How Psychic Are You?

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Post by Samson » Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:21 pm

I believe you Roygre7 you don't have to explain, but there are some who won't believe you because they don't understand what you are seeing or they don't want to.

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Thanks Samson

Post by roygre7 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:18 pm

Itis very hard to see and not being able to tell someone. I wish I could flick a switch and turn it off for good or maybe find some way to control it.

The first dream I was in a little girls body. She was skating on the street, when ther was a big explodtion. There was people shouting it's here it's here. Then all the glass started to fall. As she was calling for her mother the litte girl died. I left the body and fell into my own. It was horrible.

The second dream i was in a child's body, I don't known the sex I did feel a gender, I saw what looked like my cousin at the entrance way to a fun park, I believe it was Disney World, there was and a feeling of Disney to it.
My cousin motion to the child to come on. Then it happen There was a rocket, Then a mushroom cloud, then a white light, then nothing except the white.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:30 pm

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions in our conscious state.  The scenes play out those emotions so we can deal with them consciously.  There is really only 2 windows of your dream state when they can be psychic.  

The above dreams are so typically about endings.  Death is not a literal death, nor should you be looking for people to die around you when you wake.  Death is about the ending of a situation.  You may be trying to keep some interest or relationship alive, when it has actually run its course and ended.  Death tells you to let go and begin grieving so that you can heal.

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Post by Samson » Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:19 pm

I'm sorry Spiritalk but what Roygre7 is talking about has nothing to do with what you are saying in anyway what so ever, here we have a person who can see through the window of future events not someone who is having a bad relationship, I can understand that your sceptical about what is being said here and I can also notice that you don't believe it either with what you write, what I would like is for someone to give this person a break and not doubt everything that is said.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:02 pm

Scientifically proven with dreams...we have window of 2 spaces to actually attract and use the psychic.  If it is visions, that is something else.  I know about meditation precipitation of all kinds of psychic abilities.  I do not doubt the experience.  I merely point out the differences.

There are ways and means of Taking Charge of these things.  That is what the poster is seeking.  Let's help them find that way.

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Post by Samson » Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:11 pm

Spiritalk, I have been having very strong feelings over N.korea, they have a man in this country who will stop at nothing to get his  own way and in the end that's exactly what he is going to get. I believe there will be a Nuclear Holocaust and when this happens there will be a great change for the better, but if people keep on ignoring what is happening in this world then I pity them, afraid I am not we need this to take place for the change that's going to follow. Ok you might be reading this and thinking what a lot of crap it's never going to happen, but that is only your opinion and how you feel about this.

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Post by nancyb3524 » Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:40 pm

You are not the only one unfortunatly.....I have those same bad feelings that N Korea will bring something bigger and very bad... I have been feeling that change in the world and it's near in time....Something is telling me to move back living arround where my mother lives in a near future.  I don't want to go back there but I still want to be ready for the changes.

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Post by Samson » Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:00 pm

As sad as may seem Nancyb, the people of this world are in for a big shock everyone seems to think that nobody is going to push that button because everyone is afraid of it except for that one man in N.Korea, this change that's going to take place will be for the better of man kind, there will be not one who controls the world but it will be at peace.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:13 pm

Some of us are old enough to remember that ultimate pinacle of nuclear development and the agreements that had to be worked out so the fears of someone 'pushing that button' could be lessened.  Yes, there were nut cases like NKorea, but agreement was finally reached to keep the balance of power and lesson the threats.

I am not without my fears of this current situation.  But to live in fear is to not live at all.  What to do?

Even metaphysically we can handle some situations around the world and join in so many other peoples' consciousness that sending out a bubble of protection around him will actually create some light for him...even as he is choosing the dark...and it will filter the negativity from within and without.  I see this as a visualization of a white light bubble...sort of like a bubble blown from a child's soap bubble pipe...complete with the rainbow patch (rainbows are mystical, magical symbols of connection, communication, bridges, complete with a pot of gold at the end).  This opaque bubble can filter all negativity from without and within and allow only the positive light to operate.  

Filling ourselves with fear, we will manifest only fear.  A change in our consciousness is so much more important than anticipating change from NKorea.

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Post by Samson » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:30 pm

Your right Spiritalk, we don't need to fill our selves up with fear, and that's something I don't have is fear, there is not a thing in this world that I can do to change what is most likely going to happen, sure I would love to blow a big bubble over N.Korea and watch them all sliding around on the soap of love, that would be something worth while to see, but that will never happen.  I can also understand what your saying about the talks that they had to keep the balance of power, this is different, talking isn't going to cut it this time. As much as an idiot that Mr Bush is he wont be the one who will hit out first with any kind of great power, he'll wait.

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Developing Psychic Abilities

Post by cosmiccontinuum » Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:38 am

What are your othoughts  about the information provided in the following article?

How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities

By - Jeffry R. Palmer

We all have psychic abilities. Some of us may have more natural abilities than others, the same way that some of us seem inclined towards music or mathematics. But just like any other skill, psychic abilities can be trained and enhanced. The following exercises can help to increase your natural psychic skills.


Meditation strengthens the ties to the spiritual self and enhances the mind, body, spirit connection. There is no greater tool available for increasing psychic abilities than meditation. Through meditation it is possible to achieve a state of intense awareness of subtle energies. There are many sources of information regarding meditation available if the practice is
new to you.

