Guides and Angels

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Guides and Angels

Post by iiluv » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:19 am

Hi guys, I'm October...
 I know this may sound crazy, but I received a reading from a young lady long ago and I suppose psychics see the immediate future not long but I recall her mentioning my guides and angels wanting me to ask for help from them.. can anyone tell me who mine are and when they are around me the most. Sometimes I blab for hours never really saying a name but jus talking and asking.. falling asleep. I don't know if they hear me or ever spoke back?? Maybe I missed do we all have the same spirit guides and angels??
Also, I feel that I am ready for longterm relationship status again...any idea if I already have met my future husband...or if he has yet to come? Or maybe I'm being my virgo over analytical self, ehh?? Lol

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Re: Guides and Angels

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:26 am

iiluv wrote:Hi guys, I'm October...
 I know this may sound crazy, but I received a reading from a young lady long ago and I suppose psychics see the immediate future not long but I recall her mentioning my guides and angels wanting me to ask for help from them.. can anyone tell me who mine are and when they are around me the most. Sometimes I blab for hours never really saying a name but jus talking and asking.. falling asleep. I don't know if they hear me or ever spoke back?? Maybe I missed do we all have the same spirit guides and angels??
Also, I feel that I am ready for longterm relationship status again...any idea if I already have met my future husband...or if he has yet to come? Or maybe I'm being my virgo over analytical self, ehh?? Lol
Why should you think that this sounds crazy? This type of question keeps coming up on a fairly regular basis. This forum was designed specifically for each of us to be able to discuss these sorts of spiritual questions without necessarily being judged by other members to be crazy.
I suppose psychics see the immediate future not long term..
Some readers like myself usually only see (or in my case hear) six months into the future, but those of us who are extremely gifted in psychic prophecy may be able to see patterns which develop over the next few years or even decades ahead of time.

You cannot therefore assume that you are expected to be in close communication with your guides effectively overnight. It is a very rare and generally expensive psychic who can reliably predict the exact time which will be involved to accomplish this for any one individual.
can anyone tell me who mine are and when they are around me the most
If and when your guides feel that it is in your best interests to know who they are by name, they will reveal this information to you in their own proper time. While it is true that there are special meditation exercises which can in some cases accelerate you meeting and getting to know them better, any use of force to extract their names too quickly is highly likely to only give fantasy and wishful thinking and a name which makes you feel artificially important, instead of their real identity which is what you really want. This having been said many world class psychics and mediums never find out what their guide's name is or even recognise that they have a guide at all, but this does not seem to stop them one iota from continuing to do their spiritual labour of love and a very high standard of accuracy and reliability.
Sometimes I blab for hours never really saying a name but just talking and asking..

Doing this for hours in a row is highly counter-productive, and a total  or complete waste of your valuable time and energy. If you telephoned one of your close friends then asked them to help you over and over again repeatedly for hours what do you think that their reaction would be? While your guides are there specifically to protect and help you with your development, they have plenty of other work to do and other people to help in addition to yourself.

To let your guides know that you want them to draw closer to you silently ask your question only once, then simply ask for your guide's advice and guidance in helping you to find a solution to your problem. Now just sit and wait for the response to come, with no expectation of how it will be delivered. A maximum of 20 - 30 minutes a day divided into two 10 or 15 minute private meditation sessions should be more than enough to get your guide's attention.  

If you do not instantly get the very first answer to your question which is most likely to be the correct and best one for you, the insights will be delivered instead while you are dreaming and fast asleep.

Your guides are most often around you either when you call for them, or alternately if you are wanting to help someone else, but have absolutely no idea of how to go about helping them by yourself. You will learn to know that it is your guide and not another spirit by a feeling of familiarity. Some send visual, auditory and other signs to help you know that they are the genuine article.  

Just as over the phone, before you discuss your most personal and private information with someone you want to know that you are speaking to the right person. This is even more important when you are establishing communication with your guides. It is your soul which is on the line here?
I don't know if they hear me or ever spoke back?? Maybe I missed it.
If it is something which they feel that they could help you with, they ALWAYS hear. They may or may not have yet spoken to you while you were awake, but they have been in an ongoing conversation with you since before you were born, but now in your dreams. The main problem or trap for beginners is that most of us expect to get something like the booming voice of God calling out to us with a quick answer or an angel appearing in front of us if we are going to be willing to listen to what they have to tell us.

Most responses are very faint or subtle, although in an emergency situation the more dramatic responses may still occur. But just don't depend on this happening every time. A large proportion of these genuine responses are missed because we think that we are imagining these things are happening, or are convinced that we are really losing our minds if we start hearing disembodied voices or suffer with visions of something or someone which or whom is not physically there.

