Manifesting negative energy?

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Manifesting negative energy?

Post by gennysmum » Sun May 24, 2015 7:04 pm

I am curious to hear what others think about negative entities and energies. I've had some conversation about this where others do no believe that constant negative thinking would bring negative entities, I could not agree with that idea and suddenly my own life experiences are proving me right.

Three years ago I hit a rough patch and am still trying to emotionally recover from this. I have had a lot of anxiety and quite a bit of self-blame. This really lowered my self-esteem, but I have been trying to move ahead of all my problems and I've noticed that the more I progress the more negative my surroundings become.

In January of this year I had my bathroom pipes replaced, shortly thereafter one of my bathroom lights would flash when either my daughter or I were in there. I figured this was an electrical problem. However, the light has not been flashing lately and instead I have been having hot flashes along with burning on my body. I feel pressures on my body while trying to sleep. The other night I woke up burning hot and dizzy. I honestly thought I was either possessed or dying. This was the same day where I managed to keep my mind off the past and I was working to beautify my future- I was fulfilling a goal I've had for the past five years.

This has me wondering, since I am working towards a more positive future (or at least where I once was) could lingering negativity be coming back to me?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 24, 2015 11:57 pm

I believe like yourself that constant negative thinking can potentially attract negative entities to us, but once again I think that there are many other equally likely possibilities to consider, before you immediately jump to the conclusion that your house is being haunted by a malicious spirit who does not like you changing the pipes in your bathroom.

Much of the first part of this posting confirms what I have already said in your previous one. ... 755#337755

A particularly rough patch, the subsequent emotional recovery process, a lot of anxiety and self blame, lowered self esteem .........

Almost the perfect storm or ideal recipe for a huge buildup or big accumulation of repressed psychic energy, trapped inside your unconscious mind. If it is allowed to continually build up to a dangerous level it could cause you a lot of trouble, so sometimes in some people in some situations the excess psychic energy is discharged into their surroundings (like a huge sparkof psychic lightning).

This can cause physical objects to move spontaneously, interference with electrical lights and mains or battery powered appliances, and even the appearance of balls of highly compressed psychic energy in the vicinity. If the energy is released suddenly, just as thunder often follows lightning, a mass release of psychic energy can cause severe knocking or a deafening explosive sound.

Psychokinesis (mind over matter - all of the above) is believed to be especially common in people who were emotionally disturbed or abused earlier in their lives, or in people who were never allowed by others (or never allowed themselves) to show their true feelings. Often the focus of psychokinetic phenomena are found to be teenagers who are undergoing (or who have recently undergone) the many physical and psychological  and psychic disturbances common to going through the transition state of puberty towards adulthood.

The old theory that the teenager or young adult in question must necessarily be miserably unhappy and mentally and emotionally disturbed to cause this large discharge of excess psychic energy and psychokinesis, has been found to be false. Some of these people come from the best of homes, had wonderful, happy childhoods and are better adjusted than most of us, so there must be other factors still to be identified which can also make an individual more prone to becoming a psychokinetic focus, when compared to the average person.

Also take a look at some of the symptoms of a person who is undergoing a process of spiritual awakening. Do any of these sound familiar? How many of them have you experienced recently? ... -you-have/

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Post by gennysmum » Wed May 27, 2015 1:51 pm

Hi EoT,

I have been wondering lately if the lights flickering and turning off has anything to do with me and my mood, so thank you for mentioning that. I'm unsure of how to test if it is me or some outside force, but as I have been paying attention I noticed the same things happen when I am in a particular mood. Some things I can't explain with my moods and actions however, but Im trying to get it all down.

The article you posted is wonderful. I do have some of the symptoms. It's a little too early for me and fractions but I will guess it's about 1/3 apply to me, and this does help ease my mind a bit.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 28, 2015 10:59 pm

I'm unsure of how to test if it is me or some outside force, but as I have been paying attention I noticed the same things happen when I am in a particular mood. Some things I can't explain with my moods and actions however, but Im trying to get it all down.
You cannot really test it as to do so you would need to be able to consciously control the phenomena, which is unlikely to happen. Your moods are also largely unconscious.

Your spiritual awakening could be a factor in all this, but I must emphasize that none of this completely rules out the possibility that an entity is tapping into these psychokinetic energies of yours. This may or may not be intentional, and is not necessary malicious or evil.

