Tarot reading versus psychic (cold) reading and tasseomancy: which is the best/most accurate?

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Tarot reading versus psychic (cold) reading and tasseomancy: which is the best/most accurate?

Post by tarotcurious » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:15 pm

I have experienced all three and the main difference I've noticed are: tarot readers are more or less just translating whatever is in the picture (though some came true); psychics (those who are empaths and intuitive, clairvoyant, and clairaudient) are great, since they left me feeling empowered, and therefore have a choice; while in tasseomancy reading, the reader was clearly lacking empathy and although most of what he said came true,he clearly lack the connection to how i felt during that time, and, looking back, I could've benefit from a little sensitivity on his part. Let me stress out that all three have predictions that came true. Here is an overview of my experience on what made me reach the conclusion (this is more of me venting than anything else, but I do have a few questions and anybody is welcome to comment):

My interest in fortune telling started way back last year when things started to get rocky in my relationship (lol), it was a tasseomancy reading. during the first session, i was told how my ex(my then boyfriend) is the right man for me and that I would never find anybody like him, and because things were a little rocky, I was confused as to the overall status of our relationship. True. During the second reading, he told me not to hold on too much of the relationship, which I've noticed, is a direct conflict to what he told me about my partner then being the right one for me. On the third session, he told me that there is still a chance of working things out. On the fourth session, he told me that 'nothing has changed' and I should enjoy things while it lasts,wondering what on earth he meant.A month or two after, I realized that i was the one leaving the relationship and moving away as I couldn't handle my ex partner's drastic change of behavior and obvious disrespect. These readings happened on a two-week interval. My only take on this was I had been having a hard time letting go since he told me that my ex was the 'right' guy for me.He shouldn't have said that in the first place if he did see a breakup coming up. I went back to him one last time and he told me that if my ex finds someone else, then it is not meant to be between us. Great! Was I supposed to stalk my ex on fb to try and see if he gets with someone else? He could've worded it better. Needless to say, I was only given one choice: to move to another city (which I did), now, I am facing a lot of struggles and wondering if I really made the right choice. It is not easy being in my place right now.I mean, I generally feel better since I don't see my ex now,but the struggles just keep piling up one after another.

The psychic(cold) reading I had was for free (online) and every detail that the psychic told me without me telling her anything had been true (starting from my early childhood, to the present, and two to three years into the future, since I personally requested her to look into). In that reading, I felt empowered to make my own choices and did not felt like I only have one path in front of me.I was told that ultimately, it would be my choice to go back to my ex in two to three years time, and the path to reconciliation is open, but, it would be solely up to me because i would've found someone else by then. This, I feel, should be what a psychic reading should be.

The tarot card reading I experienced involves the tarot reader asking a lot of questions and ended up trying to make me pay for a curse or spell to be removed from my system...and to get my ex back. I felt like I had been scammed that I had to leave halfway through the reading, though some of the predictions that were made came true just weeks after.

The reason why I'm setting a two to three year timeframe is because I do not have plans to be back in my hometown anytime soon, since I have a career opportunity which will take me out of the country, which I feel I should prioritize.

Questions that are bugging me:
- Should I have left a specific timeframe to the question I asked the tarot reader, instead of leaving it up to them?I was told the events were good for a year. Perhaps, I should have specifically asked in a two to three-year timeframe like I did with the psychic?

- Is a coffee reader really that devoid of emotion?I would've preferred to be told on the first session that there will be a breakup, instead of waiting months for it and go through a lot of suffering on my part.

- Could it be that the psychic really is gifted and thus, looked two to three years into the future and the tarot reader just looked at the reading good for a year (and that is how far their gift would allow), that the outcome they told me is different?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:08 am

- Tarot readers have a specific layout.  And I understand it is limited to the time frames they incorporate into this spread.  

-  You were undecided with your ex.  To stay or go is a personal choice.  You can make the prediction right or wrong by your own actions.

-  Personally I think its a lot more fun living life instead of expecting it to be laid out for me.  Anything can happen in 3 years.  But I would never step into the waters of relationship again - that wave has already gone by.

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Cold readings are fraudulent

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:29 am

I just wanted to make you aware that at least in Australia a cold reading is one which involves dishonesty and trickery, into making it look like a genuine reading when it is not.

Basically the fraudulent psychic keeps asking a series of very vague and general questions in such a manner that it quickly leads them to guessing something that impresses or amazes the person so much that they will now accept anything the false psychic says from then on as coming directly from angels, spirits or God him or herself.

Any good stage magician can do this, and fool even the experts and scientists.

As a long term reader on Mystic Board I can honestly and categorically assure you that I would never betray my inner teacher by considering giving my internet friends a cold reading.

My readings will however always remain free of charge.

