Seeing Future in Dreams

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Seeing Future in Dreams

Post by misslilly » Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:40 pm

Hello everyone, Sorry for long post I just want to find someone who knows what's happening with me and can help me out. thanks

I have 2 questions if anyone can answer pls,

1. I like to know is it a Psychic ability to actually see the future, future events in dreams. Events that actually come true.


2. How can we control or enhance this ability to wish to see when and which future event we want rather than random events. be able to see what we want to see not what is shown to us.

a little update on my dreaming, I have been seeing these dreams since a teenager and now I do let my mom or someone else know my dreams because when they come true then my mom /friend/family is a witness. I tell them just incase to make sure I am not imagining things..
Events that I have dreamt are several over the years, here are a few most recent ones..

1- my 36 yr old cousins had no clue or guy in her life. I saw her marriage 8 months before it actually happened, when there was no clue to her getting married and she was not even seeing someone. I saw the guy had nice thick hair (which he actually did) I saw he had one parent and the other was missing (which is true again , the guys mom had past away) I saw his mom was a very strict lady (which she was and dominated the family)

2- I saw my cousin brother in many dreams sitting lonely and isolated, very sad and drowning.. this dream bothered me many times because it kept re occurring until finally we decided to take him for counseling and there we learnt he was suicidal but kept it inside him and didn't let anyone know, he was going through hell , we would have never found out if it weren't for these dreams

3- I dreamt of my Aunt who lives in another country, that she was emotionally detached from her children and husband, I saw this dream at least 6 times over 1 year and it bothered me, later we got to know she was suffering from an illness and her medical condition had made her very weak and unable to care for her self or family , she had a nurse who would care for her where as her husband used to take care of the kids.. this is still the case.

3-I was supposed to get married a year before my best friend and everything was prepared the date was set..
I dreamt I am getting married AFTER my friend , she gets married before me and I saw the actual month that I was going to get married was not the month I had planned. My (now)husband laughed it off at that time and told me not to believe in my dreams so much because we are going to get married in a month. Then In real life circumstances took a huge turn and his family opposed to the marriage and asked us to cancel things because his and their visa and other residency issues came up, family disputes and business issues too and they had to be solved before we could go ahead with our marriage. So we ended up marrying 9 months after the planned date ..on the exact month I dreamt of. and my friend got married before me(nothing to do with me, I tried to do it before just so that my dreams doesn't come true and also because I wanted to start married life sooner.. but the dream did turn real no matter how hard we tried to do it earlier.

4- I saw my mom and myself in hospital in a bad condition, I didn't tell my mom because it wasn't a nice dream seeing my mom admitted in hospital and lying on a hospital bed. But it did happen within 3 months she was admitted and operated on because they found a huge tumor instead her. I was admitted a week after her in the same ward with her because I accidently fractured my shoulder!!..

I can go on with so many dreams that came true but I don't want to take your time I just want to know ..How can I control what I see? If I want to see the fate of something How can I dream to see it?
Is anyone an expert in these kind of dreams??? pls Advise

As a teenager one of the first dreams I remember coming true was. I saw my neighbor with a lovely baby boy, she actually wanted a child for 16 years they were trying but it wasn't happening. I told her my dream at that time and she was very happy . few years later she did have a baby boy.

Another was also as a teenager , I was dating someone who I though was madly in love with me but my dreams showed me the opposite and my dreams also gave me the exact clues of how to catch him red handed. when I grew suspicious of his actions I followed all that my dreams had shown me to do.. I checked the exact places and found out he was actually cheating on me big time! That was my first ever time of finding out my dreams come true.
Later too my heart was saved from breaking by few cheats who claimed they loved me but I saw another story in my dreams which was actually the truth ..
pls advise on how to enhance this ability. thanks

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:07 pm


Yes people with psychic abilities have been known to foresee future, in dreams, and sometimes as clear intuitions while awake too. I personally know of people with such abilities. This is a loaded statement and so I must elaborate a bit more on this matter.

Despite the statements made by some experienced in occultism, that every one has psychic abilities (yes and no!), it does not become manifest in all, and certainly not equally! Similarly, a statement that everyone can become a healer is not true, although everyone has healing ability is true as well! Confusing? Not really! When healers get called to any healing modality (Reiki, Prana, TT, Chi, whatever...), it is like an FM radio that we all have built-in, but not switched-on! The process of attunement switches that radio on! Sometimes psychic abilities exist from birth, at other time they get switched-on due to a major event of a variety of types!

