Orgonite/Orgone energy

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Orgonite/Orgone energy

Post by oriel » Sun May 05, 2013 4:06 am

I dunno if I'm putting this on the right forum(if not please move to the right forum pls.,thank you!) but has anyone here ever heard of Orgonite or Orgone?It is known as life force..I've been reading about this for quite some time.Dr.Wilhelm Reich introduced this.
It is said to bring balance to chakras and can help meditate and a lot of things.I have read that it also helps in busting out chemtrails.So I'm sharing this with you guys.
Anyone can actually make orgone if only you have all the things you need  ,and I've read one needs to have a pure heart.Only good intentions for having this.

a step by step on making orgonite ... onite.html

anyone ever tried making one of these before?your thoughts?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 06, 2013 1:01 am


You posted this in exactly the right forum.

The evaluation section of the Wikipedia link lists some of the major concerns which have been put forward in the past about Dr.Wilhelm Reich's most unscientific and dubiously ethical theories and methods.

But I think that we should keep an open mind about this and remember that many of his post second world war critics were known members of the moral, fundamentalist religious majority in America, and consequently had major personal hangups about sex and nudity which could have seriously clouded their judgement as to whether Reich made a positive contribution to research about the true nature of the life force.

Having naked women seated in hinged barrels to be able to capture, concentrate and store the orgone energy, did not go down well with the moral, religious or scientific establishment of the times. A similar thing happened much earlier on with Sigmund Freud, whose theories of psychoanalysis always revolved around repressed sexual tensions and primitive animal desires.

Yet Freud's valuable contributions to the development of modern psychiatry are no longer in question.

Maybe a certain number of years must elapse after a person's death for their ideas to be finally recognised as having an intrinsic value in themselves. Freud died in 1939, but Reich only died in 1957. Hopefully by 2013 it is time to reexamine his research, and learn what positive benefits it might have for our health in the 21st century.

Thank you for posting this, as it is a brilliant topic for discussion. IMO


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Post by oriel » Mon May 06, 2013 3:05 am

Thanks EoT! :smt006

I dunno but I've been reading responses that it somehow helped them especially when they used quartz and gems and sometimes other healing stones.
I remember there's this healing bed made in Korea,it's called Nuga Best,you just have to lie on it for like 45 mins. it only consumes low electricity accdg to my friend.My friend said it has jades,like 4 or 5 balls of jades that would be used while lying down,it will go to the part of your body where you want a relief or a part where you wanna be healed.My friend said it actually works,who knows maybe this could too? :smt005

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Nuga Best NM-5000Plus Massage bed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 07, 2013 4:08 am


Any of these complementary and natural healing treatments help some people, sometimes. Otherwise they would have disappeared long ago. It is often difficult to sort out what were the benefits of the therapy from those that were only due to the placebo effect or response.
Placebo: A harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.
A substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.
I looked up Nuga Best Australia, and found the following website, and its top of the range premium product, the NM-5000Plus Massage bed. I do get nervous when they will only tell you how much it will cost you, upon application.

Combining 9 different principles: Acupressure, Acupuncture, Moxibustion (Localized Super Heat on Acupoints), Deep Heat Therapy, Chiropractics/Ch'una Therapy, Massage Therapy, Anions (Negative Ions), Far Infrared Rays and Low Frequency Pad the NM-5000Plus is an extremely advanced device with sensational rejuvenating and healing effects.
NM-5000Plus is mainly used for Domestic use but is also used Commercially by Gyms, Spas, Clinics, Sports Clubs, Salons, a variety of Therapists and many more.
Now what this has all got to do with orgone energy and jade crystal healing, I really cannot say. It does mention Ch'una Therapy which might be similar to increasing the flow of orgone or chi or prana, but most of the 230 watts of electricity seems to be needed for its heating pad and massaging action. Maybe your friend was talking about a much earlier and far less advanced version of their product, than this one clearly is.

While I appreciate you mentioning the Nuga Best table to us, I feel that the members could get many of the same healing benefits without having to spend so much of their hard earned money. It does say that while this bed is mainly to be used by people in their homes, it can be used commercially as well and presumably combined with other complementary healing treatments, including the use of crystals and gem stones which has been used in healing for centuries, long before we ever harnessed electricity.

The crystals and gem stones are thought to be healing energy sources by themselves, without the need for electrical energy to be added or applied to them.

