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Looking for answers

Post by MysticalParadox » Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:45 am

Greetings everyone.

I have joined this forum because im very confused by the things i feel and sometimes think. Im empathic and when surrounded with people who are sad or in pain i feel weak and terrible. I also seem to match the category of a starchild. The past years i have been spending a lot of time ''within myself'', (if that makes sense). I stare into space no really thinking of anything and dont seem to notice what goes on around me either.
I feel like a pressure is pushing down on my shoulders causing my back to ache from the strain of holding the weight.
The other day i wanted to lye on the grass and put both palms down onto the ground and shut my eyes but then I didn't as I was scared I'd hear the earth weep. (crazy right!!??)
I feel sadness and pain all around me and don't know how to stop it suffocating me. Im not depressed as i feel good within myself, but my strength is running low from this ever increasing feeling.
Ive become very interested in awakening and am now looking into crystals to help open my 3rd eye and help me understand all these feelings i am having. They are geting stronger every week and now i make silly mistakes doing everyday things because its always there. There is much more but i will start with this...please feel free to ask questions,im so confused   :smt003  Thank You

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:31 am

Welcome Mystical,

Yours was much more than an introduction, so I decided to move your posting here instead, and treat it with some urgency.

Firstly you are not going crazy.  Surely this is good news?

Secondly I would warn you NOT to under any condition continue to attempt to open your third eye at this point in time using any method including crystals, as the consequences of you doing so could be dangerous to your health and safety.

I do not want to frighten you even more, but at the same time I would be neglecting my responsibilities to allow or actually encourage you to try this.

Please take my word for it that you will not get the answers which you are seeking that way, but that you will instead open yourself up to potential dangers which you could well do without on top of everything else.

Notice that his warning applies to you whether or not you are also a medium and are sensing unhappy spirits in your vicinity, as well as being highly empathic. To be an empath means that you are acutely sensitive to the mainly negative emotions of other people around you, whether or not they are currently using a physical body.

At this stage not being a medium myself and in the absence of any solid evidence to the contrary, I am temporarily eliminating the possibility of this sadness and depression having come from spirits, and will from now on until any further evidence appears confine any advice to you to how to deal with the negative emotions of living people.

Being an empath does have its advantages when you want to psychically help or counsel people, but after the session is over you need to be able to close down your personal energy field (aura) around you as it normally acts as a protective blanket or cocoon, keeping the emotions of negative strangers from invading your energy space.  

If you do not do this then you can easily get confused about which emotions belong to you, and which belong to someone else. There is a very good chance from what you have told me that most if not all of the sadness and darkness and heaviness you are feeling does not belong to you, but instead belongs to and comes from the auras of one or more people with whom you have had close energy contact, over the last few weeks, months or years.

Unfortunately these negative feelings can accumulate over time, so the more negative people you are close to in a given period, the more their sadness, darkness and feelings of hopelessness and despair will build up in your aura.

Now I also need to tell you right from the start that while you can choose not to use your empathic abilities to help others psychically and spiritually (it must be your conscious decision) you cannot NOT be an empath. In other words you can choose whether or not to use these abilities for the right reasons, but you will always have them during the rest of this lifetime. So whether or not you decide to use these abilities in the loving service of humanity, you need to gain much more control over when your aura is open for business, and when you need to shut or close it down in order to allow yourself to get on with the rest of your life without having the extra burden of other people's feelings weighing you down.

The first thing to do is for you to try as much as it is humanly possible to reduce the number of overly negative people with whom you come in contact on a regular basis. This can be quite a challenge especially if these people are members of your own family or work colleagues of yours.  Try to do your best in avoiding very negative people for the moment. Later when you are stronger you will be able to mix with them with no problems, but at this early stage you are still extremely vulnerable to being drowned by this sea of negativity.

This does NOT mean that you should also shut yourself off from everyone else who is not overly negative and who loves and cares about you, and for you to become some sort of social hermit.  You need their more positive energies to help balance out or neutralize the negative energies which surround you. It is very important that you do not because you are frightened shut yourself off from a large part of the answer to your problem.

