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Thank you sincerely for sharing your experiences with us

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:57 am

To my new internet friend Aera, :smt006

You are gradually and safely gaining valuable experience in how to most effectively use your psychic visions and energy readings of the structure of the building to be able to complete the picture, by interpreting the meaning of each individual piece of the puzzle one at a time.

This is the way in which psychic information is normally received by people who work with the police to help solve crimes. And it is probably the biggest single factor which makes people even more sceptical about whether the psychic is genuine, self deluded or fraudulent.

It appears to the outside observer that the psychic is either guessing or simply feeling their way through each of the clues (cold reading), which leads them to conclude that using psychics in this manner is a complete waste of their energy and time and that real psychic abilities obviously never existed in the first place.

When they do!

The colour difference which you mentioned which made the head stone stand out from all the others is a typical method used by our minds to emphasize the most important parts of the puzzle, so that we can focus most of our attention and energies only upon them and more quickly make vital information available to the officers of the law to use in their investigation of what actually happened on that day, and hopefully end in them arresting the guilty person or people who were responsible.

BTW I was wondering whether or not you have ever had the opportunity to visit ground zero in New York where the terrorists brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11th, 2001. Who could ever forget these terrible images which it seems are burned deeply forever upon our eye's retinas?

I would expect that if you visited this place where there was so much pain, fear and death as well as such courage and personal sacrifice to save others that it would be virtually flooded with the residual psychic energies from the man made disaster. A place like that where the psychic energies would still be so highly concentrated ten or more years after the actual event could potentially overload and burn out your sensitive psychic "wiring", if you did not take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from this happening.

Personally I find what you have written in this thread so far intensely fascinating as it is like we have been given the huge privilege of reading your private psychic journal, and are being offered valuable insights into what it is like to be a psychic of your exceptional ability, and so young.

It is about as close as many of us will get to knowing what this is like to be someone like yourself, including the downsides, which is going to I feel over time reduce much of the ignorance and fear that has prevented others from working with their own psychic abilities, knowing that they are not alone with their problems and that somebody else has an idea of what they have and are now going through.

Thank you sincerely for sharing your experiences with us, as it must take a lot of trust and courage for you to open up about them to people whom you have never met in person, after you were taken advantage of by so many "friends" who only had their own best interests and egos at heart.

And finally yes it does seem that many successful psychics have had to struggle with horrible things happening to them throughout their lives, presumably to both loosen the bonds between their physical and spirit bodies, as well as making them more compassionate and understanding towards and about the suffering of others.

Love, Light and Peace,

EoT :smt020

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Post by AeraCrescent » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:58 am

EOT, thank you for explaining bits and pieces to me

It helps me understand the processing I go through. I have so many feelings or thoughts or 'invisible' things go on with me that I have to wonder if it's just in my head or if it's from an external force.

When I read your reply I got a strange feeling that started when you started asking about 9/11. I remember that day. I knew something bad was happening that day. My mom was glued to the TV. the TVs were on at school. I wasn't really watching TV or paying attention to the news. I never do. And yet, I seem to know that something bad is going on, or that things are getting worse. I feel it. But I also synthesize information and pick up what people say, skim headlines. I don't need to keep watching mainstream television or get involved in politics.

I wasn't very sensitive to energy back then. Not until this past couple of months.

I met the level III Reiki master today and went out to a piece of property that was considered sacred ground. He was doing some electrical work out there. I got to wonder around. And I found the main circle of stones that an organization does a lot of rituals in. It felt soothing to be in the circle of stones.

They also have a statue of venus further beyond the stones, near the poolhouse. I felt something near the statue and decided, no, felt I should put my hand on her, to see if I would see or feel anything. And I did. I saw rosey/blush pink On the back of my eyelids, very vivid. I can't describe the feeling I got though. It was a little intense for me. Kind of uncomfortable, because I've never exactly felt that before. It was like feeling a husky smokey incense in energy form.

The person I was with said that my psychic energy had increased (HE felt it) since I had been on the property. I even sat down in the poolhouse during my time there, and put my hands together, felt my energy feild, and saw my aura between my hands. It was a sunset yellow-ish color and I had that indigo/purple light around my skin again.

