Are you an SLIder?

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Are you an SLIder?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:29 pm ... 052508.htm
Do streetlights go out when you pass beneath them? Perhaps you are a SLIder. The phenomenon is known as street lamp interference, or SLI, and it possibly is a psychic event that is just beginning to be recognized and studied. Typically, a person who has this effect on streetlights - also known as a SLIder - finds that the light switches on or off when he or she walks or drives beneath it.

Very often, SLIders also report that they tend to have an odd effect on other electronic devices. In letters I've received, these people claim such effects as:

Appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched.
Light bulbs constantly blow when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on.
Volume levels change on TVs, radios, and CD players.
Watches stop working.
Children's electronic toys start by themselves when the SLIder is present.
Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession.
Does anyone here believe that they or someone else whom they know is a SLIder?

Tell us why.

If you have anything positive to contribute to this discussion, including but not limited to your own personal experiences with SLIding, here is your opportunity to do so.

Remember to read the above article in its entirety before posting, so that we have a common basis from which to intelligently discuss what is clearly seen as being a special type of psychokinesis (mind over matter).

Thank you for reading this far,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:11 am

It is my opinion that many people are being put off the whole idea of responding to this posting, because they do not remember ever putting out a street light, by their very presence near to or under it.

The question or discussion applies equally to anyone who is described in the list between the quotes, whether or not you also affect street lights.

I really have a problem believing that no one here has not at some time during his or her life had trouble with electrical equipment and electronic circuits, which cannot be easily explained by our current physical and scientific knowledge.

Street lights stay stubbornly lit and behave themselves normally when I am around, but electric lights, radios, televisions, microwave ovens and most other household electrical appliances where I live intermittently do NOT. :smt009

And I am also unusually sensitive to electric currents and feel terribly confused and disoriented when I have too many electrical items around me at one time, especially those which are close to my head.

The electrical and electronic equipment's apparent dislike for me is mutual.

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Post by jamers » Wed May 29, 2013 12:53 am

hey eye_of_tiger.  I don't know if I would be considered this or not...probably not.  But there are certain street lights that when I drive right by them or on the other side of the street always turn off or on....i only notice this at night driving home from work.  And its only certain street lights...not all of them.  As for the other electronic devices I've never really noticed anything with them before when I'm around.  There has been times where my tv turned off and in order for me to get it to turn back on I had to unplug it and plug it back in.  but I really don't think that its because of what you are saying here....but then again what do I really know? lol

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 29, 2013 3:48 am


It is far too early for me to confidently say whether or not I feel that you are likely to be an SLIder.

First we need to between us progressively and carefully eliminate or rule out any physical, everyday reasons why these things might be happening, before we jump to any premature psychokinetic conclusions.

Let us treat each of these two separately.

Street lights here are turned off and on automatically using light sensitive sensors integrated into each lamp. When darkness is coming the light level falls below a certain set critical level which trips the ignition circuitry and let there be light. But because one lamp could be dirtier than another or because the sensor loses its sensitivity to falling light levels, some lights may come on later than the others.

In the old days of gas lighting, SLIders actually caused the street lights to go out, which had no automatic sensor. It had to be lit each night by a man who walked around the street with flame on a very long pole, who returned in the morning to extinguish it, if an SLIder had not beat him to it. This was much better evidence then what happens now that the phenomenon was genuinely paranormal.

Do you drive down the same street on your way home from work at exactly the same time? It might correspond to exactly when the light levels are getting critically low enough to set off the sensor but with each light coming on after different delay periods. I would really like to know if the season makes a difference, or if you are caught up in traffic and so do not go down that street until later than usual.

SLIders usually are walking directly beside or under the street light in question. Is it possible for you to safely get out and walk the route, when you would normally drive it? Has anyone you know of told you that the same thing has happened to them when they walked or drove down that street at much the same time as you do?

As with investigating most supposedly paranormal events, it usually gives you more questions than actual answers. And the more questions we ask, the more questions go unanswered. I think that we have to become like detectives and sort through any clues, then make an educated guess about whether or not it is what it appears to be.

I will leave the TV turning on or off until a future posting, partly because I am running out of time before my weekly day off on Thursday, and because I once owned a TV set which behaved exactly the same way as yours does.

Fascinating stuff. Love it!

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Post by jamers » Thu May 30, 2013 1:36 am

Hey, I drive the same exact streets to and from work but when I notice it happening is after it has already been dark out for awhile.  So anywhere around 9pm to midnight is when I'll notice it.  I notice it sometimes when I'm traveling at night through other parts of town but I don't get out much so I wouldn't really count that.  I never really talk about it to coworkers or anyone cause I never really thought anything about it.  Maybe I should ask them sometime.  And I never get out and walk cause I work in the ghetto part of town so its not safe for me at all to do that.  Usually when i go for walks its on a trail with my dog and there's no street lights there.