There are two or three if you want to be technical main methods which you will need to fairly quickly learn, if you are going to give yourself the best possible chance of turning this around in your favour, sooner rather than later.



For maximum effect all of these methods should be done at the same time as each other, but for the moment you need some psychic first aid which PROTECTION methods can give you. These methods usually involve you imagining or visualizing yourself being surrounded and cocooned in a warm and healing white light, or by something else which gives you a similar feeling of being protected. For example a white light layer or bubble, a cocoon and protective coat or for some more religious people God or his or her angel (s) watching over you.

Your aura is like a layer of coloured lights which entirely surrounds you, but white is the purest mixture of all of these. Some people will be able to visualize tiny openings or tears or other damage in the outline of their aura caused by these negative energies from other people, but you do not have to be able to do this to have the protection work. If you are not good at visualization, imagine the feeling of a protective coat being put on instead of trying to force yourself to see it. Do whatever feels more natural and comfortable for you. This is what is most likely to work. Do not listen to any person who tells you that their method is the only method which you must use, and because it works for them, it must equally work for everyone else. Listen to your instincts, instead of to self appointed experts. Visualizing golden light instead of white is one alternative which works better for some people than for others.

Experiment with the different colours of the visible spectrum (ROYGBIV)


On the following web page is one suggested technique which you can try as your first method for protecting yourself and strengthening your aura against all negativity from outside. Please adapt it to your own situation and personality, and practise it for a maximum of 15 consecutive minutes for at least the next 30 days. Start at 5 minutes, then gradually work up to the full 15 minutes. Also try doing this when you have to mix with crowds of other people outside of your home, or any overly negative family members.

At the end of this period or if you are experiencing any difficulties using it or have other relevant questions, then return to this thread to provide feedback. It is easier for me to tell you not to worry yourself as much than it is for you to be the person who has to do it, but do your best in the meantime. By the end of the 30 day period I really hope that you will be feeling much better and more emotionally stable as a result. Stay with techniques which are as simple as possible. The more complicated a technique is, the more likely you are to prematurely give up on using it.

"Spiritual Protection Techniques"

White Light Protection

http://www.wingsforthespirit.com/spirit ... niques.htm

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt059

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Post by MysticalParadox » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:27 pm

Thank You so much for your reply!! I apologize for not replying sooner, my memory has been worsening over the year and i forgot what website i posted on :) but now I found it again I am  eager to get started!

Hmmm, sound like a sort of spiritual poisoning?

A bit of my background that now makes sense to me after your reply (I'll try to keep it as short as possible).

When i was little (up to the age of 5) we lived in a house that was ''haunted'' I use the word carefully because no harm seemed to be done to us in the house. My family heard every night laughter, footsteps up and down the stairs etc, we had pictures of faces along the stair way and people swear they used to change expression at a glance also there was a corner in the kitchen that always felt freezing cold and sometimes our dogs would start barking at the corner bearing their teeth and raising the hairs on their back.

My only memory of the place was any time i was alone in my bedroom or having a bath and old man used to come and sit on the edge of the bath or bed and talk away at me but i never understood what he was saying it was like he was one mute, my parents say i used to start screaming hes here again so i guess then he did frighten me.

When I was 5 I moved to a house in the middle of nowhere in Finland, I spent most of my childhood happily playing alone in the woods and beside lakes and rivers watching animals and nature and helping them when they were trapped or in distress.

At 17 I moved back to Brighton, England (my birthplace) and found it overwhelming with the amount of people around me all the time. (I cant handle busy or crowded places. I can only describe as a flight or fight type of feeling?).
Anyway i had a job for 7 years at a pet centre which was also a small animal rescue centre. I loved my job and gave sometimes 17hrs of my day to help care for injured animals, but my boss was a total narcissist and was more interested in the image and attention he got as an animal lover than actually putting the animals happiness first. I felt it was my duty to make sure the innocent animals dident suffer for this so i stayed there for them...This even made me and my fiance homeless and we lived in a transit van for 3 months and another 6 in a renault clio. We made a decision to leave everything we own (in storage) and just fly back to Finland and start over.

