Psychic told me I am part angel. Please help me understand this.

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Psychic told me I am part angel. Please help me understand this.

Post by cav1991 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:20 am

Okay, please don't think I am delusional or that I have an inflated sense of importance. But...I've reached this sort of crossroad in my life, and today, for the first time ever, I decided to consult a psychic to get her opinion on what I should be doing with my life.

Anyway, I met her in person and the session lasted about 45 minutes all together. About 15 minutes into our discussion, she mentioned that I am part angel (I think her words were "you have 20% angel essence" and that "at the beginning of time, you had to decide if you wanted to be--a human or an angel, and you decided to be both" and that she had "never seen this situation before, that it's very rare"). this bullshit? This kind of sounds like bullshit to me. Does this sort of thing actually happen? Are there any resources I can pursue to find out more about this? What do I do with this "angel essence"? The psychic told me I have a future in healing people and light work and that I haven't tapped into my angel-ness yet...but I only have a vague idea about how to initiate anything like this.

Anyway, the reason that I don't think what she said is completely false is because everything else she said was SO DEAD ON. I realize that some psychics get their success from reading people extremely well...but she even knew the name (Antwinette--not a common name) of my best friend that died in a car wreck last year. She told me to go to UT Austin, where I want to go (and I live in Utah) and pursue could she have known that I want to go to school in Texas if I live in Utah? I didn't even mention Texas before she brought it up. Sooooo....yeah. I don't think she's TOTALLY full of it, but maybe she just told me this to make me feel better about myself (I have problems with self esteem). I don't know.

Please help me in answering this in anyway that you can. and PLEASE don't think I'm a crack head or whatever. I swear in all other aspects I am just a normal 21 year old. (I know I'm likely to get some smart aleck answers with such a ridiculous question...)

Thank you! :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:28 am

Sometimes information of a metaphysical nature just has to resonnate with us as a reality.  I would be very leary of this particular piece, but that is just me.  Your self esteem issues are something to work on in strengthening all of you for the work ahead.  Whether it is your present dreams or something suggested, the point is you are on the threshhold and can make a wonderful life for yourself with a little effort on your part.  

It is a time to concentrate on your education and career for a few years - this will put you in a place to manifest your own dreams and goals.  Then will be plenty of time to pursue other metaphysical ideas as  part of your being.

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Can a human be part angel?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:27 am

Firstly I want to make it perfectly clear that my strange sense of humour is not meant to be any criticism of you, the psychic or of angels, or even of aliens from outer space if they do exist (read on).

I do not think that you have a greatly over inflated idea of your own importance. Or that you have lost your marbles.

I think that the psychic was just saying that you have untapped psychic abilities (hardly a revelation there), and that the 20% angel figure was basically pulled out of a hat to get you to sit up and take notice of this, and decide to develop and use your gifts in the loving service of others.

It must be very flattering but also place a huge burden of responsibility upon anyone to think that they might also be a fractional angel in disguise with spiritual amnesia. :smt002

Remember that the following are only people's different theories and opinions about whether it is possible for a human to simultaneously be part angel. Therefore take everything which you read on these web pages with a healthy dose of salt or positive cynicism.

"Angels In Human Form" ... ns/1171821

"Can a human be part angel?" ... 917AAeS61r

"Human Angel"

Dedicated to awakening, educating and assisting Human Angels

"Becoming A Human Angel" ... -part-one/

"The Human Angel Breakthrough: Re-Calibration Into White Light"

"Why Have Incarnated Angels Come To Earth?" ... econd.html

After reading through the first page of search results, the next one started to talk about the possibility that some human beings are both angels and aliens from outer space, at the same time.

"Angels from Outer Space: The Great Deception"

By then even my open mind to the possibility of there being angels in human form had been severely overloaded by all the bovine droppings.

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Post by cav1991 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:35 am

Oh my goodness, THANK YOU for all of this! And I am sorry for my late response. I forgot about this board, but I will return to it much more now.

In the time since I posted this, I have come across many interesting things. . .it is sort of making my head spin. I will read over all of this (some of it seems that last thing you posted. haha! people can be so weird...) when I am able to and try to find which of it rings true and which of it does not.

One has to be really skeptical about some of the people out there...I think the website "" is a good example of this.  I contacted the woman who owns the website for her help, and of course before she could "help" me, I had to pay her $170.  Right. That doesn't seem fishy at all...

But there are other people out there who want to help.  For instance, I recently came across the woman who owns this site:  and there's nothing about her that strikes me as illegitimate.  

As far as untapped psychic ability, I hope so, but kind of have to doubt it.  It seems that most psychics have experiences in their early years and I am already 21.  I have always known about the other side, reincarnation, the soul, etc, even if I haven't had direct connection with it, despite being raised by atheist parents inside of a very Christian conservative community.  Perhaps because some part of my soul remembers? But anyway, I do think that "incarnated angel" or "human angel" is another way to say light worker, which I feel is a more accurate depiction (not sure how to phrase that...I am very tired today)  I have always felt different from people, and not concerned with the things the typical person is concerned with, but I wasn't able to exactly put my finger on *why* that is...but this may be the answer.  

Thank you so much for your help and for contacting me :) I appreciate it very much and would like to keep in touch if you are up for it.  I have only started becoming interested in this sort of thing, and would like someone to talk to seeing as I am not comfortable talking to anyone about this in real life. (My parents, boyfriend, and most friends are atheists and don't care to hear about my "nonsense." The rest are just Christian and hold The Bible up on a pedestal as if it were the absolute truth.)

Thanks again :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:52 am

You are most welcome.  :)

Please do not beat up on yourself for not always monitoring every forum and therefore not noticing until I sent you my private message, that I had updated your thread since you last looked.

So much of what you have already observed about these so called psychic "help" sites agrees with my own experiences as well as what I have been told by other members who have themselves been the victims of these predators upon the most vulnerable amongst us.

For $170 I would expect this woman to personally come to my home and fix all my problems for me in one day.

Yet you were expected to have to first pay up before she was going to tell you what her help would have consisted of. What a nerve these people have. It is people like her who give genuine psychics and helpers an undeserved bad reputation.

Thank you in return for the link which you provided to.....

I will keep your positive feedback in mind when other members ask me which of the sites currently on offer are the genuine article. By sharing this information, it is hoped that eventually the bad sites will be starved of clients who are willing to be taken advantage of enough to be robbed of their hard earned money, for promises which they never keep.

And anyone else who is reading this could you please let me know if you do come across other helping sites which do what they claim to do (help) and charge a reasonable fee for doing so, if indeed there is a fee at all being charged for their services. I would prefer to do it this way instead of compiling a long list of rogue sites, which can be very depressing.
But anyway, I do think that "incarnated angel" or "human angel" is another way to say light worker, which I feel is a more accurate depiction
I thought the same thing as you at first (I agree that both of us are better described as Light-workers), but they are talking about angel genes and other similar types of nonsense which are simply too way out even for yours truly.

I would be pleased to compare notes with you on these subjects and more, or to attempt to answer your questions to the very best of my knowledge and abilities. This forum we are now on is definitely the best place for doing this.

Private messages on the other hand are reserved more for personal matters which do not relate to readings, or are not suitable to be posted on a public forum for reasons of privacy and security.  

However this does not mean that I would not equally welcome a request from you in the Psychic Reading forum, if or when your next reading is felt to be needed.

I believe that both readings and lively but mutually respectful discussions have an important complementary role to play in helping us to ultimately become happier and more successful human beings.

Kindest regards,

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