I will say more about this complicated subject in your other related posting on this forum.



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Post by oriel » Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:24 am

hmm..we all emit energies and thoughts are energies.And as they say your vibe attracts your tribe.Meaning if you emit negative energies surely negative energies will come back.I think grounding is very important.There are lots of entities and energies around us,sometimes we pick up others energies and it consumes us especially if it's negative.
I think maybe you are having a spiritual awakening or something like that,if you believe in that  :smt003
A lot of people are undergoing this and it is not very easy.All the emotions and energies around you are like all around you and it kinda sucks.That's why grounding is very important.i do this I visualize myself protected by a ball of white light with blue and purple colors for psychic protections too.

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Thoughts! Energy? Really??

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:41 pm

oriel wrote:hmm..we all emit energies and thoughts are energies...
Dear Oriel,

That 'Thoughts are energy' is a fairly common concept amongst us folk  who strongly believe and dabble in psychic/metaphysical/alternate (alternative...?) reality dimensions etc. We also utilize terminology from the field of electronics such as *grounding* and *shielding*.

Could you (and others welcome too) kindly describe/explain how 'thoughts' can be energy and how exactly this grounding works?

I understand that all neuronal processes utilize electricity as the basis but just as gasoline cannot be called an automobile, can we even think of thoughts as energy?



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Post by oriel » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:23 pm

Hello,I will try to explain the best I can. :smt003
I believe before every thing comes into being it was first a thought or  grand design.
The more focus you give to a certain thought,the more  of the same vibrational energy it will manifest.
I noticed this with someone I know,someone who has a habit of pin pointing negativity with every thing and every one he sees.When an opportunity knocks in he would always see the down side of it.He practically thinks the people around him is no better than him.The things that he thinks about usually comes back to him.The more he sees and think of every thing in a negative way the more he is surrounded with negative people.He attracts it actually.
So basically when we think of a thought, we send out a certain frequency of energy to the cosmos.Think like the law of attraction.
If you think we live in a bad world you might see yourself caught up always looking at bad news or bad things that are happening.
I think some people especially sensitive ones feel it when someone gives off bad vibes.You can actually feel it without them saying a word.
That's why the first thing to do to raise your vibration is shift your thoughts to positive ones.
I remember the saying,what you think you become.:smt003
It's like our body is the vehicle and our thoughts are our fuel on how one's soul will drive his life in this journey.
I hope this makes sense lol :smt003
Grounding and shielding works for me,when I wake up and before I go to sleep.Grounding is like keeping your energies connected to the main source,if not to energies that surrounds you and shielding is like the word itself.Shield yourself to negative energies that might drain you.
I do it by visualizations of white light surrounding me and crushing all those negative energy or attachments.When I take a bath I put rock salts too and with warm water just to release some stress hormones it's actually good to add some baking soda and essential oils they say.I know someone who does this and it works for her too.

Hope this helps a bit. :smt002  :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:07 pm

Beliefs aside, and we all have those and perhaps more so us dabbling in he mystical realm particularly since it is not a solid realm like the physical in which most of us must work, live and spend most of our time and attention in (compared to oracles, shamans, monks, sages, spiritual *gurus* who have renounced the world and shifted most or all of their attention and awareness to the mystical-ethereal realm. I am not talking about such accomplished souls!).

I am not saying that thoughts are not important but still not sure if they can be called without any reservation: Energy.

Newage lingo has borrowed a lot of terms from physical reality but does that really describe evrything or is it just a conceptual bridge between the immediate realm and the o called higher realms? Are the 'borrowed' (but not necessarily fully understood?) terms and *laws* etc. conceptual-mental baggages that must be shed as we ascend higher than the 'base camp' on an expedition (a  mountain expedition, for instance)?

All have many thoughts but most of these amount to nothing more than mental chatter. Meditation clearly reveals that should one engage in such a practice.

