Are you Psychic?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Are you Psychic?

Post by cosmiccontinuum » Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:21 am

I am curious to know how many people here feel that they have psychic abilities. If so can you describe what they are?

Personally I believe that everyone has psychic abilities in various degrees. I think that it is interesting to hear how people describe these skills and experiences.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:01 pm

when we take our 5 senses (add 2 more:  Intuition and I know - this comes from the heart - it neither sees nor hears - it just knows) to a more open and aware place...our sensitivities...we are being is the energies around and about all living things.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:51 pm

i guess i would call mine intuition. i just know stuff about ppl. i can meet someone and and know right away what there all about. i can sense someone who's full of shit from a mile away. i pick up on ppl who are secretive and deceptive more than i can pick up on someone who's sweet and caring. thou i can pick up on that too. the badder qualities in someone are just stronger for some reason.  i don't know how i know. all that i sense about ppl hear comes thought in different degrees, sometimes i have to come back to a post and try to feel what's going on with them more than once. i don't have any trouble like that when I'm physically around them. sometimes I'll be some where and for no reason i get up and leave (movies, dinner etc.) someone told me it's cus i feel ppl's vibrations and sometimes it overwhelming. i can go from feeling fine, to so angry in a second for no reason at all. i hate when that happens.

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PSYCHIC abilities

Post by ozzman » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:26 am

It Has been the subject of many Scientists, and of course they all disagree. However it has bee recognized that to some degree these
abliliys exist! In some it is proballay genetic memoory that has
sufaced after years or generations.
  However there are human beings that go beyond the repressed
genes of survival. Not only that just like anything else practice makes
perfect. Iam not an expert but I have increased my own and there's
plenty of information out there more than ever using the internet.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:56 pm

Some say we have a gland for psychic abilities...the pineal.  This has neither been proven or not.  But it is considered the philosophical seat of sensitivities.

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Post by lunar_pheonix » Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:01 pm

I also believe every1 is born with phsychic abilities just some are more intune to certain abilities,I have just bearly started to develop my phsychic awaresness,I first started becoming more aware after my mom gave me a tarot reading & in that reading it mentioned that I would meet this guy in school right,well anyway this reading was basically no different than the other readings she's given me before...

atleast thats what I thought,ever since then ive been able 2 get this "I know feeling"I dont know how 2 explain it very well since my mind works mostly in picture ya know,so im not very good with describing stuff,anyway the guy that was mentioned on my reading?

well I find that im now able 2 sometimes tell what hes feeling,whens he's outside,even transmit emotions 2 him & vice versa,I havent even met him yet & i cant stop thinking about him,4 me its very hard 2 tell completely wich feelings are mine & wich are his,my mom tells me our souls are entwining & that our connection is only gonna get stronger..........

& although I can only feel major emotions or body movements like when he's doing excersice I can feel it u know like my body feels it & I just know its him,when I cant feel much from him I feel like some kinda rift builds up,like the other day I new his location right but I had 2 do something that caused me 2 move futher from his location &

I just had a samll panic attack my mind showed me a black space between my chest there,im not sure what it means...anyway I think i got of topic by a mile lol but um if any1 has ever had this kinda thing happen 2 them I would appreciate any possibilities u could tell me on what this means.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:21 pm

You definitely need to begin with...TAKE CHARGE!  When you decide it is your ability to express and not something you allow random events to occur, you have begun the journey to understanding and developing it stronger and stronger.

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Psychic ability

Post by yiannis » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:50 am

I don't think it can be quantified, at times one is inclinded to be very accurate, at other times, not at all, cannot be controlled, comes and goes without warning.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:26 pm

Actually, yannis, it CAN and IS controllable.  The more we know, the more we know how to use the talent, skill, ability.  If you had a talent to become a concert pianist, you would first start with the basics...such as where to put your fingers.  Is the psychic talent any different?  

We all have the basics.  What we do with them, how we use them, where we take it, is as individual as any person.  We are all unique individuals.