There are several meditation techniques for you to choose from and I suggest experimenting with various techniques until you find one that feels right for you. Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to perform meditation. It is only important that you are able to relax and focus your mind. If you continue the practice of meditation for any length of time, you will begin to notice the existence of your own spiritual energy. It is the connection to your spiritual self which provides intuitive information. Strengthening the connection to your spiritual self will result in an increase in of psychic abilities.

Most of us have times in our lives when we notice something at work that can be considered psychic. Usually this psychic ability is in the form of intuition, hunches or gut responses that seem to defy reason or logic.
These uncanny hunches and sudden insights can sometimes leave us feeling bewildered, but the truth is that they are a perfectly natural ability. And like any other talent, psychic abilities can be trained and perfected. There are any number of tools and methods available to the psychic any or all of which may help to increase or focus intuitive skills.

Most psychics use some form of meditation to enter a frame of mind that heightens intuitive awareness. Some read palms or tea leaves, tarot cards or rune stones or use a crystal ball; some may involve intricate rituals. Regardless of the tools used to assist a psychic reading they each serve to aid the psychic in entering a form of focused meditation which greatly enhances the natural intuitive sense.

Focused meditation provides the frame of mind that is most receptive to intuitive information. Meditation quiets the mind, filters out the noise and chatter of the conscious. This filtering of conscious noise allows the subconscious mind to voice its thoughts, as well as enable the mind to tune in to the environment. Some have called this a heightened state of awareness or altered consciousness. The attention is drawn inward with a kind of detached awareness.

Developing your ability to enter into this heightened state of mind plays the important role in increasing your intuitive senses. If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of meditation then the following exercise should help to gain a better understanding of the methods used. This exercise focuses on breathing and visualization. Controlled breathing provides an area of immediate connection with the mind and body and also increases the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Begin by finding a comfortable place to perform your meditation. This can be any place of your choosing, provided that you find it comfortable and relaxing. It is not required for you to sit, though you may, if you choose. Many people find it difficult to sit still for any length of time. Standing or even walking slowly is perfectly acceptable for the sake of this exercise. Focus your attention on your breathing. Notice the air as it enters your body. Try to breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose and hold the breath in for nine seconds, then exhale slowly for another nine seconds, count out the seconds steadily, not rushed and not sluggish, try to find a pace that feels comfortable, just remember to relax your breathing. Inhale for nine seconds, exhale for nine seconds, and repeat this process nine times. With every breath, imagine that you are inhaling precious life giving air and exhaling any unwanted energies. After you have repeated this cycle nine times you can begin your visualization. Try to maintain the rhythm of your breathing without counting it out in your head.

At this point you may notice random thoughts popping into your head, simply dismiss them as they enter your mind, let them slip away easily. Imagine that you are walking across a dry and sandy landscape. The temperature is comfortable, the air is easy to breath and you feel at ease. As you walk along you notice a shape on the horizon. As you near the shape you see that it is a stone building, a round, stone building with a single door. You are facing the door and now you see that this door is slightly open and a light is coming from inside. Now, you are standing at the door and decide to push the door open. You open the door and enter the stone building. Inside you see a round room with a table in the center.

The room is well lit, warm and comfortable. You approach the table and notice a small wooden box, paper and a pen. You form a question in your mind that you would like answered, an issue that you would like resolved, it does not take you any time to form this question. You write this question on the paper before you and place the paper in the box. You see the box has a lid and you close it. After a moment you open the box, you see that the question is no longer written there, instead an answer has appeared.

You take the answer with you as you leave the building and return to your present space. You may see immediate results with this exercise or it may take several attempts before the answers found within the box make any sense to you.

Over time this visualization becomes much easier to enter into and you may be tempted to treat this exercise as some sort of oracle. This is not the true intention. Instead what we are trying to accomplish is entering into the receptive mode of meditation that was spoken of earlier. The easier it is to enter into this state the more likely it is that you will become tuned into receiving intuitive information.


Try to be more aware of your surroundings. Upon waking in the morning, make an effort to lie still for a few minutes without opening your eyes. Try to notice as many sounds, textures and smells as possible before you decide to open your eyes.

This exercise if carried out for several weeks can greatly help to increase your levels of awareness and intuition. The act of listening is important in increasing psychic awareness, after continuing this exercise for some time you will begin to notice an increase in your overall awareness which affects your level of intuition.


Often intuitive information is communicated to us in bits and pieces. Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings. Keep a journal handy at all times and try to write down those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. You may notice after awhile that patterns tend to emerge.

Thoughts that previously seemed completely random and unconnected begin to form themes or recognizable ideas. Try to record your dreams in your journal.

If you have been following the awareness exercise outlined above you will have noticed that your dreams are much easier to recall. Allowing yourself a few minutes to be still upon waking makes it much easier to remember dreams and with more detail, than if you rush out of bed in the morning and hurry to start the day.

Try setting your alarm clock to wake you up ten or fifteen minutes before your normal waking time. Give yourself some time to remember your dreams and make a few quick notes in your journal. These simple exercises can have dramatic results if practiced regularly.

These steps are just a few of the many techniques available for increasing your psychic ability. There are many other methods to choose from. In your search for information regarding psychic development, it is important to be wary of any methods which declare that psychic abilities are the result of external forces, or any teachings which insist that psychic powers are anything other than a natural human ability.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:02 pm

Have you read Tara Ward's Developing Your Psychic Powers?

God bless, J

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:49 pm

Post Locked. If you want to discuss about this topic, I request you to please make a new post & discuss there.


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