Most divinators generally tend to be uncomfortable with predicting for a variety of reasons and I respect their beliefs and personal principles that they wish to abide by. That said, it must also be noted that that does not imply that we are automatons whose future is all set in stone and leaves no room for personal choice, freedom of choice and no room for exercising our will. Certain matters are cast in stone and more predictable, but many things are tendencies and trends and there is some room for freedom of intelligent choice there!

An ancient saint described it as a goat tied by a rope to a mill-stone in a courtyard with tall walls and a locked outlet. Even the goat has many choices. It can keep chewing on the rope at the risk of sanding away its teeth, or the goat can keep ramming its head against the door in the futile attempt to break it (assuming the rope is long enough to enable it to reach upto the door!), or the goat may give up and sit down and die of thirst, starvation and succumb to depression, or the goat may accept reality and then begin exploring the courtyard and get to know what is there and so on a lot better! Sometimes it seems that the goat was born to explore the courtyard and get to know it better, rather than fall prey to despair and give up even before it tries anything!)

If a proverbial goat has so many choices, then we human beings with our wonderful faculties and potentials, surely can do a lot better during our limited time in this lifetime!

Love and Light,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:08 pm


The answer to question 1 has been more than adequately covered by my friend, so I will confine my answer exclusively to the second part of your inquiry.
2. How can we control or enhance this ability to wish to see when and which future event we want rather than random events. be able to see what we want to see not what is shown to us.
Our dreams are usually a complex and ever changing mixture of our fantasies, wishful thinking and deepest desires.

Plus selected snippets of our total waking experiences.

In some people sometimes however this mixture contains glimpses of their most possible future, if nothing changes significantly in the mean time.

While there are methods to increase each component part of your dreams, there is no way I know of being able to selectively increase predictions of only those events in our future which we consciously choose to view.

I would go so far as to say that if there was such a method to do this that it is felt that it would be highly likely that the outcome would turn out to be 99.9% fantasy and wishful thinking (what we most wish was predicted), and only 0.01% at the most of the eventual reality.

You are within your question assuming that these predictions are being presented to you randomly. I seriously doubt that this is the case.

Generally the most likely events which will be predicted in your dreams will be those which either directly involve yourself, or alternately events involving somebody else who is close and important to you.

After this the next major class of predictions frequently consists of large scale natural or man made disasters where there is a lot of fear and death sending back powerful psychic echos into the past, which you will then receive if you are sensitive enough to be able to detect the flood of negative emotions which often results from such a catastrophe.

I will see you in the future,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:05 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Lilly,

The answer to question 1 has been more than adequately covered by my friend, so I will confine my answer exclusively to the second part of your inquiry.
2. How can we control or enhance this ability to wish to see when and which future event we want rather than random events. be able to see what we want to see not what is shown to us.
Our dreams are usually a complex and ever changing mixture of our fantasies, wishful thinking and deepest desires.

Plus selected snippets of our total waking experiences.

In some people sometimes however this mixture contains glimpses of their most possible future, if nothing changes significantly in the mean time.

While there are methods to increase each component part of your dreams, there is no way I know of being able to selectively increase predictions of only those events in our future which we consciously choose to view.

I would go so far as to say that if there was such a method to do this that it is felt that it would be highly likely that the outcome would turn out to be 99.9% fantasy and wishful thinking (what we most wish was predicted), and only 0.01% at the most of the eventual reality.

You are within your question assuming that these predictions are being presented to you randomly. I seriously doubt that this is the case.

Generally the most likely events which will be predicted in your dreams will be those which either directly involve yourself, or alternately events involving somebody else who is close and important to you.

After this the next major class of predictions frequently consists of large scale natural or man made disasters where there is a lot of fear and death sending back powerful psychic echos into the past, which you will then receive if you are sensitive enough to be able to detect the flood of negative emotions which often results from such a catastrophe.

I will see you in the future,

EoT  Image

Dear EoT,

When 9-11-2001 occured, I was in a meeting at work which was aimed at saving the global and local environment from pollution (!) but as soon as we emerged, the secretaries looking very distraught told us of the horrendous disaster that changed our NOW and we all remember that so vividly and bring it up, time and again and rightly so! Close to five thousand innocent lives were lost!

I was immediately reminded of a similar reality back around 15 August 1947 which for the world may not have been so dramatic or memorable because it occured over many days, months, years! MILLIONs of lives were lost or as I see it: WASTED.

Many such emotion-arousing REALITIES exist and have existed in our lifetimes and even if we were lucky to be born after the 2nd World War, some of us have siblings or other loved ones who were born around other disasters before 9-11-2001, which let alone the WORLD, the very countries where those occured, have FORGOTTEN!

C'est la vie, brother!

Dreams tell a lot, but those must never be treated lightly, but sacredly! Not as personal spiritual GPS guidance, but more global!