I have been energetic and feeling good since I was there today, even after talking to my partner of whom I've been feeling crappy about/around.

My new friend and I agreed, and I agree with you (I think we're all in agreement here):
1. I need to sheild, first by using basic white light visualization techniques and then later when he is more available or when I can learn more advanced tecniques, start learning more advanced sheilding techniques and try to repair some of that damage you mentioned in my reading
2. I have decided to learn Reiki I will not be able to take classes that this person offers until September, but it's possible and it won't cost me much at all (funny and the tarot card I pulled today was the Death card.. new changes....)
3. My partner who is having a hard time and who has black spots in his Aura... I'm going to practice Reiki on him. I want to try to heal him, I will also get Reiki done on myself if I am able to
(and I will look for books by Matthew Manning at the Seattle Metaphysical library and see if they have any on him.... I'm almost certain the local 'regular' library branch doesn't.. their metaphysical section is piss poor...)

That is the choice I have made. Now, My partner could decide he doesn't want to try energy healing anymore, which is fine. And my new friend and his partner could have more problems in their situation that could prevent me from having access to their skills and classes, but there are books on Reiki I can begin reading at least, during this month of August while they are going to be knowingly tied up. What happens in September is up in the air right now, EOT. But at least I kind of know what to expect in August. As for my partner in August, he might be the same, or he might get worse with his depression. And who knows what the new medication will do to him once he gets it.

But I've made my choice clear, and my interests clear.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:10 am

That is the choice I have made
But I've made my choice clear, and my interests clear.
Then you have already made significant progress within the relatively short period of time which you have been visiting us on Mystic Board.

When you first came here only days ago, you appeared to be completely undecided and lacking in any sense of direction as to what you should do next.

Now your increased self confidence and sheer determination to decide your own destiny is clearly evident to anyone who is reading this.

The three of us do agree on many points, and I will of course support any decision you have made concerning the specific healing modality which you have selected to be able to begin your journey of self discovery.

It is the purpose of these readings to help you to make your own decisions, and never to make them for you. That would be an invasion of your right to live your life as you best see fit to do so, or against your divine right of free will.


EoT  :)

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Post by AeraCrescent » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:42 pm

Well, EOT, I decided on Reiki because that seems to be the readily available. My lack of knowledge in what is avialable to learn (I Haven't done much research on healing - yet) has sort of boxed me into Reiki.
However, it is with Reiki that I felt some sort of panic or anxiety when I was younger, and it was with Reiki that I felt it long distence from my mother.

Unfortunately the partner I wish to practice healing on doesn't believe Reiki works because there is no scientific evidence to prove that it does. There is no way to measure that it does. So I wonder what he would do if he felt his body heat up? He follows a very strict 'scientific standard' to test these supernatural things. If it is not scientifically measurable or defineable, then he throws it out or views it as irrelevant.
He's open and he's interested in the esoteric, but it needs to 'pass the test'. And so, they have to be 'miracles'.

He can't just take anectodal evidence from someone that 'Reiki (or insert another thing here) worked for me" He needs to see proper evidence. It's so frustrating. Because here we have a problem. Science cannot measure this, to my knowledge. He will never be happy or learn anything if he needs to go by science. Science can only teach us so much.

I love science. I know a great deal about Psychology and Medicine. My inability to continue school probably kept me from taking those Psychology classes I wanted. I learned a lot on my own. So I'm not in the dark when I go to my appointments and see a psychiatrist or psychologist. I know what's going on, I am self aware. I know a lot of about physical medical stuff, too. The healers in our hospitals and clinics I respect and value very much. I fantasized about wearing the white lab coat and wandering down hospital hallways, seeing patients.
But instead, I ended up on the other end. I ended up in hospitals. I ended up pumped through with medication. I took my courses in psychology that way.

I wanted to be a psych nurse at one point after my first real hospitalization back in '09. And now i've been hospitalized (once against my will) about 4 times now since i moved away from home and dropped out of college. This last time they took me off of my last anti depressant and that's how I became normalized enough to feel energy, I think. But it was shortly after my release from the hospital, about a month or so, that Cafe Racer had it's shooting.

