Hello, I'm an aspiring psychic and I have a question about fortune telling/readings

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Hello, I'm an aspiring psychic and I have a question about fortune telling/readings

Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:57 am

I've been psychic all my life. I want to work on giving blind readings on the internet. I want to develop my psychic powers in all areas. If anyone has any tips or advice on readings, I'd appreciate it if you shared them.

I don't use tarot cards. In the face-to-face readings I have given, I just looked at the person, analyzed their aura, and told them what my instinct said. I guess I can't really explain how I get my information to give, but it comes from my instincts, and being psychics, you understand what I mean. I get feelings, I get visions (although those usually come at random times or when I'm asleep), etc.

Also, for face-to-face readings, what is the deal with the crystal ball?

Thank you.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:10 am

it is my understanding that the crystal ball, (or some people use a dark mirror) can help focus visions after concentrating on them, I get random visions, or ones that are hard to focus on due to seeing them with eyes open and the things in reality interfering. I am interested in tips as well, so may follow this post as well :)

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:53 am

Thank you. :)

I know internet readings aren't as easy as face-to-face. but there's a site I found that has a lot accurate information, so I use it as a majour source of my learning. The 5 psychics who run it all allow you to email them, giving them a blind reading, and they'll return feedback to you. I did this for three of them so far, and they all told me I was accurate. So I was just curious.

I give readings to my friends and such, but it's not very useful in my advancement considering how well I know them. It's easy to read into their futures because I'm used to looking into their futures.

I don't use tarots or cards or anything. I just use my intuition. Well, I explained it up there.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:08 am

I get messages via the Tarot cards and via automatic writing, though that only comes when meditating, or whilst doing the Angel Cards, so I am reading through this site to take on any and all information that I can, EoT has some very wise words and so do others, so will be very interesting the advice that comes in :) especially on how to do readings via the internet, as that is something that interests me as well, because I don't often leave the house, as peoples energies can overwhelm me at times, (I often see spirits surrounding them, and get overwhelmed with messages, so I try to stay away from crowds, as I am still working on how to set up my blocks

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:12 am

Understandable. I know how you feel. I don't really leave the house either. Plus I read on a site that psychics that have excessive empathy towards others, they take on the emotional burdens of others, and virtually absorbs their aura. This happening excessively can lead to physical ailments, such as arthritis, low energy, stomach aches, etc.

I've looked at a few psychics sites and they wrote they suffer from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, etc. I was also diagnosed with these conditions, as well as bulimia. So I'm also curious how many people here have that happening to them as well. Oh, and to clear up the bulimia, I don't force myself to throw up. I can't handle food. A lot of foods make me nauseous, so eating is a challenge and I'm on a strict diet. I've had this problem all my life.

Before diagnosed, I did wonder if my abilities caused my physical ailments. I didn't know. Today, I learned that my theory was corrected. My abilities increased dramatically over the years, and so did the pain. If I had a terrible bad vision about some form of physical agony, I woke up, and my body hurt like hell, particularly in the area(s) that were hurting badly in my vision. If that makes sense. This is another reason why I don't go out much.

Sorry. I don't remember my point. Oh right. I just have a billion questions for people about how their powers affect them. And the extent of their powers.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:31 am

Are you working on a block as well, to block others energies? I have been focusing on surrounding myself with a light to protect me, and to block others energies, and to help assist in stopping the spirits coming at me all the time, (Im trying to work on my psychic senses more that the mediumship as I feel once I get stronger in the first the second will make sense, and I will be stronger to stop them when I am out, I have realised that music helps)

I never thought about how this all affects me physically, but its all food for thought. and it does make complete sense, I do feel the energies around me, I know how another is feeling, even if they have a smile on their face. and some days I walk away completely drained, that I just can't stay awake (good thing I don't drive ,,, lol)

the extent of my abilities so far are, Auto writing, seeing & Hearing spirits, Ghosts, see aurus, and colours of energies, dreams that come true, I have a 100% accuracy rate when it comes to gender prediction (thats been there my whole life, so if people want to know they ask me ... lol) I have visions, I just "know" things about people, and some photo readings (just learning) Messages come as I stated earlier, through Tarot, angel cards etc, But most of these are in the development stage, I have a block that is holding me back, could be my own confidence, but I am meditating a lot to work on that.

I am sorry if I am hogging this thread, :) it was nice to meet you on here :)


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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:04 am

I don't know how to block energies.

Feeling energies is draining, and annoying, and kind of unnerving. I don't drive either- I don't trust myself. It feels like learning to block them would be useful.

Lol it's okay. I like talking to you. (: I don't know what half those things on your list are. What's auto-writing and gender prediction? Okay, I only don't know what two things are. Close enough. =P

The abilities I have are: reading auras, sense energies (like in a room or an object and whatnot), seeing/hearing spirits, seeing dreams that come true (sometimes they come when I'm awake though- and I can see into the past as well, memories that aren't mine, etc), I just "know" stuff about people too (I can just look at a person and know stuff about them, and I can read their fortune, or even tell their future), telekinesis. My intuition is also very strong- I always follow it. If I don't, I get screwed. Sometimes it's not even dreams for the future- like if I know a death is coming in my family, I can feel it coming in my gut. Or I'll know the outcome of a sporting game, even though I hate watching sports and don't follow any of it. I don't bet because I know I'll always win and that's an unfair advantage to whoever else is in the bet. That sort of thing.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:06 am

gender prediction, when someone is pregnant, I just know what they are having, and will let them know (unless they don't want to know of course,) thats a handy one, and Ive been doing that accurately for as long as I can remember.  I have dreamt of the babies before they fall, (had that pleasure several times now, and three of them are my best friends babies and one was firm that they wouldn't have children for at least 2more years, and I said in 6mths, and sure enough I was correct, and I even knew what the babies looks, due date, and personalities) (one lady had an ultrasound that said boy, when i had said girl, and bub turned out to be a girl.