My suggestion would be to confine our experiments to orgone energy alone  in this thread, but to keep in mind that many more expensive and advanced natural healing methods may incorporate orgone healing under a different name. The life-force or the Universal energy which flows through everything is known by many different names, according to what time and place and culture you are living in. If members have received or personally experimented with producing and storing orgone energy under one of these many other different names, then they should not hesitate to include their observations under your thread.

As I said orgone energy using that specific label has largely disappeared into the pages of history, mainly because of its crackpot and erotic implications and also because its effects cannot be reliably duplicated in a scientifically controlled experiment.

Orgone therapy itself has to a great degree fallen into such ill repute, that it is rarely considered these days to be worthy of further investigation, or to be taken seriously as anything more than the placebo response, in those people whom it appears to help.

While the role of the placebo response must be taken into account, totally rejecting the potential benefits to some of us is surely the same as throwing out the baby with the bath water.

I hope that you will get some interested members soon, whose minds are not so closed as most of the scientific and medical establishment are. While this may may not help everyone, unless it is used in place of or as a substitute for conventional  medicine when the patient's condition is more serious such as in cancer patients and is promising to provide them with a guaranteed cure, I do not see that it has the potential to do much, lasting harm.

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Post by oriel » Tue May 07, 2013 4:29 am

sorry it just slipped din my mind for a moment.We don't buy Nuga best here it can actually be used for rent for like 45 mins here..
But yes,back to orgone,sometimes I think it could be just placebo effect?but I've seen some people over the internet experiment this on their plants, and other stuffs and sometimes on ice.
here they experimented it on their crops and it has effects on the growth increase.. ... hton-.html

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Do plants have unconscious beliefs?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 08, 2013 12:02 am

It probably would be better for most people to rent one of these beds, than to put their entire future financial security in jeopardy by buying it outright.

Sometimes it could be due to the placebo effect, but one wonders why it is so successful in increasing the overall health and growth rate of plants when plants are unlikely to have an unconscious belief that orgonite has positive therapeutic effects.

For it is this unconscious belief that something has positive benefits for us health wise, which is thought to be the source of the placebo effect.

Do plants have unconscious beliefs?

A fascinating subject for discussion indeed, even if you are not heavily into growing giant plants.

This is probably as good a time and place as any to pass on the excellent link which you sent me in a private message, to the other members. Of course the placebo effect is also seen in many medical treatments which are not for cancer. ... ebo-effect

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Post by oriel » Wed May 08, 2013 11:21 am

do plants have unconscious belief? good question! :smt004
I dunno but it reminds me of the law of attraction and the quote"what you think you become". :smt002

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 12, 2013 2:19 pm

Plants do have a natural response to energy.  See Dr. Grad's (Botonist) experiments with his assistant sending healing energy to plants to aid their growth.

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Maybe plants do have "beliefs" after all

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 12, 2013 10:40 pm

spiritalk wrote:Plants do have a natural response to energy.  See Dr. Grad's (Botonist) experiments with his assistant sending healing energy to plants to aid their growth.
Point taken.

There were at least two other well known series of experiments which also confirmed that plants benefit from being sent energies by well known spiritual healers, and not as happened in this case by a research assistant.

b. Harrington (1982), using the healer Matthew Manning, sought to influence groups of mung beans; the intention being that the healer would significantly increase the rate of germination over that of control groups.

c. Scofield & Hodges (1991) used cress seeds to measure the effect that a healer, Geoff Boltwood, had on the rate of germination and growth of seeds which had been damaged by overnight soaking in a strong (half-saturated) salt solution.

Although I doubt whether we can talk about plants having an individual consciousness and therefore having personal beliefs, there is the so called universal consciousness, of which an individual consciousness such as ours is thought to tap into and be part of.

If we regard beliefs as specific energy patterns, it is quite feasible that there are common energy patterns (templates) stored within the universal or collective unconscious which all plants have access to, and which then allow the healing energies to do their work.

Maybe plants do have "beliefs" after all. :smt115

Just because they do not have an individual consciousness and therefore individual energy patterns or beliefs as we do, that does not necessarily mean that they cannot be imprinted by the energies in the universal unconscious, with which they are in constant contact throughout their entire life cycle. Not only seeds respond to energy healing: local or distant (using prayer). So do mature plants.

EoT  :smt006

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