I measure the effectiveness of my readings not so much by how many facts I get right (the accuracy), but instead by how useful the person finds the insights and information in helping them to enjoy a happier, healthier and more successful life (according to what happy, healthy and successful means to them).

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:11 am

No one needs a reading any more than every 6 months - 2 in a year is sufficient to help bring guidance to our life.  If we have taken the advice our life will change and we will be dealing with new challenges.  If we have not taken the advice the same information would remain in place until something is personally done.  

The other thing about time....the spirit realms have absolutely no time frame.  When a psychic gives time it is their own best guess on the advancement of events.  Change in circumstances always changes outcomes.

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Post by tarotcurious » Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:39 am

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond! i appreciate a good discussion. :)

@Spiritalk:The tarot reader said that the prediction was good for a year, I'm not sure if I could have requested it to be more time specific since it was a paid reading? she insisted that it is only for a year though what bothers me is her constantly inserting in her reading how she could remove the curse and the spell to get my ex back(lol) in my life for a minimal charge. What do you think of this? My mind says 'bogus'.

I had decided to stay in the relationship for as long as there is still respect shown, I can see none, so I saved my dignity...and did what's best for my sanity. haha!

@eye_of_tiger: that thought has indeed crossed my mind,that it could be bogus, but I never gave any info to the psychic other than my birthdate, name, and question. I neither gave any background info, nor was I saying that I had plans to go abroad which was work related. The psychic gave me a detail of my job (again,I didn't tell her what I do for a living0 which was downright eerie because of its accuracy. She also described details of my past childhood experience which only I can relate to; she also 'heard' a word that she said was mentioned to her by a source and she says it doesn't make sense to her (it was a vernacular word), and it also didn't made sense to me during that time...until I heard the word mentioned by my friends within a week after she gave me the reading. Really stunningly accurate and I admit it kinda creeped me out a bit. Oh, and she never asked me a single question since it was an email reading....

Anyway, yes, i agree,anything can happen in three years, but I do have plans to come back to my hometown, let's see what happens then.  :smt017

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:17 pm

Anyone suggesting casting spells and removing spells, usually for large sums of money, is definitely 'bogus'.  And it is what many detractors use to discredit all psychics in their work, when most are not even in that boat.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:19 pm

BTW we are all psychic to some degree.  So even the scammer can get a good hit now and again.  

As EOT said:  The measure of a good reading is in how can help the sitter find their own solutions, not make them for the sitter.

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Post by tarotcurious » Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:31 pm

Hi Spiritalk,

Oh you are so right. Now talk about bogus, I think she was trying to manipulate the details so I'd end up scared and to the point of me giving in and purchasing her stuff. I'm glad I walked out...but still, that was good money I paid for the reading and I was, still am, annoyed at myself for letting someone do that to me. The psychic reading (not to promote her or anything) I got online was more worth my time, plus I didn't have to pay anything. At least, that online reading left me feeling good and made me feel like i have a choice, instead of everything being set in stone as the tarot reader imposed, that it is what will happen 'within a year.' BUT she can change it for a minimum price. Oh now I remember she even asked me how much my budget was. Before I could answer her, she went on and on about how I don't trust her... then she TRIED to do a little more manipulating there when she said that all I do is work and didn't even get to save up (Was she hoping I could prove her wrong by purchasing her bogus?!) Now that I look back into it, I feel a bit of pity for the old woman...she obviously needs money, but I just hope she finds a decent way to do it. Arrrgh. Perhaps, this is the universe telling me to stop wanting to know my future and just do my best in whatever I feel I have to do now (focus on my career), and that everything will eventually fall into place? haha.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:04 am


I never suggested that the psychic was fraudulent.

It was your use of the word cold, both in the subject heading and in the main body of your message where you possibly unintentionally associated the words cold and free reading, which I was questioning.
The psychic(cold) reading I had was for free (online)
It is more a matter of semantics or the common meanings attributed to certain words in different countries and cultures, than intended as any criticism of the psychic's accuracy and authenticity.

I agree that this makes an excellent and interesting discussion topic.

Thank you for raising these important issues with us.

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Post by tarotcurious » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:15 am

Hmm...my apologies, tbh, I don't know if that was cold reading, but that was the closest description I could name the experience. It was sent via email and all the details I gave were the names, date of birth, and a very brief description of my situation, followed by a question. The answer she gave made me realize that there are really truly gifted psychics out there! :)

Anyway, I am so glad I have found this site! I feel so welcomed here. Thank you for the feedback. I look forward to participate in discussions in the future that i can relate to. :)

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Post by stephybabes92 » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:30 pm

tarotcurious wrote:
I had decided to stay in the relationship for as long as there is still respect shown, I can see none, so I saved my dignity...and did what's best for my sanity. haha!
Good! Glad to hear that x

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