When each of us can think GLOBAL, rather than LOCAL or even REMOTE-but related-LOCAL, an ancient sanskrit belief and prayer shall rise REAL!

Vasudha-eva kutumba or vasudhaiva kutumbakam

The ancient saying proclaimed!

It simply means: This world is our FAMILY!

Regardless of our origins, localities, other whatevers, the reality is: This is where our here is and now!

So it is not about 9-11-2001 or 8-15-1947 or that date when the incarcerated that remained ALIVE -- tasted freedom, but would the descendants for whom those REALITIES recorded and yawningly read in history books, can DEPEND UPON, and for-ever?

Psychics have no insight about that fate of humanity, nor do divinators!

Most of us deal with one individual at a time, and hopefully, as we are stabilizing one brick at a time, we are managing to hold the EDIFICE intact, together!

Love and Light,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:47 am


So what you appear to be saying is that psychics and divinators working together at the local or individual level are without knowing or having any privileged access to the global fate or destiny of human kind, looking at and stabilizing each individual's contribution to the fate or destiny of our species as a whole.

I often wonder if there is anything to the observation that 911 just happens to be the emergency number in the United States.

In Australia it would be written 119, and our emergency number is 000.

Was this intentional on the part of the terrorists, or is it yet another example of synchronicity?

EoT  :smt017

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:34 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Rohiniranjan,

So what you appear to be saying is that psychics and divinators working together at the local or individual level are without knowing or having any privileged access to the global fate or destiny of human kind, looking at and stabilizing each individual's contribution to the fate or destiny of our species as a whole.

I often wonder if there is anything to the observation that 911 just happens to be the emergency number in the United States.

In Australia it would be written 119, and our emergency number is 000.

Was this intentional on the part of the terrorists, or is it yet another example of synchronicity?

EoT  :smt017

Dear Brother EoT,

[addendum: I do believe that the date and its symbolic and obvious meaning to the geographical area affected was intentional! Don't you?]

If this tiny ant had all solutions to this BEHEMOTH MAMMOTH of a question that you ask, of this puny sibling of yours (in spirit?) would our world-family be suffering so much? (Vasudha OUR kutumba?)

I am a simple divinator and yes numbers entice me, as do lines on the palm and the symbols as presented in the charts that SHE wants me to read!

And, YES, our world is in a lot of pain and individuals are hurting! They are confused as well, but the fact of the matter, as observed from the same distance from where you are or some of us are AND some of us are not, it is not about numbers or dates or even certain characters that got our attention from the Windows Character-set after that disaster in New York, a few years ago that seemed to rouse the interest of cyber-folks!

For sure, there is a lot of hurting that our world is experiencing and the faintest and feeblest rumblings of those individually hurting, we hear and receive right here on this and similar other forums!

One wound at a time, one pain taken care of, that is the best we can and must!

And, if two can join in and help to at least try and heal, or three or more, then all the better!

Anyways, that has been my simple belief and prayer and I have seen it to work, for some decades!

Love, Light, Reality,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:37 pm

I do believe that the date and its symbolic and obvious meaning to the geographical area affected was intentional! Don't you?
Intended both by the Universe numerologically, as well as by the terrorists as a very sick type of joke on all of us.

Fortunately YES, and unfortunately YES!

EoT  :)  :smt009

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:06 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
I do believe that the date and its symbolic and obvious meaning to the geographical area affected was intentional! Don't you?
Intended both by the Universe numerologically, as well as by the terrorists as a very sick type of joke on all of us.

Fortunately YES, and unfortunately YES!

EoT  :)  :smt009
Dear friend EoT,

A friend is after all a brother (sibling) born to a different mother! This, I have felt always in the deepest manner possible to me in this lifetime! Hence I dare to keep poking the horizons.

And, hence I feel encouraged to share, what I feel, publicly! And I do!!

Mankind, singly or in cohorts and groupings of all kind, become aroused and feel powerful, others feel cheated and mistreated and BOTH try to bring about a change! There is no turning around, of course!! Once the ball is tossed (free-will?) but the nine pins (planets?) do not all fall when the hatch comes down and REBOOTS the game, the Leela as some older cultures call and see it as!!

Naturally, life -- as divinators realize and I include psychics in that classification as well -- has plans that even the seers do not know!

The sick joke that got witnessed in September of 2001 (By the way, thank you for mentioning that in your signature -- which I took upon as an ingit, as we jyotishi types recognize as and was urged to respond to -- which resulted in these sharings...!

There have been very many sick jokes that humanity has witnessed and even sustained over the past thousands of years that mankind has endured and hopefully grew up through!

Love, Light, Observations (mostly silently...!),


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