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Post by WolfwoodX » Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:10 am

I hope this is the correct place to post this, if not, I apologize in advance.

Lately, since 2010, I have felt someone talking to me in my ear. I feel the breath of a person on my ears, like they are standing right next to me. Some that talk to me are living, while others have passed on, like my friend who passed of cancer in 2012. They tell me things like; I miss you or I love you and some want to carry on conversation with me. I sometime find myself talking out loud to them and have to stop. Usually I'll talk out loud if I am alone or have some kind of privacy.

Also, I have felt someone grabbing my hand or hugging me as I lay to go to sleep. I felt the heat of a person's body or the heat from a hand as I sit or are standing. I hear my friend say it is her and she is alive, she lives 1600 miles from me. I have heard her as well talk to me. Once as I hugged my pillow laying in bed, I felt lips on my lips, then heard my friend again, telling me it was a kiss from her.

Then, I can hear peoples thoughts, haven't in a long time, since age 15. I stopped having the ability after my Grandmother passed on. I like having the ability again to hear peoples thoughts, but I believe in everyone having privacy to their thoughts. I try to not pick up on peoples thoughts, but at times it is hard.

I have a small idea about what type of psychic I am, but I am not sure how to get my abilities stronger.

Here are my questions:

Can someone miles a way, talk to me and feel like they are right next to me?

Can a person miles a way, touch me, even though they are not close by?

Is there a way to block hearing some thoughts from others around me?

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Re: Wondering...

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:57 am

I hope this is the correct place to post this, if not, I apologize in advance.
It is the correct place, so there is no need to apologize for unintentionally posting it in the wrong place.
I find it hard to believe that the dead and living are talking to me at times or sending me hugs and even kisses.
Yes it is hard for many people to believe, even when it is actually happening to them, AS I CAN ALMOST GUARANTEE THAT IT IS TO YOU.
I have a small idea about what type of psychic I am, but I am not sure how to get my abilities stronger.
So do I. See my assessment about what of your gifts are the strongest, as well as my advice about not wanting to make your abilities any stronger than they already are.
Can someone miles a way, talk to me and feel like they are right next to me?
YES, both you and your friend have a spiritual body and consciousness which can move independently of your physical bodies to whatever place you will it to be. 1600 miles apart is nothing. In theory this would work equally well if you were each at the opposite ends of the Universe.

But your Earthly bodies themselves must conform to physical laws of nature.

Your spiritual body and mind knows no such restrictions of either space or time. Spirits speak to each other in loud thoughts. Words spoken and written are only absolutely necessary for you to to communicate with her while in your physical vehicles at this level.
Can a person miles a way, touch me, even though they are not close by?
YES, using exactly the same mechanism by which they can talk to you at a distance. In this case however they are sending their emotions rather than only their thoughts.

Is there a way to block hearing some thoughts from others around me?[/quote]

Absolutely! My advice would be not to do anything which could make your gifts of psychic hearing or clairaudience or empathy (the ability to sense other people's thoughts and emotions) any stronger than they already are.

Basically you need to create in your mind a protective mental skin or barrier which you can put up when you do not wish to be disturbed by the voices and feelings, but which you can then take down to use your gifts to help others. For a start look at the bubble technique on the following webpage


If they are always turned on 24/7 at this high level, it could make you severely mentally unhinged as a result. Not being able to easily tell if it is your thoughts and feelings or somebody else's thoughts or feelings is really the pits.

Hoping that this in some small way convinces you that you are not imagining any of this, and that there is a way forwards for you in bringing your abilities more under your control. Also that you are not crazy.

EoT  :smt031

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Post by WolfwoodX » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:37 pm

Thank you, eye of tiger, for answering my questions. Now I understand more of my abilities and will take a look at the webpage, to learn about the bubble technique.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:04 am

Always a pleasure to be of service.

Let me know under this thread if the bubble technique helps you to gain some level of control over your abilities and over sensitivity to their negativity, by temporarily blocking their thoughts and emotions from affecting you, and so preventing them from being taken on as your own.

If the bubble technique does not work for you after you have practiced it for 30 consecutive days, immediately come back here and let me know about it.

No technique works equally well for everyone. We need to find what your optimum protection method is by the process of trial and error, or the progressive elimination of all other alternatives.

Thanking you in advance for any feedback which you can provide me with.  


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Post by WolfwoodX » Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:15 pm

Okay, the bubble technique works to a point. I can block spirits and friends, when I need privacy to think about stuff and get sleep. My Guides help as well, they are always making sure they can get me some time to myself.

