guardian angel

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guardian angel

Post by sanctumaanchyl » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:50 pm

i want to knw who is my angel and i want  to communicate with the how to do that .

can any 1 help me plz.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:20 pm

We have a guardian (some call angel) who signs on for our lifetime to guard us.  That is their purpose.  When we make our decisions, they have the job of keeping us safe during our lessons' experiences.

We have spirit guides when we are working with the spirit within.  This is done on creativity with artists, poets, writers, etc. They call it their muse.  

Psychic and mediumship abilities that surface have us seeking out our spirit guides to work with in partnership of service.  It is our intent that designs our connection as it all comes through the law of attraction.  Your intent and purpose will determine who will come as your spirit guide.  

If you were a non-caring person and greed and avarice was the motive, that is the type of guide you would get.  They would tell you how to go about accumulating without service.  

If your motives were service for others, that is who you would draw to you to work in spirituality.  We always have free will choices to determine how we use (or abuse) spirit helpers.

May I suggest you read up on the notes in Mediumship Development under the Mystic Academy for some hints on spirit guides and how to make a personal contact.

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[b]your guardian angel[/b]

Post by jb68dash1 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:15 pm

your guardian angel's name depends on what day of the week you were born. If you click to this sight, put in your birthday, they will tell you what day u were born and u can go from there. I will list the angel names and days of the week also.....

[u][b]St. Gabriel (Monday):[/b][/u]
St. Gabriel is the bearer of God's secret messages to His chosen ones. He is the Angel who announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary God's plan for her to be the Mother of His Son, Jesus (Luke 1:19). He was also the Angel who foretold to Daniel the end of the world. (Dan. 8:19; 9:21).


1) How faithful am I in bringing God's message of love to the people as St. Gabriel brought faithfully and promptly the message of love incarnate to the Blessed Virgin Mary?
2) How attentive am I in listening to God's words and voice as He talks to me in my everyday life?
3) Am I following the footsteps of Jesus and am I ready to carry the cross that He has given me?
4) Do I project God's love to others by my exemplary life?

Novena to St. Michael and the Archangels

St. Gabriel, Holy Archangel, you, who are known as the bearer of God's secrets meant especially for His chosen ones, we, God's children, are constantly keeping watch on God's message. Through your powerful intercession, may we receive God's words and messages so that together with Mary, our Blessed Mother, we may give glory and praise to Him. May we also radiate God's love to others by our exemplary deeds. O, St. Gabriel, obtain for us the grace and present to God the Father the following requests _________ through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

St. Raphael (Tuesday)
St. Raphael is the Archangel of the Christian's journey to heaven. He is assigned by God to accompany us along the way of our pilgrimage in search of the treasures of real happiness which God has in store for all His children. He also gives the light to discern correctly God's ways and protects us from the dangers that befall us on our way to our heavenly home. As his name Raphael connotes, "medicine of God," he is the Angel that brings good health and abundant provisions during our journey. (Tob. 8:3; 12:15).


1) Am I aware that my life here on earth is a pilgrimage to heaven?
2) During my journey, do I contemplate the past and prepare myself for tomorrow to meet my God?
3) Do I prefer to gain material riches than that of the upliftment of my soul in anticipation of the divine judgment of God?
4) Do I pray for others who are at present dying or sick aside from myself?

Novena to the Archangels

O Great Archangel, St. Raphael, you have been appointed by God to become our healer and to guide us in our earthly pilgrimage to our home in heaven. We beg you to assist us in all our undertakings and in all the trials and pains of this earthly life. We pray for constant good health both physically, mentally and spiritually. We beseech you to guide always our steps that we shall walk with confidence towards our journey, and enlighten us with our doubts generated by intellectual pride and wordly ambitions. St. Raphael, please present to God the following petitions _________  through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

St. Uriel (Wednesday)

scale in his hand, reminds us of divine justice that weighs according to its true worth whatever good we do and whatever doings we commit in relation to God, to our neighbors or to ourselves, both as individuals and as a community of nations. He also reminds us of the terrible judgment of God upon the world for the human pride and godlessness with which human affairs are conducted. These are now fast bringing mankind towards the throes of its own destruction. (Book of Henoch and IV Esd. 4, 1).