Automatic writing, after meditating, I used to put pen to paper and just see what words came, now I use the computer (thank goodness for modern tech as I hate writing as Im a natural lefty but smashed the arm when I was young, so im a retrained right hander now, so writing does not come naturally) If I am concentrating on someone I just write for them, sometimes predictions come through, or just how they are feeling or information they need to know, it is a link for me between my guide and myself, I guess, (not sure how to explain it any better as it just came naturally for me,)  before I do this I work on protecting and grounding myself first, as I feel negative things could stick, (I have already had a few wayward spirits here that was slightly confused about where they were, one came with the house that I live it, and she was a young girl determined to scare me as she was jealous because this was her families house, (yes it worked for a while, until I found out her story) but she was helped into the light. by myself and a friend who knew what to do.

I am learning as I go, as I don't have teachers or anyone around me to learn from, I have friends going through similar things, but not to the extremes that its coming to me. I do need to work on my confidence in it though, as I always doubt what comes to me, (only to find out later I shouldn't).

I should always follow my intuition, but sadly I am coerced easily, and then regret it later. as I tend to be spot on, I have flashes of things that have saved me (or my family) minor harm or even serious harm (except my bro-in-law when I told him I had a dream that he had an accident, yes he took it easier, but didn't go the direction I advised, and ended up with whiplash, and the car was a complete wreck,but at least it wasn't as bad as I had dreamt (I don't dream or have visions of death, I think I am protected from some things maybe or maybe that will come in time, (not sure I am ready for that part :/)

Telekinesis sounds pretty interesting, it all has to do with energy doesn't it? and influencing the energy surrounding an object?

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:21 am

oh whoops, how Im working on my block is the same as protections, i visualise a white light surrounding me and protecting me. When I leave the house, i focus on turning the white light into mirrors which face outwards, so that nothing but the good feelings can come through, (its hard to keep focus, but once its in place I take note of the feeling, and when im in a crowd then I focus on the feeling, of it) it is getting easier the more meditation I do, as it comes from controlling thoughts.

Hope that helps somewhat, if you search for shield protection more information should come up :)

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Post by stephybabes92 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:03 am

OceanTide wrote: I just "know" stuff about people too (I can just look at a person and know stuff about them, and I can read their fortune, or even tell their future),

Hi nice to meet you :smt003

You could do picture readings, then you still have that kind of face-to-face element! There's a picture reading section on this site!

Stephanie :smt050 x x x x

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:05 pm

Oooh okay. I've never had to do gender prediction. That's pretty neat. Although I have seen my future, and I know I'll have a son. I don't know if that counts though lol.

Autowriting sounds so cool. Blocking sounds difficult. I'll definitely have to work on it though. I've never really known how to meditate, but I've been working on it lately. But I find biaural beats help too. I prefer listening to those as I close my eyes. A couple times, I had an outer body experience while listening to a track. As well, I just feel more intuitively aware when I listen.

I have no idea how I do telekinesis. It just happens. I've been trying to hone it and learn to control it, but like most powers, if you try to force it, it doesn't come. But it's strange when I do telekinesis because I can feel it in my brain that something's working in there. You know when you've been sitting for a really long time and you're cramped up, and when you finally get to stand up and stretch, it feels so good? That's the sensation I get in my brain when I do telekinesis. I'm trying to exercise that part of my brain, but I don't know how to access it, so it's difficult. It just happens.

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:07 pm

That's a great idea, Stephanie. Thank you for the suggestion! :)

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:41 pm

If you work on meditation, control will come easier (I ran through a couple of guided meditations on youtube.. just to get the basics, and so I would have something to concentrate on, (I used to find it hard to block on my thoughts, but i can get there a lot quicker now)

I tell my friend she woudl have another son, but she has changed that path (medically had to) but since i still see him around I know he will be part of her future, (maybe grandson now) Free will can change  what lies ahead and so does situations surrounding it.

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:55 pm

I'll definitely try it then. Thanks,

Understandable. I've changed paths too based on my future in order to stop certain things from happening, or changed the outcome. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tamper with my future like that but hey, I've saved myself from mistakes I'd thoroughly regret.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:57 pm

nothing wrong with changing future as that is why we were given free will :) thats why it is hard to predict future as it is aalways changing. :)

I feel it is the reason why we are able to see what is coming, to use it as a guide, to aid in our own decisions, and sometimes be able to be able to guide others in the right direction.  Some things are meant to be (I think) and we can deter them (like my friends baby, who will turn up in her future, just maybe not as her child) but fate will bring that path out eventually. :)

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