Dooms day reading.

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Dooms day reading.

Post by FairyAngel » Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:35 am

Can I get one last reading before the end of the world plz  :smt003   lol
Sorry I just notice I posted this on the wrong forum, I apologize for any inconvenience this might have cause to any.

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Not a Dooms day reading, and not just your reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:00 am

FairyAngel wrote:Can I get one last reading before the end of the world plz  :smt003   lol
Sorry I just notice I posted this on the wrong forum, I apologize for any inconvenience this might have cause to any.
Dear FairyAngel,

As I can plainly see that you are not taking this dooms day idea seriously and that you are asking me for a reading with a sense of fun behind it, if you are willing to view this reading as being for entertainment purposes only, then so am I.

As December 21st has already been and gone in my part of the planet without the world having come to an end as was supposed to have been predicted by the 5000 year Mayan calendar (someone clearly stuffed up their calculations), I am available for such a reading and will overlook that your posting is in the wrong forum on this auspicious occasion.

After all, how many end of the world reading requests does one reader get in their lifetime? :smt002  :smt002  :smt005

Just as the Mayans could not see anything existing once the 5000 year calendar cycle had come to an end, similarly many of your fellow human beings cannot see beyond what they can imagine is currently possible, or will be possible in the future.

Living in a physical world such as this one necessarily places certain rules and restrictions upon what is seen as possible, but human beings in general as a species tend to place many more restrictions upon themselves about what they believe that they can do as an individual, when compared to what restrictions the Universe originally meant there to be.

While this reading is not saying that you are one of those people who lacks any imagination with reference to what is possible and what you are capable of doing if you put both your mind and heart fully into doing it, most of us myself included do have considerable room for making major improvements in this area.

Rather than this only being your personal reading, perhaps this is more a reading which is targeted at or designed for the entire human race, of which you and I  are both involuntarily members.

The end of the world has been coming since the world began, or to be more exact from a human perspective from the time that we could first imagine that after we die that we cease to exist. If we cease to exist then what does it matter what we do or do not do or believe in while we are still living here on Earth?

And most importantly no longer existing removes any sense of responsibility for our thoughts and actions towards other people during this lifetime, as well as in helping ourselves to grow and mature as spiritual and human beings. If there is really nothing waiting for us after the end of this world (whether it is our personal world, or our world as an entire species), what does anything or anyone matter?

This is what we call fatalism, or having a fatalistic approach to living. If we are all destined to no longer exist on any level after our bodies stop working as we are often lead to believe, then why live at all? Which is the ultimate excuse or cop out for doing nothing which is important to us, or that we feel should be done.

This reading which is just as much yours and mine as it is everybody else's is basically saying is that the "end of your world" will arrive when we can no longer as human beings imagine that we can each in our own small but critically important manner have a positive and healing influence or effect on our own life, as well as upon the lives of others.

The end of the world is therefore more likely to come to each of us at different times, instead of at the same time as the Hollywood global disaster movie producers tell us it will, in order to line their pockets with gold. But if enough of us at the same time lose any vision of what could be possible in the future and how much we are each responsible now for making this a better world for everyone, we will eventually reach a critical mass or point of no return beyond which it really will look a lot like Armageddon has arrived.

I would interpret this reading to mean that although we have not yet as a species reached this critical mass or point of no return, that we have arrived at a cross roads where we are being asked to consciously decide which path to take of the many presently on offer to us. The year 2000 (the end of the millennium) has been and gone and it is highly likely that 2012 will also pass without the world having ended in the normal physical sense of the meaning of the end of days.

Our major challenge, both as individuals and as members of the human race, is not to consciously or unconsciously (intentionally or unintentionally) turn what is still only a crossroad into a species extinction event.

As with all challenges there is a great opportunity for all of us associated with it to select a different path for humanity from the one which the doom day merchants or fatalistic prophets are doing their very best to try to sell to us as being our only true destiny.

And this being your reading as well suggests to me that you could play a starring role during the next six months thought to be covered by this reading in eventually helping us to make the best possible choice of which path we should take.

That is of course only if you can imagine that one person aka YOU could make a significant, positive difference in this direction. Start small, and gradually move on to increasingly bigger efforts to help us to choose the right path to follow, in your relatively small corner of this world.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

[Helen Keller]

"I always wondered why somebody did not do something about that. Then I realised that I am somebody".

[anonymous forum user]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers (a reader's joke),

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Post by Evard » Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:37 pm

Hi . Evard . not in way.s to occlude reading . . . I have a comment if grammarist EoT will abide .