1) Do I love God above all persons and things?
2) How do I deal with God's commandments?
3) Do I treat others justly?
4) Do I help those who are victims of injustices?

Novena to the Archangels

O Illustrious St. Uriel, the Archangel of God's Divine Justice, as you hold the heavenly scales that weigh our lives on earth, we ask you to intercede for us, that God may forgive us all our sins. Obtain for us the grace of true repentance and conversion of heart that we may be spared of the punishment we deserve. Offer our prayers to God in our search for true peace and happiness founded on truth and justice. We pray for those who are suffering of inhumanities, dying because of injustice and the oppressed due to manipulation and exploitation. We also pray for our less fortunate brothers and ourselves for the following intentions _________.

Present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sealtiel (Thursday)
St. Sealtiel continually stands before God, with incenser in hand in unceasing adoration of the Most Holy Trinity. As the Archangel of contemplation and worship, his angelic purity transforms the love and worship which we mortals give to God. We need St. Sealtiel's powerful intercession before God's throne to overcome the evils of hedonism in our day. May the evils of drug addition, sex exploitation and abortion become things of discredited past. May endless hymns of praise rise from all peoples as they chant in union with the Heavenly Choirs of Angels, in perpetual thanksgiving for God's bountiful blessings. He is known to be the angel who stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Gen. 22:12)


1) Do I take time to pray and reflect during some moments of the day?
2) Do I praise and thank God for every blessing in my life?
3) Do I pray with filial trust and confidence in God?
4) Do I make my life prayer of praise and thanksgiving?

Novena to the Archangels

O Pure and Holy Archangel St. Sealtiel, you bow before the Almighty Lord offering angelic salutations of praise and thanksgiving. Guide us in our prayer. Like you, we would like to unceasingly pray and worship God the right way. May our lives be like incense pleasing to God. While awaiting for the inevitable time of separation frmo this material world, may we praise the Holy Trinity in the spirit of true love and humility throughout the days of our life in eternity. Obtain for us these favors _________ and present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

St. Jhudiel (Friday)
God's mercy comes to us every moment of our lives. Without it, we would die. With it, God provides us the graces we need for our bodies. Mercy is God's love helping us fight the temptations of life and obtain forgiveness for our sins. Mercy is grace for bodily and spiritual needs. Mercy is God Himself through the merits of Jesus Christ bringing us back to our Heavenly Home.


1) How do I show mercy to others?
2) Do I easily forgive those who have sinned against me?
3) Do I extend a helping hand to those who are in need of my help without expecting any reward in return?
4) Do I share God's blessings to my less fortunate brothers and sisters?

Novena to the Archangels

O Merciful Archangel, St. Jhudiel dispenser of God's eternal and abundant mercy. Because of our sinfulness, we do not deserve God's forgiveness. Yet, He continually grants us forbearance freely and lovingly. Help us in our determination to overcome our sinful habits and be truly sorry for them. Bring each one of us to true conversion of heart,  that we may experience the joy of reconciliation which it brings, without which neither we as individuals, nor the whole world can know true peace. You who continually intercedes for us, listen to our prayers _________ and present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

St. Barachiel (Saturday)
Through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His passion, death and resurrection, all His disciples are brought to a transforming union with Him. Through His transformation in love, the soul becomes Christ-like. As such, every Christ-like soul becomes, by adoption, the child of the Father. St. Barachiel is the Archangel who was assigned by God to keep watch over His adopted children, taking care that He and the Choirs of Angels assigned to the task guard these transformed souls in all their ways, bearing them up in their hands, "lest they dash their feet against the stone on their way to their heavenly home." (Psalm 91, 12)


1) Do I realize that to be Christlike means to follow God's commandments?
2) How do I grow in the qualities of Christ called virtues?
3) Do I pray to my Guardian Angel?
4) Does his presence remind me of God's protection and care?