I have been attacked by a few powerful psychics, they have been attacking me for about 4 years. I managed to block 2, but one is very determined to hurt me. She used Santeria spells on me, trying to get me to fall in love with her, but I had no romantic feelings for her, I had explained to her I had a friend I liked. She took this as I was playing games with her and I thought I had cut off every type of communication at the time, but I forgot telepathic. My guides and even relative that have passed on, have warned these people, especially the woman that tried casting a Santeria spell on me, to back off. She refuses and has caused a lot of trouble for me online and offline, I have not met this person face to face. She keeps insisting we have met, but she lives in another state, she lives on the east coast. I live on the west coast and have not been out of my state since I was a teenager.

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If your guide cannot stop her, go to a higher authority still through your guide

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:29 am

Take greater control over your mediumship by requesting that any spirit communications must first come through your guide, who then acts as your door keeper. Immediately reject any attempts to communicate, which try to bypass your guide.

It could be that you are taking on too much of the total responsibility for protecting yourself against spirits and Santeria spells, for your own best interests. You can do a lot to help protect yourself against people like this, but not all of it.

Then this woman is using your exhaustion and weakness from your constant effort to resist her as an easier way of getting to you and penetrating your unconscious mind's protection. It is like a backdoor attack, while you are always looking out the front door for her.

You are having to learn the hard way that only your guide and ascended beings and angels from higher spiritual planes have both the authority and the firepower to be able to reliably resist serious psychic attacks like the ones which you have mentioned.
Santería is a system of beliefs that merges the Yorùbá religion (which was brought to the New World by West Africans) with Roman Catholicism, and may include Amerindian traditions. These Africans carried with them various religious customs, including a trance for communicating with their ancestors and deities, animal sacrifice and sacred drumming and dance.

One thing going in your favour is that any spirits or malicious energies invoked during one of their rituals are likely to come from a level very close to our own Earth plane.

That immediately gives a higher guide or teacher or ascended being much more clout or muscle in being able to first contain, then neutralize any harmful effects which these undesirables may have upon you.

The greater the difference in the spiritual planes between the lower and higher spirits, the stronger and more sophisticated are the abilities of the more advanced ones to influence those beings inhabiting the lower levels.

If your main guide is not by him or herself strong or advanced enough to be able to protect you entirely from this woman (including telepathically), call for the reinforcements from even higher levels than your guide currently occupies, BUT ONLY AND ALWAYS THROUGH YOUR GUIDE.

Does this advice help?

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Re: If your guide cannot stop her, go to a higher authority still through your guide

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:27 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Take greater control over your mediumship by requesting that any spirit communications must first come through your guide, who then acts as your door keeper. Immediately reject any attempts to communicate, which try to bypass your guide.

It could be that you are taking on too much of the total responsibility for protecting yourself against spirits and Santeria spells, for your own best interests. You can do a lot to help protect yourself against people like this, but not all of it.

Then this woman is using your exhaustion and weakness from your constant effort to resist her as an easier way of getting to you and penetrating your unconscious mind's protection. It is like a backdoor attack, while you are always looking out the front door for her.

You are having to learn the hard way that only your guide and ascended beings and angels from higher spiritual planes have both the authority and the firepower to be able to reliably resist serious psychic attacks like the ones which you have mentioned.
Santería is a system of beliefs that merges the Yorùbá religion (which was brought to the New World by West Africans) with Roman Catholicism, and may include Amerindian traditions. These Africans carried with them various religious customs, including a trance for communicating with their ancestors and deities, animal sacrifice and sacred drumming and dance.

One thing going in your favour is that any spirits or malicious energies invoked during one of their rituals are likely to come from a level very close to our own Earth plane.

That immediately gives a higher guide or teacher or ascended being much more clout or muscle in being able to first contain, then neutralize any harmful effects which these undesirables may have upon you.

The greater the difference in the spiritual planes between the lower and higher spirits, the stronger and more sophisticated are the abilities of the more advanced ones to influence those beings inhabiting the lower levels.

If your main guide is not by him or herself strong or advanced enough to be able to protect you entirely from this woman (including telepathically), call for the reinforcements from even higher levels than your guide currently occupies, BUT ONLY AND ALWAYS THROUGH YOUR GUIDE.

Does this advice help?

EoT  Image
ANYONE who chose and became aligned to a guide, angel (?), energy, etc, and then had questions or doubts -- chose unwisely!

