as well as others.  From the spirit allow the greater spirit to guide and protect you through all activities of being, so that service is the watchword of a loving life.  Be a part of the spread of energy of peace, calm and harmony throughout a troubled world so that you can remain a part of the raising of consciousness of all life.

Sit comfortably, close the eyes to distraction and breathe gently.  Take note of your breathing and allow it to slow and calm, releasing tensions from the body.  Let go of the stresses causing tension within the body, blow out several times to get in touch with your deeper breathing.
Picture water lapping on a shore (the scene can be one of your own choosing, either from memory or produced for this purpose).  With the ebb and flow of the water, feel your whole being flowing, in and out, relaxing and enlivening your whole body, mind and spirit connection.  

The beach has warm sand beneath your feet and a warm sun upon your shoulders.  You are peaceful and calm as you walk along your secluded, private personal space.  Listen to the ebb and flow of the tides.   Feel the calm of this sound.  

When ready, enter the cool waters to refresh.  Flow again with the tides of the water as you enjoy it over, around and through your whole being.

When ready, leave the cool water and return to the warm sandy beach.  You will feel energized and full of warmth that seeps deep within your body.  To share it, visualize someone you know of who could do with a calming thought and send some of your new- found peace along to them, as well.

You are ready to return to your conscious state and bring this peaceful, calm energy into all you think, do and be for the coming hours.  It is important to say a prayer of thanks on completion of any exercise that calls on the universe to re-energize, renew and refresh your being as you work to also send peace and calm to others.


The literal interpretation of Meditation is….To think upon.  Using visualization, sound, music, etc. we can concentrate and retrain our mind upon a single purpose.

Contemplation and meditation are so important to our consciousness.  We can unlock hidden, spiritual potential within our own being.  There is only one spiritual center for each individual.  There are many methods and purposes to reach this spiritual center.  There remains only one motive “Service” to all in spirituality.
Meditation is used for many purposes and in many ways to produce energies and feelings of calm and peace.  When we are in need of personal energy or healing, meditation can bring awareness to our body, mind and spirit connection.  

It is also used for attunement for the gifts of the spirit (spiritual healing, clairvoyance, inspired speaking, inspirations, etc.) bringing enlightenment of the spirit.  Therefore there will be different techniques for different purposes.
For the purpose of stress relief and relaxation, inner peace is found in a simple meditation upon a calm, beautiful place of peace.  It can be a beautiful object such as a flower, or music can set a tone of relaxation.

In a moving meditation we are uniting the body, mind and spirit through such exercises as tai chi, yoga, labyrinth walk or any repetitive activity.  This can also be washing a floor, painting a wall, dusting, jogging or power walking, in fact, any activity that causes all outside thoughts to fall away.  When this puts us in the present moment, we are meditating.

To attune through meditation to spirit guides and teachers for the purpose of mediumship gifts (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, trance, inspiration, etc.) it is important to reach our guidance with a symbol of our own choosing to personalize the contact. It is effective for the symbols we use to come from nature, as this is such a living, thriving source of energies.  Flowers neither reap nor sow, they offer the beauty and scent of their being for all to be uplifted and enlivened in spirit.  

Each time we make attunement with our guiding forces, we strengthen that partnership of spirit.   With each exercise it becomes easier to make the connection we desire.  The results of this attunement are the manifestation of all mediumship gifts on a spiritual level of our consciousness.

Knowledge is the foundation upon which we build.  Training of the consciousness at many levels is the exercise to seek knowledge.  Meditation will cultivate the understanding so that knowledge is absorbed by us and applied in our everyday living.  We have the opportunity to take knowledge on a personal basis, expand and refine it to our needs individually.

Meditation is a wondrous adventure and can be an important step in our spiritual awareness.  As spirit here and now, everything in this universe is open to our use, there is no limit to what we can learn, only the limitations we impose upon ourselves.

The mind is the greatest tool or instrument that we own.  It is unfortunate that most of us are not aware of the great potential of our minds.  The opening and expanding of our consciousness not only touches our spirit, but also opens a whole new world of spirit for our exploration and growth.