Novena to the Archangels

O Powerful Archangel, St. Barachiel, filled with heaven's glory and splendor, you are rightly called God's benediction. We are God's children placed under your protection and care. Listen to our supplications __________ grant that through your loving intercession, we may reach our Heavenly Home one day.

Sustain us and protect us from all harm that we may posses for all eternity the peace and happiness that Jesus has prepared for us in heaven.

Present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

St. Michael (Sunday)
St. Michael is the Commander-in-Chief of all the hierarchies of the Heavenly Hosts. He is usually known as the Angel who defeated Lucifer and his followers in the first rebellion of creatures against God. By his battlecry: "Mi-ca-El" which means "Who is like unto God?", he was named Michael. He is the first defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation. He is usually associated with the miracles manifesting the almighty power of God with the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Dan. 10:12; 12:1; Apoc. 12:7).


1) How strong is my faith in God?
2) Do I firmly believe that He constantly watches me in all my undertakings?
3) Do I reject sin and all the works, promises and influence of Satan?
4) Do I commit myself faithfully to Jesus Christ by serving and loving my neighbors?

Novena to the Archangels

O Mighty Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, St. Michael, we beg you to protect and defend us in ll struggles against the everyday temptations in this world. Help us to overcome all evils and strengthen us, that we may declare our faith in and loyalty to the Most High so that together with all the angels and saints in heaven we may glorify the Lord. St. Michael, please intercede for us together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, and obtain for us the following requests __________.

Present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

i hop this has been somewhat helpfull to you.....  JB[/url]

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:53 pm

here is a quicker version....

Post by jb68dash1 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:18 pm

St. Gabriel (Mon)
Special Messenger of God
St. Raphael (Tues)
Healer & Guide for the Christian Pilgrim

St. Uriel (Wed)
Archangel of Justice

St. Sealtiel (Thu)
Archangel of Worship & Contemplation

St. Jhudiel (Fri)
Archangel of Divine Mercy

St. Barachiel (Sat)
Archangel of Divine Providence

St. Michael (Sun)
Prince of Heavenly Hosts


Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:53 pm

almost forgot......

Post by jb68dash1 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:33 pm



Below you will find out what guardian angels are and how you can contact your own personal guardian angel. Guardian angels are with you all the time protecting you from harm and giving you a helping hand

Guardian angels are assigned not only to every living human soul but to all the inhabitants of earth. They know exactly what you need for your development, your divine life purpose and your agenda is their agenda. Guardian angels NEVER leave your side from birth through death no matter what mistakes you make. Like God/dess, they love you no matter what. Everyone, even the most negative people you can think of, Charles Manson, Saddam Hussain, Adolf Hitler, all have (or had) guardian angels throughout their lives. However, when humans incarnate on earth, we come down here with no memories of what we are and where we came from. We are given freedom of choice. Our guardian angels can give us guidance and love but it is our free choice whether we listen to it or not. As you can imagine, often times, negative people don’t listen to their guardian angels.

How You Can Connect with Your Angels

You must ask your guardian angels for help even though they’re permanently stationed by your side. Angels want to surround us but can’t help us unless we ask. A universal law that binds angels states, “No angels shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked with the exception being a life-threatening emergency.”

Invite your angel to work with you. Welcome your angel so it's easier for you to work together. This will create great value in your life. Your angel is not a fairy godmother or a "cosmic vending machine." They can, however, help us in many ways that are often overlooked as coincidences.

How do Angels Communicate with Us?

Angels Help mostly by by communicating directly if you are able to receive or indirectly with omens (i.e. a book they feel you should read may fall off a shelf in your path for example). Out of nowhere, you may suddenly have a desire to contact someone or go somewhere. They can also send information in dreams and as compressed energy that unfolds over time—you’ll have a knowing but won’t be able to verbalize it or explain it for a while as the pieces of the puzzle come together. They can also send you very high-level healing energies and healing. If you are able to feel subtle energies you may feel this as warmth or tingling pulses of energy moving through your body.