I remember, after I started feeling these isolated moments of energy, I was feeling this nagging impulse to find someone, something. A board, a forum that had people like me on it. Just like how i had found a medical marijuana forum where I learned a great deal about Cannabis, when I needed to. (I hardly go on there now) when I needed to use cannabis for the acute pain I was in back in November. I looked at a couple of sites.

One of them looked kind of intimidating and was hard to read. It didn't have the right vibe for me. Then I found this one, and I wasn't sure of it's activity level or anything, but I thought: "Well, I'll give it a shot."

And then you popped up once or twice before I asked for a reading from you. (I still need to go through that again and ask for clarification on some points.)
I read a bout your wife and her cancer issue, and I checked out what you had to say about readings and stuff, and decided that my initial feeling that you would be the best reader and connection for me at the time was true. You're compassionate and have been through a lot. You are well understanding of certain things I am going through and what you said about myself and the healing affirmed this.

You wish you could do so much more, but you can't. And that's okay.

I will have to research different healing modalities. I was only really aware of Reiki. It's very popular.

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Post by AeraCrescent » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:31 am

Okay, I'm back.

So, I've lost a bit of weight, not too much, I'm happy with it, but I'm just not eating much lately.

I've now experienced tingling in my crown chakra and more funny sensations in the crown and third eye. I've met more people who are more developed than I am intuitively and I had another reading where I felt my aura being read. I"ve even experienced a spot on Alki Beach here in Seattle that is a central point of energy and I saw a lot of colors and flashing white light there.

My crown chakra seems to be really open and I have at times been really thinking about this woman that died over a year ago. A medium who is a friend of mine, and my mother both say she feels bad for the accidental overdose she did.

I still practice seeing Auras sometimes, and have been practicing Tarot. Some of my suspicians/intuitions about things have come true, but i notice my partner doesn't give me a lot of information about things.

So all this energy going into my body from my 7th chakra.. I never thought about it before... but it makes me rock back and forth , kind of like how a pendulum starts to swing. And at one point I rocked back and forth so much it made my chair move as well. I used to do this whiel sitting quietly alone as a child. Now I'm doing it a lot, just sitting, wherever I am.

My hair/head feels funny a lot. Sometimes it tingles/itches. This woman named Penelope that I was being told about during this tingling sensation around the 30th of July - I think I finally ran into her. She teaches at a local bookshop. She said my 7th chakra was wide open and I have all these little entities nesting in there, doing stuff with my energy.

I try to ground and someone who works with energy/magick gave me a sheilding exersize to do, but I can't focus on it, and I dont' even know if it could posisbly work for me. I know the basic grounding excersize I was given does work sometimes because I see colors and I feel the warmth of the sun I visualize during the excersize.

When I touch people or feel their hands, I feel their energy that reflects their personality/impression I get of them.
When I hold someone's hands and close my eyes, I see colors. I think I felt my parnter's chakras the other day as I went down his body, and I'm pretty sure it told me that there was a lot of activity in his solar plexus and root chakras, and hardly any activity/vibration in his higher chakras, which makes sense, because he's not very intuitive/psychic, being skeptic and all.

I'm at a loss here. Ever since those people died and ever since i've been going through this, I feel like more and more stuff is happening to me.

And for EOT - more people are saying green is in my aura. I pulled pain out of a friend's wrist, and I pulled some sort of achy/slow vibrational energy out of my partner's knee when it began to hurt, but not enough for him to notice any pain reduction. I still have yet to begin learning Reiki. - But it makes me wonder, do I really need to lower the channel in my Crown chakra then? or do I simply need to harness all this energy to flow through me so I could send healing once i learn Reiki?

I'm in a depressive phase right now. If Bipolar is a Trans-Medium issue/Energy disorder, then I should just be able to combat it with intuitive tools. With proper training. This isn't easy to sort out. I feel so bombarded and stressed out, the past 3 1/2 months have been very interesting and life changing for me.

I'm not the same person I was in some ways. The magician I know doesn't know what to do because he can come up to my level, but easily shut down after he 'plays' with the metaphysical/energy world. I can't shut down. I cant' shut it out. It just comes to me, I just know things, or I just start feeling sensations.

