Discovered i have a MAJOR psychic ability, its scaring me, what now?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Post by Aquo » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:16 pm

Sorry but I feel like this is only your imagination and you need some help focusing on your life. You look like a smart guy, and I wish you all the best in your life.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:31 pm

Sorry but I feel like this is only your imagination and you need some help focusing on your life. You look like a smart guy, and I wish you all the best in your life.
I only partly agree with your statement.

While the genuine psychic information is transmitted to or comes to us THROUGH OUR IMAGINATION (the imaging power of our own unconscious mind), they are definitely NOT ONLY IN OR ALWAYS COMPLETELY A PRODUCT OF OUR IMAGINATION.

Especially people with particularly strong psychic abilities regularly need to learn to focus more upon the physical world and the rest of their lives, both in order to allow their minds to enjoy a temporary rest break from all the activity, as well as to keep themselves properly grounded in this reality.

I completely agree with the second part of your statement that the member needs and deserves to be given all the help which he can get in doing so. That is what I and many other Light workers come here to give.
You look like a smart guy
I also agree with this third part, but not easily being able to do this for ourselves without having outside help is not usually due to any lack of intelligence or smartness (?) on our part.

Our psychic abilities frequently have much more to do with our emotions and feelings, which are rarely either logical or "smart".


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Post by k0103707 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:20 pm

Yes i agree with your statement, people with these abilities need to be grounded, and live life and enjoy it, and not let the paranormal take over their lives, balance is key!

I also i agree, that "genuine psychic information is transmitted to or comes to us THROUGH OUR IMAGINATION, NOT ONLY IN OR ALWAYS COMPLETELY A PRODUCT OF OUR IMAGINATION". i.e. information is often transmitted to us through our mind and not all of our imagination is completely a product of our own mind i.e. something or someone gives us this information... weather we like it or not, we are all connected! Information is usually transmitted in our dreams and sometimes as light bulbe and urica moments... etc... i have plenty of personal experience with this! My actual dreams are almost never a product of my own mind and are almost all influenced weather i like it or not! Basically the paranormal runs and controls my life! I've just become aware of it, thats all! I notice it everywhere, i'm hyper sensitive to it, as i go about my business!

I don't consider myself "smart", just a person with common sense and morals, i've freed my mind from the shackles that's placed on you by society! But thank! :) Its nice to hear a compliment, even though it came from myself!

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:17 pm

Also... you know what i've come to realize?

Its that we are in heaven... Its only a state of mind, either you chose to look at the bright side "heaven" or the dark side "hell" and have freedom to be who you want to be and do what you want to do... What more interesting and wonderful place could be created... Choose to do what you enjoy and are happy with, that which exists that you don't like is only there to remind you of what you don't like... you only know whats good and what you like when you've experienced whats bad... all you need to be happy you already have... which is yourself!

My thought for the day!

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Post by symulhaque » Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:45 pm

Many believe that we have an inner god, a god that resides within us. All we need to do is to get rid of all the fears, ward off all the negativities and identify with the god within us. The secret to awakening psychic abilities is to believe in them and in the Almighty.

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The Nine Forms Of Intelligence

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:50 pm

I don't consider myself "smart"
There are several different forms of smartness or intelligence.

Most people when they hear the words intelligent or smart have been brought up by their education to believe that you are only smart or intelligent if you can efficiently remember and regurgitate books filled with useless facts, as happens during a formal  examination.

This is called academic intelligence. It has often been measured by a completely mythical figure called your intelligence quotient (IQ) which is the ratio of your mental age to your chronological or calendar age, timed by 100 (as a percentage). If you are assessed to have a mental age which is the same as how many birthdays you have had had so far, your IQ is 100 % or simply 100.

I believe that on the other hand that you are rich with emotional intelligence, which is something completely different and of infinitely more value to you in your life as a whole, than being a book worm or self appointed genius.

"The Nine Types Of Intelligence" by Howard Gardner ... igence.htm

"Emotional Intelligence"


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Post by k0103707 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:03 am

Yes symulhaque, i believe that we can be like god... all you have to do is remove the limitations you put on yourself and those put on you by society and believe in the almighty and believe all these powers/abilities are real, then only your imagination is the limit... I don't know if you can actually be god himself... but again this might be another limitation which can be overcome... the question is why would you want to do that? Have all that responsibility and not being able to much with it, why would you want all that attention, i don't think i would... In my opinion the occult can only bring you unhappiness on this planet as it can interfere with freedom, it is dangerous to give people what they want, instead of letting them work for it, so whats the point... they still need to have something that reminds them of the dark side... i think the world is quite well balanced between good and bad, letting people enjoy themselves but are reminded often of the evil that exists... makes them appreciate what they have!