After asking your angel for assistance, watch for repetition of words you see, hear or think. Notice patterns like repeatedly hearing a song, seeing a bumper sticker or having a friend unknowingly repeat the very same message your angel gave you. Keep asking until you feel you completely understand the answer.

Beginning to Contact Your Angels

The following suggestions may help you in making initial contact with your angels.

Choose a regular time each day to communicate to your guardian angels. Before going to sleep or when you first wake up may be the best time.

If you have depression, negative feelings, fear, nightmares—ask your guardian angels for extra protection.

Remain open to messages from your angel at all times. Especially when you sense a warning that you are making a mistake or a prickly feeling of danger.

Don’t be irresponsible and risk your personal safety. Your guardian angel can’t override your free will.

Be positive! Your angel will guide, heal and protect you but you must be responsible for your own actions. Don’t blame others or dismiss problems in your life as “something/someone is against you” or curses.

What if I don't feel a connection?

Angels vibrate at a very high level and it may take a while to attune yourself to this high vibration. Be patient! The most common blocks to getting angelic guidance are:

Diet—(meat, caffeine, shellfish, most junk food, pre-packaged foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives and chocolate are all low vibration foods that can block divine guidance)

Drugs—(even over the counter products) and alcohol can cloud clarity.

Negative People—Make changes where you can in your own life and try to avoid negative people. If you can't because of your circumstances, it may take you longer to connect but keep trying, eventually you'll be able to tune into the higher vibrations.

Drama—Whether the chaos is yours or originates from others in your life, it can make you distracted and agitated which adds to the difficulty of connecting with angels. Ask your angels to clear away all negativity and fear and fill you with the energies of peace and love.

Disorganization—Angels are attracted to clean, organized, quiet atmospheres. Provide a welcoming atmosphere to appeal to angels.

Inexperience—If you haven’t done a lot of spiritual work or find it hard to relax and quiet your mind, be patient and realistic with your expectations. Try to increase your awareness of angels by heightening your all your senses and meditating regularly only a few minutes at a time.

Unrealistic Expectations—If you're expecting a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended amount of time, it's not going to happen. Especially at first, the contact may be brief and more of a feeling than visual or audio. If you are lonely, you need human contact! Get out and join clubs or groups with interests like yours. Life is meant to be lived—get out there!

It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.

Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive. Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.

The Power of Asking

Angels, and this includes our own and others' guardian angels, can do nothing for us unless we ask. If you need help, just ask! That's why God sent angels to be with you for life. Your angels are just waiting to be asked for help. Don't worry about asking for too much. There is no sense of linear time in the spiritual realm. Have you ever been driving somewhere and all of a sudden had an urge to make a turn you didn't plan on and then later found out there was a bad traffic jam you avoided by listening to that urge and turning off the road? That's your guardian angels assisting you. Don't forget to thank them when you notice the correlation.

Working with Others' Guardian Angels

You can also ask others' guardian angels for help or assistance. If someone, say your boss or a co-worker, is making life more difficult than you think is fair, ask their guardian angel to have them be nicer to you or leave you alone altogether. If you are having problems with a loved one, plead your case to their guardian angel and ask for their help to bring peace into the situation. Others' guardian angels are willing to help as long as our requests are positive and won't hurt the one they are to protect. If it's a big issue, write a letter to the person's guardian angels asking for help. It may sound bizarre but works.