I had gone on antidepressant and took myself off them 2 yrs ago, I felt ''out of tune'' and had a strong feeling my personality was being blocked. I have no feelings of sadness or despair in myself but seems like im getting hit by everything outside of me. Did  the medicine somehow weaken my ability to protect myself spiritually?

My fiancée suffers a lot of pain with his legs and the doctors can seems to get a medicine that works, In England he used marijuana in the evenings and it helped with his pains but here its not possible, I wish so much I could take it away from him. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2014, he had 2 operation and 2 sets of chemo. he was given the clear and now they say one growth they knew about in 2014 has doubled in size...he is very depressed and my mum i think is just exhausted and everything that she says about anything is negative. I go to check up on them every evening and when i get back home im very irritable and snappy, this is also the case when i go shopping every other day with my mum.

Well, I wont make this any longer. I will start on protection method and hope I can find my own comfort zone with it, I feel so exhausted all the time and sleep seems to do nothing.

I recently bought a  Tourmaline Quartz Crystal that i have used to talk/prey/ask to my spirit guides when i started my dad was given the clear and all has gone well since but the other night i was doing it and something felt uncomfortable like something else was listening in ans the next day dad got bad news and I had to call an ambulance for my fiancée who had been having severe abdominal pain for an hour, but they found nothing wrong and is just seemed to ease off and go? Why would they do this?

And lastly (so sorry for the length) are binaural beats of any use when grounding or say balancing chakras?

Thank You so much for your help, you have no idea how much  I appreciate this!!

Love and happiness to you,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:44 pm

Welcome back Mystical,

The following advice builds upon, but does not replace my earlier posting.

I believe that almost all of what you have described can be explained by you recognising that like on average 20% of the rest of the general population, you are an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).

So you are not sick, abnormal, unusual, or alone in being an HSP. It is actually a quite common human condition. Join the club to which I also belong. In addition to this you possess significant psychic and healing abilities as well as being a strong psychic empath and sensitive. Because your psychic and healing abilities are largely unrecognized, undeveloped and suppressed you will naturally be constantly suffering from a roller coaster of emotions, and be more likely to develop certain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems when compared to the average man or woman.

It is most important that you also realise that you are in no way causing or responsible for either your Dad's cancer or for your fiance's abdominal/digestive problems. It seems to me that people like ourselves need to learn our life lessons at a more advanced and challenging level than the other 80% of people. Adversity and challenges and obstacles appear to be needed to help bring out the best in us.

Our life's many difficulties help us to develop greater empathy and compassion for the suffering of all other living creatures great and small (not only for our fellow human beings). Absolutely essential for any healer to be used as a channel for the healing energies.

Before I give you your homework reading assignment, I want you to try a little experiment for me, if your fiance also agrees to take part in this exercise. This has nothing to do with spirits of the dead, but it has a lot to do with your man's and your own living spirits.

Ask him to lie down flat on his back, and breathe the air slowly and regularly into (breathe in) and out of his belly (breathe out) for at least 5 minutes, until he feels reasonably relaxed. Many people breathe mainly through their ribs and chest, which can cause all sorts of problems. It might help if he lightly not tightly closes his eyes throughout this exercise, but if this makes him especially nervous or anxious, it is OK to leave them open.

Stand either on his left or right side (whichever feels the more comfortable) and do some slow abdominal breathing yourself while placing your dominant hand just above his abdomen (not at any time in physical contact with his body), at a point about 2.5 cms (1 inch) below his navel or belly button. Place your other non dominant hand just above where you imagine his heart to be. No physical contact here either.