I pull a lot of Major Arcana cards. My understanding is that these are forces we don't have control over, like we might be able to change some of what happens if we pull the Minor Arcana. I get a lot of The Empress, Heirophant, Temperance, and the Chariot. Those are very common for me to pull in the work I have been doing for myself. I've also been known to pull The Sun and the Moon on more than a couple occasions. I mention these, because these are important themes that are appearing in my life.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:00 pm

We are all in charge of our own energies.  To dismiss them or excuse them with some open or blocked chakra information is to dismiss the potential and possibilities you have for growth and knowledge about yourself.  That is where you need to begin.  

If you opened your chakras - all of them - then close them down.  You are not doing this because the energy is warm and fuzzy and gives you a sense of power.  But when you learn to work with the energies you will find it stronger, not weaker, by your taking charge of yourself and all that energy.  The other way, you are giving it away and that will serve to bite you in the end.

The chakra exercises, the cards, nothing metaphysical will help you if you do not take charge for yourself.

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Post by AeraCrescent » Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:49 am

spiritalk wrote:We are all in charge of our own energies.  To dismiss them or excuse them with some open or blocked chakra information is to dismiss the potential and possibilities you have for growth and knowledge about yourself.  That is where you need to begin.  

If you opened your chakras - all of them - then close them down.  You are not doing this because the energy is warm and fuzzy and gives you a sense of power.  But when you learn to work with the energies you will find it stronger, not weaker, by your taking charge of yourself and all that energy.  The other way, you are giving it away and that will serve to bite you in the end.

The chakra exercises, the cards, nothing metaphysical will help you if you do not take charge for yourself.
It's taken me a bit to get back to this. I'm sorry about that.
I appreciate you taking the time to write back.

I'm not exactly sure i understand what you mean.
Should I be able to shut them down and open them up as I need to? They should not be open all the time? I have very little knowledge in anything in regards to energy, I just.. do things. I get 'stuck' or I get 'spacey' and I then decide to 'try something' and then things just happen.
I believe that anything is possible, and such an example of my ability to just 'try something' is as follows:

Recently I was alone in my partner's bedroom. And I began to really think about how I rock back and forth sometimes because of energy going through my crown chakra, or how maybe I feel an energy current in my ears, or I feel a slight humming in the air. So I sensed this in his room and I thought "Well maybe something is in this room. And maybe if I close my eyes and look around the room maybe I'll see it." and Lately i've been able to think in my head and get somewhat of a response, be it intuitive or a direct response. I'v even read and tried out for myself about how you can stop a pendulum from swaying, just by telling it to stop mentally while holding the chain  -
So I closed my eyes and looked about the room. But then I Remembered at intuitive school when I got a student reading - about how they vibrated at Gold. But I also read somewhere, about how not just anyone could vibrate at gold. So then I thought - 'can I do it?'

So, I imagined my crown chakra the color cold, and I sat on the edge of my partners bed for a time. Colors started to come in on the back of my eyelids. I felt my body going FAST. Pink came in on the back of my eyelids with some blue and then it turned into a peach color, and I said outloud: "Wow this is intense" I moved my fingertips to make sure I could still feel my body, but I felt like I was going away. I remember thinking: "This is not safe. I need to come back now. I don't know if I"m going to trance, and I've never tranced before, I've never felt quite like this before" The colors were so bright with my eyes closed. I felt like I was about to go into hyperspace.
So I opened my eyes, and my heart rate skyrocketed for a time. I sat there, feeling so weird.

I don't know what I did. My crown chakra felt kind of funny.
I didn't ground beforehand. But generally when I ground, I don't feel any energy moving through my body, not generally, but I do feel more 'in' my body. That was my mistake I believe, but I am not sure what I did, or what I was feeling or seeing! I have never had colors be that intense before.

I have had colors sneak in on me recently however when I had humming enter my ears, I had a rose color and blue come into the back of my eyelids the night after I received a chakra/aura cleansing, and then some telepathy came in. I was told to ask a woman named "Alicia" something. I was half asleep.... Yet another case where I think a spirit has tried to tell me something while i've been drifting off!