One day I was at the beach with a close friend and her son who was very sick with cancer at the time. Her son was so weak he barely had the strength to walk but wanted to go to the beach that day. He looked longingly at the swings and said, "I'd like to go on the swings Mom." My friend looked up the hill at the swings and saw a group of sulky young teens there. She tried to convince her son that it wasn't a good idea. But I said, "Wait, let me ask their guardian angels to tell them to leave that area." You see, earlier that day I had told her about asking other's guardian angels for assistance. I had learned this from Doreen Virtue at her ATP course and found the results amazing. Of course, she gave me a sceptical look when I told her. Who could blame her? So I asked the teens' guardian angels to have them leave that area so Chris could go on the swings for a few minutes. She was amazed when less than 30 seconds later they all got up and walked to a different part of the park. And she was even more amazed when, while we were walking up the hill, two more teens came into the park and started walking toward the swings. I asked their guardian angels to have them leave too. Both boys, at the same time, got a confused look on their face and turned around and walked out of the park (without even saying anything to each other!). My friend never again doubted the power of guardian angels after that event.

Of course, I must add this won't always work. It needs to be for the highest good for the ones the angels guard.

Meditation to Meet Your Guardian Angels

Before trying this meditation, it's helpful to be familiar with the chakras and assure they are cleared and balanced. Go to the webpage on Chakras for more information. Here's the meditation to balance and clear the chakras.

The following prayer should be spoken, mentally or aloud before making contact with your angels. You should change it so it’s one you feel comfortable saying.

God/dess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Archangel Michael and the angels

(and/or QuanYin, Mother Mary, Mohammed, Moses, St. Germain, Father Wind, Mother Earth, a specific Goddess, Saint or Master. Substitute your preference for a devotional figure)

I ask your protection and help in giving me detailed information from my guardian angels that will help me attain my highest purpose and joy. Please protect me from all fear and negativity and assure that who I intend comes through as a clear channel for the light.

Thank you so much for your love and assistance.


Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation. Begin by grounding and cantering yourself. Close your eyes and imagining roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth. Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. Tell your Ego-self (or lower self) to stand aside. Mentally tell the Ego-self it is silenced now and know it is so.

Ask the Holy Spirit to surround you in a beam of white protective light. The Holy Spirit immediately responds and beams down a ray of protective white light.

Now imagine yourself in a beautiful place, it can be a forest, a meadow, a beach, wherever you will feel comfortable. Find a comfortable spot in this beautiful place to rest and relax.

Now, in your mind's eye, look around you, and notice a path. It is a beautiful path filled with love. This path is very long; it seems to go on and on—you can’t see the end of it. Keep your focus on this path.

Mentally ask for your Guardian Angel to come forth. Express your interest in wanting to meet him/her. See an illuminated ball of light in the distance.

It may be white or may be a colour. Notice the colour you see. See it slowly coming closer and closer becoming aware that the light is getting larger as it comes closer to you.

Your Angel may decide to make itself known in another form. Just let this happen. Note what the light looks like as it come closer

Now your angel is directly in front of you. There may be more than one as your other angels, guides, relatives and pets may want to connect with you.

Greet your angel. You may get impressions, emotions, and tingly feelings. Its not uncommon for Angels to talk to you in your own voice, so don’t discount your inner voice as your imagination. Feelings of love, encouragement and warmth are most common markers of Angelic contact.

Thank your Angel for all the times that they have helped you, comforted you and protected you.

Mentally invite the intervention, guidance and assistance of your Angel in your life from this point onwards.

Ask your angel the name they wish to be called. Angels’ true names are unpronounceable by us. They will either make up a name or let you choose one. If you don’t get one right away, don't worry. You may get a colour or a musical note, every contact is different. Just know that whatever you receive is correct for you.

Ask your angel to communicate any messages to you. Absorb any communication such as thoughts, visions, knowingness and feelings, love and emotions.

Ask your angel any questions you have, one at a time. Note the answers. Don’t doubt the information or emotions you are given, just let your angel communicate to you in their own way.

Now say the following prayer to your guardian angel:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guide,
To rule and guard,
Thank you!

Now ask the Creator to bless you and your Angel. See the both of you showered by the Light and Love from the Divine

Thank your Angel for meeting you in this meditation. Let your angel know you look forward to contacting them again soon

Know they are always by your side.