There is, for those, redemption! Such individuals must return to THAT point in time where THEY chose unwisely!  :smt004

Love, Light, Simplicity?


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:35 am

ANYONE who chose and became aligned to a guide, angel (?), energy, etc, and then had questions or doubts -- chose unwisely!
Mmmmmmm... Not quite sure what point you are trying to make here, or whom you are calling unwise (the wayward spirit, or his or her innocent victim).

Anyone who waits until they have no questions or doubts will never choose or decide.

Anyone who has never made an honest mistake has as a consequence never achieved anything important or useful.

We are taking here about using the angel/guide/advanced spiritual being chain of power and authority structure to our advantage, in helping some poor soul to make better and wiser choices about where they are staying now, and to where they are going from here.

We are definitely not talking about anyone permanently aligning to any of them in preference to connecting directly with God him or herself. However if we connected directly with God for more than a fraction of a millisecond, our minds and physical bodies would be immediately blasted out of existence by its incredible power and intensity.

In Exodus 33:20, God declares, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.

Any guide, angel or advanced spiritual being who knows what is good for them would never expect or ask you to align with or worship them in place of aligning your life with and worshiping the divine.

But they are there to help us when we have problems which we cannot solve by ourselves, and which require by their very nature higher and more intense and more divine energies in order to give us an extra edge towards better protecting ourselves from these spirit delinquents and lower astral plane manipulators.  

The divine energy is stepped down from God to us so that our bodies and minds can more safely handle it, and the closer or higher you go in the hierarchical power structure and chain of command (and therefore the closer to God), the more concentrated spiritual power is made available to discipline these confused and badly behaved souls, which may then involve them having to back track through or revisit their earlier unwise choices, and to make wiser ones in the future.

I could not agree more with that.

EoT :smt003

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Post by WolfwoodX » Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:19 am

Thank you, eye of tiger, for always answering me. Your advice and help is very much appreciated.

I have been asking my guides to help with the powerful psychic attacking me, she is very determined to ruin my life and has been at it for 4 years, as I has stated before. She tells me she is not backing off, till I do what she wants and I am not going to post what that is, for it is not something I feel comfortable posting about. I have prayed for freedom from her and asked others to pray for me, also, asked my guides to get help. It makes her angry and she knows what I am up to, demands me to stop and stay off places like this. She has threaten to hurt me, some of my family members and friends, if they help. Of course she does this all telepathically, she only threaten me once in an e-mail, but I turn that over to the proper authorities.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:33 am

WolfwoodX wrote:Thank you, eye of tiger, for always answering me. Your advice and help is very much appreciated.

I have been asking my guides to help with the powerful psychic attacking me, she is very determined to ruin my life and has been at it for 4 years, as I has stated before. She tells me she is not backing off, till I do what she wants and I am not going to post what that is, for it is not something I feel comfortable posting about. I have prayed for freedom from her and asked others to pray for me, also, asked my guides to get help. It makes her angry and she knows what I am up to, demands me to stop and stay off places like this. She has threaten to hurt me, some of my family members and friends, if they help. Of course she does this all telepathically, she only threaten me once in an e-mail, but I turn that over to the proper authorities.
I hope it is ok, to intrude on this subject, but a little thing to add to EoTs wise advice,

If you feel you are still under attack, my advice to you, whilst using the information that EoT has supplied about the bubble techniques and cleansing, and protecting, next focus on the "Cutting the Cord" technique. and I hope that it will be ok to share the link to help give you more information on it:


After you have complete the Cutting the Cord technique, it is advised to never say the name again, if you must, say a letter, but to speak the name gives them power over you, but you are strong enough to protect yourself from this :)

Ask your guides to protect you and to help guide in cutting the cord. and if you must ask for higher advice, (but always through your guides)

Positive energies are sent to you,
Love and Light and best wishes


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:17 am

I agree with SpiritWhisperer that the sheer viciousness and persistence of this woman in wanting to psychically attack and eventually either get what she wants or destroy you requires you to take more extreme and drastic measures to stop her from ruining your life than those which I provided you with.

It leaves absolutely no doubt in anybody's mind that she is out for her pound of flesh, and that you not giving her what she wants is not seen to be your option.

I would advise you to continue to use these methods, get extra information and advanced psychic help (preferably local if available and affordable, but otherwise on the internet), but also do whatever you are humanly able despite her best efforts, to carry on with the rest of your life and take good care of yourself and your health on many levels.

