What does a coffee reading predict?

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What does a coffee reading predict?

Post by tarotcurious » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:13 am

Hi all,

I just want some input on those who had a coffee reading and tell me their experience and perhaps tell whether it predicts the actual future or is it based on reading the thoughts of each party involved?

I am asking this partly because the reading i had with the coffee reader all came true, but some haven't. For example, he predicted the move to another city, yet he also said that my mom will have health issues and only i can help her. So far though, thank God, my mom's health is fine and I can only hope that she's not hiding anything from me since she has a tendency to do that in the past, just so i wouldn't get sad. Now i am a bit paranoid whether the psychic's prediction would come true? He said that her health issue will be quite serious, which then made me think to really pursue my career abroad because I really want to help her financially despite the challenges I have right now. I also think that this is his way of pushing me to move to another city so I can be by myself and think of what I really want to do in life, added to that fact is the relationship I was in on that time where I literally became a martyr and somehow neglected myself in the process. So I am just wondering if that was his way to show me a better path to get away from a somehow toxic relationship... or was he really telling me the truth?

My doubt in him telling the truth started when back then, I stayed in the relationship and he told me that I have to be friends with my ex first and not push the relationship...but a few weeks after, I told him after the reading "How can you expect me to be friends with my ex with the way she's acting?" ... that was when he told me, "I only said that because you were unable to let go yet"...
- this then made me think that maybe he was reading my mind instead of predicting the future? My take on this is why couldn't he have just told me that I will end up moving away and we would've end broken up anyway...instead of pining for the relationship a few weeks more and just end up with more emotional turmoil?

I hope i am making sense... lol. So, my question remains: does a coffee reading (turkish) really predict the future or does it merely reflect the thoughts and plans of the querent's mind? What do you think? :smt005

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:04 pm

The future is never cast in stone.  It is pliable by every action you take there will be a reaction.  It is the law of cause and effect.  Live your life without predictions.  

Your questions appear to be something you should be asking the reader.  They are not general, they are specific to your life and affairs.

NO ONE should be doing health issues.  It can to easily upset rather than help.  As much as someone thinks they can handle it, they can't.  The best advice on health is to contact a doctor.  And do not allow a prediction to lead your life.

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Post by tarotcurious » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Thank you spiritalk,

Yes, I should've asked my reader about it but during that time, I was in an emotional situation so perhaps that was what he read? I do know now that the best way to do this would be to take care of myself first since that had been long overdue, and I believe the rest will take care of itself. I draw my own inner strength from knowing that whatever or whoever is supposed to be in my life will not pass me by. I feel the reader told me those things during those times because it was to propel me to move forward, as I hate the thought that I might have been lied at.

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