Focus on grounding and cantering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth.

Pause a moment and open your eyes.

Did you get a name? If not, don't worry, sometimes just feeling your angel's energy is enough in the beginning.

a nice quiet place whaer u can meditate,
i have often asked the holy sperit to help me talk to my angles, and i usually find that when i get goosbumps, it is there way of conformation to let u know that they are there. Tt also  works as a conformation from them to you whenever your talking to a friend about something, sometimes out of no where, u will get the goosebumps, that is thir way of telling you that what you are saying, is to be true.

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:53 pm

almost forgot......

Post by jb68dash1 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:33 pm



Below you will find out what guardian angels are and how you can contact your own personal guardian angel. Guardian angels are with you all the time protecting you from harm and giving you a helping hand

Guardian angels are assigned not only to every living human soul but to all the inhabitants of earth. They know exactly what you need for your development, your divine life purpose and your agenda is their agenda. Guardian angels NEVER leave your side from birth through death no matter what mistakes you make. Like God/dess, they love you no matter what. Everyone, even the most negative people you can think of, Charles Manson, Saddam Hussain, Adolf Hitler, all have (or had) guardian angels throughout their lives. However, when humans incarnate on earth, we come down here with no memories of what we are and where we came from. We are given freedom of choice. Our guardian angels can give us guidance and love but it is our free choice whether we listen to it or not. As you can imagine, often times, negative people don’t listen to their guardian angels.

How You Can Connect with Your Angels

You must ask your guardian angels for help even though they’re permanently stationed by your side. Angels want to surround us but can’t help us unless we ask. A universal law that binds angels states, “No angels shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked with the exception being a life-threatening emergency.”

Invite your angel to work with you. Welcome your angel so it's easier for you to work together. This will create great value in your life. Your angel is not a fairy godmother or a "cosmic vending machine." They can, however, help us in many ways that are often overlooked as coincidences.

How do Angels Communicate with Us?

Angels Help mostly by by communicating directly if you are able to receive or indirectly with omens (i.e. a book they feel you should read may fall off a shelf in your path for example). Out of nowhere, you may suddenly have a desire to contact someone or go somewhere. They can also send information in dreams and as compressed energy that unfolds over time—you’ll have a knowing but won’t be able to verbalize it or explain it for a while as the pieces of the puzzle come together. They can also send you very high-level healing energies and healing. If you are able to feel subtle energies you may feel this as warmth or tingling pulses of energy moving through your body.

After asking your angel for assistance, watch for repetition of words you see, hear or think. Notice patterns like repeatedly hearing a song, seeing a bumper sticker or having a friend unknowingly repeat the very same message your angel gave you. Keep asking until you feel you completely understand the answer.

Beginning to Contact Your Angels

The following suggestions may help you in making initial contact with your angels.

Choose a regular time each day to communicate to your guardian angels. Before going to sleep or when you first wake up may be the best time.

If you have depression, negative feelings, fear, nightmares—ask your guardian angels for extra protection.

Remain open to messages from your angel at all times. Especially when you sense a warning that you are making a mistake or a prickly feeling of danger.

Don’t be irresponsible and risk your personal safety. Your guardian angel can’t override your free will.

Be positive! Your angel will guide, heal and protect you but you must be responsible for your own actions. Don’t blame others or dismiss problems in your life as “something/someone is against you” or curses.

What if I don't feel a connection?

Angels vibrate at a very high level and it may take a while to attune yourself to this high vibration. Be patient! The most common blocks to getting angelic guidance are:

Diet—(meat, caffeine, shellfish, most junk food, pre-packaged foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives and chocolate are all low vibration foods that can block divine guidance)

Drugs—(even over the counter products) and alcohol can cloud clarity.

Negative People—Make changes where you can in your own life and try to avoid negative people. If you can't because of your circumstances, it may take you longer to connect but keep trying, eventually you'll be able to tune into the higher vibrations.