Mayan calendar is 5000 years . gala turn is also 5000 years . "galactic concordanense" is uh.m
what the Earth years of gala turn is based on and is the same 5,000 years . The gala turn this *
rational human age of Modern Age wanting post~modern newer Diamond Age refurbish without
genetic tailoring nor world 'sweep'ing nanotechnology is to begin the Refurbish Age _\|/_ / [+](*).

The Galaxy Turning is more like 8 thousand 7 hundred and 42~!! {5} Earth years . The* gala turn*
is when the new World began ., so the calendar offers it then ends after it . Mayan anachronit!!.
name we know as historical leader by modern US meme hearing example is {np} and his leader
ideal.en ways {(weis)} Chaco leader of the Mayan civilization of np ai t lesser referral to Inca.n
reguard to begin Machu Pichu as the "joke" about a lawyer who wanted to brand name the uhm
fiduciary of miltchuplitchu`u . . for the Incan.s is Incan mythic city known to be Machu Pichu . . .*
[ like we did not have much of a New Millenium Party given Republic.en govern . , . armegeddon!
 is not required to occur ., and the other jest is ., your lesser Christmas gifts are not the end of *  The World ]  Thanks . Peace .

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:58 pm


Actually the length of the Mayan Calendar Cycle which was misinterpreted to mean that the world will end on December 21st 2012 at 11.11 varies slightly in length from one cycle to the next, but each lasts at least 5126 years.

While I agree with you that this method of measuring time was used by several other cultures independent of the Mayans, it is specifically the Mayan calendar and belief system which are being used (abused) with the intention to both validate and support this dubious theory concerning the always still coming apocalypse. ... 6542023578

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Post by Evard » Sun Dec 23, 2012 1:55 am

Ok . the basic info on gala turn offers by general margin to info* about the way
summary likeness to begin equate {ing} the Mayan calendar to gala turn refurb*
is to say the actual median time of Earth basis in gala turn of (~) 5178 .not 8741
years of .info [+] the role of a Greater Deity of G O T U theory.m as G O T U ., *
is the abbreviation of ([the]) God Of The Universe and the Greater Deity I am OM
referring to is the Deity in Western Heno Mythos greater than Monotheim . , . [!!] *
Jehovah ., known to be the JaH Ra and G0D [not*ing.note : to Daniel Michael @
Sartaretto] the {sigh} name of G0D in Greater Christianity is Western Jehovah .

The role of Jah Koria ., Ra Korian .and G0D Koriant are the role of Druid and [*]
Summoner of the way we still en pagan ways (wei)s en OSSReliQua.tea.,
We respect henotheism as more pantheons thegn ([]) Polytheism . . , . .

The role of G0D Koriant is to say it is Blessed to make the actual calendar rather
then., the 5172 + 3 00 0 + 1~11 Vatican.a Year of 0bc [B.C.] ~less + 702~A     years to begin the gala sym.bol uh refurbish :)

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Post by FairyAngel » Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:56 am

I couldnt of hope for a better reading. I hope this also helps others to make a change for themselfs and humanity. Thanks for the reading. God bless always.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:48 pm

Dear FairyAngel, Image

I was at the same time both delighted and humbled to know that you felt that you could not have hoped for a better reading than the one which I gave you.

I was not sure at first if you really expected a reading to be given at all (or you were just joking), but I decided to call your bluff and in hindsight I am glad that I did.
I hope this also helps others to make a change for themselves and humanity.
A POSITIVE change for everyone beginning NOW, is also my dream and guiding intention for giving everyone this reading.

God bless to all seekers of wisdom who visit this online spiritual community.


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:01 pm

While I do not buy into the doomsday theories, there is certainly going to be major energy changes around the world.  Some will awaken, while others will ignore their potential to enhance the world with their new found energies.

The Myan calendar is all about the end of a cycle.  The Myans believe that the world operates in cycles and new one is about to begin.  So Dec. 21 is not only an ending, it is also a beginning of the next cycle.  Welcome to the new 5125 cycle!

A note of interest in Astrology is the ending of the Picean age and the beginning of the Acquarian age.  We have been on the cusp of this 2000 year cycle since the 60s.  But it would appear we are not at its apex.  Welcome to the Acquarian age.

The Picean age was emotional.  Hence the actions and reations to all things emotionally.  The Acquarian age is a spiritual age.  Now lets see the spirituality that has been learned fit into this wonderful energy for change. After all the world is ever evolving.  Lets make it spiritually so.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:13 pm

There is no faith that says the will be an end to the world.  They simply state that there will be an end to our current way of life ... Gosh I hope so *lol*

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