If I even began to list all of the possible, diverse methods which your guides could potentially use to get their messages through to you, after most importantly identifying themselves, then I would need a separate forum to fully do it justice. Just as we are each effectively unique in the way in which we communicate with other people, similarly our guides are often unique in the ways in which they communicate with us.
do we all have the same spirit guides and angels??
Normally NO. WE generally have one main spirit guide (some call him or her their gatekeeper or guardian angel) who accompanies us from before the cradle to the grave and well beyond that. This guide is our main protector, spiritual advisor and often acts to relay your messages to and from other guides and spirit messengers. Then we have for a while other guides which specialise in teaching us about a particular subject, hobby or a task which needs to be urgently completed. Once their purpose has been served, these temporary guides move onto someone else to help them instead of staying permanently around you when they are no longer needed.
any idea if I already have met my future husband...or if he has yet to come?

NO and NO.

But this was never meant to be a reading.

You should ask those questions only on the Psychic Reading forum, and not on here. Be certain to look carefully at the rules of the forum before posting your request on that board.

Psychic Reading forum

"Please Read Before Requesting a Reading" ... hp?t=73424
Or maybe I'm being my virgo over analytical self
You could be partially right about this (our daughter is also a Virgo, and she also thinks too much for her own good) but the logical and analytical mind and it's answers and the intuitive mind and it's insights are often miles (or kilometres) apart or very different from each other.

Readings mainly tend to deal with the insights, and discussions like this one mainly involve themselves with the logical answers or more obvious solutions (although there can be considerable overlap between both of these in the same posting).


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:23 pm

The information you will receive regarding guides, angels and spirit life can be broad and sometimes appear contradictory.  Sometimes you just have go with what feels right for you.  

There are 3 strata of spirit in the afterlife we are discussing here:
Our own loved ones who do communicate
our spirit guides

They are not one and the same nor do they overlap.  Loved ones come because we had a lifetime to know them.  Angels come more in emergencies and times of great confusions when spiritual answers are sought.  (I often see angels in my work when it is sending a 'stuck' soul along to spirit realms)

And guides then is a very large topic.  We all have a guardian that attaches to us for our lifetime.  Anyone outside metaphysical, psychic work don't even recognize this phenomena in their lives.  The guardian is a guard against the hurts and pain we go through as life's challenges.  Sometimes I wonder if we could stand the full impact of the pain we either cause or generate in this lifetime.

Guides come for specific purposes.  In mediumship and psychic work they develop a strong rapore with each other so that the message is smooth and understandable.  Some come as teachers, philosophers and on any creative endeavour we get up to there is help and guidance.  In writing it is often called the muse.

And when the mission is accomplished they will move on.  Even experienced psychics or mediums who are readers change guides as they learn from one another and there is nothing left to hold the connection, another guide will then step in.  You are never left without one.

Meditation is a good tool to contact your guide. I do not know the name of my guide nor even any description.  But I do send out a speific symbol (flower) to my guide and know when the energy changes, they are present.  

I have also gotten a clearer insight into who I am channeling in trance but spirit has stepped forward and back in that particular effort.  It is always an amazing experience of direct spirit contact.

Just some of my thoughts on the subjct......

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Post by Kayray9011 » Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:32 pm

I have had direct experiences with my spirit guide or guardian angels I believe. I have been told I have an old soul and am empathic but I don't really know how to tap into that. I feel that ever since I had my daughter my abilities have opened up and messages from Adoitn (supposedly his name based on a psychic reading) has given me messages, or I've just become more aware. I left an abusive relationship about 8 months ago. When I was proposed to by my child's father before she was born I remember having an experience when he got down on his knee. I blacked out and heard some voice say "NO, NO". I ignored it because I am stubborn and didn't want to embarrass him. In the proposal pictures there is a large orb which is distinct around me which I thought was interesting. After I left my child's father I had an experience with my daughter's baby moniters. It turned on and started going haywire, switching channels and then abruptly stopped and caught the channel that was singing a jason mraz song and the lyric sang out "DIVINE INTERVENTION" and then the baby moniter channel switched to silence. I was driving thinking about beginning a relationship with someone else and when it would happen and just driving home. I stopped at a red light and the license plate on the car in front of me said "NOT YET". I laughed and thought "if that's not a sign then what is?!" I feel that they are around when you go through certain things and I've never been through a more troublesome time in my life than now and find it very comforting that they're there and I'm more connected (: I just wish I could figure out how to open up the communication lines more. I will search on other forums (:


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:57 pm

When in meditation and you feel the energy change that herolds a guides presence, begin the conversation and wait for some answers, before overwhelming the guide with too much at a time.  Be patient.  Allow spirit to speak - after all it is not a monologue, we are seeking a dialogue.  

What works for me and I pass on to my students, use a symbol to bring your guide to you.  In that way it will be the same energy and energy change each and every time.  It will become a signal between you to communicate when the guide is present.  It will also prevent pretenders who will not aid your journey and may interfere between you and your guide.

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