But there are thoughts that do fit into a distinctive category and which bring in life results! These thoughts by themselves are no different than the fleeting thoughts that wander in and out of the minds of nearly all just as many dreams (sleep-time as well as day-time ones! ;-))

What makes these THOUGHTS vs thoughts distinctive is our faculty of attention and awareness and that goes wy beyond simply concentration. I think it is this faculty that energizes a thought and brings tangible changes and results. It is this faculty or absence thereof that determines if the vehicle of thought gets filled with high quality gasoline or swamp-water. The diffrence could be striking! :-)

On grounding/shielding, again, I am not saying that those are imaginary games that people play! But they work, as in your case as described, because it was fuelled by belief (very powerful state) and repeated application-practice, attention and awareness.

And this energizing faculty also is seen in rituals which again are most effective through repetitions, when done with dedication, awareness, attention.

Thoughts by themselves are airy, even the most creatively-imginative ones but require the water, earth and fire element to become a tangible statue.

Does that make what I am saying clearer?

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Post by oriel » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:03 pm

I'll just share something  :smt003
I experience OOBE from time to time and in the astral world it is very different, what you think instantly happens it's because it is the other dimension while here in the 3rd dimension things happen differently not as fast as in the astral world though.
Like when my thoughts gets filled with fear automatically I will see horrible beings,but when I shift my thoughts again it instantly shifts again to seeing other things.
I remember when I was being attacked by someone ,a psychic attack, 2 years ago.I felt it while I was sleeping then I woke up,I knew there was something in my room I felt the energy on my neck it is a foreign energy,I knew it was not from me but from someone else, it's like an energetic pull but instead of getting scared I closed my eyes and then,I called on my guides,I ask them to banish that uneasy feeling of a certain energy that is trying to connect with me.When I closed my eyes I saw this bright white light that filled my surroundings in my mind's eye.I felt the energy and then all of a sudden it was gone. :smt003  :smt005

I guess one must really have to silence their mind ,not to be conquered by their own thoughts.In meditation it can be done.When achieving it,it's like the whole world is different,time stops.I experienced it once and it was an amazing feeling and I wanna feel that again. That's the reason why I'm trying my very best to perfect meditation  :smt005

I agree, with awareness,dedication and all those stuffs.One must be disciplined in order to achieve something that they want to attain.

Setting an intention works for me.
If you believe in it who knows maybe one day you'll achieve it.
Dream it,believe it while you work your way in achieving it. :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:01 pm


Meditation is the best grounding-shielding there is. Absolutely!!

I think the *mental* dimensions including what many call and perceive as astral (the sheaths or bodies as described in certain cultural frameworks) are real perceptions of course but can be illusory as well and hence so changeable in many ways. As well as potentially disruptive and disintegrative creating the self vs non-self divides.

Meditation is more integrative and it enables one to move towards the perception of the unitary self.

Yes, the realm of REALITY is silent, stable and ADYNAMIC. Glimpses of that are a good sign that we are on the right track.

We all talk glibly of Love, compassion and so on but unless the built-in nemesis of duality can be disrupted (through meditation for instance), we have really not made lasting progress.

It can get easier with age but not necessarily so or spontaneously so.

In fact many (most?) give up on meditation because they try to silence their mental chatter (mercury). The key is possibly to first simply become aware of the chatter. Then observing it amusedly and not irritatedly (mistake!) and much of the journey and path (as per current life-plan) unfolds naturally!

Much of what we see as external (good and bad, divine and devilish) is all really internal. In fact we all are like pilots in a sealed cockpit of a jet or spaceship and observing everything outide the cockpit (of perception) through scopes, gauges, sensors etc.

Hence vedic astrologers (ancient ones) have given so much importance to the moon (manas-mind). We are all controlled by mind which is the sole I/O interface available to us. ;-)

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Post by gennysmum » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:05 am

Hi everyone! Thanks for all the ideas. I was given the opportunity to go out of town for work and I took it. I loved the thought of getting out of the house but it did little to ease my thoughts. Now that I am back home everything is quiet. I know something is still here but nothing is bothering me.

I was thinking this was a spiritual awakening but everything began to stop. I still have some strange sensations and hear a few things, so Im not sure if 'spiritual awakening' still fits. This all started while I was meditating. I did the same meditation that I have used for years and I have received answers to my questions. During this particular meditation however, the word "help" came to me almost immediately. I felt like ending the meditation would not be a good idea, but I really had no idea what was going on and I stopped. That is when all this stuff began to happen. I have been doubling up on shielding and grounding and I am preparing myself to go back to my meditation. I am a bit curious if I will be so surprised again.

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