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Post by preciousspirit » Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:54 pm

I know that I'm new here, but I sincerely believe that we are all given special gifts before returning from spirit and when we realize what these gifts are, we work on developing them.  I have been called different all my life, and I've just come to realize what that really means over the last 10yrs.  I know things when I see someone, or perhaps just talk with them, and many times I'm told something by my Guides and Angels, but what good is that unless I can help them or comfort them by what I know or am told.   Being an empath has also been a very difficult thing until I was taught how to protect myself from others' energies.  Being psychic to me means a great deal of things...not just knowing, but I guess I would include  all the gifts that we are given into being called "psychic".

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:26 pm

Exactly! PC: What is the good of having a talent if we do not know how to use it?  

There are a lot of people that just assume they have a gift and do nothing to train it.  That is a personal choice!  But when we learn that it is a talent, like any other, that we can do something becomes so much more valuable.  Imagine not knowing your talents?  The psychic is just one of the many talents we can take the time, effort and resources to train and learn more about...then as we express our own talent in the becomes personal to us.

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Post by searlait » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:29 am

So the question I have is, if you are talented in an area how do you know how to develop this gift in the first place?  How do you know where to start?  


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Post by Tish » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:36 pm

Yes, I believe I am psychic.  It is a set of other impressions which I think result not from my dense body but from the inner energy body (which I have been able to feel for quite a few years as a kind of second self).  It means knowing things about people I have just met because I am registering their aura, their own energy selves.  If you want to know what someone "looks like", look in their eyes - the rest is just packaging.  This is a direct connection from your energy self to theirs.  I feel the surrounding forces of positive/negative in things that are happening, present/future and here/distant, but I can't always work out what the negative I can feel refers to, so it can be frightening.  I am strongly telepathic.  Sometimes I communicate with people who have died, sometimes with my guardian angel and sometimes other higher forces I can't identify.  I have spent some conscious time on the energy planes (by which I mean I remember it) doing various things, sometimes learning, sometimes teaching.  I am not a medium, and I can't tell people their futures, though I often sense what is coming in my own future.

I think that what we call "the heart" is the core of soul which is learning from the experiences we have in our temporary dense bodies.  I have "heard/felt" mine speak on three occasions that I recall, and when it does, a higher power answers (it isn't God).

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:42 pm

Yes, it all begins with self.  Doing some self-culture exercises using the tools of your own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) open the doors to so much more.  As you put these tools to work in a concentrated effort of self evalluation and self empowerment, you will find that the energies around and about you change and enhance all that you do.  

To say you are not this or that, may be dismissing what God is offering.  Never say I am this and not that.  We are all potential and possibility that God offers everyone.  Some may have talents stronger in one way or another and we are all unique individuals, but we all have potential.

Do it yourself or seek others to show the way...when all is said and done it is your own talents, skills, abilities that are important to your life.  Some may offer techniques that appear to work, and some may not work, but in the end, you are examining who you are as a compete person.

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Post by Tish » Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:47 pm

lunar_pheonix wrote:I find that im now able 2 sometimes tell what hes feeling,whens he's outside,even transmit emotions 2 him & vice versa,I havent even met him yet & i cant stop thinking about him,4 me its very hard 2 tell completely wich feelings are mine & wich are his,my mom tells me our souls are entwining & that our connection is only gonna get stronger..........

& although I can only feel major emotions or body movements like when he's doing excersice I can feel it u know like my body feels it & I just know its him,when I cant feel much from him I feel like some kinda rift builds up,like the other day I new his location right but I had 2 do something that caused me 2 move futher from his location &

I just had a samll panic attack my mind showed me a black space between my chest there,im not sure what it means....
What you're experiencing sounds similar to what I get by telepathy from people I have a particular involvement with for a time.  I am interested in the bonds we make with others (love), which attach to the chest (heart chakra?).  If you saw a black space there, is it an awareness of his "as yet" absence where he should be?  Could that be what you were showing yourself?

The telepathy bit happens mostly with pictures, emotions, and just "knowing".

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