We can form a partnership with the spirit guardians, guides and teachers who touch our lives.  We can work with them to make this experience of a more spiritual nature.  We will be getting in touch with a more complete aspect of which we are as a human being now in this material world of existence.

Once we empower our body, mind, and spirit connection with these tools of strength and balance, we will find our consciousness opening and expanding to another dimension of awareness, generally referred to as the psychic.

We have been using our 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) in a material world and can take these onto this other level of awareness and add intuition and I know (from the heart…it neither sees nor hears, it just knows).  It is important to be open to all the senses to manifest, not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.  Warm and cold feelings are two of the symptoms from energies that are frequently felt during meditation.
God bless, J

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A personal tribute to mediumship and to my good friend J (aka Spiritalk)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:14 am

Hi J,

Your incredible depth of knowledge and your obvious wealth of experience in the specialized area of mediumship constantly amazes and impresses your friend, and I feel that it is long past the time when your significant, positive contribution to this site, its members and indeed the reputation of mediumship itself needs to be recognized by all of us and given its long overdue but well deserved credit.

I am not completely sure why it is that mediumship on Mystic Board has I feel quite unintentionally taken on the role of a poor second cousin to some one who is working psychically with no conscious connection to or active partnership with the Spirit world.

Possibly it is partly because mediumship readings are not allowed on these forums, or could it be because your own forum on Mediumship Understanding and Development is listed under Mystic Academy as being artificially separated and isolated from the main psychic and psychic readings boards (even though a sticky link to it is provided)?

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=31821

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... .php?f=107

And yet it is clear to me from the increasing number of postings of recent times asking intelligent questions about mediumship such as those which have been asked by the author of this thread that there exists a high level of interest about this subject, particularly among some of the younger and newer members which you must find very personally satisfying and encouraging for the future of mediumship in general.

This is particularly inspiring because without young people coming in to continually replace the older mediums who are retiring or are being forcefully retired by their own death, the future for mediumship would be looking very insecure and extremely limited in the 21st century. Spiritualism itself as a religion could not survive if the supply of new and developing young mediums runs out (as you would already know more than the average person would).

The fact that all mediums are also psychics and that mediums use the same psychic senses and basic psychic skills which every psychic sensitive employs in their spiritual work seems to have been overlooked in giving mediumship a much lower priority of importance when compared to that which is given to working as a psychic.

I would like to take this opportunity to pay a sincere personal tribute to you for the brilliant work which you do to help all of us myself included to gain a better and deeper balanced understanding and appreciation of mediumship, and to overcome our understandable doubts and fears in dealing with what will always remain hidden to our physical senses.

I believe that fear and ignorance about the Spirit world and the belief that we have spirits instead of us being spirits temporarily using physical bodies (but already having a spiritual body with its own spiritual senses) are potentially the biggest barriers to mediumship and mediums themselves being better accepted in our modern technological society, where often money, science and at least in the case of Australia are our idea of God.

I cannot see mediumship readings being allowed, but I feel that members need to get feedback on how they are doing with their mediumship development exercises, such as those which you have suggested above.

They also need to see the feedback coming from other students in order to recognise that not all mediumship is of the traditional type where people are helped to speak to their dear, departed relatives. Mediumship involving healing is equally valid, and mediumship and channeling are not always necessarily the same thing (I have never seen the difference well explained).

There is still so much more about mediumship to be properly explored in the future, both as a scientific phenomenon and as a unique personal experience for each of us to be able to keep you occupied and motivated for many more years to come.

From a not so secret admirer of your knowledge, devotion, commitment and compassion,


From your friend EoT  :smt006

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Post by AeraCrescent » Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:43 am

J and EoT, thank you for your responses.
I know hardly anything about these subjects.
Now that it's been mentioned, and as I think I've mentioned before, the whole trans-medium thing (that I was told I was..), I'm starting to think about it.
When I was at this spirit guide channeling thing, this Medium had her guide channeled by the psychic with the pendulum in the group-setting. When her guide, Clara came through (The person was asked to figure out her name, the psychic was not going to reveal it, she was going to fail-safe her or something..) I felt some energy increase, and I had to take some deep breaths and try to focus myself a little bit. I'm not sure why that was.

