Why don't my guides listen to me?

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Why don't my guides listen to me?

Post by cav1991 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:24 am

I have no known psychic abilities, but I am a very spiritual person. Because I cannot connect with the other side with ease during the day, I recently resorted to connecting with the other side via my dreams.

I desperately want to remember my dreams.  I ask a very specific question of my guides....specifically, I want to know if I'm an indigo or not. I want to know what my spiritual origins are.    

I have talked out loud to them and I have talked in my head.  I have meditated to them, trying to reach out and connect with them.  I have written them notes...all with the intention of having the very same question answered.  

I request of them that when I sleep, I want to wake up and consciously remember my dreams. I want to have a dream that answers my spiritual origins in very clear terms so that I am better able to know how to use my talents. I have tried everything and am getting very frustrated because I am getting nothing.

For instance, I had a dream last night that I was having sex with an old acquaintance in the bathroom at a gas station. I NEVER have sex dreams and rarely think about sex. WHY DO I HAVE SUCH IRRELEVANT DREAMS? WHY DON'T THEY HELP ME OUT AND THROW ME A BONE? Good grief.  My dreams are so mundane and mean nothing!

I know they aren't ignoring me per say...I just haven't found a way to reach them yet.  At the very least, why can't they let it be known that I am not ready to have my question answered. Why don't they make any contact with me in dreams at all so that I can remember them?

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Check this out for yourself

Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:47 pm

"The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration."

-- Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
How can you tell if you are an Indigo?
A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:
Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?
Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?

Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?

Do you feel out of place in today's world?

Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?

Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?

Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?

Are you a truth seeker?

Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?

Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?

Misunderstood by family?

Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?

Are you emotionally sensitive?

Did you have a difficult childhood?

Do you often feel dis-empowered by too much authority?

If you can answer yes to many of these questions,
then you are most likely an Indigo.

What are Indigo and Crystal children
and adults?
How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?

     We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.

     The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and way-showers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.

     The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.

     The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change.

     The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have acquired or are in the process of acquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:49 pm

During your 20 you will be busy setting your material position for the future.  The spirit world will be busy guiding you in silent ways.  

Sometimes we just have to be ready to offer the time and energy to actually listen and learn from spirit.  And a lot of spirit work is symbols in need of interpretation.  Perhaps the best way to go would be to find a good teacher to calm your anxieties of reaching spirit and aiding in your patience for the development unfoldment.

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What might first seem mundane or irrelevant may turn out to be anything but

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:51 am

For instance, I had a dream last night that I was having sex with an old acquaintance in the bathroom at a gas station. I NEVER have sex dreams and rarely think about sex. WHY DO I HAVE SUCH IRRELEVANT DREAMS? WHY DON'T THEY HELP ME OUT AND THROW ME A BONE? Good grief.  My dreams are so mundane and mean nothing!


In all likelihood your dream is probably in no way related to nor has anything to do with the physical act of making love. Dreams are produced by our unconscious mind and are written in the language of our mind and of nobody else's.

While it is true that some dream symbols are common to most human beings (archetypal symbols), a large proportion of them are unique to us. These symbols represent or stand in place of completely different things in our waking lives.

And since 99.9 % of our waking lives are both routine and mundane, then an equally large number of dream symbols will appear to be routine, mundane and to be honest boring and irrelevant to the questions which we are asking our guides or God at the time.

Actually many dreams and the symbols being used in them are a way of temporarily getting past our conscious always questioning everything mind (our inner censor) which sees everything as being mundane and irrelevant, in order to allow more broad and uninhibited access to our unconscious mind through which our intuitive abilities operate.

For example sex is about creation and new beginnings. So a dream about having sex with someone could be interpreted either as a way of you releasing excess sexual tension, or it could alternately be seen as you being about to start a new and important project which is close to your heart. People often refer to their favourite project as their "baby". Also the sex dream might satisfy certain personal psychological needs of yours which are not being met in your waking life, but in a way in which neither of you gets hurt or disrespected.

I am not saying that these must necessarily be the true interpretations of your dreams, but I am only trying to make the point that ignoring or rejecting your dreams simply because they may appear to be mundane or irrelevant to your questions or prayers on the surface could be a serious case of you throwing the baby away with the bath water (please excuse my pun on the word baby).

In other words there are often precious gems or treasures of insight and wisdom to be found if you look long and hard enough in your dreams, but that are often deeply buried in the form of everyday and seemingly irrelevant and boring unconscious dream symbols. Dreaming is gradually digging them up in a relatively safe manner, so that they can become of practical healing use to us in our day to day living.

In the end you are always the best possible interpreter of the most likely meanings of your own dreams. We can only offer you suggestions or another person's perspective or life experiences to help you to decide what the dream means to you. Look for patterns or common themes to be found throughout a series of consecutive dreams. You usually cannot learn much of any use to you from one single, isolated dream soap opera.

Sweet insightful dreams to you,

EoT  :smt020

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Post by jounai » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:22 am

If you really want to have your spirit guides give you a message then look on the world through their eyes or in their energy. They are always their showing you a different take on the world but they will not force you in any shape or form to look their way. You will very rarely get an message that stand out in the world that is from your guides. Most often it is you that have to take the action and actually looking through their perspective or imbuing your perspective with their energy. Or both. :) They are always their offering guidance but it is up to you to listen to what they say. Be quiet and allow their words and thoughts to sink into your very being. This belief "I can't hear them" is actually a block to actually hearing them.

