Help not sure if real

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Help not sure if real

Post by Shelld24 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:26 pm

Sorry im a newbie not sure if this is where i should post.

I have no idea if i have any ability. I feel like I know how people are feeling and very imtuitive. Dreams seem to come true and i get deja vu a lot.

My mum died on 6/8/13. We were soo close. Her death was quite sudden but she had been ill for 9months. For weeks before I kept thinking this is the last time well do this and that. The night she died, for an unknown reason I sat and cried in bed thinking about het. Ad soon as I woke up I felt like I had to get in touch with her.

Since she passed I have begged for signs and feel like if I ask her to move something in my mind it moves (wiggles n vibrates) I tried a pendulum yesterday and it was going crazy. I asked her to swing it in circles n it done huge circles, then said please stop and it did. I ask her to touch my arm, hand or leg then it suddenly feels freezing. My partner thinks im trying to see into things too much.

I dream about her most nights vividly, just before I wake up and at 3.05 i wake up everynight.

I feel like answers keep poppin into my head when I ask them. I said in my head I really beleive mum, I know your there - thats my girl suddenly popped in.

My 3year old son said he sees her at night when she comes to say goodnight.he decribed what she was wearing (it was same as what we dressed her in).

Can any1 help, feel like its soo much it has to be true or am I going crazy with grief?
Any advice would mean the world to me xxxx

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:38 pm

Its not just your own mind.  She comes when bidden by you and your son.  If this happened randomly and you were not calling to her, that would mean it may be odd ocurances without meaning.

Grief will come in all the stages over time.  After all it hasn't been that long yet, just 3 months.  And if it is comforting there is no harm to the connection.  If you were pushing too much that would be different.

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Post by Shelld24 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:12 pm

Thank you spiritalk,

I feel like she is there when I ask. Ive said to her I want her to be happy, feel free and do what she needs to but please pop in sometimes and watch over us.

Nice to speak to someone that will help and knows what they are talking about. My partner thinks im just imagining and hard to bring up with friends xxx

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:46 pm


The experiences are "real" to you, and that is all that really matters in the end.

What is real is often highly personal, and more a matter of faith than entirely based upon scientific evidence.

Your experiences are both of a psychic, as well as of a psychological nature.

It is rarely possible to separate one type from the other, as they frequently heavily overlap.

Your partner is actually partially correct in what he is implying.

Both types of experiences (particularly the dreams) are coming through the the imaging powers of your mind which are called your imagination, but he is wrong in believing that they are exclusively coming from your imagination.

Spirits can on occasions use these same imaging powers to be able to communicate with us, and bring us comfort and encouragement for the challenges which still lie ahead of us.

It is often easier for them to do so when the logical always questioning side of our brains (our inner censor) is temporarily disabled, while we are actively dreaming.

But it does not however necessarily mean that all such dreams are genuine spirit visitations.

It is often frustratingly difficult to sort out which are, and which are not. The following web page may be of some assistance to you in doing this.

"8 Characteristics of Visitation Dreams" by Anne Reith, Ph.D. ... on-dreams/

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:24 am

Shelld24 wrote:Thank you spiritalk,

I feel like she is there when I ask. Ive said to her I want her to be happy, feel free and do what she needs to but please pop in sometimes and watch over us.

Nice to speak to someone that will help and knows what they are talking about. My partner thinks im just imagining and hard to bring up with friends xxx

Dear *Shelld24*,

Mothers do tend to be magical, do they not?
Your postings and sharings reminded me of my own, who died several years ago! Sure, she was 90+ and suffering healthwise, but the night before she died she was very happy and one of her granddaughters visiting her managed to take her last photo!

This was the very same Lady who launched me ahead on this long path of divination and each and every time I serve someone, MA smiles.

FOCUS on all those times when your mom was by your side, helped you, and also those moments when SHE will continue to help you, even though SHE might have passed on to better realms!

Mothers that bring us into this lifetime, continue to care for us, even after they are no more, as long as we do not forget them!

In Jyotish, it all becomes simpler to comprehend and then SHARE, and hopefully that is what I am trying to do!

Love, Light, Gratitude (MA!)


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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:56 pm

I thought I just share my experience as a reply... I wrote this blog about my mom audibly "saying goodbye" to my daughter and I and the circumstances of her passing back in Dec 2012: ... d0cdac55f1

Later, a couple months after her passing, I had an experience where all of a sudden I smelled lilac when there was none around, ... I thought of my mom that very moment, because lilac was one of her favorite flowers and scent...

It took a long time to get her ashes from Germany to the USA... so many obstacles... but the ashes finally arrived unannounced the day after I quit smoking in my mom's memory,... since she passed away from cancer... When her bodily remains arrived so unexpectedly, I felt it was a sign that my mom was proud of me for making that decision... (maybe that was psychological, as well... yet I take it as a confirmation)

It does seem, indeed, that my mom gives me signs that she's still around quite often... sometimes, when asked for one, and sometimes when it's just needed... I am sure she is still watching over my kids and I....

Love and Light,

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:39 pm

Isn't it wonderful!  Communication is alive and well.  Learn to trust it is real and it will be.

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