I never used to feel energy the way that I do now. I am told it is because the medication I used to be on kind of suppressed my senses. Which I do believe. And I think the trauma of having several people die at a place I frequented kind of jarred me. That's what they say anyways. I have not been back to that establishment since before the shooting took place. I am not sure what I would feel if I went back there. If I would be 'psyching myself out' or if i would genuinely feel 'echoes' of what went on that day. I am very familiar with what happened. I don't question why or how it happened.

A Medium once approached me through a friend, saying a woman who committed suicide (That I was kind of close to because she was my partner's other partner) wanted to speak to me. That she felt this woman's presence lingering after her death. This happened a year ago, over a year ago. I did not take her up on the offer back then to get a 'free reading' It was too sensitive of a matter for me. But now, I wonder if I should have. Back then I was a lot more skeptical and maybe more cynical.. maybe not cynical, maybe more frightened... and hurt.
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I think that you did the right thing by turning down the medium's offer of a reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:39 pm


You are very welcome.
I did not take her up on the offer back then to get a 'free reading' It was too sensitive of a matter for me. But now, I wonder if I should have.
If it any comfort to you in hindsight I feel that it would not have been of any benefit to you to take up her offer for a reading when you were so emotionally affected by her common relationship through your current partner.

Not only that but there was a strong possibility that it could have placed an undue amount of extra stress on your relationship with your partner, then and in the future.

By accepting that reading you could be unintentionally digging up painful memories (skeletons in the closet) for your partner about his deceased ex, which could in turn have destabilised your relationship and made him want to break up with you. It is better to leave these memories alone, unless it was absolutely necessary to resurrect them in order for your relationship to survive?

My subject heading says it all.
I am told it is because the medication I used to be on kind of suppressed my senses. Which I do believe.
Certain medications, especially those which alter our moods and/or reduce our anxiety levels are well known for suppressing both our physical as well as our spiritual senses. And it is not just mind altering drugs which do this. I myself suffer with a wide range of allergies and antihistamines make me feel that I am intoxicated, and frequently send me into a deep state of sleep where there are no dreams I can remember having.

Unfortunately the more modern claimed to be non drowsy types of antihistamines do not work for me at all, or I would be using them as a substitute, and still be able to safely drive a motor vehicle.
And I think the trauma of having several people die at a place I frequented kind of jarred me.
That would upset even the least psychically or paranormally sensitive person, but with you already having such a heightened sensitivity to the residual energies left by so many violent deaths occurring in a concentrated area, this would have been an extreme form of mental torture for you to remain there for too long at a time.

Blessed be,

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Post by AeraCrescent » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:54 pm

EoT, I have not gone back to that place since before the shooting happened. My partner has every intent on returning.
I am not sure I want to return, but I am curious, that if i were to return, if I would feel anything, or see anything.

I remember seeing orbs of colored light as a child, or being more 'on edge' or more 'alive' in the dark. I keep wanting to go to a cemetary now, just to see if i would feel anything at all.
I was in a mixed manic state that hit a day before the shooting... It was during that 9 day period I started to hear thing and see things. It wasn't constant though. Since then I have begun to be more receptive to energy changes. I was taken completely off of all anti depressants in April. Yet one of my medications was increased in dose, and I take another medication 3x a day for pain/anxiety. They don't make me drowsy or anything and aren't in the SSRI class. They are both anticonvulsants (I don't have seizures)

Hmm.. maybe I could ask for a reading here about my shoulder. It's one of the main reasons why I take the Gabapentin. My anxiety levels have been much lower since I got a chakra cleansing, and I think if i got Reiki and other spiritual healings, maybe my anxiety/panic would be much better. Other more natural practices should be in place instead of taking pills for anxiety....