Again the director of one of the local intuitive schools said I was a trance medium. I tend to get a little anxious-feeling however when I feel energy, how it can 'speed' up your body that way.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:20 pm

There is use of energy and there is abuse of the energy.  Control is a much needed protection against all metaphysical happenings.  To experiment with an attitude of 'lets just see what happens' will reap some really uncomfortable (and perhaps dangerouse to your health) results.  

You definitely need to take charge and not play around as you have been doing.  But that is certainly personal choice.  GET A GOOD TEACHER to help you control what you are doing and not experiment in this manner.

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Post by AeraCrescent » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:06 am

spiritalk wrote:There is use of energy and there is abuse of the energy.  Control is a much needed protection against all metaphysical happenings.  To experiment with an attitude of 'lets just see what happens' will reap some really uncomfortable (and perhaps dangerouse to your health) results.  

You definitely need to take charge and not play around as you have been doing.  But that is certainly personal choice.  GET A GOOD TEACHER to help you control what you are doing and not experiment in this manner.
You are right.
However, I have apparently have had attached entities for a long time. Whether they were thought forms or actual spirits, parasitic or otherwise, I do not know. I recently had a detachment done. I feel a bit different. The past  6 months have been interesting. October was very active.

I did these things:
Saw butterfly apparitions
Did Telekinisis
Spat Ectoplasm consciously
Saw a dark tall figure standing in my room
Felt a lot of energy on my crown and third eye
Learned how spirits manipulated the pendulum, because an entity I channeled wanted to show me how they could 'lie' through the pendulum and then instructed me to get rid of it. It is now out of my home.
This entire time, the entitiy I called Joeseph twisted me around, and probably some other smaller ones, to gear me towards healing and getting me on the right track. He urged me towards doing research and I learned that with natural mediums this can be a problem, not to mention the 'mental health' problems that can occur.

I am actually on a lower dose of my medication currently, but no 'manic' episodes. I intend to try to keep it that way. I have accumilated many more crystals for crystal healing.

My dreams got very crazy with LOTS AND LOTS of people in them. Some spiritual, pertinent information, but a lot of it just crazy stuff. None of it terribly frightening or malicious. The entitty I channeled was rather "Neutral" stressed this concept of Nuetrality. Of just being yourself. It did not seem to care about anyone's feelings, but was rather attached to me and the survival of my life. And so you could say that it was both good and bad for me. My eating got better, as it pushed for me to eat and take my medicine, but it wanted me to keep doing things, to keep doing research, to meditate and to focus on things. Eventually things calmed down when I started to ASSERT MYSELF, and it backed down and started to respect me more.

Then came a day when a friend very much experienced in occult tested this being, and I found myself on the floor, I was conscious the entire time. I have never 'deep tranced'. The friend I respected a lot said he felt I was making this all up, but was giving me the benefit of the doubt because I was entirely behind my story. That night I went to the same place I was getting healings and I asked to have Joeseph removed. Joeseph said he was willing to go.

However when he left another entity took control of my body, and the healer said they usually come in pairs and I remembered a drawing Joeseph did, where he explained that there were two of him, and he asked me to consider which one I was playing with.

I have a lot to think about. Finding a good teacher will be hard as I don't have very much money at all, but I'm taking a Psychic tools class, which is basically meditation and learning how to ground, center and put energy into our bodies and chakras. It was kind of hard to get the 150$ together for that.
During the spirit removal, something came up about a Contract that I made, where I said it was okay for beings to come into my body. I do not ever remember consciously doing this, aside from doing the Automatic Drawing. The healer said that I could have done this anytime.

I have a history of trauma and abuse in my life, and these foreign energies and beings, astral or what not, could have come in, since I was 10, or even earlier.

And so I greatly need to learn how to do spirit detachments myself and how to keep seniority over my space. I have very little clairaudience going on right now, but sometimes a few words will come in from what I had removed. The Healer said there were no more beings in my space or in the room with us, so why would i continue to hear them? I'm pretty sure it's just the one.

