What could be happening?

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What could be happening?

Post by In2Jesus » Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:47 am

I'm going to try to explain what's been going on and then I would like someone to try to explain what is happening. Make sense?
Well here goes.
All my life I've had a feeling that part of me was missing. As If I had another half. I've also always wished to have a twin. Well, I know this doesn't sound very psychic but here comes the other part.

Sometimes I hear music or noise that's not really there. I also will sometimes smell things that aren't there or have unexpected feelings.
Like the other day I was walking down my driveway which I live in the middle of the country with no one around for a long ways. I started smelling popcorn and cotten candy as if I were at a carnival and I had a feeling like a surge of excitment. I may have also heard people talking and laughing but I can't remember for sure.

Things like this happen a lot. I get feelings,smells and noises as if I'm somewhere else. Like twins do.
The feeling each others thoughts and things. When I was little I used to get stomach pains a lot that the doctors could never figure out why. I get them occasionally now.

I know for sure that I do not have a twin that came from the same mother as me. But there's a saying that everyone has a twin. What can I do to figure out what's going on?? Is there someone out there that I'm tapping into? Someone specific or just random people?
If you like you can email me at Rosemary1219@aol.com


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:18 pm

When we are born and our soul arrives from the spirit realms...we feel a strong connection to that home.  (Many people refer to dying as going home again!)  With this connection in place we are open to all kinds of input from an unseen realm.  These 'different' happenings are usually conditioned out of us by the time we go to school and don't want to be different.

See the thread 'How psychic are you?' for some hints and starts for psychic abilities.  We are all capable of opening these talents, but like all talents in life, some are stronger in some than others.  As you have experienced spontaneous input, there is a strength of psychic in place.

This is merely the beginning.  To learn more check out mediumship, psychic, paranormal etc.  There will be conflicting and interesting information on the internet.  You will need to sift the wheat from the chaffe.  But what is right for you will resonnate with your own heart.  It knows!

God bless, J

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Post by brittdun » Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:46 am

It's possible you have schizophrenia... For a few years I thought I was psychic because I was talking to ghosts in my moms house, in my bedroom... But it turned out I was just talking to "ghosts" voices that I was hearing that was caused by chemical imbalances in my body, in my brain. It can cause hearing voices, false visions, false pain, you name it... even smells that aren't really there... I've lived through all of it... All due to schizophrenia. I do have some psychic abilities albiet not very strong, but I do sometimes know when something bad is going to happen, but not know exactly what... that sort of thing... I'd recommend seeing a psychiatrist. Just to be sure... Good luck In2Jesus.

Much luv,


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