I live, or did, live in a lot of fear/anxiety, and I am guessing, when I am between bipolar episodes, I do not have much anxiety or fear/panic. When I have depression/mania I might have more paranoia/panic/anxiety/fear than usual. But maybe meditation/grounding techniques and Reiki would help with that.

What do other people think? I remember, before what happened back in April and the trauma that occurred in June, I was on a lot of medication.... now I am not, and I am much more receptive to energy. I myself have improved in clarity, and even the receptionist for my psychiatrist said I have a 'calm energy' about me. It's not like I'm doing hardcore therapy or going to groups or anything. I just am not on the wrong medication, and I have, in a way, been brought back to what I grew up with; spiritual/new agey stuff.
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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:17 am

We all have to come to terms with our own personal fears before opening our sensitivities (psychic or mediumship).  That is what Take Charge is all about!  Knowing you have some talent for mediumship it would be best to investigate all aspects, learn all you can, before just experimenting.  In this way it will be a valid experience.

Substance (medications or drugs of any kind) do not mix with the opening and operation of the mind in mediumship.  A clear mind helps us decide what is happening for and to us so that we can develop and enhance the mediumship over any imagination on the subject.

Thank you for the kind words EOT.
God bless, J

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:12 am

Hmm.. maybe I could ask for a reading here about my shoulder.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to give medical readings or diagnose medical conditions or prescribe a suitable treatment, under the site and forum rules.

This must be left entirely to you and a qualified medical practitioner to explore in detail.

It is clear that you are much more sensitive or in tune with these subtle energies when compared to myself, so perhaps it should be me instead of you who is asking for an aura analysis.

I am responding to your reading request in the psychic reading forum, IMMEDIATELY AFTER I FINISH THIS ONE.

Speak to you again, over on that board,

EoT  :smt020

PS: To Spiritalk.

My words are both honestly what I feel about your invaluable contribution to Mystic Board, and are very well deserved by you firstly as my friend and secondly as another highly respected reader team member, in my own humble opinion.

EoT  :smt007

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Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:29 am
Location: Seattle, WA

Post by AeraCrescent » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:30 am

Oh goodness, EOT that was fast.

Yes, I read that. I understand about the shoulder business. It is doing better now that I am sleeping with crystals under my pillow and that I am actually moving around more and doing more things. I think it is healing. I am meeting a level III Reiki master tomorrow. Maybe he can help me.

Thank you so much, EOT.
Time Heals All Wounds

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:29 am
Location: Seattle, WA

Post by AeraCrescent » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:25 am

Oh yes, i want to do a little bit of a follow up -

I have been back to that place now, they had their grand re-opening. I have been there twice now. I felt some kind of energy the second time (when it wasn't crowded with supporters!). It was tingly. As is some of the energy I pick up. I keep looking at a certain spot on the floor where i know the body of the person I was familiar with fell. Or the  general area of where I think it fell. There is a table there now. The whole place got re-painted and the furniture moved around.

I did go to a cemetary, too and one particular spot there was a white headstone. Knittle was the name on it. In the old Jewish section, dating back before the 1920's all the way into the 19450's. And I thought: "Knittle, what a nice name, kind of cute, funny..." and I walked up to it...smiled.. and quickly that smile wavered and I started to bawl. I grieved and cried and felt this emotional pain that wasn't mine. I was detached from it. My partner was with me and he asked: "Are you alright?" and I said: "Yes I'm fine" In between sobs of course, and I said: "I just need to get through this." Or something like that. I asked if there was any information on the headstone or nearby and he said: "Usually if there's nothing on it, no one's been buried there yet.. oh wait, it's on the back." So I went to the back and found out it was a husband and father. I moved further away from the section and I started to feel better. I said out loud: "I'm sorry but I have to move away." and I kept moving away until the feeling was completely gone and I felt much better.

The other areas I walked through were pretty 'dead and quiet' no pun intended.....

So that was an interesting experience. I don't know if it was the white headstone or a headstone nearby. But the white headstone stuck out because, well it was WHITE among all the grey and black ones.. so whatever imprint was there, I connected to that headstone.
Time Heals All Wounds

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