Weather you would want to "unlock" these abilities and have the resulting responsibly... don't think i would want that... what to do with them is a whole another matter, why do it?... i already have angst with my current situation and don't know if i want to go down that road, i already have enough responsibility on my shoulders as it is, if you can be like god on earth, the question is what for? I agree being like god as in having good moral, following your conscience, following what makes you happy, being humble, caring and loving but as for the paranormal abilities themselves i don't think they would do much for humanity... besides doing magic tricks... humanity is good enough and there are good enough people out there to over come whatever problems arise... i trust in humanity to make the right decisions in the end...

Last summer on holiday i went hiking on my own up a mountain in madeira island, as i got out of my car i saw the weather and thought that it was a shame the sun wasn't out... i'm not sure what happened, i was in my thinking mode and must have thought that i would like there to be some sun light around my area or something, and low and behold it happened, the surrounding area was sunny and somehow it was still cloudy and guess what as i moved the light followed me... i'm not sure how i did it, but i think it was something to do with will, unconcious will or something i don't know...

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Post by k0103707 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:15 pm

I'm bemused by this condition/ability... i'm so completely unaware of these abilities and their existence... i can't feel it, i can't see it and have no awareness of their existence within me whatsoever... i can only see the end result!

I'd like to know how is it for others with their own abilities, are you conscious of them, do you feel them, are you aware of their existence within you, do you automatically have the knowledge of how to control them?

This would be interesting, how is it for you?

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Post by k0103707 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:57 pm

So no one wants to describe what its like having their physic ability? Are you conscious of them, do you feel them, are you aware of their existence within you, do you automatically have the knowledge of how to control them?

As i described above my ability as something to do with unconscious thought... in a thoughtful and pondering sort of mood, if i think of something then  it happens in real life and in the moment in the here and now, just as i described above with sunlight appearing over me on a cloudy day... Its almost like my unconscious will has almost complete control over this place! Wow, really?!!? How can i have all this influence without even knowing, i'm so oblivious to it all..?!?

My general and conscious thoughts also happen in real life but as i see it, only negative stuff happens when i use it in this form... so conscious thought =  negative results, unconscious  thought/will = positive results. Obviously this is incredibly difficult to control, especially the unconscious thoughts as its just my mind on auto pilot... so i can't go and say i want this or that to happen consciously... as it will only lead to negative results i.e the stuff i asked won't happen or it will just end up with results i don't like... it must be in some sort of altered state of mind, in a pondering sort of state for it to happen positively...

That's how it seems it works... in an altered state of mind. Then i can pretty much do anything, or so i'm thinking... why would i wanna do this is a whole another question, why do it? What benefit is this ganna bring to anyone?

I don't even wanna know how to do this... what i was thinking was to use this to undo the negative stuff that is done by conscious thoughts... but its a lot of work... i was thinking to just ignore all this and just live a normal life.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:41 pm

what i was thinking was to use this to undo the negative stuff that is done by conscious thoughts... but its a lot of work... i was thinking to just ignore all this and just live a normal life.
One of the most basic truths which we must learn to accept as adults and which many teenagers have great difficulty accepting is that we cannot hope to right all the wrongs of the world and reverse any damage which we or other people have done single handedly, and effectively overnight.

If you spent even half of your waking life trying to do what you are suggesting is the reason for your possessing these mental abilities, undoing the negative stuff which has been produced by everyone's most negative conscious thoughts, you would not have anywhere near enough time to work upon your own lessons or life challenges.

If by living a normal life you meant to say that we should increasingly become conscious of both our decisions and their associated consequences in a manner which brings healing and inner peace to both ourselves as well as to everyone around us, I would vote for living a normal life any day.

You are neither ignoring the importance of choosing your thoughts nor making your decisions wisely, by doing so.
i'm so completely unaware of these abilities and their existence... i can't feel it, i can't see it and have no awareness of their existence within me whatsoever... i can only see the end result!
This is a common experience of many of us. These abilities are the senses of your spiritual body.

You cannot easily sense senses.

Can you see your vision, or hear your hearing?