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Post by smcsw2000 » Fri May 31, 2013 2:49 am

I have noticed that the street light phenomenon happening for at least 20 years in many states in the U.S. and in many countries around the world that I have been, whether driving or walking. This happens in stores also but I notice that the lights in the stores that do this are flourescent type.
Another incidents is  traffic lights; When I am in a stressful situation (going to the doctors, airport etc...) and just want to get there. I notice that I will catch mostly green lights and get to the destination with ease and time to spare.  Conversely, if I have a negative attitude (worrying that I will be late) I will catch mostly red lights and get to the destination with only seconds to spare, even if I leave early or speed.
One more that I have notices for about the last 5 years is a clicking buzz from speakers (radio, television, phone and computer) this may happen only once during the day or every 10 minutes (approximately) that last for 5 to 10 seconds. It can be on any device, not just mine and any where, no particular place or time.(city or country setting)
The first two I have heard of before, but I have no Idea about the clicking sound.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:43 am


I have not forgotten this thread or my promise to talk more about the TV turning itself on and off phenomenon, but am continuing to monitor it regularly while hoping for some more input from other members (smcsw2000 was the first of these).

I emphasize that this thread is about your own first hand personal experiences, rather than about having read about it in the literature, or having heard about it happening to other people in the media.

All such reports show is that these are the shared experiences of many of us (they are not unique to us), but that is not any help in us deciding whether or not they are genuinely paranormal in nature.

I feel that we have to significantly change our attitudes that simply because something happens to a lot of people, that it is automatically normal and not paranormal. The term paranormal does not mean abnormal or rare, but it does mean just outside the boundaries of our current knowledge and understanding.

I would prefer to take a step back for a while from being personally involved in this discussion, and put on my peacemaking, observing hat. If after a while there is no activity, rest assured that I will return to where I just left off.

Don't mind me. I am only your moderator. Please keep discussing this amongst yourselves.

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Post by jamers » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:18 am

sounds good Eye_of_tiger (everytime I see your name I start singing that song in my head lol)  I will be more observant in my life when it comes to this and share with you when ever I notice these things happening.  :)  Oh question though, so how do we know if its us or a spirit thats around us sometimes?  I know I've had the floresent light at work flicker before once or twice but I wasn't right under it but still close to it and the electricity was fine and no other lights were flickering.  I also got a feeling we kind of wasn't alone but at the same time I just kind of shake those feelings off and not really think anything of it.  I get the street lights wouldn't be that but wasn't sure about the other electrical stuff like lights in the room.  Just curious.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:43 pm

Flickering fluorescent lights can equally be caused by either the tube itself, or the starter unit being on the way out.

There is no suggestion here that this is the work of any spirits, other than perhaps your own. I am quite aware that visiting spirits do sometimes cause these electrical phenomena to alert us to their presence, but I think that the idea that they do this every night all over the country does tend to eliminate a second party in this, with you being the first party.

Psychokinesis (PK) or mind over matter is believed to be caused by an accumulation of psychic energy in the individual concerned. It is rarely controllable by that person because these energies are directed by our unconscious minds. Spontaneous PK on a major scale is often seen in teenagers and young adults who have suppressed powerful negative emotions bottled up inside them which build up until they can be suppressed no more. It reaches a critical level, then watch out.

Then the psychic energy explodes out of them and can cause much more powerful and frightening results than a flickering street light or a TV that turns itself off then on. Heavy pieces of furniture moving by themselves, and objects teleported from one room to another through a locked door. Bending metal.  Electrical explosions and spontaneous fires. Poltergeists (noisy ghosts) are often not ghosts at all.

Pretty scary stuff.

The best account of a person who has experienced this terror first hand, and has since gained a high level of control over these abilities by directing them into healing other people is the biography of the English psychic Matthew Manning when he was a boy, which is called "The Link" by George Owen (1974)

George Owen was a member of the Cambridge Psychical Research Society who did an extensive personal study of Matthew's incredible powers to manipulate physical matter, as if he possessed the power of the gods, or some would say the powers of The Devil.

I seriously doubt that any of us here are in the same league as Matthew Manning is. Any PK effects we produce are relatively pathetic by his standards, but the statistics do demonstrate that the phenomenon is widespread in the human population, wherever you live. It has been happening since our ancestors first came down from the trees and walked upright on two legs.

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Post by jamers » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:37 am

Ok, that makes sense! :)  Thats really interesting about Matthew Manning! Thanks for sharing that.

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Post by X-36 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:12 am

Yep, this happens to me always at the same streetlight.

perhaps that one lamp is faulty? or perhaps more than coincidence.

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Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:26 am

Hi X-36,

Coincidence is a very interesting word, often with a very different meaning to different people, or to the same person at different times in his or her life.
A striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance.

Only apparently.

Now the chance or probability of a particular street light going out at any time of the day when it should normally be turned on depends upon many factors, including the age of the tube, how well maintained the light and electricity source which powers it are, the air temperature, whether it is raining, and how many hours in each day or night it is timed to be turned on .

The chance  that you will walk under or very near to any specific street light is actually quite high if you always walk the same route every day, and on the same side of the street. Street lights usually extend out over and shine down upon the road over here in Oz.

But the chance that you will walk under that one street light on a particular day at the exact same moment that the light spontaneously goes out by itself is extremely low and can be calculated by multiplying the two fractions together.

But the chance that this will continue to happen on a fairly regular basis and only with that one light begs the question as to how low the probability of an event must be before we should begin to look for possible paranormal causes.

That I assume is what you mean by "more than a coincidence".

I would be interested to know if you have also experienced other unexplained electrical phenomena which is included in the SLI category.

If that was proven to be the case, then then the chance that it is more than coincidence immediately soars to new heights.
“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
[Albert Einstein, in The World as I See It]

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