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Post by Spiritual Traveller » Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:16 am

Hello Cav

Sounds to me like you just trying to hard, & in doing so blocking. Or even expecting your guides to talk to you in a way which you expect, rather than the subtle way they can communicate with you.

You are spirit yourself, so you are always with you, as are your guides. If your finding it all a bit frustrating at the moment, step back & focus on something else for a while - such as meditation for the sake of meditation if you wish that something else to be spiritual or even something mundane. Come back to it afresh later.


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Post by simaran » Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:25 pm

hello cav
I agree with spiritual traveller  may be you are trying too hard
my answer to the 90% questions is yes  , which spiritalk ask
and I also cannot connect to my spirit guides
but that doesn't mean they don't listen to me
just try to look around you  
be calm and listen to your inner voice
I am sure you will get your answers

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Some times no response IS the answer which we most need to hear

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:09 am

And some times no response is the answer which we most need to hear from our guides, if we are not to become forever and unhealthily dependent upon them to clean up our messes for us.

For in the end it is not our guides but we who are the chief architects of our own future.

Guides often appear to temporarily or in some extreme cases permanently withdraw into the background, in an ongoing and supportive effort to prevent and protect us from becoming too dependent upon them for making our own decisions, and living our own life.

EoT  :smt100

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Post by cedars » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:52 am

I agree with EOT and all the other comments made so far....

Guides are not God...they guide us, but they dont make things happen for us like some sort of miracle....

I'll give you another exmaple: During tarot readings sometimes the querent asks a question and the cards bring out something different - a different answer - which, in my humble opinion, refers to their immediate situation rather than what they asked about. To me, this is the guidance that they need RIGHT NOW and as much as they thought their other question was vital, spirit bring the querent's attention to more pressing matters which they should listen to. Nine of out of Ten querents ignore those messages and deem the reading as ineffective....

Dont press too hard on wanting to hear from your guides; just get on with your life and listen to your gut feeling.

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:49 pm

You cant just talk to your spirit guide, you have to be ready spiritually, and then the guide may speak to you. Meditate deeply, build your chi with chi meditation, and dont look for your guide because he/she will find you. Also, if you want to remember dreams, look up on google "How to stay conscious while sleeping". Its actually pretty easy, it only took me a few nights of practice and now I am an active participant in my dreams. Once you can stay conscious in your sleep you can not only remember your dreams, but you can control them, change them, and instead of dreaming you can do deep state meditation while you sleep which is the BEST WAY to speak to your spirit guide, higher self, and it is also the easiest state to astral project from. (All from personal experience)

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There are hundreds of paths up the mountain

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:19 pm

Welcome Hunter,

A person may not be able to  hear his or her guide's answers yet, but our guides are always listening to us, and we can talk to them whenever and wherever we want to.

I agree with you completely about them deciding when you are spiritually ready to be able to use what they are telling you sensibly and responsibly.

While I can see that you have experienced what you are telling us that you have, I do not at the same time want anyone to think that if they are not good at chi meditating, lucid dreaming (staying conscious while sleeping), remembering their dreams or astral projecting, that they cannot ever realistically hope to be able to eventually communicate with their guides.

Each of us has a different path, and the gifts to go with it. This may indeed be your path, but another person's path may be very different from the one you are on.
There are hundreds of paths up the mountain,
All leading in the same direction,
So it doesn't matter which path you take.......
http://www.elise.com/quotes/there_are_h ... _mountain/

I would really like to hear more about your personal experiences with lucid dreaming under another thread on this forum, and in particular why you found it such an easy skill to develop after only a few nights practice.

Sounds to me as though you are exceptionally gifted in this area in comparison to the rest of us. This may have something to do with your specific path to spiritual development.

EoT   :)

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:07 pm

Lucid dreaming was easy, but maintaining my consciousness for more then a couple hours has been my major roadblock. I think the key for me at least to lucid dreaming was my realization that my consciousness is not grounded in my body but in my spirit. Once I understood that principle I was able to "stay awake" while I slept. I dont think that you need to astral project to meet with your guide, but I do think that a strong and healthy flow of chi energy is helpful for any kind of spiritual goal that you can set for yourself.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:39 pm

I do think that a strong and healthy flow of chi energy is helpful for any kind of spiritual goal that you can set for yourself
For some people this is good or necessary. But at the same time there are world class mediums and psychics whose flow of chi energy, prana or their life force is anything but being strong and healthy, using your own flow of chi energy as the measure of what is strong and healthy for everyone.

Weaknesses and illnesses in their physical bodies do not in any way prevent them from doing their spiritual work.

In fact, it is thought that having these illnesses including cancer teaches them humility, empathy, compassion for the suffering of others and may actually heighten their psychic abilities precisely because the bond between their spirit and physical body is weakened, but not broken as happens during the transition called death.  

I agree with most of what you have said here, but could we please in future talk about the lucid dreaming topic in more detail, under your own separate thread?

Thank you,

EoT  :smt003

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