Now relax with slow abdominal breathing, and imagine the healing energy running up from the earth through your feet, along your spine and down your dominant arm , into his abdomen, up to his heart, up through your non dominant hand and arm, up your spine, neck with the energy finally leaving you out the top of your head. This can give a very intense healing experience, both for the healer and the patient. It can also do wonders for feelings of intimacy and closeness and increased love between you and your partner.

Do this for as long as you want. You should intuitively know when the session is over. Do this at least once a day if possible for the next 30 consecutive days, then report back here as to what and how you are both feeling. Also do this within the 30 days if you have any further questions. I will also send you both extra energy support from my end of the world (distance healing), although most of this will happen while you are both fast asleep.

And now here is your homework reading assignment as promised (in the order shown).

1. http://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/

2. http://www.thecaptainslady.com/areyouhi ... sitive.htm

3. http://www.the-auras-expert.com/highly- ... rsons.html

4. http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2012/10 ... 53462.html

5. http://www.annereith.com/antidepressant ... ction-101/

The two websites hsperson.com and the-auras-expert.com can provide you with plenty of useful and comforting and practical information, which all HSPs need to know. Check both of them out thoroughly.


Love, Light and Healing,


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Post by MysticalParadox » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:21 am

Thank You :)

I have done my homework and feel so much more understanding of myself already.

Just a quick question before I start the exercise you have given me. Do I have to be standing up for this as our bed is not high enough and i would have to partly lean over and with scoliosis this can be very uncomfortable, it would be the same sitting next to the bed. Would it still work as well if i sit on the bed next to my fiancee? Also was this for his abdomen pain he had? because that went the same night it came or is it an area that resonates through his whole body?

With Love,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:08 am

No you do not need to be standing up to give healing. Whatever position is most comfortable for the both of you wil be fine. It is important that you are both relaxed at the time.

The purpose of this exercise is not to put yourself in hospital. You are not going to be of much help to either your fiance or yourself in a hospital bed.

My wife and her eldest sister are also affected by scoliosis, as is our 29 year old son, so I do have at least some limited understanding of why you would be hesitant to risk causing any damage to your back.

The intention to want to take away his suffering is infinitely more important than your actual technique.

Never ask for any of his pain to be transferred to you. If he loves you as much as you clearly love him, he would never want you to do this.



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Post by MysticalParadox » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:44 am

Just an update.

I'm on my 4th day of practising my protection exercises (I think I'm ready to move from 5min to 8min as I find I'm getting the sphere around me quicker and run out of time working on making it stronger.

Tried the energy exercise first time on my fiancée yesterday. Unfortunately i still need to work on a position that suits my back as it cut me off twice to wait for the pain to dicipate.

I had to laugh as we chose a time when our cat was asleep in the lliving room (If she is prevented from being next to me she yells constantly, she never leaves me alone) anyway, within the first minute of me starting the exercise she woke up, come straight into the bedroom, lye'd on my fiancées crutch area and rested her paw on my dominant hand for about 10 sec LOL, no idea what that was about.
But even with the distraction we had ( my fiancée not so much, I admire his concentration) and out time being shorter than I wanted he has slept like a baby all night and is still asleep and its 10.30am :) Even if it may be coincidence I'm always happy when he gets a long solid sleep. Thank You and I will keep working on the best technique for me and update you.

Loving Regards,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:25 am

Dear Mystical, :)

Animals and especially cats are often unusually sensitive to the psychic healing energies, and seem to find it calming.

Your fiance getting a good night's sleep and therefore relatively free of pain is an excellent indication of how relaxed he is, and that the healing is working its magic.

Well done! :smt023

Because the overall purpose of this experiment is for you both to heal each other, I would suggest that you should try taking turns at being first the healer, and second the patient.

In one session you could channel the healing energies towards his abdomen and legs, while in the alternate session he could channel healing towards treating the pain and discomfort from your scoliosis.

I sense that you both possess significant healing abilities (this comes natural to you both), and this mutual healing technique is an extremely powerful catalyst for positive change in your lives, and should also do wonders for your level of intimacy and relationship in general, over the longer term.

