Are you Psychic?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Post by Nicole » Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:25 pm

Here was mine~!!

Telepathy/Empathy:  07/10

Clairvoyance/Remote: 09/10
Psychokinesis:  08/10
Precognition:  09/10
Channeling:  09/10

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:36 pm

Raymond, I have taken several tests and they are not very accurate.  I wonder...who wrote the questions?  Was it someone who understood the talents of a psychic?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:39 pm

Not all psychic abilities are connected to past lives.  As a matter of interest...I don't subscribe to that at all.  

When we get too caught up in something that may be a past life, we are not living the current one.  I believe in the NOW and living for the now.  Seek out your best talents, skills, abilities in the present life and hone them to their best abilities.  That is the purpose of life.

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Psychic dreams

Post by witchychick70 » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:03 pm

Most of my psychic visions come to me in my dreams. I often have dreams of upcoming events and most of the time i have bad visions.Bad things happening to other people. I once had a dream that a church was buring down, i woke up and turned on the radio and a church in east ridge had been burned by someone. But i didnt see who did it.
I also had a dream of someone that was close to me at the time geting thrown in jail for dui and casing a car accident, the very next day, he went to jail, it was no dream.

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Post by brittdun » Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:01 am

I have a very bad memory, but the most recent thing that happened that I can remember was my car accident that happened just over a month ago. My boyfriend was hurt. The accident was not my fault... About 1/2 mile before the accident (straight up the road) I looked up the road, no cars were up there, I had a feeling... I can't really describe the feeling but I knew something wasn't right. But what could I do? I was already driving straight and it was inevitable. The feeling I had didn't provide any way "out" of the situation. and it was fleeting. By the time I noticed the area up the road, had the feeling, the feeling was gone. So I guess I ignored it. Dumb@ss me. I could have tried to switch lanes or something. :sigh: Anyway. My car was totalled in the accident. Now I don't have a car. But I still live with my parents so whenever I need to go somewhere I just have to wait for them to get off of work... ugh. it's a pain in the ass. But anyway. That's my story.

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Post by reichild » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:20 am

This test is fun :) thanks Raymond

My Psi-Q rating is:

Telepathy/Empathy  08/10

Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing  10/10
Psychokinesis  09/10
Precognition  10/10
Channeling  10/10

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Post by brittdun » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:31 am

My Psi-Q rating is:

Telepathy/Empathy   07/10  
Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing 07/10
Psychokinesis 06/10
Precognition 08/10
Channeling 08/10

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Post by warriorgenie » Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:41 am

I also believe that everyone has psychic abilities in various degrees. For me i was born with the ability to communicate with spirit even other people may not believe it. I think it might be genetic problem as well becoz my mum and Da and also my grandmother also has this ability.

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Post by jallious » Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:26 pm

Telepathy/Empathy  07/10
Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing  04/10  
Psychokinesis  03/10  
Precognition  05/10  
Channeling  03/10

I have this strong feeling that many people who take this test exaggerate...

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Post by brittdun » Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:37 am

Or, you just don't have much psychic ability. Don't assume the whole world is a scam just because you don't have an ability some of us possess.

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:34 pm

Ohhh, burn! >.< Think about it, people believe what they want to believe. If they want to think that something happened from something they did, then they will believe it. Look at all these results. You think only that psychic people took these tests? No. Sure, we may all by psychic in one form or another, but we can't all touch someone's hand and say they're pregnant without guessing. Those who read this will say I'm wrong, because I'm saying they aren't what they want to think they are, which is a normal reaction to this situation. You'll say that the above statement is inaccurate, just to prove me wrong for doubting what you said, and if not, you'll think it. Sneaky, people are at hiding things from others.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:04 pm

It is not about being 'special' is about knowing how to use what is the sensitivities each of us can and do possess. &nbsp;The purpose behind all psychic work is a focus on service to others. &nbsp;When its not, there is a law of attraction working and it becomes a low skill.

God bless, J

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:52 pm

And here i was expecting people to snap at my post.. So really, we don't know for certain who has this and who doesn't, but there are theories. Agreed?

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Post by mariko » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:48 pm

I live in belgium and speak dutch, so excuse me if my english isn't very good. I hope you'll understand what I try to explain about being psychic. it can be very confusing and scary sometimes (at this moment i m having a déjà-vu). i feel the present of people through me all the time. people at certain distances, people by my side...people everywhere. i can feel their thoughts in my head, i know when they are tensed, angry, happy...but it's confusing, because it's not one person, it's about many people. the weird thing is: i feel everything fysically, or it seems so.
there's an experience i'll never forget: a few years ago, when i lived alone at an appartment i suddenly felt very sick. i felt like i was throwing up, but i wasn't. i had the tast of carrots and cake in my mouth, but i didn eat carrots or cake. so, the day after, my girlfriend, who lived the appartment above me, came to me and said: i've been very sick this night. i had to throw up. i asked her what she ate last night and she said: patatoes with carrots, and some later a piece of cake. and i said: i know!
it has taken a long time before i wanted to accept this, and still it's hard. because the experiences of so many things that pass through me without really knowing where it comes from (because it comes from different directions i suppose), it's all coming together inside of me and it feels very intense, so i have to focuse on separate which feelings, ...belong to me and which don't.i still don't know how to handle it, and probably that's a part of the reason why it feels so confusing and scary.from one moment to an other i suddenly can faint, or feel depressed, or having terribly head-aches, nightmares, not being able to focuse(most of the time). i've always had a kind of psychic abbilities, but they have changed when i became older. in my childhood "i just knew things ". someone came to visite us, and i knew what that person was going through inside, or what would happen in the future with that person, or whatever. i m a high sensitive person. that's for sure. i accept that now, but it has taken a long time before i did. so, accepting being "psychic" isn't very easy till now. i'm working on it, because i feel there's the longing inside of lurn to accept it, handle with it and turn it into a positive ability. i just don't know where to start and how with the "feeling" of a whole bunch people all the time.
so, being psychic is still very tiring for me until now.

greetings, mariko
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Post by Nicole » Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:24 am

Hello, mariko. &nbsp;:smt006
I have Dutch in me to~!! &nbsp;:)

I really enjoyed your post. Your image as-well~!!
You have a great eye... &nbsp;:)

I can do that also, taste and feel what others are doing and feeling.. I can shut them out also.. But ppl I really know well, when there prego.. OMG~!!
Sick and I eat odd things.. I mean I do any ways....LOL But really bad when there prego... It will stop as soon as they take a test, Then I will stop there cravings and being sick...
And my husband can always guess what sex there baby will be.. alway's~!!
If he's close to the person also he goes through what I do aswell...

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