Four years of this is not just the average psychic attack, but rather it is a thinly veiled attempt at spiritual blackmail, manipulation and possession while you are both still alive.

You deserve all the help which you can get with this, although it can easily get to a situation where too many helpers and too much conflicting advice can paralyze your decision making abilities, and stop you making any further progress.

As always finding the proper balance between getting enough but not too much help, will ultimately give you the key to finally release you from her malevolent influence.

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Post by WolfwoodX » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:40 am

Thank you SpiritWhisperer, I will read about the Cutting Cord technique. Just wanted to point out the link is not working, if you have another one, can you please share it. I will try on my own to Google about the technique, tonight.

She has threaten for 4 years to show up and face me one day, she has whispered my address and I question how she got it. I even waited outside to see if she would really show up and as always, she is just talking big, but still attacks in other ways. As I have said before to many friends, she is a coward to misuse her psychic abilities to hurt me and a few others. She cannot take rejections and it has to do with her not getting her way.
I do have family members that are very revengeful if they do not get their way and one of them has sold me out to her. How she got a hold of them is beyond me, but I know my ex-relative, she must of been offered money to sell me out. I do not live with this relative anymore and I thought by getting away from her, she would not get so obsessed with revenge.

Thank you once again and have a good week. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:14 pm


I know that SpiritWhisperer would not mind me giving you this link in place of the one which you say is not working for you.


A decording script is included for your convenience.

Note that actually cutting the cord is no longer recommended or practised.

Firmly but gently grasping and pulling the cord out at both ends including its roots, is both currently recommended and practised.

EoT  Image

PS: Spiritwhisperer's link is working for me. Try it again at different times throughout the day. Some web pages are not available 24/7.


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Post by WolfwoodX » Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:12 am

Thank you E.O.T, the decording technique worked, along with prayers. The person that was attacking me is disconnected, but that does not stop others from trying to get at me, family members and friends.

My friend that I had mention before, that one that talks to me telepathically and hugs me, she was being attacked by the same person as well. She said she tried the decording technique and it helped, plus she said praying also helped. The person that was attacking seems to have disappeared, but others have sprung up to try and take her place. I have used the decording technique to keep them from connecting with me and it helps a lot. I am happy to be free of the woman that had been harassing me for 4 years and that she will not ever connect to me again. A few psychics have contacted me telepathically and have helped out with disconnecting anyone trying to harm me, they have been such great help.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:37 pm


Passing on the decording method to your friend who was also under attack was an act of great kindness on your part, and is also in both your best interests. Your combined resistance to further attacks from this individual in the future is likely to be more effective and longer lasting when compared to if each of you were doing it entirely by and only for yourself.

Strength in numbers?
but that does not stop others from trying to get at me, family members and friends
Do not confuse you allowing family members and friends to get to you emotionally, with genuine and deliberate psychic attacks.

In the case of a psychic attack the energy cord connection must be entirely removed, but unless your family and friends are psychically attacking you as well, this should not be necessary with them. The normal white or golden cocoon visualization method should be perfectly adequate.

Unfortunately we do not get to choose the family we were born into, and often the closer our relatives are genetically, the better they are at pushing all of our emotional buttons t the same time. But that is not in any way to be compared to a malicious psychic attack, which requires much more extreme measures.

Note that I said "allowing family members and friends to get to you", rather than them simply getting to you. I know that they often upset you but you could be contributing to this by too often wearing your heart upon your sleeve and by being too sensitive to what they say or do. It would not be healthy or productive to break all energy connections with them. You only want to filter out the connections which are unhealthy and/or manipulative, but leave the positive and healthy connections right where they are.

You need to turn down your sensitivity to their criticism a few notches, without becoming totally insensitive to their feelings and isolating yourself entirely from your fellow human beings. No man or woman is an island unto him or herself. We are basically social creatures, and consequently breaking all connections and putting up barriers to everyone regardless of their attitudes towards you is a form of psychic and emotional suicide. We all need to feel needed, and part of the extended human family.

I know you have been psychically attacked, manipulated, hurt and criticised in the past, but do not become so paranoiac that every person is seen to be a potential psychic criminal. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes.

Do not be like the social media website users who are self appointed judges, juries and executioners and take the attitude that everyone is guilty until they can prove themselves to the people on Facebook or Twitter to be 100% innocent. Do not treat everyone as being a psychic attacker? Only keep the "big gun methods" for those people who are actually guilty of this crime.  Your family and friends will generally not require such extreme approaches, as these definitely are.

EoT  :smt066

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