Your situation with your intended is remarkably similar to that of my wife and myself, who have only recently celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary. We are both intuitive healers and we keep finishing each other's sentences. We even share the same birthday (December 9th), although M is exactly one year my senior).

One downside of the close psychic bond which exists between us is that it is next to impossible to keep secrets from our partner for very long (if at all). We can confirm that there is always a price to be paid for anything which is good in our lives.

My regards to you both,

EoT  :smt002  :smt002

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:36 am

Dear Mystical,

Be careful when giving healing that it is not your own energies that you are giving away.

The healing energy should flow through you from the Universe to your patient, and not come from you.

When the healing energy is all your own, this is called magnetic healing.

This method should only be reserved for emergency situations, where the person needs an urgent energy boost which could potentially save their life.

If you feel drained and exhausted instead of energized and uplifted at the completion of a healing session, then it is was magnetic.

In contrast when you are acting as a conduit or channel for the Universal healing energy to flow through you, you as the healer actually get some of the healing energy yourself. Which is probably a big part of why doing it correctly feels so good.

To replenish your own energies stand upright with your feet slightly apart and imagine or visualise an intense white or green light coming up from the centre of the Earth, entering and rising up your spine, then eventually leaving through the top of your head.

Close your eyes and breathe slowly and regularly into and out of your abdomen, instead of the shallow chest breathing that most people do. If you place your hands lightly on the left and right side of your abdomen when you are breathing correctly during this exercise, your hands should be pushed further apart when you breathe in (inspire) and move closer together when you breathe out the stale air (expire).

If you are not good at visualizing beams of light (I am not), simply focus on the feelings of it happening instead. There may for example be feelings of moving heat, cold or electricity. Move your focus of consciousness from the Earth up your tail bone, spine, then out of the top of your head. Do you feel it? Keep the slow, deep but not forced abdominal breathing going for a while, and you will.

Either do this exercise both BEFORE and AFTER each healing session, or in you and your fiances case temporarily suspend the healing sessions and only do this exercise for a maximum of 10 minutes, twice each day. Eventually you will find yourself spontaneously using the energy flow exercise during every healing session, without any longer needing to think about it as separate from the healing.

Let me know how you get on.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt035

PS: Using and depleting your own energies during a healing can be a symptom of the overuse of white light or similar shielding techniques. These are valuable for the beginner in making them feel safe and secure and protected from outside negative energies, but they can cause problems if they continue to be used for too long and too often.

By constantly to the extreme shielding yourself from other people's negative energies, you could unwittingly and simultaneously be keeping the Universal healing energies out as well.  :smt009

There are more advanced methods than only using shielding protection techniques which will allow you to both keep out the negative energy, as well as having full access to the Universal healing energies for you and for your patient. Most of these more advanced techniques to some degree involve the heart chakra.
 :)  :)  :)

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Post by oriel » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:34 am

I dunno if this willl help but its worth a shot.There is this machine called,nuga best,it is used for healing.Many people say its good makes their body stronger and better.It has jade stones in it and electrical energy stuffs.
Also if there is a reiki healer aroubd,I think could help you better.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:21 pm

Hi Oriel,

Nuga Best is the official distributor for the South Korean company called Nuga Medical.

See: http://www.nugabest.com.au/

To which of their products were you referring?
Tourmanium ceramic stones are made out of tourmaline, germanium, volcanic rocks and elan rocks by powdering & baking them at very high temperatures.
http://www.nugabest.com.au/principles.h ... iumCeramic



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Post by oriel » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:43 am

They have the bed and also the belt.
But I guess the belt is cheaper and is portable.
My friend's mum uses it.She says its good for her health.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:31 pm


Yes good health does not always come cheap these days, but if you can get some help with your symptoms and improve your overall health, the money which you spend on products such as this one could over time prove to be well worth it.

Thank you again for suggesting it.

Brian  :smt020

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