We cannot see or feel or control the wind,  but we know it is there by its results - leaves and trees and other physical objects seemingly being moved or blown in all directions by an apparently unseen force sometimes of great magnitude and ferocity.
So no one wants to describe what its like having their physic ability? Are you conscious of them, do you feel them, are you aware of their existence within you, do you automatically have the knowledge of how to control them?
Since you are not to any significant degree conscious of the abilities themselves, do not feel them, are not aware of their existence independent from us nor have the knowledge to be able to consciously control them, why should you be so surprised that other people would share your own experience?

Nobody has the automatic ability to control them. Control involves us using our conscious mind whereas our psychic abilities reside entirely in our unconscious.

Unconscious means that they are to a great degree outside of or beyond our conscious control to change, although it is true that there are advanced spiritual exercises which can help bridge the two areas of our mind, to be able to ultimately give us some limited level of control over them.

Usually however being able to reliably turn them on when we want to use them and turn them off when we want to get on with the rest of our life without constant psychic interference is the limit of our control over them.

Perhaps a much better question to conduct a poll over with the other members would be to ask.....
How have your psychic abilities helped to change your life for the better?
In other words forget about trying to sense or control your psychic senses, and focus instead on the positive results which can potentially flow from us using them responsibly and ethically.

Focus on the the more positive and constructive results of the wind, and not on continuing in vain to try to see or control that wind?

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Post by k0103707 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:15 am

Yes agreed, you talk a lot of sense!

Yes thats exactly what i mean by living a normal life!

I could perhaps take this as physic learning as another hobby of mine, i've got quite a good mental routen at the moment of constant mental work, perhaps i could train myself to have better control over these abilities. Its just working out a way of bridging the conscious with the unconscious... don't know if i can be bothered to do this though... although i know people actually try to do this with meditating and incredible amounts of self control... this can be done and in the determined state of mind that i'm in at the moment, i'm sure it would be possible!

1) The first truth about my condition is, everyone acts in accordance with my current state of mind, whatever it maybe!
2) Second truth, my soul is bared to all! No one says so, but their silence speaks louder than any words could!
3) Third truth, my life is setup, and my freedom is only an illusion.  
4) The 4th truth, everyone does what i think!
5) The 5th truth, i am an incredibly powerful being, i'm just unaware, my abilities span all that exists which bemuses me as usually people only have select abilities, although i'm aware that there are people out there which have similar amounts of power and influence, and have chosen not to use them, going back to these abilities do not bring you genuine happiness. With incredible amount of influence over this place and my personal experience in it. And obviously an equal amount of responsibility, which weighs heavily on my mind and shoulders, you don't wanna know the amount of worry i have, sometimes i cry as i can't handle it, and other times i'm not able to go to sleep with this incredible amount of responsility over my shoulders and the worry that goes with it!
6) The 6th truth, everyone knows somewhere in their being everything there is to know about me, my past, my future, what i will think next, what i am feeling, what i will do next, where i will be... where i will go and so on...
7) The 7th truth, i am controlled and guided heavily like no other on this planet, weather i like it or not! I'm disturbed often, much more often than i would like! my life is heavily influenced by my condition and is something i can never get away from! And so on... these are the main ones though...

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:56 am

So... i'm constantly bothered, constantly harassed, no one leaves me alone, constantly being psychically bullied just sitting on my sofa watching TV, on the PC, listening to music. I'm trying to relax and enjoy myself a bit and no one leaves me alone, what the ^%(* is wrong with you people!

If you were going to treat me like this, make my life a living hell, whats the point, why let me live...? Don't give me were here to learn lessons etc... that's all bullshit metaphors just like religion, karma, its all ways to try and control others!!! trying to control and put limits, where there is non...! Live your life and leave mine alone!

What else do you want from me? Tell me so we can put an end to this shit!

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This thread will now be locked by the board moderator

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:01 am

I feel that no further useful healing purpose is being served by allowing this thread to continue as it is. I can assure you that nobody here including myself is or would ever want to psychically control or harass you.

That is not what good friends do to each other.

I think that in everyone's best interests that we should call a halt to this discussion now, in order to give you an opportunity to seek urgent and appropriate treatment for your mental health condition, which is currently highly unstable.

My original suggestion for you not to attempt to do any form of psychic development at this point until you get your delusions more under your and your doctor's control is only confirmed by what you have written in these later postings.

Contrary to your beliefs I do care very much about what is happening to you, and only want the very best which your life could offer. I hope that eventually you will realize that everyone here is on your side, and that we want to see you back on Mystic Board, once you are again well enough to be able to come back to us.

From your friend EoT Image

PS: This thread will now be locked by the board moderator for everyone's protection, and in the true spirit of healing and caring for all our valued members.


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