Drama—Whether the chaos is yours or originates from others in your life, it can make you distracted and agitated which adds to the difficulty of connecting with angels. Ask your angels to clear away all negativity and fear and fill you with the energies of peace and love.

Disorganization—Angels are attracted to clean, organized, quiet atmospheres. Provide a welcoming atmosphere to appeal to angels.

Inexperience—If you haven’t done a lot of spiritual work or find it hard to relax and quiet your mind, be patient and realistic with your expectations. Try to increase your awareness of angels by heightening your all your senses and meditating regularly only a few minutes at a time.

Unrealistic Expectations—If you're expecting a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended amount of time, it's not going to happen. Especially at first, the contact may be brief and more of a feeling than visual or audio. If you are lonely, you need human contact! Get out and join clubs or groups with interests like yours. Life is meant to be lived—get out there!

It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.

Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive. Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.

The Power of Asking

Angels, and this includes our own and others' guardian angels, can do nothing for us unless we ask. If you need help, just ask! That's why God sent angels to be with you for life. Your angels are just waiting to be asked for help. Don't worry about asking for too much. There is no sense of linear time in the spiritual realm. Have you ever been driving somewhere and all of a sudden had an urge to make a turn you didn't plan on and then later found out there was a bad traffic jam you avoided by listening to that urge and turning off the road? That's your guardian angels assisting you. Don't forget to thank them when you notice the correlation.

Working with Others' Guardian Angels

You can also ask others' guardian angels for help or assistance. If someone, say your boss or a co-worker, is making life more difficult than you think is fair, ask their guardian angel to have them be nicer to you or leave you alone altogether. If you are having problems with a loved one, plead your case to their guardian angel and ask for their help to bring peace into the situation. Others' guardian angels are willing to help as long as our requests are positive and won't hurt the one they are to protect. If it's a big issue, write a letter to the person's guardian angels asking for help. It may sound bizarre but works.

One day I was at the beach with a close friend and her son who was very sick with cancer at the time. Her son was so weak he barely had the strength to walk but wanted to go to the beach that day. He looked longingly at the swings and said, "I'd like to go on the swings Mom." My friend looked up the hill at the swings and saw a group of sulky young teens there. She tried to convince her son that it wasn't a good idea. But I said, "Wait, let me ask their guardian angels to tell them to leave that area." You see, earlier that day I had told her about asking other's guardian angels for assistance. I had learned this from Doreen Virtue at her ATP course and found the results amazing. Of course, she gave me a sceptical look when I told her. Who could blame her? So I asked the teens' guardian angels to have them leave that area so Chris could go on the swings for a few minutes. She was amazed when less than 30 seconds later they all got up and walked to a different part of the park. And she was even more amazed when, while we were walking up the hill, two more teens came into the park and started walking toward the swings. I asked their guardian angels to have them leave too. Both boys, at the same time, got a confused look on their face and turned around and walked out of the park (without even saying anything to each other!). My friend never again doubted the power of guardian angels after that event.

Of course, I must add this won't always work. It needs to be for the highest good for the ones the angels guard.

Meditation to Meet Your Guardian Angels

Before trying this meditation, it's helpful to be familiar with the chakras and assure they are cleared and balanced. Go to the webpage on Chakras for more information. Here's the meditation to balance and clear the chakras.

The following prayer should be spoken, mentally or aloud before making contact with your angels. You should change it so it’s one you feel comfortable saying.

God/dess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Archangel Michael and the angels

(and/or QuanYin, Mother Mary, Mohammed, Moses, St. Germain, Father Wind, Mother Earth, a specific Goddess, Saint or Master. Substitute your preference for a devotional figure)

I ask your protection and help in giving me detailed information from my guardian angels that will help me attain my highest purpose and joy. Please protect me from all fear and negativity and assure that who I intend comes through as a clear channel for the light.

Thank you so much for your love and assistance.


Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation. Begin by grounding and cantering yourself. Close your eyes and imagining roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth. Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. Tell your Ego-self (or lower self) to stand aside. Mentally tell the Ego-self it is silenced now and know it is so.

Ask the Holy Spirit to surround you in a beam of white protective light. The Holy Spirit immediately responds and beams down a ray of protective white light.

Now imagine yourself in a beautiful place, it can be a forest, a meadow, a beach, wherever you will feel comfortable. Find a comfortable spot in this beautiful place to rest and relax.

Now, in your mind's eye, look around you, and notice a path. It is a beautiful path filled with love. This path is very long; it seems to go on and on—you can’t see the end of it. Keep your focus on this path.

Mentally ask for your Guardian Angel to come forth. Express your interest in wanting to meet him/her. See an illuminated ball of light in the distance.

It may be white or may be a colour. Notice the colour you see. See it slowly coming closer and closer becoming aware that the light is getting larger as it comes closer to you.

Your Angel may decide to make itself known in another form. Just let this happen. Note what the light looks like as it come closer

Now your angel is directly in front of you. There may be more than one as your other angels, guides, relatives and pets may want to connect with you.

Greet your angel. You may get impressions, emotions, and tingly feelings. Its not uncommon for Angels to talk to you in your own voice, so don’t discount your inner voice as your imagination. Feelings of love, encouragement and warmth are most common markers of Angelic contact.

Thank your Angel for all the times that they have helped you, comforted you and protected you.

Mentally invite the intervention, guidance and assistance of your Angel in your life from this point onwards.

Ask your angel the name they wish to be called. Angels’ true names are unpronounceable by us. They will either make up a name or let you choose one. If you don’t get one right away, don't worry. You may get a colour or a musical note, every contact is different. Just know that whatever you receive is correct for you.

Ask your angel to communicate any messages to you. Absorb any communication such as thoughts, visions, knowingness and feelings, love and emotions.

Ask your angel any questions you have, one at a time. Note the answers. Don’t doubt the information or emotions you are given, just let your angel communicate to you in their own way.

Now say the following prayer to your guardian angel:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guide,
To rule and guard,
Thank you!

Now ask the Creator to bless you and your Angel. See the both of you showered by the Light and Love from the Divine

Thank your Angel for meeting you in this meditation. Let your angel know you look forward to contacting them again soon

Know they are always by your side.

Focus on grounding and cantering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth.

Pause a moment and open your eyes.

Did you get a name? If not, don't worry, sometimes just feeling your angel's energy is enough in the beginning.

a nice quiet place whaer u can meditate,
i have often asked the holy sperit to help me talk to my angles, and i usually find that when i get goosbumps, it is there way of conformation to let u know that they are there. Tt also  works as a conformation from them to you whenever your talking to a friend about something, sometimes out of no where, u will get the goosebumps, that is thir way of telling you that what you are saying, is to be true.

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Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:51 am


Post by dannyrol » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:48 am

Angelic ministry is rare. Angels are known by their RANKS.
And of course what people refer to as GUIDE really exist. You may encounter their presence in your life, but will not know their true identity.

They appear totally different from the way you may imagine them to be.
I am a witness to that, so I will say I am speaking from experience

Angels are God's messengers to minister before the LORD in diverse ways.

For instance Angel Gabriel deliver God's message to his people ( As appointed by God )

Angel Michael is a warrior angel, he is actually the one who lead the other warrior angels to wage war against SATAN and to oppose his intentions he there prevail against SATAN and as a result SATAN was cast out of God's presence into the WORLD.

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Location: Etobicoke, Canada

Post by spiritalk » Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:59 pm

The spirit realms have strata of different spirit with different chores with earth plane existence.  The angels, the guides and our loved ones are all different strate of spirit.  The angels are not our spirit guides.  Angels are messengers of God and help us in our needs when necessary to have angelic help.  Our spirit guides are compatible spirit that works with us in mediumship or other creative endeavours.  And our loved ones remain to communicate their love in our need.

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