So there wasn't much damage done or anything. Whatever it was, was pretty mischevious and has been around for a very, very long time. When I started having clairaudience and was told to put cold water on my hands when I almost passed out from pain, and all the poltergeist activity I had in October (in which I woke up from a dream hearing as loud and clear as day: "Pleased to meetchya!"), might of just been all these entities I had running around with me for years.

If we go by my Western Astrological Chart, apparently I am very psychic, and very sensitive. I did not train to do this. I have not actually tried to open up my chakras. I have not actually tried to do anything.
All that I am gulty of is doing automatic drawing and using the pendulum, and then channeling non-stop, and then having energies and beings in my body for god knows how long. That is all. I never knew I was a Trance Medium or had this ability until I walked in this place for a reading one day.
I started the Automatic Drawing to try to connect to my spirit guides, and I was connecting to what I was told was one of my spirit guides. I did research on the pendulum before I started using it. Somewhere I made a mistake. I understand that people may look at me and go: "Stupid stupid" However, again, I did not train for weeks to open my third eye, it just opened. I did not train for months to become claire audient, it just started happening with a very little push.

Apparently I'm a Rising in Cancer, Sun in Aries, Lilith in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn Ac. Node in Aries, and South Node in Libra. Midheaven is also in Aries. Pluto is in Scorpio and it is in Retrograde. So right now I'm in a very psychically tense period of time, if you go by Western astrology and believe in the energies associated. I'm not sure what I believe in regards to that.

All I know is, I have a strong connection to consciousness, and a desire to learn about it, but I want to be able to maintain myself and learn who I am, while at the same time not being "Bipolar" anymore. One of the most frustrating things here, and I am sure perhaps someone like Eye of Tiger would agree, is that some of this stuff costs too much money.

We should be teaching basic Aura maintenance and Energy control in schools (as an option). But Parapsychology and this kind of stuff isn't accepted as 'real' by mainstream society, and it's sad. My mother is a strong empath and I believe that she may have some attachments herself that she needs to learn to ground out.

I have been much more grounded lately than I have ever been. I wish my mother could also be the same. She talks about how her life is so hard being an empath. I'm very empathic, too but when you realize the emotion isn't yours and that you can let go of it, it's much easier. Your life doesn't need to be 'so hard'.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:25 pm

You are still allowing all and sundry (spirit) into your consciousness instead of taking charge and making your own connection.  

Use meditation regularly.  This is the one tool that can help put you in charge of your energies.  In the meantime do the closing of the chakras to keep your balance and grounding in place.  

When meditating you can take yourself to a higher plane.  At the true spirit guide level - the ones that actually love and help us - you will find less need to just 'fool around' and more interest in actually learning what is happening and the control of it.  

STOP inviting the lowest ones who just want to play with your energies. That is how you can be physically affected.  At the higher levels you are re-energized after energy use not depleted.

When you are ready to do all that then we can talk about any interfering experiences.

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Post by AeraCrescent » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:22 am

Well I thank you for your help.

I am ending my time here and seeking Psychiatric help because i Think I have just been hearing voices and seeing things. When people tell me I am having unholy experiences and that I am doing 'bad' things, implying that or saying it directly, or not giving me direct, down to earth information, because I have such a severe lack of esoteric knowledge ( for example I don't understand how to close my chakras, and yet i try to 'narrow my crown in meditation), I have gotten severely frustrated.

One of my spirits is confirmed by another medium to have been a protector from a past Akashic Record. And the other spirit tries to calm him down. I only have two with me. Three if you count one that i haven't made a connection to yet, but have felt the energy of.

And so, I am bowing out of this and going to take some pills everyday to try to stop this since I really can't afford the expensive development classes, I simply can't even afford to make ends meet either. It isn't my fault I'm a natural trance medium who started to open up after some deaths occured. IT IS MY FAULT HOWEVER that I Tried to CONNECT TO MY SPIRIT GUIDES after I heard some loving, confirming voices that wanted to help me with some difficult things. That a clairvoyant confirmed the name of a spirit guide who is my protector spirit.

And so I am shutting them all out and removing myself from this community. I am going back to Psychiatry.

Thank you for everything, EoT and Spirittalk. I won't be a bother anymore.

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